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PREMISE Flowering time may influence pollination success and seed set through a variety of mechanisms, including seasonal changes in total pollinator visitation or the composition and effectiveness of pollinator visitors. METHODS We investigated mechanisms by which changes in flowering phenology influence pollination and reproductive success of Mertensia ciliata (Boraginaceae). We manipulated flowering onset of potted plants and assessed the frequency and composition of pollinator visitors, as well as seed set. We tested whether floral visitors differed in their effectiveness as pollinators by measuring pollen receipt and seed set resulting from single visits to virgin flowers. RESULTS Despite a five-fold decrease in pollinator visitation over four weeks, we detected no significant difference in seed set among plants blooming at different times. On a per-visit basis, each bumblebee transferred more conspecific pollen than did a solitary bee or a fly. The proportion of visits by bumblebees increased over the season, countering the decrease in visitation rate so that flowering time had little net effect on seed set. CONCLUSIONS This work illustrates the need to consider pollinator effectiveness, along with changes in pollinator visitation and species composition to understand the mechanisms by which phenology affects levels of pollination. © 2020 Botanical Society of America.PREMISE Plant sex is usually fixed, but in rare cases, sex expression is flexible and may be influenced by environmental factors. Theory links female sex expression to better health, but manipulative work involving the experimental change of health via injury is limited, particularly in sexually plastic species. A better understanding of mechanisms influencing shifts in sex is essential to our understanding of life history theory regarding trade-offs in sex allocation and differential mortality. METHODS We investigated the relationship between physiological stress and sex expression in sexually plastic striped maple trees (Acer pensylvanicum) by inflicting damage of various intensities (crown pruning, defoliation, and hydraulic restriction). We then monitored the sex expression of injured and control individuals for 2 years to assess the extent to which injury may cue changes in sex expression. RESULTS We found that severe damage such as full defoliation or severe pruning increased odds of changing sex to female and decreased odds of changing to male. In fact, no pruned male trees flowered male 2 years later, while all males in the control group flowered partially or fully male. Empagliflozin After full defoliation, trees had 4.5 times higher odds of flowering female. Not all injury is equal; less-severe physical trauma did not affect the frequency of sex change to femaleness. CONCLUSIONS This work demonstrates that physical trauma in striped maple appears to exhibit a threshold effect in which only the most stressful of physiological cues instigate changes in sex expression, a phenomenon previously unknown, and that damage stress is strongly correlated with switching to femaleness. These findings have implications for population sex ratios and sustainability within an increasing stressful climate regime. © 2020 The Authors. American Journal of Botany published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Botanical Society of America.OBJECTIVE To identify clinical predictors of excellent response to OnabotulinumtoxinA in patients with chronic migraine (CM) at 6 and 12 months of follow-up. BACKGROUND Clinical predictors of response to OnabotulinumtoxinA are scarce and have not been clearly reproduced and analyzed in detail. So far, predictors of response to OnabotulinumtoxinA assess response in general or good response, but not an excellent response. METHODS Cohort study of patients attended in a specialized Headache Clinic in treatment with OnabotulinumtoxinA were classified according to their improvement in frequency no-response ( less then 25%) and excellent response (≥75%). A comparative analysis was carried out at 6 and 12 months identifying clinical predictors of excellent response to OnabotulinumtoxinA at each timepoint. RESULTS Data were collected from 221 patients. After 6 and also 12 months, we observed a statistically significant mean reduction in frequency and analgesic intake. At month 6, independent variables associated with excellent response (OR[95%CI]) were daily headache frequency (0.32[0.14-0.74]; P = .005), medication overuse (MO) (2.28[1.19-4.37]; P = .013), and a higher ratio of migraine days/month (MDM) (1.20[1.10-1.45]; P = .018) at baseline. At month 12, independent predictors of excellent response were patients with less than 30 years of migraine evolution (0.43[0.23-0.82]; P = .011), presence of anxiety (0.44[0.23-0.85]; P = .018), and aura (0.48[0.25-0.92]; P = .037). Excellent responders showed a higher improvement rate in pain intensity at 6 and 12 months. CONCLUSIONS Patients with daily frequency and MO show a clinical improvement in short-term. Patients with comorbidities who start treatment earlier in the course of the disease need a longer duration of treatment. The profile of response to treatment with OnabotulinumtoxinA determines its minimum treatment duration and the timepoint of a meaningful response. © 2020 American Headache Society.Relatively few studies exist in the literature that discuss the effects of diet on drug metabolism, and how this can affect inter-individual differences in systemic drug exposure. Several studies have investigated the effects of cruciferous vegetables (Cruciferae) or their constituents on drug metabolizing activity, as these vegetables form an important part of many peoples' diets. In general, the ingestion of cruciferous vegetables