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The initiation of Escherichia coli chromosomal DNA replication starts with the oligomerization of the DnaA protein at repeat sequences within the origin (ori) region. The amount of ori DNA per cell directly correlates with the growth rate. During fast growth, the cell generation time is shorter than the time required for complete DNA replication; therefore, overlapping rounds of chromosome replication are required. Under these circumstances, the ori region DNA abundance exceeds the DNA abundance in the termination (ter) region. Here, high ori/ter ratios are found to persist in (p)ppGpp-deficient [(p)ppGpp0] cells over a wide range of balanced exponential growth rates determined by medium composition. Evidently, (p)ppGpp is necessary to maintain the usual correlation of slow DNA replication initiation with a low growth rate. Conversely, ori/ter ratios are lowered when cell growth is slowed by incrementally increasing even low constitutive basal levels of (p)ppGpp without stress, as if (p)ppGpp alone is suffici changes in (p)ppGpp basal levels associated with slow balanced exponential growth incrementally inhibit the intricate process of initiation of chromosomal DNA synthesis. Without (p)ppGpp, initiations mimic the high rates present during fast growth. Here, we report that the effect of (p)ppGpp may be due to the regulation of the expression of gyrase, an important enzyme for the replication of DNA that is a current target of several antibiotics.Environmental exposure has a significant impact on human health. While some airborne fungi can cause life-threatening infections, the impact of environment on fungal spore dispersal and transmission is poorly understood. The democratization of shotgun metagenomics allows us to explore important questions about fungal propagation. We focus on Pneumocystis, a genus of host-specific fungi that infect mammals via airborne particles. In humans, Pneumocystis jirovecii causes lethal infections in immunocompromised patients if untreated, although its environmental reservoir and transmission route remain unclear. Here, we attempt to clarify, by analyzing human exposome metagenomic data sets, whether humans are exposed to different Pneumocystis species present in the air but only P. jirovecii cells are able to replicate or whether they are selectively exposed to P. jirovecii Our analysis supports the latter hypothesis, which is consistent with a local transmission model. These data also suggest that healthy carriers are a major driver for the transmission.Bacillus subtilis contains two known cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP)-dependent receptors, YdaK and DgrA, as well as three diguanylate cyclases (DGCs) soluble DgcP and membrane-integral DgcK and DgcW. DgrA regulates motility, while YdaK is responsible for the formation of a putative exopolysaccharide, dependent on the activity of DgcK. Using single-molecule tracking, we show that a majority of DgcK molecules are statically positioned in the cell membrane but significantly less so in the absence of YdaK but more so upon overproduction of YdaK. The soluble domains of DgcK and of YdaK show a direct interaction in vitro, which depends on an intact I-site within the degenerated GGDEF domain of YdaK. These experiments suggest a direct handover of a second messenger at a single subcellular site. Interestingly, all three DGC proteins contribute toward downregulation of motility via the PilZ protein DgrA. Deletion of dgrA also affects the mobility of DgcK within the membrane and also that of DgcP, which arrests less often at via direct interactions, where a synthesized dinucleotide appears to be directly used for the protein-protein interaction. We show that very few DGC molecules exist within cells; in the case of exopolysaccharide (EPS) formation via membrane protein DgcK, the DGC molecules act at a single site, setting up a single signaling pool within the cell membrane. Using single-molecule tracking, we show that the soluble DGC DgcP arrests at the cell membrane, interacting with its receptor, DgrA, which slows down motility. DgrA also directly binds to DgcK, showing that divergent as well as convergent modules exist in B. subtilis Thus, local-pool signal transduction operates extremely efficiently and specifically. Copyright © 2020 Kunz et al.The UV-inducible pili system of Sulfolobales (Ups) mediates the formation of species-specific cellular aggregates. Within these aggregates, cells exchange DNA to repair DNA double-strand breaks via homologous recombination. Substitution of the Sulfolobus acidocaldarius pilin subunits UpsA and UpsB with their homologs from Sulfolobus tokodaii showed that these subunits facilitate species-specific aggregation. A region of low conservation within the UpsA homologs is primarily important for this specificity. Aggregation assays in the presence of different sugars showed the importance of N-glycosylation in the recognition process. In addition, the N-glycan decorating the S-layer of S. tokodaii is different from the one of S. acidocaldarius Therefore, each Sulfolobus species seems to have developed a unique UpsA binding pocket and unique N-glycan composition to ensure aggregation and, consequently, also DNA exchange with cells from only the same species, which is essential for DNA repair by homologous recombination.IMPORTANCE Type IV pili can be found on the cell surface of many archaea and bacteria where they play important roles in different processes. The UV-inducible pili system of Sulfolobales (Ups) pili from the crenarchaeal Sulfolobales species are essential in establishing species-specific mating partners, thereby assisting in genome stability. With this work, we show that different Sulfolobus species have specific regions in their Ups pili