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The mortality rate was 37.5% (

=3). A satisfactory clinical result (a deficit of 0-2 mRS scores) was achieved at discharge in one of 5 surviving patients.

Further studies of choosing the optimal surgical tactics for tandem occlusion of ICA and MCA, taking into account its effectiveness and safety, are need.

Further studies of choosing the optimal surgical tactics for tandem occlusion of ICA and MCA, taking into account its effectiveness and safety, are need.

In times when there is a growing interest in ready-to-eat food (RTEF), the presence of potentially pathogenic bacteria, including the toxigenic psychrotolerant bacilli from the B. cereus group, on this type of carrier may pose a real threat to the health of consumers. A significant part of RTEF is represented by vegetable products and food products made with them. The increased production of convenience foods has resulted in their international turnover growing. When coupled with a rising percentage of persons from risk groups (YOPI), including the elderly or immunocompromised, this may mean increased health risks posed by the so-called "novel pathogens", like the toxigenic psychrotolerant B. cereus sensu lato.

Food samples were analyzed for the presence and count of putative B. cereus according to the Polish Standard PN-EN ISO 79322005. All genetic analyses were conducted using a qualitative real-time PCR.

The presence of B. cereus sensu lato was confirmed in 130 out of the 192 samples of convenience fof temperatures and produce enterotoxins and enzymes with the characteristics of toxins, in ready-to-eat foods may pose a real threat to consumer health.

The analyses conducted in this study demonstrate that the psychrotolerant strains of B. cereus (including the toxigenic ones) are frequent microbiological contaminants of RTEF products offered in retail. The presence of emetic strains from the B. cereus group, which are able to grow in a wide range of temperatures and produce enterotoxins and enzymes with the characteristics of toxins, in ready-to-eat foods may pose a real threat to consumer health.

Owing to the scarcity of studies related to the use of soursop (Annona muricata L.) in the elaboration of craft beers, this study aimed to elaborate a soursop fruit beer using an artisanal method.

To determine the most favorable moment for the inclusion of the fruit, the soursop pulp was added experimentally in three stages of the process during the boiling of the wort (C01); on the 3rd day of fermentation (C02); during carbonation, with the use of soursop extract (C03). These treatments were submitted to a preliminary sensory evaluation and C02 was considered the best beer with regards to taste, color, aroma, formation and persistence of the head and clarity. Thus, C02 was evaluated with regards to its physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics.

The soursop fruit beer had the following characteristics density of 1,012; pH 3.62; SSC 6.5oBrix, alcohol content 4.3 ABV; bitterness 39.3 IBU; and color 7.15 EBC. The centesimal analysis indicated the following amounts ash 0.2 g/100 g, lipids 0.02 g/100 g, proteins 0.14 g/100 g and, among minerals, Ca and Na predominated in the beverage. The attributes evaluated in the sensory analysis showed an acceptability index greater than 70%, and 74% of the tasters indicated that they would probably buy the beer.

It was possible to produce a fruit beer with the addition of soursop pulp during fermentation which ensured the permanence of the sensory characteristics of the fruit.

It was possible to produce a fruit beer with the addition of soursop pulp during fermentation which ensured the permanence of the sensory characteristics of the fruit.

Omega fatty acids are a family of polyunsaturated fats associated with several health benefits. Lipases are enzymes with potential application in several food processes such as flavor and aroma, surfactants and formulations for the dairy and bakery industries. In this study, single cell oil and lipase production by Candida viswanathii CCR8137 were evaluated simultaneously from renewable carbon sources under nitrogen limitation.

Enzyme and single cell oil were obtained in submerged cultivations supplemented with triolein, tributyrin, corn oil, sunflower oil, canola oil and olive oil. The effects of glucose on lipid accumulation, fatty acid profile, enzyme production and cell morphology were also evaluated.

The highest lipid accumulation (44.5%, w/w) was obtained from triolein, whereas olive oil was the best inducer of lipase synthesis (26.8 U/mL). Nitrogen limiting cultivations were a key parameter for an organic source which showed higher lipid accumulation and enzyme production than the tested inorganic nitrogen source. Glucose was a poor inducer of lipase synthesis, though increased values of lipid accumulation were observed from this carbon source with a maximum of 63.1% (w/w). The fatty acid profile of lipids produced by C. viswanathii CCR8137 showed a high content of omega-9 fatty acid (C181 n-9). The addition of glucose to the culture media resulted in the synthesis of essential fatty acids vaccenic, linolenic and eicosadienoic acids.

