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Peripherally, the IL2-/- genotype was less prominent at all WTIL2-/- ratios among both thymic Tregs (tTregs) and pTregs, adoptively transferred IL2-/- Tregs showed poorer survival than WT Tregs did, and RNA-seq analysis of WT and IL2-/- Tregs showed interesting differences in the TCR and TGF-beta-BMP-JNK pathways between them, suggesting a non-titrating role for cell-intrinsic autocrine IL2 in Treg programming. These data indicate that cell-intrinsic autocrine IL2 plays significant roles in Treg generation and maintenance. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND  Primary care providers are tasked with the increasingly difficult job of addressing childhood obesity during clinic visits. Electronic medical record (EMR)-enabled decision-support tools may aid providers in this task; however, information is needed regarding whether providers perceive such tools to be useful for addressing nutrition and physical activity lifestyle behaviors. OBJECTIVES  This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness and usability of FitTastic, an EMR-enabled tool to support prevention and management of childhood obesity in primary care. METHODS  In this mixed-method study, we implemented the FitTastic tool in two primary-care clinics, then surveyed and conducted focused interviews with providers. Validated Technology Acceptance Model perceived usefulness and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) perceived usability survey questions were e-mailed to 60 providers. In-depth provider interviews with family medicine and pediatric physicians (n = 12) were used to further prEMR-based child obesity prevention and management tools can be feasible to use in the clinic setting, with potential for scalability. Usefulness can be optimized by limiting amount of time needed by staff to input data. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.BACKGROUND  Colorectal cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in Germany, and the second and third most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and men, respectively. In this context, evidence-based guidelines positively impact the quality of treatment processes for cancer patients. However, evidence of their impact on real-world patient care remains unclear. To ensure the success of clinical guidelines, a fast and clear provision of knowledge at the point of care is essential. OBJECTIVES  The objectives of this study are to model machine-readable clinical algorithms for colon carcinoma and rectal carcinoma annotated by Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) based on clinical guidelines and the development of an open-source workflow system for mapping clinical algorithms with patient-specific information to identify patient's position on the treatment algorithm for guideline-based therapy recommendations. METHODS  This study qualitatively assesses the therapy decision of clinical algorithms as part of a clinages. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New English, German ZIEL  Die transiente Hochfrequenz-Elastografie (HF-TE), eine nichtinvasive Technik zur Beurteilung der Scherwellengeschwindigkeit und nicht zuletzt der Elastizität von dünnem Gewebe wie der Haut, wurde noch nie für das Monitoring fibrotischer Hautkrankheiten validiert. Ziel war es, die Leistungsfähigkeit der HF-TE bei der Beurteilung der Hautfibrose bei Patienten mit chronisch-venöser Insuffizienz (CVI) zu untersuchen. MATERIAL UND METHODEN  Für diese klinische Studie wurden 48 Patienten mit CVI in verschiedenen Stadien zusammen mit 48 gesunden Probanden gepaart aufgenommen. Bei allen wurde eine klinische Untersuchung mit dem Rodnan-Fibrose-Hautscore durchgeführt. Wir untersuchten die Dermisdicke mittels Ultraschalls (US) und führten Elastizitätsbestimmungen mit dem Cutometer und der HF-TE an 3 Hautbereichen am Bein durch. Die Fläche unter der ROC-Kurve (AUC) wurde berechnet, um die diagnostische Leistung für einen kombinierten Parameter (PRL) zu bewerten, der auf einem logistischen Regressionsmodell unter Einbeziehung sowohl der Elastizität als auch der Hautdicke basierte. ERGEBNISSE  Patienten mit CVI hatten signifikant höhere Werte der Hautelastizität mit 134,5 kPa und 132,1 kPa gegenüber gesunden Probanden mit 91,3 kPa. Die Dermisdicke nahm mit dem Anstieg der CVI-Stadien in allen untersuchten Bereichen zu. Der PRL hatte einen AUC-Wert von 0,79 für alle Bereiche und Stadien des CVI-Clusters. Die Trennschärfe des PRL nahm mit dem Anstieg der CVI-Stadien zu; mit einem AUC-Wert von bis zu 0,89 für fortgeschrittene Stadien sowie einer Sensitivität von 0,79 und einer Spezifität von 0,89. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG  Die HF-TE zusammen mit der US-Bestimmung der Dermisdicke erwies sich als gutes Diagnosewerkzeug bei Hautfibrose und kann als möglicher neuer Biomarker dienen.BACKGROUND  Transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) with the Medigus ultrasonic surgical endostapler (MUSE) is a new intervention for the treatment of the gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The aim of this study was to assess the 12-month clinical, functional, and endoscopic effects of TIF by MUSE. METHODS  Patients undergoing MUSE completed the GERD-Health Related Quality of Life (GERD-HRQL) and Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) questionnaires, and underwent endoscopy, esophageal 24-hour pH-impedance recording, and high resolution manometry (HRM) before the TIF procedure and 12 months later, or after 6 months for HRM. RESULTS  Among the 37 patients treated, esophageal intubation was not possible in one and esophageal perforation occurred in another. Clinical and endoscopic follow-up at 12 months was completed in 20 patients, with significant improvements in GERD-HRQL, RSI, heartburn, regurgitation scores, and proton pump inhibitor (PPI) consumption observed. One patient required surgery for persisting symptoms. Functional follow-up was possible in 13 patients and showed no significant improvements in the analyzed parameters. CONCLUSIONS  TIF with MUSE significantly improved symptoms at 1-year follow-up, allowing the consumption of PPIs to be stopped or halved in 90 % of patients. