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While many models have been applied to real problems, the corresponding prediction accuracies are overall moderate or, in some cases, low, especially when dealing with larger SNs. The review also identified the most common issues associated with water quality modeling of SNs and based on these proposed several future research directions. These include the identification of appropriate data resolutions for the development of different SN models, the need and opportunity to develop hybrid SN models and the improvement of SN model transferability.Accurate estimations of gaseous emissions and carbon sequestration in wastewater processing are essential for the design, operation and planning of treatment infrastructure, particularly considering greenhouse gas reduction targets. In this study, we look at the interplay between biological productivity, hydrodynamics and evasion of carbon-based greenhouse gases (GHG) through diffusion and ebullition in order to provide direction for more accurate assessments of their emissions from waste stabilization ponds (WSPs). The ponds stratified in the day and mixed at night. Buoyancy flux contributed between 40 and 75% to turbulence in the water column during nocturnal cooling events, and the associated mixing lead to increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) concentrations by up to an order of magnitude in the surface. The onset of stratification and phytoplankton surface blooms, associated with high pH as well as low and variable CO2 partial pressure resulted in an overall reduction of CO2 efflux. Ebullition represented between 40 and 99% of the total CH4 efflux, and up to 95% of the integrated GHG release during wastewater treatment (in CO2 equivalents). Hydrodynamic conditions, diurnal variability and ebullition need to be accounted for reliable assessments of GHG emissions from WSPs. Our study is an important step towards gaining a deeper understanding in the functioning of these hot spots of carbon processing. The contribution of WSPs to atmospheric GHG budget is likely to increase with population growth unless their performance is improved in this regard.The presence of antibiotic resistance in wastewater sparked a great interest in investigating the inactivation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria by disinfecting agents. In this study, the inactivation kinetics of multidrug-resistant E. coli and enterococci by an emerging environmentally-friendly disinfectant, peracetic acid (PAA), in wastewater and phosphate buffer at pH 6.5 and pH 7.5, were characterized. It was demonstrated that the inactivation of the studied multidrug-resistant bacteria was governed by their exposure to PAA, i.e., integral of the PAA concentration over time (integral CT or ICT). Both regimes of the PAA inactivation of bacteria, i.e., initial resistance followed by a faster inactivation, were described well by an ICT-based Chick-Watson inactivation kinetic model. In wastewater at pH 7.5, the model-predicted ICT requirements showed that the multidrug-resistant enterococci were less susceptible to PAA than E. coli, e.g., to achieve a 3-log reduction, an ICT of 32.7 mg min/L and 23.4 mg min/L was needed, respectively. No regrowth of the studied bacteria was observed after 72 h from PAA disinfection at 25 ± 1 °C. Soluble constituents of wastewater decreased the PAA inactivation of both multidrug-resistant bacteria, i.e., higher inactivation was observed in phosphate buffer than wastewater at the same pH of 7.5. In phosphate buffer, a lower pH of 6.5 resulted in higher inactivation of multidrug-resistant E. coli compared with pH 7.5, but it did not affect the PAA inactivation of multidrug-resistant enterococci. A comparison with the most commonly used chemical disinfectant, chlorine, showed higher inactivation of both multidrug-resistant bacteria by chlorine and higher chlorine decay than PAA. The results of the present study may have implications in designing a PAA disinfection process, aiming at controlling antibiotic resistance, in terms of selecting a suitable fecal indicator and optimizing disinfectant dosing.Vivianite (Fe3(PO4)2⋅8H2O) is a potential phosphorus (P) recovery product from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). However, routine methods for quantification of vivianite bound P (vivianite-P) are needed to establish the link between vivianite formation and operating conditions, as current approaches require specialized instrumentation (Mössbauer or synchrotron). This study modified a conventional sequential P extraction protocol by insertion of an extraction step (0.2% 2,2'-bipyridine + 0.1 M KCl) targeting vivianite-P (Gu et al., Water Research, 2016, 103, 352-361). This protocol was tested on digested and dewatered sludge from two WWTPs, in which vivianite (molar FeP ratios of 1.0-1.6) was unambiguously identified by optical microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results showed that vivianite-P was separated from iron(III)-bound P (Fe(III)-P) in the sludge. Vivianite-P constituted about half of the total P (TP) in the sludge from a Fe dosing chemical P removal (CPR) WWTP, but only 16-26% of TP in the sludge from a WWTP using a combination of Fe dosing CPR and enhanced biological P removal (EBPR). The modified protocol revealed that Fe-bound P (Fe-P, i.e., vivianite-P + Fe(III)-P) was the dominant P fraction, in agreement with quantitative 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments. Moreover, it was shown that the conventional P extraction protocol underestimated the Fe-P content by 6-35%. The established protocol represents a reliable in-house analytical method that can distinguish and quantify vivianite-P and Fe(III)-P in sludge, i.e. facilitate optimized vivianite production at WWTPs.Wastewater-based disease surveillance is a promising approach for monitoring community outbreaks. Here we describe a nationwide campaign to