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In Bangladesh, workers typically spend at least eight hours a day at garment factories in sitting and/or standing position. Prolonged sitting on ergonomically unfit furniture causes back, neck, and shoulder pain, which reduces the working efficiency and leading to low productivity.

The aim of this study is to design ergonomically correct furniture for Bangladeshi garment workers considering multivariate analysis on the anthropometric data.

Twelve anthropometric measures and five furniture dimensions were measured. The sample comprised of 600 volunteer workers from different garment industry. The furniture dimensions were compared with the relevant anthropometric characteristics and found a high level of mismatch (e.g. seat height (male 18%, female 94.25%), seat depth (male 96%, female 63.50%), seat width (male 9.50%, female 36.25%), sewing table height (male 56.50%, female 50%), and desk height for inspection, cutting and ironing table (male 100%, female 100%).

New design specifications were proposed of the worker which improved the match percentage. The multivariate anthropometric analysis generated 8 cases and for each case the ranges of anthropometric measurements have been identified.

The results will help to design robust ergonomic garments furniture.

The results will help to design robust ergonomic garments furniture.

Environmental temperatures in the fresh food industry vary from 0°C to 10°C, and go below -20°C for the frozen food industry, representing risk for the health and safety of workers involved.

The aim of this work was to evaluate the cold thermal stress risks for workers working in a frozen food industry.

A total of 27 acclimatized workers (13 male and 14 female) participated in a study which was conducted during 11 working days. The thermal sensation questionnaire and the cold work health questionnaire (CWHQ) were applied to all participants. Additionally, 4 workers were chosen to be fully monitored with a thermometer telemetry capsule for measuring the intra-abdominal temperature and 8 skin temperature sensors.

The lowest recorded hand temperature was 14.09°C, lowest forehead 18.55°C, mean skin temperature had variations of 1.10 to 3.20°C along the working period. Highest and most frequent fluctuations were found in the hand and forehead skin temperatures, small changes were found in mean skin temperature.

Answers to the CWHQ increase concern on clinical forms of "a frigore", and in two cases the mean body temperature decreased below 35.0°C, which is defined in the current literature as a mild form of hypothermia.

Answers to the CWHQ increase concern on clinical forms of "a frigore", and in two cases the mean body temperature decreased below 35.0°C, which is defined in the current literature as a mild form of hypothermia.

Hand anthropometry is useful for designing manual systems such as hand tools, controls, and gloves. There are limited published data on the hand dimensions of Iranian male and female adults.

This study was undertaken to measure the hand anthropometric dimensions in Iranian adults to compare data between two genders and also with the corresponding data from other nationalities.

A total of 34 dimensions of the right hand were measured in 217 male and 128 female adults using a digital caliper and tape. The mean, standard deviation, and the main percentiles are summarized in a table and the mean of each dimension is compared by independent t-tests between genders. Hand dimensions are compared between Iranian and other nationalities such as North Colombian, Korean, Turkish, Nigerian, Bangladeshi, Jordanian, and Vietnamese using the published data.

Females had significantly smaller hand dimensions than males in all dimensions ranged from 4.21%to 18.16%, with the largest differences in hand breadths. Compared with other nationalities, the Iranian male and female adults had wider (greater breadth and circumferences) hands with shorter fingers.

The results showed significant differences of hand anthropometry between Iranian and other nationalities which should be included in the design and selection of hand tools for Iranian population.

The results showed significant differences of hand anthropometry between Iranian and other nationalities which should be included in the design and selection of hand tools for Iranian population.

Tinnitus is an auditory impression without any external auditory stimulus. It may cause negative symptoms (anxiety, insomnia, depression) significantly affecting work performance and job satisfaction.

To evaluate the job satisfaction in tinnitus sufferers.

Cross-sectional study were conducted and 51 individuals (23-70 years) were recruited. Participants completed two questionnaires Tinnitus Handicap Inventory and Job Satisfaction Scale.

People affected by tinnitus report higher job satisfaction than healthy people. Job satisfaction was significantly related to age r = 0.31; p < 0.05 in all tinnitus patients. There was a correlation between job satisfaction and tinnitus severity but only in people with normal hearing (-0.69; p < 0.05).

The results show that job satisfaction is affected by the level of tinnitus annoyance (from both its emotional and functional aspects), but only in people with normal hearing. In future research it is recommended that additional factors be investigated, both work and non-work related, to thoroughly explore the impact of tinnitus on job satisfaction.

