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To evaluate the main technical limitations of automated breast ultrasound and to determine the proportion of examinations excluded.

We evaluated 440 automated breast ultrasound examinations performed, over a 12-month period, by technicians using an established protocol.

In five cases (1.1%), the examination was deemed unacceptable for diagnostic purposes, those examinations therefore being excluded.

Automated breast ultrasound is expected to overcome some of the major limitations of conventional ultrasound in breast cancer screening. In Brazil, this new method can be accepted for inclusion in routine clinical practice only after its advantages have been validated in the national context.

Automated breast ultrasound is expected to overcome some of the major limitations of conventional ultrasound in breast cancer screening. In Brazil, this new method can be accepted for inclusion in routine clinical practice only after its advantages have been validated in the national context.

To analyze the computed tomography (CT) findings of lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP).

We retrospectively reviewed the clinical and CT findings of 36 patients with LIP, including 25 women and 11 men, with a mean age of 52.5 years (age range, 22-78 years).

The main associated diseases with LIP were Sjögren syndrome (42%), human immunodeficiency virus infection (17%), amyloidosis (17%), Sjögren syndrome associated with secondary amyloidosis (11%), idiopathic (8%), and systemic lupus erythematosus (5%). The predominant CT abnormalities were multiple cystic airspaces (n = 35), small nodules (n = 15), ground-glass opacities (n = 13), bronchiectasis and/or bronchiolectasis (n = 8), and thickening of the bronchovascular bundles (n = 8). Other CT findings included reticular opacities (n = 7), calcified nodules (n = 4), airspace consolidation (n = 4), emphysema (n = 3), honeycombing (n = 3), lymph node enlargement (n = 2), mosaic attenuation pattern (n = 1), and cavitated nodules (n = 1).

The main CT findings of LIP were multiple cysts, small nodules, and ground-glass opacities.