monitor SARS-CoV-2 in the wastewater of 159 counties in 40 U.S. states, covering 13% of the U.S. population from February 18 to June 2, 2020. Out of 1,751 total samples analyzed, 846 samples were positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA, with overall viral concentrations declining from April to May. Wastewater viral titers were consistent with, and appeared to precede, clinical COVID-19 surveillance indicators, including daily new cases. Wastewater surveillance had a high detection rate (>80%) of SARS-CoV-2 when the daily incidence exceeded 13 per 100,000 people. Detection rates were positively associated with wastewater treatment plant catchment size. To our knowledge, this work represents the largest-scale wastewater-based SARS-CoV-2 monitoring campaign to date, encompassing a wide diversity of wastewater treatment facilities and geographic locations. Our findings demonstrate that a national wastewater-based approach to disease surveillance may be feasible and effective.The discovery of anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (Anammox) and, more recently, aerobic bacteria common in many natural and engineered systems that oxidize ammonia completely to nitrate (Comammox) have significantly altered our understanding of the global nitrogen cycle. A high affinity for ammonia (Km(app),NH3 ≈ 63nM) and oxygen place Comammox Nitrospira inopinata, the first described isolate, in the same trophic category as organisms such as some ammonia-oxidizing archaea. However, N. inopinata has a relatively low affinity for nitrite (Km,NO2 ≈ 449.2μM) suggesting it would be less competitive for nitrite than other nitrite-consuming aerobes and anaerobes. We examined the ecological relevance of the disparate substrate affinities by coupling it with the Anammox bacterium Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans. Synthetic communities of the two were established in hydrogel granules in which Comammox grew in the aerobic outer layer to provide Anammox with nitrite in the inner anoxic core to form dinitrogen gas. This spatial organization was confirmed with FISH imaging, supporting a mutualistic or commensal relationship. The functional significance of interspecies spatial organization was informed by the hydrogel encapsulation format, broadening our limited understanding of the interplay between these two species. The resulting low nitrate formation and the competitiveness of Comammox over other aerobic ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizers sets this ecological cooperation apart and points to potential biotechnological applications. Since nitrate is an undesirable product of wastewater treatment effluents, the Comammox-Anammox symbiosis may be of economic and ecological importance to reduce nitrogen contamination of receiving waters.Since the first outbreak of COVID-19, various interventions have been implemented to prevent the global spread of the virus. Using an agent-based model that describes the attributes and mobility of the Japanese population, the present research evaluates the effectiveness of mobility control, shortening of restaurants' opening hours, and working from home. Results show that early and severe mobility control that restricts 90% of domestic travel decreases the peak cases by 40%, compared to no intervention implementation. Mobility control that only limits movement to and from highly populated regions is as effective as nationwide travel restrictions. Furthermore, shortening of restaurants' opening hours is the most effective intervention in a state of emergency; it should be utilized even after the emergency. However, working from home has comparatively limited effects.The determinant role of the annulus fibrosus interlamellar zones in the intervertebral disc transversal and volumetric responses and hence on their corresponding three-dimensional conducts have been only revealed and appreciated recently. Their consideration in disc modeling strategies has been proven to be essential for the reproduction of correct local strain and displacement fields inside the disc especially in the unconstrained directions of the disc. In addition, these zones are known to be the starting areas of annulus fibrosus circumferential tears and disc delamination failure mode, which is often judged as one of the most dangerous disc failure modes that could evolve with time leading to disc hernia. For this latter reason, the main goal of the current contribution is to incorporate physically for the first time, the interlamellar zones, at the scale of a complete human lumbar intervertebral disc, in order to allow a correct local vision and replication of the different lamellar-interlamellar interakinetics and microstructure.

Recently, the rapid development of RNA-seq technologies has accelerated transcriptomics research. The accurate identification and quantification of transcripts based on RNA-seq data will facilitate the exploration of various potential biological mechanisms. However, due to the limitations of the current data analysis tools and RNA-seq technologies, full and accurate reconstruction of the transcriptome still faces many challenges.

We developed the adapted genetic algorithm (AGTAR) program, which can reliably assemble transcriptomes and estimate abundance based on RNA-seq data with or without genome annotation files. We defined a new concept, isoform junction abundance, to help enhance the accuracy of isoform identification and quantification. Isoform abundance and isoform junction abundance are estimated by an adapted genetic algorithm. The crossover and mutation probabilities of the algorithm can be adaptively adjusted to effectively prevent premature convergence. Both simulated and real data indicated that AGTAR's comprehensive ability to assemble transcripts is significantly superior to that achievable by the currently widely used tools with similar functions.

Autoři článku: Rutledgenoble6582 (Graversen Lindegaard)