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The behavior of bubbles is the key to flow and mass transfer. It is important to consider its influence on bubble behavior when optimizing electrochemical parameters.This study focuses on determining the bio-kinetic coefficients of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal in full-scale primary facultative ponds (PFPs) system on the basis of 3-year continuous operation. The mean removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS) and volatile suspended solid (VSS) were 80, 59 and 49%, respectively. The first-order model paired with continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) and plug flow (PF) regimes, PF k-C*, Stover-Kincannon and Grau second-order models were applied to link COD concentrations at the inlet and outlet of the system and to compare the predictive power of models for the estimation of effluent COD concentrations. The Stover-Kincannon model showed the best adaptability (r2 = 0.9294) with the maximum substrate utilization rate (Umax) of 79.14 g/L· d and saturation constant (KB) of 80.65 g/L· d, whereas the Grau second-order model was the best model to predict outlet COD concentrations (r2 = 0.6925). The computed constants, m and n, of the Grau second-order model were 0.6725 and 15.867 d-1, respectively. While the Stover-Kincannon kinetic rates obtained in this study can be used to design the PFP systems in similar operational conditions, the appropriate prediction of pond behavior can be achieved using the Grau model.Safe drinking water is a necessity for every human being, but clean water is scarce and not easily available due to natural geochemical factors or industrial pollutant activity. Many issues involving water quality could be greatly improved using clays as adsorbents. We highlight for the first time, the uptake of fluoride from natural water by Laponite, synthetic hectorite clay, in raw and modified state. A series of batch adsorption experiments were carried out to evaluate the adsorption potential of the different parameters. The optimized parameters were contact time, adsorbent dose and pH. It was found that fluoride uptake from natural water was better using raw Laponite and inorganic-modified Laponite than using organic-modified Laponite clays. Adsorbents were characterized before and after fluoride adsorption by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, FTIR, thermo gravimetric analyses and 19F solid state NMR spectroscopy. The experimental data showed that both Langmuir and Freundlich models fitted an adsorption isotherm well. Thermodynamic parameters such as Gibbs free energy (ΔG°), enthalpy (ΔH°), and entropy (ΔS°) were calculated. These parameters indicated that fluoride adsorption onto Laponite was nonspontaneous and endothermic in temperature range between 25 and 45 °C.Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science in which computer systems are designed to perform tasks that mimic human intelligence. Today, AI is reshaping day-to-day life and has numerous emerging medical applications poised to profoundly reshape the practice of veterinary medicine. In this Currents in One Health, we discuss the essential elements of AI for veterinary practitioners with the aim to help them make informed decisions in applying AI technologies into their practices. Veterinarians will play an integral role in ensuring the appropriate uses and good curation of data. The expertise of veterinary professionals will be vital to ensuring good data and, subsequently, AI that meets the needs of the profession. Readers interested in an in-depth description of AI and veterinary medicine are invited to explore a complementary manuscript of this Currents in One Health available in the May 2022 issue of the American Journal of Veterinary Research.

5 dogs with a history of ventriculocordectomy were anesthetized with isoflurane for ovariohysterectomy, dental prophylaxis, or intracapsular lens extraction.

No remarkable, abnormal clinical signs such as exercise intolerance, respiratory distress, or stridor were found in 4 dogs. However, 1 dog had cough after drinking, which had started after the ventriculocordectomy. During intubation, laryngeal web, suspected to be a complication of ventriculocordectomy, was accidentally discovered.

Laryngeal web was observed during intubation, necessitating the use of a smaller-diameter endotracheal tube (ETT) for intubation. However, the smaller cuff volume of the smaller ETT did not prevent the air leak. Therefore, the ETT with the inflated cuff was pulled cranially until the narrowed laryngeal lumen was plugged with the cuff behind the vocal cords. The ETT was secured to prevent slippage. No air leakage around the ETT cuff or complications related to the ETT placement were observed in the peri-anesthetic period in any dog.

Laryngeal web can be found in patients with a history of larynx-related surgeries and may allow only a small-diameter ETT to pass through. The sealing technique used for peri-cuff air leak using a small ETT described here that can pass through a laryngeal web could be useful to seal an air leak around the cuff without complications.

Laryngeal web can be found in patients with a history of larynx-related surgeries and may allow only a small-diameter ETT to pass through. The sealing technique used for peri-cuff air leak using a small ETT described here that can pass through a laryngeal web could be useful to seal an air leak around the cuff without complications.

To evaluate the effects of a single dose of orally administered gabapentin in alleviating stress at a veterinary visit in privately owned dogs.

22 healthy client-owned dogs (1.5 to 8.5 years old) were enrolled in this study.

Each dog received a 50-mg/kg oral dose of either gabapentin or placebo 2 hours before the beginning of each visit protocol. The dog's behavioral responses were coded from recorded video clips during a 5-minute-long standardized physical examination and pre- and post-physical examination phases. The veterinary technician separately rated each greeting behavior at each visit. Physiological variables during veterinary visits (ie, eye surface temperature and salivary cortisol concentrations) were also compared between the pre- and post-physical examination phases. The owner was queried 24 hours after a visit to determine the incidence of adverse events.

