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With regard to acute toxicity, Av seed ethanolic extract did not induce any toxic effects or death or any organ toxicity. In subacute toxicity study; oral intake with Av seed ethanolic extract did not reveal any change in body and organs weights, hematological parameters, serum glucose and cholesterol, brain neurotransmitters, liver and kidney functions, male and female hormones. In conclusion, Av seed ethanolic extract is nontoxic to liver, kidney, brain, spleen, heart, testis and ovary. Copyright © 2019 SETOX & Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, SASc.Agriculture is an important occupation in Malaysia that generates a major portion of the national revenue. Similar to the rest of the world, pesticides are used to boost agricultural production in Malaysian farms. However, chemical pesticides are associated with human health hazard and are not environment-friendly as they persist in nature for long periods of time. Therefore, pesticide use should be reduced and farmers should be trained on correct and/or alternative ways of pesticide use. In this cross-sectional study, we surveyed 19 palm oil plantations in the Sabah district of Malaysia and evaluated the perception of the workers towards pesticide use and awareness regarding the health effects post-pesticide exposure. Analysis of the survey shows that most of the workers among the 270 respondents were 30-year-old males with average education, and belonged to the low income group. Majority opined that they were aware of the health hazards of pesticide use and suffered from symptoms (with mean duration of threc.Rosuvastatin, a second generation 3-Hydroxy-3-Methyl Glutaryl Coenzyme-A reductase inhibitor, is widely used for the management of hypercholesterolemia. Rosuvastatin ethanolamine, developed by Cadila Healthcare Ltd., is a novel, chemically stable, and pharmaceutically acceptable salt, having better physiochemical properties than commercially available Rosuvastatin salt. The objective of the present study is to evaluate safety, tolerability, and toxicokinetic profile of novel salt. Therefore, four weeks repeated dose oral (gavage) toxicity and toxicokinetic study of Rosuvastatin ethanolamine was carried out. The drugs were administered once daily at salt corrected dose of 15, 40, and 100 mg/kg for four weeks. see more No signs of toxicity were observed during repeated (four weeks) oral administrations of Rosuvastatin ethanolamine in rats up to 40 mg/kg. Single male mortality was observed at 100 mg/kg dose. Microscopy finding in liver was minimal to mild bile ductular proliferation, single cell necrosis, and hepatocellular vacuolation of cytoplasm with associated statistically significant serum elevation of transaminase enzymes; AST, ALT, ALP, and/or liver functional marker; total bilirubin with at ≥40 mg/kg. The systemic exposures (AUC0-24 and Cmax) were not markedly different between males and females, or between the administration periods (except high dose, where exposure on day 28 was approximately 2 to 3 fold higher than that of day 1. In conclusion, Rosuvastatin ethanolamine exhibited toxicities to liver as the target organ at ≥40 mg/kg in this study. These adverse effects with associated exposures should be taken into consideration for the future assessing of potential Rosuvastatin toxicities. Copyright © 2019 SETOX & Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, SASc.Placenta, the organ on which great attention is concentrated during pregnancy, represents an ineffective barrier to the transfer of hazardous heavy metals, mainly lead, into the foetus. The presence of lead in the placenta is an environmental hazard for a person's future. Due to hormonal changes, lead is released during pregnancy into the bloodstream of the mother from deposits in the bones and in the teeth, where it has accumulated for years as a result of a contaminated environment. Since lead is a neurotoxic metal, exposure to lead during prenatal and postnatal development can cause serious neurocognitive damage and hence the development of an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in a developing human. Our work provides an overall picture of the "toxic pathway" of lead through the mother's body, the risks arising from its transplacental transfer and its accumulation in the developing foetus as well as effective prevention to protect all newborns. Copyright © 2019 SETOX & Institute of Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, SASc.[This corrects the article DOI 10.3897/mycokeys.61.46446.]. Xiao-Lan He, Egon Horak, Di Wang, Tai-Hui Li, Wei-Hong Peng, Bing-Cheng Gan.During a survey on fungi associated with wood necroses of Prunus trees in Germany, strains belonging to the Leotiomycetes and Eurotiomycetes were detected by preliminary analyses of ITS sequences. link2 Multi-locus phylogenetic analyses (LSU, ITS, TUB, EF-1α, depending on genus) of 31 of the 45 strains from Prunus and reference strains revealed several new taxa, including Arboricolonus gen. nov., a new genus in the Helotiales (Leotiomycetes) with a collophorina-like asexual morph. Seven Cadophora species (Helotiales, Leotiomycetes) were treated. link3 The 29 strains from Prunus belonged to five species, of which C. luteo-olivacea and C. novi-eboraci were dominating; C. africana sp. nov., C. prunicola sp. nov. and C. ramosa sp. nov. were revealed as new species. The genus Cadophora was reported from Prunus for the first time. Phialophora bubakii was combined in Cadophora and differentiated from C. obscura, which was resurrected. Asexual morphs of two Proliferodiscus species (Helotiales, Leotiomycetes) were