The results show that job satisfaction is affected by the level of tinnitus annoyance (from both its emotional and functional aspects), but only in people with normal hearing. Epacadostat manufacturer In future research it is recommended that additional factors be investigated, both work and non-work related, to thoroughly explore the impact of tinnitus on job satisfaction.

Manual demolition tasks are heavy physical demanding tasks which involve forceful exertion of sustained pushing. They result in muscle fatigue which could lead to musculoskeletal disorders. Assessments of maximum endurance time (MET) are essential in understanding the developing of muscle fatigue for these tasks.

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of handle height and load conditions on the MET, and to establish MET models for the simulated demolition tasks.

Twenty three male participants performed simulated demolition tasks under three loads and three handle heights conditions until they could not do so any longer. Their METs and ratings of perceived exertion were recorded and analyzed.

The results showed that both load and handle height were significant (p < 0.0001) factors affecting the MET. Regression models to predict the MET under handle height and load conditions were established. The mean absolute deviations of these models were between 1.91 and 4.84 min.

The MET models established may be used to estimate the MET which may be adopted in work/rest arrangement for demolition tasks using a handheld demolition hammer.

The MET models established may be used to estimate the MET which may be adopted in work/rest arrangement for demolition tasks using a handheld demolition hammer.

A guideline for occupational health professionals (OHPs) is developed which provides them with knowledge and skills to optimize their guidance to people with a chronic disease.

Developing a training programme to acquire and apply knowledge and skills provided by the guideline, through a bottom-up approach.

First, OHPs training needs were explored using focus groups. Second, learning objectives were formulated by the researchers. Third, experts in the field of education were interviewed to explore relevant training activities. Fourth, researchers integrated all the results into a training programme.

Based on the training needs identified, we formulated 17 learning objectives, e.g. being able to name influential factors and effective interventions, increase the individual client's role, and increase communication with a professionals to enhance work participation of people with a chronic disease. The training activities identified by experts for OHPs to acquire and apply knowledge and skills were a case study, role play, discussion of best practices and interviewing stakeholders. These were all performed in plenary sessions or small groups.

Training needs, -activities and learning objectives were integrated into a six-hour training programme. This bottom-up approach can serve as input for others developing training programmes to transfer knowledge and skills to OHPs.

Training needs, -activities and learning objectives were integrated into a six-hour training programme. This bottom-up approach can serve as input for others developing training programmes to transfer knowledge and skills to OHPs.

Occupational self-efficacy (OSE) is an appropriate adaption capability to react to continuous changes in work life today. While self-efficacy is an important component in work context, there is less knowledge regarding older workers' OSE.

This study examined the relationship between work ability, OSE and work engagement among a middle-aged workforce, and whether there were any differences between age groups and between professionals in different work context.

Data were collected by questionnaire, which included Work Ability Index (WAI), Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale, and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale.

A total of 359 home care workers and engineers (response rate 43%) participated. The average age was 54 (SD±5.3) years, 69%were women. The results of logistic regression analyses revealed an association between WAI, OSE (OR 0.66; 95%CI 0.52 to 0.86) and work engagement (OR 0.61; 95%CI 0.47 to 0.78). Higher OSE and work engagement were related to higher work ability. No difference in OSE (5.9; ±0.8) between professional groups was seen, but the home care workers scored considerably higher work engagement (5.1; ±0.9) than the engineers (4.5; ±1.3).

Improving OSE could be worthwhile to support work ability among middle-aged workers, despite dissimilarities in work context and educational level.

Improving OSE could be worthwhile to support work ability among middle-aged workers, despite dissimilarities in work context and educational level.Dissection and human specimens study remain the gold standard method for teaching anatomy. Due to the increasing health science courses in Brazil, the traditional way of obtaining bodies for scientific purposes, the unclaimed ones, became insufficient. In addition, this source is no longer ethically appropriate according to anatomists. In order to maintain the teaching quality, the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) in Brazil, inspired by successful initiatives around the world, created a body donation program; Sempre Vivo. Besides the bureaucratic difficulty faced during its regulation, the implementation of a body donation program requires special attention regarding the religiosity, culture and uniqueness of the city's inhabitants. Informing people can demystify the process, avoid prejudice and increase the number of donors. In this way, an outreach project was designed to publicize Sempre Vivo and raise public awareness. In the first six years, Sempre Vivo reached the mark of 64 registered donors and seven bodies received.

Autoři článku: Rybergbjerg0748 (Lange Povlsen)