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High dietary carbohydrate levels also significantly enhanced hepatic transcriptions of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis), and those of fxrα (a bile acid receptor) and multidrug resistance associated protein 2 (a bile acid transporter) in hindgut. Furthermore, high dietary carbohydrate levels significantly decreased the transcriptions of cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (the rate-limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis) and organic anion-transporting polypeptides (a bile acid transporter) in liver as well as that of takeda G-protein-coupled bile acid receptor in hindgut. The results demonstrated that the fxrα gene of blunt snout bream is highly conserved compared with other vertebrates. Besides, high dietary carbohydrate levels increased total cholesterol concentrations, and up-regulated the transcription of fxrα, thus decreasing the biosynthesis and reabsorption of bile acids by mediating various target genes.Significant intracranial and retinal hemorrhages are often seen in infants with abusive head trauma, although accidental injury and previously undiagnosed medical disorders are important considerations in the differential diagnosis. We present the case of an infant with confirmed accidental trauma sustained from an adult-worn baby carrier fall with superimposed head crush injury, which resulted in significant cranial, intracranial, and retinal findings.The incidence of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders has increased worldwide. Clinical and experimental research has shown that the consumption of ω-3 FAs can be beneficial to metabolism in several ways, as they can act on metabolic pathways. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of treatment with linseed oil, a vegetable oil rich in alpha-linolenic acid, and EPA and DHA in different proportions (31 EPADHA, and 13 EPADHA), on the metabolic disorders induced by a high-fat diet (20 % lipids) in rats for 2 weeks, after 18 weeks of consumption of a high-fat diet. In 18 weeks, the high-fat diet increased blood glucose, systolic blood pressure, triglyceride concentration in the liver and adipose tissue, and impaired insulin sensibility without interfering in the weight of the animals. All treatments were effective in reducing the deposition of hepatic type III collagen, the proportion of ω-6/ω-3 in the liver and WAT (white adipose tissue), the proportion of area/number of adipocytes, and the gene expression of the ACC, FAS, and CPT1 enzymes. In addition, treatment with EPA and DHA reduced blood glucose, serum TNF-α concentration, amount of liver fat, degree of microsteatosis and type I collagen deposition in the liver, deposition of type I and III collagen in TA, gene expression of the transcription factor SREBP-1c, and increased hepatic binucleation. EPA in major proportion was more effective in reducing the area of adipocytes, hepatic triglyceride concentration, PPAR-α expression, and WAT fat weight. DHA in a major proportion reduced the concentration of MCP1 in WAT. LO treatment did not have any isolated effects. We concluded that EPA and DHA were more effective in treating metabolic damage than treatment with LO, leading to a more favorable metabolic profile.Cardiac hypertrophy is a key structural change in diabetic cardiomyopathy, which mechanism is unknown. 14,15-Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (14,15-EET) generated from arachidonic acid by CYP2J2 has beneficial effects in metabolic syndrome, which also plays vital roles in inflammatory response. Peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily and have three subtypes of α, β (or δ) and γ. Studies have found that 14,15-EET can perform various biological functions by activating PPARs, but its role in diabetic cardiac hypertrophy is unknown. This study aimed to investigate the role of 14,15-EET-PPARs signaling pathway in the development of diabetic cardiac hypertrophy. Diabetic cardiac hypertrophy was developed by high-fat diet feeding combined with streptozotocin (40 mg/kg/d for 5 days, i.p.) in mice and was induced by glucose at 25.5 mmol/L (high glucose, HG) in H9c2 cells. The decreased level of 14,15-EET and the down-regulated expression of PPARα, PPARβ and PPARγ were found following diabetic cardiac hypertrophy in mice. Similarly, both the level of 14,15-EET and the PPARs expression were also reduced in HG-induced hypertrophic cardiomyocytes. Supplementation with 14,15-EET improved the cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and up-regulated PPARs expression, which were nullified by 14,15-EEZE, a 14,15-EET antagonist. Taken together, we conclude that the decreased 14,15-EET is involved in the development of diabetic cardiac hypertrophy through the down-regulation of PPARs.The dominant approach in investigating the individual reliability for event-related potentials (ERPs) is to extract peak-related features at electrodes showing the strongest group effects. Such a peak-based approach implicitly assumes ERP components showing a stronger group effect are also more reliable, but this assumption has not been substantially validated and few studies have investigated the reliability of ERPs beyond peaks. In this study, we performed a rigorous evaluation of the test-retest reliability of ERPs collected in a multisensory and cognitive experiment from 82 healthy adolescents, each having two sessions. By comparing group effects and individual reliability, we found that a stronger group-level response in ERPs did not guarantee higher reliability. A perspective of neural oscillation should be adopted for the analysis of reliability. Further, by simulating ERPs with an oscillation-based computational model, we found that the consistency between group-level ERP responses and individual reliability was modulated by inter-subject latency jitter and inter-trial variability. The current findings suggest that the conventional peak-based approach may underestimate the individual reliability in ERPs and a neural oscillation perspective on ERP reliability should be considered. Hence, a comprehensive evaluation of the reliability of ERP measurements should be considered in individual-level neurophysiological trait evaluation and psychiatric disorder diagnosis.Disruptions in oxidative metabolism may occur in multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating neurological diseases. The impact of demyelination on metabolic rate is also not understood. It is possible that mitochondrial damage may be associated with many such neurological disorders. To study oxidative metabolism with one model of demyelination, we implemented a novel multimodal imaging technique combining Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and MRI to cuprizone mouse model. The cuprizone model is used to study demyelination and may be associated with inhibition of mitochondrial function. Cuprizone mice showed reduced oxygen extraction fraction (-39.1%, p ≤ 0.001), increased tissue oxygenation (6.4%, p ≤ 0.001), and reduced cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen in cortical gray matter (-62.1%, p ≤ 0.001). These changes resolved after the cessation of cuprizone exposure and partial remyelination. A decrease in hemoglobin concentration (-34.4%, p ≤ 0.001), but no change in cerebral blood flow were also observed during h mouse models of neurological disease and for translation to study oxidative metabolism in the human brain.Convolutional neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance for white matter (WM) tract segmentation based on diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI). However, the segmentation can still be difficult for challenging WM tracts with thin bodies or complicated shapes; the segmentation is even more problematic in challenging scenarios with reduced data quality or domain shift between training and test data, which can be easily encountered in clinical settings. In this work, we seek to improve the segmentation of WM tracts, especially for challenging WM tracts in challenging scenarios. In particular, our method is based on volumetric WM tract segmentation, where voxels are directly labeled without performing tractography. To improve the segmentation, we exploit the characteristics of WM tracts that different tracts can cross or overlap and revise the network design accordingly. Specifically, because multiple tracts can co-exist in a voxel, we hypothesize that the different tract labels can be correlated. The tract labels at a single voxel are concatenated as a label vector, the length of which is the number of tract labels. Due to the tract correlation, this label vector can be projected into a lower-dimensional space-referred to as the embedded space-for each voxel, which allows the segmentation network to solve a simpler problem. By predicting the coordinate in the embedded space for the tracts at each voxel and subsequently mapping the coordinate to the label vector with a reconstruction module, the segmentation result can be achieved. To facilitate the learning of the embedded space, an auxiliary label reconstruction loss is integrated with the segmentation accuracy loss during network training, and network training and inference are end-to-end. Our method was validated on two dMRI datasets under various settings. The results show that the proposed method improves the accuracy of WM tract segmentation, and the improvement is more prominent for challenging tracts in challenging scenarios.