described, including one new species, Pr. ingens sp. nov. Two Minutiella species (Phaeomoniellales, Eurotiomycetes) were detected, including the new species M. pruni-avium sp. nov. Prunus avium and P. domestica are reported as host plants of Minutiella. Steffen Bien, Ulrike Damm.The genus Melanconis (Melanconidaceae, Diaporthales) in the strict sense is here re-evaluated regarding phylogenetic structure, taxonomy, distribution and ecology. Using a matrix of sequences from ITS, LSU, ms204, rpb2, tef1 and tub2, eight species are recognised and their phylogenetic positions are determined. Based on phylogenetic, morphological and geographical differentiation, Melanconis marginalis is subdivided into four subspecies. Melanconis italica is reduced to a subspecies of Melanconis marginalis. The two species Melanconis larissae from Betula sp. and M. pacifica from Alnus rubra are described as new. Melanconis alni and M. stilbostoma are lectotypified and M. alni, M. marginalis and M. stilbostoma are epitypified. All GenBank sequences deposited as Melanconis alni are shown to actually represent M. marginalis and those as M. marginalis belong to the newly described M. pacifica. Currently, Alnus and Betula are the sole host genera of Melanconis. All species and subspecies are (re-)described and illustrated. In addition, the neotypification of Melanconium pterocaryae is here validated. Walter M. Jaklitsch, Hermann Voglmayr.A checklist of the Syrphidae species of the Republic of Georgia is presented. New hover fly (Diptera Syrphidae) records from Georgia are provided as a result of field work conducted in 2018. At the same time, published syrphid records for the country are here reviewed and updated. A total of 357 species of hoverflies are now documented from Georgia, 40 of which are reported for the first time. Moreover, DNA barcodes were sequenced for 238 specimens, representing 74 species from this country. Ximo Mengual, Sander Bot, Tinatin Chkhartishvili, André Reimann, Jana Thormann, Laura von der Mark.Nutrition is of key importance in optimizing function and health in children with neurological impairment. Challenges in quantifying individual needs and assessing nutritional status are barriers to determining the nutritional prescription. This practice point addresses common questions faced by clinicians caring for this population and uses available evidence to provide strategies to address these challenges. © Canadian Paediatric Society 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Canadian Paediatric Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail's drug insurance system is one of the most expensive in the world, yet millions of Canadians still struggle to access necessary medications. As a result, provincial, territorial, and federal governments are considering public pharmacare policy proposals to ensure that all Canadians can access the medications they need. Pharmacare policies offer an opportunity to prioritize children and youth, whose unique drug needs have long been neglected. Prescription drug use is common in this population, with approximately half of Canadian children and youth requiring at least one prescription in any given year. Drug use remains concentrated, however, among those with complex, chronic, and serious diseases. Children and youth rely heavily on compounded and off-label prescription drugs, which impacts safety, efficacy, palatability, and cost. Reimbursement decision-making bodies do not appropriately value the unique benefits of paediatric drugs, including child-friendly formulations, improved quality of life for children and families, and cost-savings outside the healthcare system. Regardless of the pharmacare model ultimately implemented, ensuring universal, comprehensive, and portable prescription drug coverage for all children and youth is essential. To accomplish this, paediatric drug experts should develop a national, evidence-informed formulary of paediatric drugs. Health Canada should also improve processes to make commercial paediatric drugs and child-friendly formulations more available and accessible. The federal government must also support paediatric drug research and development to this end. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Canadian Paediatric Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail Despite many efforts undertaken to control the human immunodeficiency virus epidemic, it remains to be the major global public health challenge. With expanding access to pediatric antiretroviral therapy, children are more likely to experience treatment failure. All previous studies conducted in Ethiopia estimated treatment failure using only clinical and CD4 criteria. Thus, the ART failure rate is expected to be underestimated in our country. Objectives of the Study To assess the incidence and predictors of treatment failure among children receiving first-line ART in general hospitals of Mekelle and Southern Zones of Tigray region, Ethiopia, 2019. Methods Retrospective follow up study was employed. The sample size was estimated based on a Log rank test using Stata V-13 and all 404 charts were taken for review. Data were collected by extraction tool; entered using Epi-data manager; cleaned and analyzed by Stata V-14. Data were described using the Kaplan-Meier curve, Log rank test, life table, and crd recent WHO stage, sub-optimal adherence, as well as the presence of tuberculosis at baseline. Hence, it is better to give priority for strengthening the focused evaluation of the WHO clinical stage and tuberculosis co-infection at baseline with continuous adherence monitoring. © 2020 Sibhat et al.

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