002, respectively). Higher MASP-3 levels were present in controls carrying variants/haplotypes associated with leprosy resistance (rs13064994*T, rs1109452_rs850314*CG within GT_CCG and rs850314*A OR = 0.5-0.6, Pcorr = 0.01-0.04). Controls with rs1109452*T, included in susceptibility haplotypes (GT_GTG/GT_CTG OR = 2.0, Pcorr = 0.03), had higher MASP-1 and lower MASP-3 levels (P≤0.009). Those with GC_CCG, presented increasing susceptibility (OR = 1.7, Pcorr = 0.006) and higher MAp44 levels (P = 0.015). MASP-3 expression decreased in patients, compared with controls carrying rs1109452_rs850314*CA or CG (P≤0.02), which may rely on exon 12 CpG methylation and/or miR-2861/miR-3181 mRNA binding. CONCLUSION Polymorphisms regulating MASP-3/MAp44 availability in serum modulate leprosy susceptibility, underlining the importance of lectin pathway regulation against pathogens that exploit phagocytosis to parasitize host macrophages.Recent advances in animal tracking technology have ushered in a new era in biologging. However, the considerable size of many sophisticated biologging devices restricts their application to larger animals, whereas older techniques often still represent the state-of-the-art for studying small vertebrates. In industrial applications, low-power wireless sensor networks (WSNs) fulfill requirements similar to those needed to monitor animal behavior at high resolution and at low tag mass. We developed a wireless biologging network (WBN), which enables simultaneous direct proximity sensing, high-resolution tracking, and long-range remote data download at tag masses of 1 to 2 g. Deployments to study wild bats created social networks and flight trajectories of unprecedented quality. Our developments highlight the vast capabilities of WBNs and their potential to close an important gap in biologging fully automated tracking and proximity sensing of small animals, even in closed habitats, at high spatial and temporal resolution.Schistosomes are parasitic blood flukes that infect >200 million people around the world. Free-swimming larval stages penetrate the skin, invade a blood vessel, and migrate through the heart and lungs to the vasculature of the liver, where maturation and mating occurs. From here, the parasite couples migrate to their preferred egg laying sites. Here, we compare and contrast what is known about the migration patterns within the definitive host of the three major species of human schistosome Schistosoma mansoni, S. japonicum, and S. haematobium. We conclude that intravascular schistosomes are inexorable colonizers whose migration and egg laying strategy is profligate; all three species (and their eggs) can be found throughout the mesenteric venules, the rectal venous plexus, and, to a greater or lesser extent, the urogenital venous plexuses. In addition, it is common for parasite eggs to be deposited in locations that lack easy access to the exterior, further demonstrating the relentless exploratory nature of these intravascular worms.BACKGROUND In 2014, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) set the 90-90-90 targets that 90% of people living with HIV know their HIV status, that 90% of those who know their HIV-positive status are on antiretroviral therapy (ART), and that 90% of those on treatment are virally suppressed. The aim was to reach these targets by 2020. We assessed the feasibility of achieving the first two targets, and the corresponding 81% ART coverage target, as part of the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN) 071 Population Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy to Reduce HIV Transmission (PopART) community-randomized trial. METHODS AND FINDINGS The study population was individuals aged ≥15 years living in 14 urban and peri-urban "PopART intervention" communities in Zambia and South Africa (SA), with a total population of approximately 600,000 and approximately 15% adult HIV prevalence. see more Community HIV care providers (CHiPs) delivered the PopART intervention during 2014-2017. This was a combination HIV prevention paIV care, and universal treatment services. The ART coverage target of 81% was achieved overall, after 4 years of delivery of the PopART intervention, though important gaps remained among men and young people. Our findings are consistent with previously reported findings from southern and east Africa, extending their generalisability to urban settings with high rates of in-migration and mobility and to Zambia and SA. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT01900977.The purpose of this quick guide is to help new modelers who have little or no background in comparative modeling yet are keen to produce high-resolution protein 3D structures for their study by following systematic good modeling practices, using affordable personal computers or online computational resources. Through the available experimental 3D-structure repositories, the modeler should be able to access and use the atomic coordinates for building homology models. We also aim to provide the modeler with a rationale behind making a simple list of atomic coordinates suitable for computational analysis abiding to principles of physics (e.g., molecular mechanics). Keeping that objective in mind, these quick tips cover the process of homology modeling and some postmodeling computations such as molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD). A brief section was left for modeling nonprotein molecules, and a short case study of homology modeling is English, Russian Цель сравнить результаты эверсионной каротидной эндартерэктомии и каротидной эндартерэктомии с пластикой заплатой в ближайшем и отдаленном послеоперационных периодах. Материалы и методы поиск литературы проводился при помощи электронных баз данных с датами публикаций в промежутке с 1970 по 2019 гг. В соответствии с критериями включения и исключения была отобрана литература, которая позволила провести метаанализ в ближайшем и отдаленном послеоперационных периодах. Для получения результатов был использован программный пакет Stata 14. В итоге найдено и проанализировано 2139 статей, 10 из них были включены в исследование и содержали 3568 пациентов, 3672 операции (эверсионная каротидная эндартерэктомия - 1718, каротидная эндартерэктомия с заплатой - 1954). Результат метаанализа медиана времени пережатия сонных артерий при эверсионной каротидной эндартерэктомии короче, чем при каротидной эндартерэктомии с применением заплаты (4,1±2,9 мин); частота интраоперационного использования временного шунта при эверсионной каротидной эндартерэктомии была значительно ниже, чем при каротидной эндартерэктомии с пластикой заплатой - 13.