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Four themes emerged related to staff perceptions of support community support, unequal benefits, decreasing resources, and insufficient personal protective equipment.

Our findings can assist organizational leaders in the planning and allocation of different types of resources that are meaningful to nursing staff and thus ensure sustainability, optimal performance, and worker well-being during crises.

Our findings can assist organizational leaders in the planning and allocation of different types of resources that are meaningful to nursing staff and thus ensure sustainability, optimal performance, and worker well-being during crises.Little is known about the experience of family caregivers when their care partner dies and their dyadic relationship comes to an end. This study qualitatively examined and characterized the loss of the dyadic experience for the caregiver after the death of their care partner. Data was accrued as part of a randomized clinical trial in 29 older hospice caregivers. Iterative thematic analysis focused on dyadic processes before, during and post death. Using two relational parameters from Relational Turbulence Theory resulted in a preliminary characterization of a new concept-dyadic dissolution as a cognitive and affective process whereby a remaining member of a dyad experiences relational uncertainty and partner interference while adapting (or not) to the death of their care partner. Findings suggest that asking several open-ended questions about the dyadic relationship will enable assessment for any continuing impact of relational uncertainty and partner interference on bereaved caregivers.

Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) provide 80% to 90% of direct care and are 23 times more likely to experience aggressive behavior from residents in long-term care (LTC) facilities than in other health care settings. The purpose of this study was to describe CNAs' perceptions of workplace violence while working in LTC facilities.

Ten CNAs were recruited from five LTC facilities through snowball sampling. A semi-structured interview was conducted with CNAs currently working in LTC facilities in Alabama. Question domains included (a) demographics, (b) residents' behavior, (c) behavior of residents with dementia, (d) experiences of verbal or physical violence from residents, (e) quality of care delivered, (f) coping strategies, (g) administrative support, and (h) training for dementia-related care challenges. The resulting transcripts were thematically analyzed.

CNAs described workplace violence as part of the job. They expressed a lack of administrative support as inadequate communication and a dismissaally when working with individuals with dementia, as well as administrative support, and mental health resources to address the cumulative and negative consequences of racism.

Fatigue mitigation strategies among night shift workers can include deliberate use of restful work breaks, taking naps, and consuming caffeine. However, nurses have frequently reported missing break opportunities, and the rationale for missed breaks remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to describe and interpret the lived experience of hospital night shift nurses taking breaks and the meaning of this phenomenon as it relates to the workplace.

Registered nurses (

= 16) from a U.S. community hospital were interviewed about how they took rest breaks during their shift. Data were analyzed with methods consistent to interpretive phenomenology.

Identified themes about the breaks included (a) breaks are a time to eat, (b) breaks are inconsistently supported by unit-level structures and processes, and (c) breaks are a luxury, not a right.

Nurses in this study reported an absence of consistent and restorative breaks. Organizations should analyze gaps within systems and processes to optimize a consistent, restorative nature of the break experience among nurses working night shift.

Nurses in this study reported an absence of consistent and restorative breaks. Organizations should analyze gaps within systems and processes to optimize a consistent, restorative nature of the break experience among nurses working night shift.The purpose of this preliminary study was to determine smartphone usage, expressed level of interest, and intent to use mHealth apps among adults with comorbid type 2 diabetes (T2D) and depression. A convenience sample of adults (N=35) completed a Demographic and Mobile App Survey and the CESD-R-10. A majority reported using mobile apps (n=23, 65.7%) and felt comfortable or very comfortable using mobile apps (n=14, 46.7%). However, few respondents used a health app (n=6, 17.1%) or a diabetes-specific app for diabetes management (n=3, 8.6%). Adjusted, age and education were the two variables that independently impacted app use; those aged less than 55 years as well as those with a graduate degree were more likely to use apps. Being younger and having an advanced degree increased the odds of using a diabetes-specific app. The findings suggest that adults with T2D are amenable to using mHealth apps to manage diabetes.

Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the major cause of duty-related fatalities in the fire service. Age and career length are not only important risk factors associated with IHD, but are also highly correlated. The aim of this secondary analyses was to assess the relationship between age, career length, and IHD, based on ischemic severity, to identify whether age or career length had a stronger relationship to IHD.

