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The factors associated with dissatisfaction are fear of losing job (2.19 ± 0.88), switch job (2.20 ± 0.77) and health condition (2.09 ± 0.89). Factors associated with satisfaction are positive attitude of doctor (2.91 ± 0.60), doctor consider respectful job holder (2.91 ± 0.61), enjoy work (3.01 ± 0.65), job by choice (3.12 ± 0.67) and progress in job (3.00 ± 0.74).

It was concluded that the respondents were dissatisfied due to number of issues including disturbance in their personal life, lack of promotion and incentives among study participants.

It was concluded that the respondents were dissatisfied due to number of issues including disturbance in their personal life, lack of promotion and incentives among study participants.

MCQ's and SEQ's are the most widely used assessment tool in dental colleges across Pakistan. This study explores the impact of assessment tool MCQ's and SEQ's on learning approach of dental students and also identifies correlation between these assessment tools and deep & surface learning approaches in integrated and discipline based curriculum.

A quantitative co-relational study was conducted in 2018 on 2nd and 4th year dental students. A pre-validated "Revised Study Process Questionnaire" was used. Spearman's rho correlation coefficient and Wilcoxon signed ranks test were applied to determine the relationship between learning approaches and assessment tools. Internal consistency was calculated by Cronbach's alpha.

Ninety six students out of one hundred and fifty completed the questionnaire. Correlation test showed that surface approach correlates significantly with MCQ's (0.73) while no co-relation exists with SEQ's (-0.14) in our study. Deep approach has a strong and significant correlation with SEQ's (0.80) as compared to MCQ's (0.056).

Assessment tool has an impact on learning approaches used by the students. It was concluded that students used to prefer deep learning approach while preparing for SEQ's as they were designed at higher cognitive level, whereas, they preferred surface approach while preparing for MCQ's as they were developed at low cognitive order.

Assessment tool has an impact on learning approaches used by the students. It was concluded that students used to prefer deep learning approach while preparing for SEQ's as they were designed at higher cognitive level, whereas, they preferred surface approach while preparing for MCQ's as they were developed at low cognitive order.

Umbilical cord blood which can be obtained by a non-invasive method can be informative about the clinical status of the newborn. It was aimed to establish reference intervals for umbilical cord blood parameters, and to compare complete blood count results between umbilical cord and venous blood samples in this study.

This study was conducted at Medipol University Sefaköy Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Istanbul, Turkey. A total of 1898 newborns who were born in a two-year period between January 2018 and December 2019 were included in the study. Venous blood samples were taken from 184 of them, and umbilical cord blood samples were taken from 1714 newborns.

The percentiles were determined according to gender and delivery method for the hematological parameters of umbilical cord blood. While mean platelet, eosinophil and mean corpuscular volume values were similar between the groups (p>0.05 for each), and significant differences were found between the groups in terms of all other mean hematological parameters (p<0.05 for each).

The results of the complete blood count of umbilical cord blood samples can provide reliable information about the newborn. There are significant differences between umbilical cord and venous blood samples in terms of hematological parameters. For these reasons, it is necessary to determine reliable value ranges for umbilical cord blood hematological parameters in newborns. Data of our study can be a guide for further studies and clinicians.

The results of the complete blood count of umbilical cord blood samples can provide reliable information about the newborn. There are significant differences between umbilical cord and venous blood samples in terms of hematological parameters. For these reasons, it is necessary to determine reliable value ranges for umbilical cord blood hematological parameters in newborns. Data of our study can be a guide for further studies and clinicians.

To derive Duchenne muscular dystrophy patient specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from CD3

T cells of DMD patients using episomal reprogramming and characterization of these DMD-iPSCs using immunofluorescence to confirm their pluripotent state.

DMD patients were selected based upon their clinical history and examination. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated from peripheral blood of DMD patients (n=3) by density gradient centrifugation and were used to generate DMD patient specific T cells (DMD-T cells) using rhIL-2, plate bound anti CD3 antibody and T cell specific media along with specific culture conditions that promote T cell expansion. CD3

T cells were characterized by flow cytometry and reprogrammed using episomal plasmid to generate DMD-iPSCs. These DMD-iPSCs were characterized using immunofluorescence. The study was carried out at Dow Research Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences during August 2017- July 2018 for a period of approximately 12 months.

The peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) derived T cells appeared as suspended cell clumps morphologically were positive for the expression of CD3 and negative for CD31. The DMD patient specific iPSCs appeared as round, compact and flat colonies with well-defined edges morphologically and were positive for the expression of pluripotency markers OCT4, SSEA-4 and TRA-1-81 on immunofluorescence.


T cell derived DMD-iPSCs were obtained under feeder free and xeno-free culture conditions using episomal reprogramming.

CD3+ T cell derived DMD-iPSCs were obtained under feeder free and xeno-free culture conditions using episomal reprogramming.

To evaluate the outcomes of secondary autologous dermis-fat graft as an orbital implant in anophthalmic sockets.