Large randomized trials have demonstrated that lung cancer (LC) screening with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) reduces LC mortality in heavy smokers. We previously showed in the MILD screening trial that the combination of a prespecified circulating microRNA (miRNA) signature classifier (MSC) and LDCT improves the accuracy of LDCT alone. The primary aim of the prospective BioMILD study was to assess the additional value of the blood MSC assay at the time of baseline LDCT with the goal of personalizing LC screening intervals.

The study enrolled 4119 volunteers from January 2013 to March 2016, with a median follow-up of 5.3 years. Baseline LDCT and miRNAs stratified participants into four groups CT-/MSC- (n= 2664; 64.7%); CT-/MSC+ (n= 800; 19.4%); CT+/MSC- (n= 446; 10.8%); and CT+/MSC+ (n= 209; 5.1%). As per the protocol, those in the CT-/MSC- and CT-/MSC+ groups were allocated to LDCT repeat at 3-year and 1-year intervals; CT+ participants were allocated for 1-year or earlier intervals on the basis of iduals. These findings may have important implications in personalizing screening intervals.Epitranscriptomic m6A methylation is shown to mediate extensive regulations under the context of various RNA binding protein (RBP) readers. With m6A methylation data has reached a sizable scale, the functional context-aware analysis of m6A profiles is becoming more feasible and demanded. In this study, we employed graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization (GNMF) for m6A profile analysis and comparison, where the RBP binding preference of m6A sites were incorporated as the functional context-based graph constraint term. Compared to the baseline non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) method, this GNMF-based method could better capture the distinctions in multiple functional characteristics between different group of m6A sites, including but not limited to the associated biological pathways and disease genes. We further established m6Adecom, an online tool that can be used for correlation and enrichment analysis of m6A profiles using the matrix decomposition result from GNMF, and gene set enrichment analysis based on the high-score m6A sites.

Autoři článku: Samuelsenhvass6391 (Hjelm Stryhn)