This was a secondary, correlational analysis of on-duty firefighters without known cardiovascular or respiratory disease who underwent exercise treadmill testing with 12-lead electrocardiography. Ischemia was defined based on current guidelines. Maximum ST-segment depression was measured to determine IHD ischemic severity. Age, years of employment, demographics, weight, blood pressure were recorded. Multiple correlations were computed between age, career length, and IHD.

Twenty-two firefighters were included (96% male, 82% White, 82% overweight or obese, 77% hypertensive). The partial correlationk reduction services.

Tennis leg (TL), a musculotendon injury to the gastrocnemius, has been associated with the eponymous sport since 1883. This article examines the historical context of TL as a sports compared with an occupational injury. This was juxtaposed with the history of tennis elbow, a tendon injury to the upper extremity also associated with sport.

Bibliometric databases (PubMed, Web of Science [WOS], Hathi Trust) were keyword-searched; relevant citations were investigated in depth.

The search yielded 71 citations for TL (PubMed). The majority (

= 43) were key word linked to sport terms; only one was linked to work-related search terms. Furthermore, none of the top four cited publications (Web of Science) alluded to work-related risk factors in TL in full textual analysis. Hathi Trust yielded the earliest work-related case, reported in a non-biomedical source. Tennis elbow was more frequently reported (

= 189 citations in PubMed) and more frequently linked (

= 193; 9.7%) to occupational search terms.

The this review may help inform prevention, treatment, and regulatory policy.

Spain hosts the fourth largest number of immigrants in Europe, resulting in a large proportion of migrant workers. To date, few studies have examined the working conditions of immigrants in Southern Spain who are known to be at risk for adverse working conditions. This study aimed to investigate the patterns of work and working conditions of immigrants living in southern Spain and to understand how these factors may affect their health.

A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted throughout 2019 and included 93 immigrants. Transcription, literal reading, and theoretical categorization were performed and a narrative content analysis was carried out.

Three themes emerged on working conditions of this study population, including social and labor-related characteristics, working conditions, and occupational health issues. Four employment sectors were most commonly occupied by these immigrants, including caregiving and food service for women and agriculture and construction for men. Most immigrants were from Latin America, unemployed or working part-time jobs, and not hired under an employment contract. Most worked in low-qualified jobs, and were exposed to occupational hazards such as falls from heights, manual handling of materials, and psychological strain. The lack of training on occupational risk prevention and labor rights was related to a low identification of work situations having a negative impact on the health of immigrants.

These findings should be taken into account by the government and public health managers to provide better assistance to immigrant workers in Europe.

These findings should be taken into account by the government and public health managers to provide better assistance to immigrant workers in Europe.

Hemodialysis patients in Korea increased 2.3 fold from 2008 to 2018 and continues to rise 7% to 10% annually. Long-term treatment to prevent complications requires understanding patients' hemodialysis-life balance. Our purpose was to explore the process of life reorganization by hemodialysis patients from Korea.

Grounded theory methodology was utilized. Participants were hemodialysis patients recruited from four hemodialysis centers in Korea. Data were collected by in-depth individual interviews. Data were analyzed using constant comparative method with theoretical saturation.

Participants (

= 14) experienced four phases with transitions. A traditional Korean belief system, the view of blessing-focused destiny promoted a change in perspective from the focus on a life crisis, and thereby, played a role in buffering negative experience.

Nurses should assess the cultural individual needs of patients, which change according to each phase of life reorganization, and provide the right care at the right time to increase positive experiences.

Nurses should assess the cultural individual needs of patients, which change according to each phase of life reorganization, and provide the right care at the right time to increase positive experiences.There are limited data from randomized controlled trials comparing rate control agents in atrial fibrillation. Patient-level data from the Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM) trial was used to compare outcomes in patients randomized to the rate control arm who were treated with a single rate control agent at baseline. The rate control agents used were beta-blockers, non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers, and digoxin. The independent variable for this analysis was the initial study drug used and the dependent variables were time to first hospitalization and time to death from any cause. We analyzed 1,144 out of 2,027 participants assigned to the rate control group who were on a single rate control agent at the start of the trial. There were 485 (42.5%) participants in the beta-blocker group, 344 (30%) in the calcium channel blocker group, and 315 (27.5%) in the digoxin group. All hospitalization and all-cause mortality occurred in 55.9% and 12.5% of those in the beta-blocker group, 58.

Autoři článku: Sawyerburnette6262 (Gomez Reynolds)