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Models included either time- or control-based attention mechanisms, and either strongly- (via feedforward inhibition) or weakly correlated (via leak and lateral inhibition) evidence accumulation mechanisms. We fit all models to behavioral data collected in variants of the flanker task, one accompanied by EEG measures. Across three experiments, we found converging evidence that control-based attention processes in combination with evidence accumulation mechanisms governed by leak and lateral inhibition provided the best fits to behavioral data, and uniquely mapped onto observed decision-related signals in the brain. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Humans have the tendency to commit to a single interpretation of what has caused some observed evidence rather than considering all possible alternatives. This tendency can explain various forms of biases in cognition and perception. However, committing to a single high-level interpretation seems short-sighted and irrational, and thus it is unclear why humans are motivated to use such strategy. In a first step toward answering this question, we systematically quantified how this strategy affects estimation accuracy at the feature level in the context of 2 common hierarchical inference tasks, category-based perception and causal cue combination. Using model simulations, we demonstrate that although estimation accuracy is generally impaired when conditioned on only a single high-level interpretation, the reduction is not uniform across the entire feature range. Compared with a full inference strategy that considers all high-level interpretations, accuracy is only worse for feature values relatively close to the decision boundaries but is better everywhere else. That is, for feature values for which an observer has a reasonably high chance of being correct about the high-level interpretation of the feature, a full commitment to that particular interpretation is advantageous. We also show that conditioning on an preceding high-level interpretation provides an effective mechanism for partially protecting the evidence from corruption with late noise in the inference process (e.g., during retention in and recall from working memory). Our results suggest that a top-down inference strategy that solely relies on the most likely high-level interpretation can be favorable with regard to late noise and more holistic performance metrics. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Recent trends in the labor market-marked by instability and insecurity-have further ignited a discourse on the significance of decent work in people's lives. Scholars have mostly studied the multidimensional decent work construct using the composite scores of the Decent Work Scale (DWS; Duffy et al., 2017). However, there may be different combinations of decent work beyond the simple continuum of composite scores. Thus, we employed latent profile analysis to identify profiles of decent work using the 5 subscales of the DWS as indicators. As a result, 5 different groups with distinct profiles emerged (a) average, (b) low health care, (c) indecent work, (d) only health care, and (e) decent work. Subsequent analyses comparing each group on demographics (gender, employment, education), theoretical predictors (economic constraints, marginalization, work volition), and theoretical outcomes (job satisfaction, life satisfaction) revealed notable differences across the 5 groups. Implications, limitations, and future directions of the results are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).In this qualitative study, we explored the role that social activism and #MeToo and other large scale antiviolence activist movements may play in sexual assault survivors' healing process and how they navigate and make sense of their sexual assault experience. We interviewed 16 adult sexual assault survivors (13 women, 2 genderqueer/nonconforming individuals, and 1 identifying as a man and genderqueer) who were engaged in anti-sexual assault activism and analyzed their data using thematic analysis. Participants were predominately White and highly educated. We found that activism helped participants find their voice and regain their power. They described a process of moving from silence and shame around their sexual assault to freedom and empowerment. Their involvement in activism and/or connection to larger scale antiviolence activist movements (a) helped increase their understanding of themselves and their sexual assault experience, (b) served as a useful coping mechanism, (c) improved their self-confidence and relationships, (d) allowed them to stand up and speak out against attitudes and behaviors that foster rape culture, (e) provided support, validation, and connection to others, and (f) provided a source of meaning and fulfillment in their lives. Helping other survivors through their activist work also contributed to participants' healing process. Participants also described challenges associated with anti-sexual assault activism and #MeToo and related movements. These included being triggered, being inundated with media coverage and public narratives about sexual assault, burning out, and feeling disillusioned and frustrated. Finally, participants noted the importance of mainstream movements in increasing awareness. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).The Partners for Change Outcome System (PCOMS) is a feedback system that has been developed as part of psychotherapeutic treatment. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the effect of the PCOMS. We searched the literature and included studies that used a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. We calculated a combined effect size across studies for outcomes related to the number of sessions attended. We also calculated a combined effect size for outcomes related to the participants' well-being. However, in the analysis of the effect on well-being, we excluded studies that included only the Outcome Rating Scale as a measure of effect because this scale is part of the PCOMS. In the calculation of the combined effect size, we used random effect models with inverse weighted variance. In the systematic literature search we identified 14 RCT studies that evaluated the effect of the PCOMS. Based on 12 studies, we found a rather small effect size for the number of sessions attended favoring the PCOMS intervention (Hedges's g = 0.13; 95% confidence interval [CI 0.001, 0.26]). The effect size corresponded to a difference of less than 1 session. Six studies included a well-being scale that was independent of the PCOMS intervention as the outcome. The effect size for the 6 studies was insignificant (Hedges's g = 0.03; 95% Cl [-0.18, 0.23]). We found no evidence that the PCOMS feedback system has an effect on the number of sessions attended by clients or that the PCOMS improves the well-being of clients. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).The social-cognitive well-being model (SCWB; Lent, 2004) was designed to explain subjective well-being and other aspects of positive functioning within particular life domains. It has received a substantial amount of inquiry, especially in the context of academic and work satisfaction, in student and adult samples in the United States and other countries (Lent & Brown, 2006a, 2008). We present a meta-analysis synthesizing the empirical findings of 100 studies (154 samples) on the SCWB model that appeared between 2004 and 2017. The original model provided good overall fit to the data across all samples, and most of the predictors produced paths that were consistent with hypotheses. A culture-modified version of the model, which includes indicators of independent/individualistic and interdependent/collectivistic cultural orientations, also fit the data well, offering initial evidence for the incremental validity of these cultural variables in predicting well-being. Multigroup analyses showed that the model yielded acceptable fit in both academic and work domains. Within the academic domain, we also found adequate fit for the culture-modified model across gender, racial/ethnic groups, and U.S. and non-U.S. samples. At the same time, some group differences in parameter estimates were statistically and practically significant. Implications for the theory, its research base, and practical applications are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).The negative impacts of racism, including experiences of racial trauma, are well documented (e.g., Bryant-Davis & Ocampo, 2006; Carter, 2007). Because of the deleterious effects of racial trauma on Black people, interventions that facilitate the resistance and prevention of anti-Black racism are needed. Critical consciousness is one such intervention, as it is often seen as a prerequisite of resistance and liberation (Prilleltensky, 2003, 2008). To understand how individuals advance from being aware of anti-Black racism to engaging in actions to prevent and resist racial trauma, nonconfidential interviews with 12 Black Lives Matter activists were conducted. Using constructivist grounded theory (Charmaz, 2014) under critical-ideological and Black feminist-womanist lenses, a model of Critical Consciousness of Anti-Black Racism (CCABR) was co-constructed. The 3 processes involved in developing CCABR include witnessing anti-Black racism, processing anti-Black racism, and acting critically against anti-Black racism. This model, including each of the categories and subcategories, are detailed herein and supported with quotations. The findings and discussion provide context-rich and practical approaches to help Black people, and counseling psychologists who serve them, prevent and resist racial trauma. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).A fundamental proposition of the psychology of working theory is that for work to be meaningful, it must first be decent. The psychology of working theory also suggests that decent work leads to meaningful work partly by helping workers meet their needs for social connection. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to contribute to both the meaningful work and psychology of working theory literatures by longitudinally examining the relation between decent and meaningful work and investigating 3 social connection mediators of this relation. We recruited a large online sample of working adults and surveyed them 4 times over a 9-month period. To test our hypotheses, we examined whether social contact, helping others, and community belonging explained the relation between decent and meaningful work at both the between-person and within-person levels. see more We found that overall levels of decent work were positively associated with overall levels of meaningful work and that positive changes in decent work were associated with positive changes in meaningful work. Moreover, we found that between-person community belonging and within-person helping others mediated the relation between decent work and meaningful work. These results have implications for identifying predictors of meaningful work and advancing the psychology of working theory by identifying specific social connection mediators of decent and meaningful work. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).

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