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Previous studies assert that forming a cognitive strategy for countering perturbations is necessary for savings. We used novel experimental techniques to prevent the formation of a cognitive strategy during initial adaptation and found that savings still existed during relearning. Our findings suggest that savings in sensorimotor adaptation do not exclusively depend on forming and recalling an explicit strategy.Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate the clinical treatment effect on oral venous lakes (OVL) treated with neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (NdYAG) laser or a combination of erbium-yttrium aluminum garnet (ErYAG) laser. Patients and methods Between June 2015 and March 2017, nine patients, suffering from OVL in the mandibular regions, were treated with NdYAG laser or combination of NdYAG laser and ErYAG laser in our department. The NdYAG laser was mainly performed for the treatment of nine initial lesions. The preset parameters were as follows average power of 5 W, frequency of 100 Hz, microshort pulse (MSP), tip size of 300 μm, spot size of 3 mm, irradiation distance of 3-4 mm, and speed of 1-2 mm/s, sequential treatment. The power density at work was 57 W/cm2. If postoperative scars occurred after the NdYAG treatment, the ErYAG laser was used. The parameters were set as follows power of 3.75 W, energy of 150 mJ, frequency of 25 Hz, very long pulse (VLP), tip size of 0.6 mm, 40% water, and 60% gas. The patients were followed up for 4-8 weeks. The therapeutic results were graded on a 4-point scale system. Adverse effects after laser treatment were evaluated and managed accordingly. Results With single NdYAG laser, the therapeutic outcome was excellent in seven patients (77.8%) and good in two patients (22.2%). Scar tissue was encountered in two patients 2 weeks after NdYAG laser therapy, and then ErYAG laser was used for the scar removal. No mucosal necrosis was found in any of the patients. Conclusions The NdYAG laser or combined with ErYAG laser was an effective and safe treatment for patients with OVL in the mandibular region.Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive and fatal neurodegenerative disorder with enormous palliative care (PC) needs that begin at the time of diagnosis. check details Although it is an uncommon disease, clinicians who work in PC or hospice are likely to encounter ALS somewhat frequently given the needs of patients with ALS with regard to psychosocial support, symptom management, advance care planning (ACP), caregiver support, and end-of-life care. As such, PC clinicians should be familiar with the basic principles of ALS symptoms, treatments, disease course, and issues around ACP. This article, written by a team of neurologists and PC physicians, seeks to provide PC clinicians with tips to improve their comfort and skills caring for patients with ALS and their families.The home is a unique location in the life of humans and animals. In rats, home presents itself as a multi-compartmental space that involves integrating navigation through subspaces. Here we embedded the lab rat's home cage in the arena, while recording neurons in the animal's parasubiculum and medial entorhinal cortex, two brain areas encoding the animal's location and head direction. We found that head-direction signals were unaffected by home cage presence or translocation. Head direction cells remain globally stable and have similar properties inside and outside the embedded home. We did not observe egocentric bearing encoding of the home cage. However, grid cells were distorted in the presence of the home cage. While they did not globally remap, single firing fields were translocated towards the home. These effects appeared to be geometrical in nature rather than a home-specific distortion, and were not dependent on explicit behavioral use of the home cage during a hoarding task. Our work suggests that medial entorhinal cortex and parasubiculum do not remap after embedding the home, but local changes in grid cell activity over-represent the embedded space location and might contribute to navigation in complex environments.Separating neural signals from noise can improve brain-computer interface performance and stability. However, most algorithms for separating neural action potentials from noise are not suitable for use in real time and have shown mixed effects on decoding performance. With the goal of removing noise that impedes online decoding, we sought to automate the intuition of human spike-sorters to operate in real time with an easily tunable parameter governing the stringency with which spike waveforms are classified. We trained an artificial neural network with one hidden layer on neural waveforms that were hand-labeled as either spikes or noise. The network output was a likelihood metric for each waveform it classified, and we tuned the network's stringency by varying the minimum likelihood value for a waveform to be considered a spike. Using the network's labels to exclude noise waveforms, we decoded remembered target location during a memory-guided saccade task from electrode arrays implanted in prefrontal cortex of rhesus macaque monkeys. The network classified waveforms in real time, and its classifications were qualitatively similar to those of a human spike-sorter. Compared to decoding with threshold crossings, in most sessions we improved decoding performance by removing waveforms with low spike likelihood values. Furthermore, decoding with our network's classifications became more beneficial as time since array implantation increased. Our classifier serves as a feasible preprocessing step, with little risk of harm, that could be applied to both offline neural data analyses and online decoding.Generalizing newly learned movement patterns beyond the training context is challenging for most motor learning situations. Here we tested whether learning of a new physical property of the arm during self-initiated reaching generalizes to new arm configurations. Human participants performed a single-joint elbow reaching task and/or countered mechanical perturbations that created pure elbow motion with the shoulder joint free to rotate or locked by the manipulandum. With the shoulder free, we found activation of shoulder extensor muscles for pure elbow extension trials, appropriate for countering torques that arise at the shoulder due to forearm rotation. After locking the shoulder joint, we found a partial reduction in shoulder muscle activity, appropriate because locking the shoulder joint cancels the torques that arise at the shoulder due to forearm rotation. In our first three experiments, we tested whether and to what extent this partial reduction in shoulder muscle activity generalizes when reaching in different situations 1) different initial shoulder orientation, 2) different initial elbow orientation, and 3) different reach distance/speed.

Autoři článku: Russellwilliford7186 (McIntosh Nyholm)