The greeting test score, eye surface temperature, and cortisol concentrations did not differ substantially between the gabapentin and placebo treatment groups. Lip licking frequency during the physical examination phase was significantly lower in the gabapentin treatment group than in the placebo group (P = 0.001). Lip licking frequency during the pre- and post-physical examination phases was also significantly lower in the gabapentin treatment group than in the placebo treatment group (P = 0.004). No serious adverse events were reported by the owners following gabapentin treatment.

Results showed that the 50-mg/kg dose of gabapentin was well tolerated without serious adverse effects in healthy dogs. Further studies are recommended of dogs with documented stress in response to a veterinary visit.

Results showed that the 50-mg/kg dose of gabapentin was well tolerated without serious adverse effects in healthy dogs. Further studies are recommended of dogs with documented stress in response to a veterinary visit.

To analyze the results of transoral ventral bulla osteotomy (TOVBO) in cats.

13 client-owned cats treated by TOVBO between February 2016 and February 2019.

Medical records of cats with a diagnosis of middle ear disease (MED) that underwent TOVBO were reviewed. The procedure was similar to the one described for dogs. Short-term follow-up was obtained via clinical examination before discharge and at day 15 postoperatively. Long-term follow-up was performed via telephone interview.

13 cats (age range, 8 months to 12 years) underwent unilateral (n = 10) or bilateral (3) TOVBO (16) for the treatment of tympanic bulla (TB) infection (10), nasopharyngeal inflammatory polyps (5), or bullet retrieval from the TB (1). There were no intraoperative complications. One cat with a poor preoperative status died at postoperative day 3 from pneumonia. Eight cats experienced postoperative complications including head tilt (n = 2), Horner syndrome (3), loss of appetite (2), and temporary blindness (1). Collected samples confirmed the presence of nasopharyngeal inflammatory polyps (5), or otitis media (8). Six months after surgical intervention, 9 cats were free of MED signs.

This oral approach provided a good access to the TB in all cases. The complications observed after TOVBO were similar to those for VBO. In cats, TOVBO seems to be an acceptable and safe minimally invasive alternative to the other approaches of the TB to address MED.

This oral approach provided a good access to the TB in all cases. The complications observed after TOVBO were similar to those for VBO. In cats, TOVBO seems to be an acceptable and safe minimally invasive alternative to the other approaches of the TB to address MED.

Diabetes is a frequent comorbidity in cystic fibrosis (CF), related to multiple unfavorable outcomes. During the progression of β-cell dysfunction to diabetes, insulin deficiency could possibly reduce the anabolic support to grow even in the absence of significant glycemic derangements. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated whether prepuberal insulin secretory indices are independent predictors of adult height.

Observational cohort study.

A longitudinal analysis of 66 CF patients (33 females) from an ongoing cohort received at prepuberal age (median age of 12 years) modified 3-h oral glucose tolerance tests with 30-min insulin and C-peptide sampling, modeling of insulin secretory and sensitivity parameters, anthropometric evaluation. Glucagon Receptor agonist The latter was repeated when adults after a median follow-up of 9 years.

In alternative models, we found a positive association with either basal insulin secretion (mean 0.22, 95% CI 0.01, 0.44 z-scores) or prepuberal β-cell glucose sensitivity (mean 0.23, 95% CI 0.00, 0.46 z-scores) and adult height, while total insulin secretion was negatively related to adult height (mean -0.36, 95% CI -0.57, -0.15 z-scores or mean -0.42, 95% CI -0.69, -0.16 z-scores, respectively). The high total insulin secretion of low adult height patients was mainly due to late (>60 min) secretion and was associated with a worse glucose response during OGTT.

Abnormal insulin secretion associated with high glucose response during OGTT predicts a decrease in adult height z-score. Our results suggest that insulin secretory defects in CF affect growth prior to the development of fasting hyperglycemia.

Abnormal insulin secretion associated with high glucose response during OGTT predicts a decrease in adult height z-score. Our results suggest that insulin secretory defects in CF affect growth prior to the development of fasting hyperglycemia.

Klinefelter syndrome (KS) is associated with increased risk of thrombosis. Hypogonadism and accumulating body fat in KS have a potential impact on fibrinolysis. In this study, we assessed the fibrinolytic system and the association with testosterone levels in KS.

This study is a cross-sectional comparison of men with KS and age-matched male controls.

Fibrin clot lysis was evaluated by turbidity measurements and by measuring levels of individual fibrinolytic proteins in plasma samples. Fibrin clot structure was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Total testosterone was measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Body fat was evaluated by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

In this study, 45 men with KS and 45 age- and education-matched controls were included. Men with KS had a 24% reduction in fibrin clot lysis compared with controls (46.2 ± 17.1 vs 60.6 ± 18.8 %/h, P = 0.0003) and higher levels of fibrinogen, factor XIII (P ≤ 0.01), and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (P = 0.

Autoři článku: Salazarharrell1234 (Lu Bowling)