subunits, which allow them to interact only with cells from the same species. Additionally, different Sulfolobus species have unique surface-layer N-glycosylation patterns. We propose that the unique features of each species allow the recognition of specific mating partners. This knowledge for the first time gives insights into the molecular basis of archaeal self-recognition. Copyright © 2020 van Wolferen et al.Over the last decade, innate immune priming has been evidenced in many invertebrate phyla. If mechanistic models have been proposed, molecular studies aiming to substantiate these models have remained scarce. We reveal here the transcriptional signature associated with immune priming in the oyster Crassostrea gigas Oysters were fully protected against Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1), a major oyster pathogen, after priming with poly(I·C), which mimics viral double-stranded RNA. Global analysis through RNA sequencing of oyster and viral genes after immune priming and viral infection revealed that poly(I·C) induces a strong antiviral response that impairs OsHV-1 replication. Protection is based on a sustained upregulation of immune genes, notably genes involved in the interferon pathway and apoptosis, which control subsequent viral infection. This persistent antiviral alert state remains active over 4 months and supports antiviral protection in the long term. This acquired resistance mechanism reinforces the moleiral infection, and it was maintained for over 4 months after priming. This acquired resistant mechanism reinforces the molecular foundations of the sustained response model of immune priming. It opens the way to pseudovaccination to prevent the recurrent diseases that currently afflict economically or ecologically important invertebrates. Copyright © 2020 Lafont et al.The availability of energy has significant impact on cell physiology. However, the role of cellular metabolism in bacterial pathogenesis is not understood. We investigated the dynamics of central metabolism during virulence induction by surface sensing and quorum sensing in early-stage biofilms of the multidrug-resistant bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa We established a metabolic profile for P. aeruginosa using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), which reports the activity of NADH in live cells. We identified a critical growth transition period during which virulence is activated. We performed FLIM measurements and direct measurements of NADH and NAD+ concentrations during this period. Here, planktonic (low-virulence) and surface-attached (virulence-activated) populations diverged into distinct metabolic states, with the surface-attached population exhibiting FLIM lifetimes that were associated with lower levels of enzyme-bound NADH and decreasing total NAD(H) production. We inhibited virulence bcs. Here, we identify that NADH activity has an important role in the induction of virulence in the pathogen P. aeruginosa This finding, coupled with the ubiquity of NADH in bacterial pathogens, opens up the possibility of targeting enzymes that process NADH as a potential broad antivirulence approach. Copyright © 2020 Perinbam et al.The cell cycle is a critical component of cellular proliferation, differentiation, and response to stress, yet its role in the regulation of intracellular symbioses is not well understood. To explore host-symbiont cell cycle coordination in a marine symbiosis, we employed a model for coral-dinoflagellate associations the tropical sea anemone Aiptasia (Exaiptasia pallida) and its native microalgal photosymbionts (Breviolum minutum and Breviolum psygmophilum). Using fluorescent labeling and spatial point-pattern image analyses to characterize cell population distributions in both partners, we developed protocols that are tailored to the three-dimensional cellular landscape of a symbiotic sea anemone tentacle. Introducing cultured symbiont cells to symbiont-free adult hosts increased overall host cell proliferation rates. The acceleration occurred predominantly in the symbiont-containing gastrodermis near clusters of symbionts but was also observed in symbiont-free epidermal tissue layers, indicating that the prntral role of the cell cycle in the growth and proliferation of cnidarian host cells and dinoflagellate symbionts, there are few studies that have examined the potential for host-symbiont coregulation. SU11274 molecular weight This study provides evidence for the acceleration of host cell proliferation when in local proximity to clusters of symbionts within cnidarian tentacles. The findings suggest that symbionts augment the cell cycle of not only their enveloping host cells but also neighboring cells in the epidermis and gastrodermis. This provides a possible mechanism for rapid colonization of cnidarian tissues. In addition, the cell cycles of symbionts differed depending on nutritional regime, symbiotic state, and species identity. The responses of cell cycle profiles to these different factors implicate a role for species-specific regulation of symbiont cell cycles within host cnidarian tissues. Copyright © 2020 Tivey et al.Over the past decade, Candida auris has emerged as an urgent threat to public health. Initially reported from cases of ear infections in Japan and Korea, C. auris has since been detected around the world. While whole-genome sequencing has been extensively used to trace the genetic relationships of the global emergence and local outbreaks, a recent report in mBio describes a targeted genotyping method as a rapid and inexpensive method for classifying C. auris isolates (T. de Groot, Y. Puts, I. Berrio, A. Chowdhary, and J. F. Meis, mBio 11e02971-19, https//, 2020). Copyright © 2020 Cuomo and Alanio.

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