The main CT findings of LIP were multiple cysts, small nodules, and ground-glass opacities.Large-scale health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, may evoke negative affective responses, which are linked to psychological maladjustment and psychopathology. Here, we shed light on the role of the personality trait neuroticism in predicting who experiences negative affective responses. In a large-scale experience-sampling study (N = 1,609; 38,120 momentary reports), we showed that individuals high in neuroticism experienced more negative affect and higher affective variability in their daily lives. Individuals high in neuroticism also (a) paid more attention to COVID-19-related information and worried more about the consequences of the pandemic (crisis preoccupation), and (b) experienced more negative affect during this preoccupation (affective reactivity). These findings offer new insights into the consequences and dynamics of neuroticism in extreme environmental contexts.The paper describes how leaders behave and react in unprecedented times when a professional service firm has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Firsthand data were gathered through interviews, observations, and participation based on direct interaction with leaders and employees. AZ191 in vivo The concept of leadership anatomy is used to describe, discuss, and critique leadership behavior. It signifies the different parts of a human body equipped with sensory ability. The study reveals that in times of crisis, leaders tend to draw on the core of who they are through compassion rather than conventional wisdom in decision making and problem solving. The search for what truly matters helps leaders to reinterpret the ethos of the firm and what they stand for as leaders in their sensemaking of chaos. A deeper reflection of their personal values and beliefs gives them the courage to acknowledge their vulnerability and start seeing the value in others.Weak correspondence across different implicit bias tasks may arise from the contribution of unique forms of automatic and controlled processes to response behavior. Here, we examined the correspondence between estimates of automatic and controlled processing derived from two sequential priming tasks with identical structure and timing designed to separately measure stereotypic (Weapons Identification Task; WIT) and evaluative (Affective Priming Task; APT) associations. Across two studies using predominantly White samples, three consistent patterns emerged in the data (1) stereotypic bias was stronger for Black targets, whereas evaluative bias was stronger for White targets; (2) overall response accuracy bias correlated modestly across the two tasks; and (3) multinomial processing tree estimates of controlled processing corresponded much more strongly than estimates of automatic processing. These findings support models positing distinct learning and memory systems for different forms of race bias, and suggest that these differing forms contribute to estimates of automatic associations.The steric effects of substituents on five-membered rings are less pronounced than those on six-membered rings because of the difference in bond angles. Thus, the regioselectivities of reactions that occur with selectivities dictated by steric effects, such as the borylation of C-H bonds, have been poor in many cases. We report that the silylation of five-membered ring heteroarenes occurs with high sterically derived regioselectivity when catalyzed by the combination of [Ir(cod)(OMe)]2 and a phenanthroline ligand or a new pyridyl-imidazoline ligand that further increases the regioselectivity. The silylation reactions with these catalysts produce high yields of heteroarylsilanes from functionalization at the most sterically accessible C-H bonds of these rings under conditions that the borylation of C-H bonds with previously reported catalysts formed mixtures of products or products that are unstable. The heteroarylsilane products undergo cross-coupling reactions and substitution reactions with ipso selectivity to generate heteroarenes that bear halogen, aryl and perfluoroalkyl substituents.Potential contributions of universities to social innovation are explored with special attention to Southern countries. The normative guide is the notion of Sustainable Human Development understood as stressing the agency of least-advantaged sectors. The main challenges stem from decreasing sustainability and increasing inequality. Their impacts are highly dependent on how the tension between economic growth and environmental protection is managed. Improving actual perspectives demands harnessing advanced knowledge to foster inclusive and frugal innovation. For this to occur, universities need to be main actors. The context in which they act is analyzed with reference to the National Systems of Innovation conceptualization. Possible evolutions of universities as agents of social innovation are discussed with the aid of the Multi-Level Perspective. The importance of the Southern experience of innovating in scarcity conditions is highlighted and illustrated with the specific experience of a Latin American university. The cooperation of universities with weak social actors in ways that involve advanced knowledge appears as a key theoretical issue and as a difficult practical problem for the effective engagement of universities in social innovation. The diverse issues that such engagement needs to integrate conform an ambitious research program, of which the paper aims at giving a first glimpse.In recent decades, several countries have faced political tensions due to citizens' perceptions that their elections are fraudulent; some electors have even chosen not to vote because they believe that the results may be falsified. Thus, electoral fraud is a major issue. E-governance and e-voting are now being used in many countries, some of which are investigating blockchain solutions. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential contributions of blockchain technology to peace on a worldwide level by securing voting systems. Unfortunately, this technology is complex and could potentially generate conflict between actors in elections. Taking an exploratory approach, the authors chose a qualitative method to address this specific topic. Election observers and blockchain experts were interviewed to identify the technology's strengths and weaknesses. Our results emphasize the importance of trust and human factors in the voting process.The cyano radical (CN) is a key molecule across many different factions of astronomy and chemistry. Accurate, empirical rovibronic energy levels with uncertainties are determined for eight doublet states of CN using the marvel (Measured Active Rotational-Vibrational Energy Levels) algorithm. 40 333 transitions were validated from 22 different published sources to generate 8083 spin-rovibronic energy levels. The empirical energy levels obtained from the marvel analysis are compared to current energy levels from the mollist line list. The mollist transition frequencies are updated with marvel energy level data which brings the frequencies obtained through experimental data up to 77.3 per cent from the original 11.3 per cent, with 92.6 per cent of the transitions with intensities over 10-23 cm molecule-1 at 1000 K now known from experimental data. At 2000 K, 100.0 per cent of the partition function is recovered using only marvel energy levels, while 98.2 per cent is still recovered at 5000 K.While polymer brushes in contact with liquids have been researched intensively, the characteristics of brushes in equilibrium with vapors have been largely unexplored, despite their relevance for many applications, including sensors and smart adhesives. Here, we use molecular dynamics simulations to show that solvent and polymer density distributions for brushes exposed to vapors are qualitatively different from those of brushes exposed to liquids. Polymer density profiles for vapor-solvated brushes decay more sharply than for liquid-solvated brushes. Moreover, adsorption layers of enhanced solvent density are formed at the brush-vapor interface. Interestingly and despite all of these effects, we find that solvent sorption in the brush is described rather well with a simple mean-field Flory-Huggins model that incorporates an entropic penalty for stretching of the brush polymers, provided that parameters such as the polymer-solvent interaction parameter, grafting density, and relative vapor pressure are varied individually.During the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic panic buying of food was reported by the media. Panic buying has received little attention within behavioural science. In this paper we suggest that optimality models of foraging under risk and uncertainty would be a fruitful place to begin developing useful and testable hypotheses about this behaviour. In making this case we relate panic buying to a general increase in foraging effort, which we characterize as an increase in purchasing and spending. We note two risks during the pandemic - that of food security and that of predation, where predation is understood as a perceived threat to life due to infection risk. Food security was effectively solved early on in the pandemic, whilst perceived threat to life has remained but diminished to some limited extent. We relate panic buying to food caching as a method of buffering risk and make six predictions about how this behaviour should present under food insecurity and perceived threat to life.

Autoři článku: Sawyervazquez8213 (Harboe Funder)