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Kia Key Fob Tricks

The days of simple keys for cars made of metal are long gone. Now, Kia drivers have keys that open doors and also starts the engine at the touch of one button.

Learn how you can get the most out of your kia's key fob by exploring its hidden functions. Here are some amazing tips to try, including hands-free unlocking the car to the analog key inside.

Keyless Entry

There are key fob-related tips that will make your life easier regardless of whether you're looking to purchase new Kia vehicle or have already got one. From knowing when to use the remote of your key fob's start button, to locating the hidden key fob function, read on for tips that will help you take advantage of the features available in your vehicle.

The keyless entry feature that is located in the proximity of the Kia car lets you unlock the driver's door without having to remove your key fob out of pockets or bags. Simply be within two feet of the door and touch the handle of the door, or press the unlock button on the key fob to unlock it hands-free. This also works with the liftgate and trunk, allowing you to open them from a distance while holding your Kia key fob.

The battery of the key fob may wear out with time but the warning signs are typically evident. Most smart key fobs display a message on the infotainment system screen when the battery is close to expiring, giving you ample time to replace it.

If you purchase a secondhand Kia make sure that the digital key as well as the registered card key (if equipped) are linked to the user profile and personalization settings on the infotainment system's settings menu. If not, delete the card key and digital key from your profile and then register it again according to the instructions on the infotainment menu.

Keyless Start

If you're looking to start your car in the cold morning or just want a little bit of peace and tranquility when driving it's possible to use your key fob to remotely start your car. To do this, first press the lock button on your key fob, and then hold down the remote start button.

Another great feature that most drivers don't know about is the hands-free lock/unlock function. When your fob is within reach of your vehicle, just place your thumb on the door handle and it will unlock. This is a lifesaver when your hands are stuffed with work or you're in a hurry.

The majority of Kia models also come with a panic button on the key fob which can be activated by pressing the button for a quarter-second. This is a great security feature that can activate the vehicle's alarm, frighten away potential thieves, and help you locate your vehicle in a vast parking lot.

Like all battery-powered devices, your fob will eventually require an upgrade. You can still enter your vehicle using the mechanical key if you don't have an extra one on hand however, it's an ideal idea to go to the dealership to purchase a new fob battery. Your key fob battery should last for about two years.


Many of the latest Kia models in our inventory include the latest technology and a smart key fob that controls a variety of functions. From the inside and outside of your vehicle, this handy remote control allows you to go about your day in Rogers without the hassle of searching for keys.

Whether you're in the grocery store parking lot or on a busy urban street This feature is great to have when you're carrying groceries or bags packed with goods. When your Kia key fob is close to your door, you can open the door by placing your thumb on the handle. This is a great trick to use when driving in a city particularly when the weather is bad and you are wearing gloves.

If your vehicle is equipped with this option, you can utilize the key fob to unlock your trunk or liftgate. If your liftgate or trunk is manual, you'll have to hold and press the button for more than 1 second to open it. On the other the other hand, if your vehicle has a liftgate or power trunk, all you need to do is press and hold the trunk button and the vehicle will open automatically for loading cargo or unloading passengers. You can also trigger the panic alarm in your vehicle by pressing and pressing the button for more than 1 second. This feature is useful when you're in a hazardous situation, and it could even scare away any suspicious strangers in your vicinity.

Panic Alarm

Your Kia key fob isn't just an ordinary piece of plastic. In fact, it contains some tricks that can make your life a little more simple.

First, you need to unlock the door of your driver using the MECHANICAL KEY that is stored in your Smart Key fob. This is located behind the front portion of the door handle and has a silver-colored button that can be pressed to open it. replacement kia sportage key G28 Car Keys Solutions can then insert the key that is mechanical into the lock and turn it to the left to unlock, or to the right to secure the door.

The ability to start your vehicle remotely on cold winter days is a useful feature. This feature is available on several models, but typically only the key fob is able to be used to activate it. Consumer Reports says that the remote engine start is usually indicated with an arrow in a circle.

The panic button on your Kia key fob might seem unimportant at first glancebut it could actually save your life in an emergency. Rather than using the normal car alarm, you can press and hold the panic button for a second or longer to trigger your vehicle's full-force horn. RepairPal states that this booming sound could deter thieves and allow you to escape or seek help. It can also help prevent home break-ins by scaring away thieves who might think that your vehicle is about to be taken.

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