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.The greatest danger faced by divers who use oxygen-enriched gas mixtures is central nervous system oxygen toxicity (CNS-OT). CNS-OT is characterised by convulsions resembling grand-mal epileptic seizures, which may terminate in drowning and death. Elevated arterial levels of carbon dioxide (CO₂) (hypercapnia) represent a major risk factor for CNS-OT when breathing hyperoxic gas mixtures. To reduce the risk of a diver being involved in a CNS-OT incident due to hypercapnia, candidates for combat diving are examined at our institute using a routine physiological training procedure, in which they are tested for CO₂ detection and retention. We present the case of a candidate for combat diving, who unexpectedly exhibited signs typical of CNS-OT while breathing pure oxygen under normobaric conditions with > 3 kPa inspired CO₂. Severe headache and nausea, as well as facial muscle twitching, appeared during one of these routine tests. Subsequent medical examination including neurological tests, magnetic resonance imaging and an electroencephalogram were unremarkable. To the best of our knowledge, an event such as this has never previously been published in the medical literature. We present a discussion of the case, and a review of the relevant literature regarding CO₂ as a risk factor for the development of CNS-OT. Copyright This article is the copyright of the authors who grant Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine a non-exclusive licence to publish the article in electronic and other forms.A case of a 24-year-old gentleman who had pulmonary barotrauma (PBT) after diving is reported. He presented with chest pain after the second of two uneventful shallow SCUBA dives. Computerized tomography (CT) scan confirmed the diagnosis and he was treated conservatively. Relevant radiology and a discussion of PBT are presented. Copyright This article is the copyright of the authors who grant Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine a non-exclusive licence to publish the article in electronic and other forms.INTRODUCTION Measuring physiological parameters at depth is an emergent challenge for athletic training, diver's safety and biomedical research. find more Recent advances in wearable sensor technology made this challenge affordable; however, its impact on breath-hold diving has never been comprehensively discussed. METHODS We performed a systematic review of the literature in order to assess what types of sensors are available or suitable for human breath-hold diving, within the two-fold perspective of safety and athletic performance. RESULTS In the 52 studies identified, sensed physiological variables were electrocardiogram, body temperature, blood pressure, peripheral oxygen saturation, interstitial glucose concentration, impedance cardiography, heart rate, body segment inertia and orientation. CONCLUSIONS Limits and potential of each technology are separately reviewed. Inertial sensor technology and transmission pulse oximetry could produce the greatest impact on breath-hold diving performances in the future. Copyright This article is the copyright of the authors who grant Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine a non-exclusive licence to publish the article in electronic and other forms.Hypertension is a common condition, which is highly prevalent amongst scuba divers. As a consequence, a substantial proportion of divers are hypertensive and/or on antihypertensive drugs when diving. In this article, we review available literature on the possible risks of diving in the presence of hypertension and antihypertensive drugs. Guidelines are presented for the diving physician for the selection of divers with hypertension suitable for diving, along with advice on antihypertensive treatment best compatible with scuba diving. Copyright This article is the copyright of the authors who grant Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine a non-exclusive licence to publish the article in electronic and other forms.INTRODUCTION The US Navy air decompression table was promulgated in 2008, and a revised version, calculated with the VVal-79 Thalmann algorithm, was promulgated in 2016. The Swedish Armed Forces conducted a laboratory dive trial using the 2008 air decompression table and 32 dives to 40 metres' seawater for 20 minutes bottom time resulted in two cases of decompression sickness (DCS) and high venous gas emboli (VGE) grades. These results motivated an examination of current US Navy air decompression schedules. METHODS An air decompression schedule to 132 feet seawater (fsw; 506 kPa) for 20 minutes bottom time with a 9-minute stop at 20 fsw was computed with the VVal-79 Thalmann algorithm. Dives were conducted in 29°C water in the ocean simulation facility at the Navy Experimental Diving Unit. Divers dressed in shorts and t-shirts performed approximately 90 watts cycle ergometer work on the bottom and rested during decompression. VGE were monitored with 2-D echocardiography at 20-minute intervals for two hours post-dive. RESULTS Ninety-six man-dives were completed, resulting in no cases of DCS. The median (IQR) peak VGE grades were 3 (2-3) at rest and 3 (3-3) with limb flexion. VGE grades remained elevated two hours post-dive with median grades 1 (1-3) at rest and 3 (1-3) with movement. CONCLUSIONS Testing of a short, deep air decompression schedule computed with the VVal-79 Thalmann algorithm, tested under diving conditions similar to earlier US Navy dive trials, resulted in a low incidence of DCS. Copyright This article is the copyright of the authors who grant Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine a non-exclusive licence to publish the article in electronic and other forms.

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