is associated with induction of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 activity in vivo, however there is contention between reports, and the clinical significance of potential diet-drug interactions remains unclear. This study reports a systematic review, critical appraisal and meta-analysis of the published literature in this area, and discusses the clinical significance of Cruciferae-enriched diets in the context of diet-drug interactions. Twenty-three (23) dietary intervention trials with drug metabolism endpoints were identified across Embase, Medline and the Cochrane Controlled Register of Trials (CENTRAL). Cruciferous vegetables represented in the literature included broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, cauliflower, radish and watercress. A range of phase I and II drug metabolizing enzymes and phenotyping metrics were represented in the literature. The meta-analyses performed demonstrated a significant effect on CYP1A2 and GST-α, with consumption of Cruciferae increasing the activities of these enzymes by 20-40% and 15-35% respectively. The results herein suggest that patients undergoing pharmacotherapy with CYP1A2 or GST-α substrates could have altered drug exposure profiles if they regularly eat large or variable amounts of cruciferous vegetables. Recommendations regarding the design of future randomized, controlled trials to test hypotheses in this area are included. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD), a common hereditary myopathy, is caused either by the contraction of the D4Z4 macrosatellite repeat at the distal end of chromosome 4q to a size of 1 to 10 repeat units (FSHD1) or by mutations in D4Z4 chromatin modifiers such as Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes Hinge Domain Containing 1 (FSHD2). These two genotypes share a phenotype characterized by progressive and often asymmetric muscle weakening and atrophy, and common epigenetic alterations of the D4Z4 repeat. All together, these epigenetic changes converge the two genetic forms into one disease and explain the derepression of the DUX4 gene, which is otherwise kept epigenetically silent in skeletal muscle. DUX4 is consistently transcriptionally upregulated in FSHD1 and FSHD2 skeletal muscle cells where it is believed to exercise a toxic effect. Here we provide a review of the recent literature describing the progress in understanding the complex genetic and epigenetic architecture of FSHD, with a focus on one of the consequences that these epigenetic changes inflict, the DUX4-induced immune deregulation cascade. Moreover, we review the latest therapeutic strategies, with particular attention to the potential of epigenetic correction of the FSHD locus. © 2020 The Authors. Clinical Genetics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.BACKGROUND Over recent years, a new wave of disease-tolerant to mildew varieties has flooded the viticulture sector, for reasons of human safety and economic expediency. These hybrid grape cultivars are selected mainly on the basis of their intrinsic capability to counter the attack of the main fungal diseases that affect grape production, such as downy mildew and powdery mildew. However, their organoleptic and oenological characteristics have not yet been studied in depth for purposes of both juice and wine production, due to the high number of newly proposed germplasms and the lack of information about their adaptability to different environments. This work examines the thiol aroma precursors concentration in 64 red and white disease-tolerant hybrid varieties in the vine germplasm collections of Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agraria-Viticulture and Enology Research Center and Fondazione Edmund Mach, both from the north-east of Italy. RESULTS All cultivars showed the presebe used in the food industry. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry.OBJECTIVE This study's purpose was to examine attitudes and perceptions of resident psychiatrists regarding the sexual and reproductive health needs of their female patients with severe mental illness. The three aims were to investigate resident psychiatrists' (1) perceptions regarding the importance of providing sexual and reproductive health services to female patients in the outpatient behavioral health setting, (2) current engagement in providing sexual and reproductive health services to their female patients, and (3) perceived barriers and facilitators to addressing sexual and reproductive health in this vulnerable patient population. METHODS Fifteen resident psychiatrists were recruited from the behavioral health clinic at a safety-net public sector hospital for a structured interview. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and then coded using MAXQDA© software. RESULTS Resident psychiatrists recognized the importance of addressing sexual and reproductive health with their female patients and recognized their hypothetical ability to provide sexual and reproductive health counseling and services based on their training and resources. However, residents reported rarely providing these services, mostly addressing sexual and reproductive health only when necessitated by medication changes. Perceived barriers included lack of training or knowledge, discomfort, and limited appointment time. CONCLUSIONS Resident psychiatrists perceive a need to address sexual and reproductive health with their female patients with serious mental illness but lack the confidence and resources to do so. Directed education and clear institutional guidelines are necessary to equip the next generation of psychiatrists with the tools needed to address the sexual and reproductive health needs of women with serious mental illness.

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