In this prospective study, which was conducted at Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre, Karachi, between January 2015 and January 2020, we evaluated 12 patients between the ages of four and 60 years. Most of the adults were victims of trauma, whereas children were known cases of retinoblastoma or trauma and all underwent enucleation. All of them were primarily treated elsewhere and not offered primary orbital implants. We performed autologous dermis-fat graft as an orbital implant in these patients harvesting graft from gluteal region and followed them up to look for complications.

Out of 12 patients two went into failure, while rest of the patients showed successful outcome. All patients underwent successful surgery. Initially, a silicon conformer was placed, which was later on replaced with artificial prosthetic eye.

Regardless of the small sample size, this procedure proved to be a safe and effective method for augmenting orbital volume in anophthalmic sockets in children and adults.

Regardless of the small sample size, this procedure proved to be a safe and effective method for augmenting orbital volume in anophthalmic sockets in children and adults.

Eczema herpeticum (EH) is a disseminated viral infection occurring in pre-existing skin conditions and burns. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency, treatment, and outcome of EH in pediatric burn patients.

This retrospective study was conducted in the pediatric surgery department, King Edward Medical University/ Mayo Hospital, Lahore, from October 2015 to July 2018 after ethical approval. All pediatric burn patients diagnosed with EH and not sensitive to Acyclovir or suffering from chemical burns were enrolled in the study. Diagnosis was confirmed by presence of umbilicated lesions in burnt area and a positive Tzanck smear. Intravenous acyclovir and supportive treatment was started. Mortality, development of contractures, length of hospital stay/ time for wound healing, re-activation of EH was calculated.

Out of 3958 admitted pediatric burn patients, 94(2.4%) developed EH. Girls were 58(61.7%) and boys were 36(38.3%). Mean age was 5.16 ±2.88 years. Scald burn was in 43(45.7%) patients, flame burn in 48(51.1%) patients, and electric flash burn in 3(3.2%) patients. Mean TBSA was 21.74+10.38%. Vesicular eruptions settled in 92 (97.9%) patients after treatment with acyclovir. Mean duration of treatment was 19.89+ 8.9 days and hospital stay was 29.84+ 16.98 days. Twenty three patients (24.5%) developed contractures and two patients (2.1%) developed disseminated EH and expired. Six (6.4%) patients had re-activation of EH.

EH occurred in 2.4% of admitted pediatric burn patients. Intravenous acyclovir was successful in 97.9% of the patients, although 2.1% developed disseminated EH and expired. Re-activation occurred in 6.4% of the cases and was associated with prolonged hospital stay.

EH occurred in 2.4% of admitted pediatric burn patients. Intravenous acyclovir was successful in 97.9% of the patients, although 2.1% developed disseminated EH and expired. Re-activation occurred in 6.4% of the cases and was associated with prolonged hospital stay.

To compare the mean operative time (MOT) in patients undergoing Ho YAG laser lithotripsy (LL) and pneumatic lithotripsy (PL) for ureteric stones.

This randomized study was conducted at Armed Forces Institute of Urology (AFIU) Rawalpindi, Pakistan from July 2016 to November 2018. Non probability consecutive sampling technique utilized to enroll 60 patients of both gender aged 18-60 years, having ureteric calculus ≤1.5cm. Randomization was done into group I (LL) and II (PL) via computer generated number tables. Six Consultant Urologists performed surgeries under spinal anesthesia utilizing Swiss Lithoclast

Master (EMS

S.A. Switzerland) in group II and holmium laser fiber (365μm, 8-10Hz, 9.6-16W, 2100nm wavelength) in group I respectively. MOT was noted from insertion of cystoscope till removal out of meatus. Data obtained was analyzed through IBM SPSS 24.0.

Analysis involved 60 patients (30 each group) having similar baseline characteristics (age, gender, laterality, location). There was statistically significant different MOT between LL & PL (25.48±6.99 vs 34.83± 7.47 minutes, p < 0.001). Data stratification with respect to age, gender, laterality and stone location revealed similar trend. Lithotripsy technique significantly affected MOT (p < 0.001) on Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.

Ho YAG LL is an efficient technique when compared with PL in terms of MOT for ureteric stones.

Ho YAG LL is an efficient technique when compared with PL in terms of MOT for ureteric stones.

To determine the association between ethnicity, environmental factors, lifestyle factors, chronic diseases and pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEX).

A case control study conducted at four major hospitals in Pakistan from January to November 2019, with 241 cases and 294 controls, aged ≥ 40 years, who were administered a questionnaire assessing demographics, lifestyle factors, chronic diseases and ethnicity. Multivariate binary logistic regression was applied to calculate the odds ratio between cases and controls.

PEX was found to be positively associated with ethnicity (p<0.001), time spent outdoors (p<0.001), educational status (p<0.001), asthma (p<0.001), mean age (p<0.001), daily tea intake (p=0.003), weighted maximum temperature (p<0.001) and weighted mean temperature (p=0.004). Poor association was found with weighted latitude (p=0.526) and weighted minimum temperature (p=0.079). Odds ratios for patients with asthma (OR=7.366, regression coefficient=1.993, p<0.001) Pathan ethnicity (OR=1.

Autoři článku: Samuelsenhonore0724 (Laustsen Lambertsen)