Therefore, C. viswanathii CCR8137 strain can be considered as an oleaginous yeast able to accumulate high concentrations of intracellular lipids, which are potential additives for food industry applications as well as being able to simultaneously synthesize high yields of lipase.

Therefore, C. viswanathii CCR8137 strain can be considered as an oleaginous yeast able to accumulate high concentrations of intracellular lipids, which are potential additives for food industry applications as well as being able to simultaneously synthesize high yields of lipase.

Strawberry by-products were explored as sources of anthocyanins for the extraction of natural colorants in the development of new value-added products for the food industry. For this purpose, the stability of strawberry anthocyanin extracts was evaluated for color and total anthocyanin content. The anthocyanins were encapsulated with inulin to protect them from processing at high temperatures and exposure to light. Microcapsules were obtained by two drying processes (spray and freeze drying) in order to study their use as coloring ingredients for their use in the food industry.

Thermal (using the response surface methodology - RSM) and light stability tests were performed, simulating long-term processing and food storage. Antioxidant activity, total anthocyanin content and color analysis were quantified using several methods, and the microcapsules were characterized using scanning electron microscopy. Anthocyanins and their derivatives were identified by high resolution mass spectrometry.

The strawberryce for the development of anthocyanin microcapsules with inulin from strawberry by-products obtained by spray drying, resulting in stable natural colorants to be used as ingredients in the food industry.

The total annual amounts of food loss and waste represent approximately 30% of all food supplied for human consumption. Reducing this loss and waste is a challenge and valorizing this reduction requires more effort. The present study aimed to investigate the feasibility of replacing wheat flour (WF) with different levels of green pea waste flour (GPWF) to produce pound cake.

To prepare GPWF, green pea waste was dried at 65°C; the dried samples were pulverized and sieved through 50 mesh sieves. Six cake samples were prepared, wherein wheat flour was replaced with GPWF at the following levels 0 (control), 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%. Sensory evaluation was performed to determine the acceptability of various cake samples. Based on the results of the sensory evaluation, the acceptable replacement levels were determined and the effects of the GPWF-WF replacement level (10-30%) on the rheological behavior of cake batters and the quality characteristics of baked cakes were evaluated.

Cake samples incorporating GPWFained at GPWF-WF replacement ratios up to 20%, as they had sensorial, textural and appearance characteristics close to that of the control cake samples.

Biodegradable food packaging has improved in quality with recent research incorporating natural extracts for functionality purposes. This research aims to develop chitosan film with Chrysanthemum morifolium essential oil to improve the shelf life of fresh raw chicken and beef.

1.5% (w/v) chitosan films with Chrysanthemum morifolium essential oil (0% to 6% (v/v)) were produced through homogenization, the casting of a film solution in a petri dish and convection drying. The edible film was evaluated in terms of its physical (color, thickness, water vapor permeability), mechanical (puncture strength, tensile strength, elongation at break) and chemical properties (antioxidant assay, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)).

With an increasing concentration of Chrysanthemum morifolium in the chitosan film, the test values of physical properties such as tensile strength, puncture force, and elongation at break declined significantly. Entinostat molecular weight However, the thickness, water permeability, and color profile (L*, a* studies will be conducted on improving the tensile strength of the edible film to increase the feasibility of using it in the food industry. In addition, the microstructure and surface morphology of the edible film can be further determined.

This study demonstrated that the incorporation of 4% (v/v) Chrysanthemum morifolium extract into 1.5% (w/v) chitosan film extends the storage duration of raw meat products noticeably by reducing Staphylococcus aureus activity. Therefore, it increases the quality of the edible film as an environmentally friendly food packaging material so that it can act as a substitute for the use of plastic bags. Future studies will be conducted on improving the tensile strength of the edible film to increase the feasibility of using it in the food industry. In addition, the microstructure and surface morphology of the edible film can be further determined.

During competition season, races and games can be scheduled multiple times a week or even within 24 hours. This may interfere with macronutrient periodization, carbohydrate loading regimen, hydration status and nutrition. Most of the studies investigating the influence of diet on performance do not take into consideration that an athlete may need to perform closely spaced, repeated events. The study tested whether the fat-adaptation diet would improve performance on the consecutive day of interval exercise.

Nine healthy, male amateur athletes were randomly assigned to two diets in a single-blinded, crossover study. The fat-adaptation diet consisted of the first five days high-fat diet (2.62 g/kg/d carbohydrates, 2.23 g/kg/d fat). The day six and seven of the fat-adaptation diet consisted of 5.42 g/kg/d carbohydrates. The balanced carbohydrate diet consisted of a seven-day protocol involving consumption of 5.33 g/kg/d. On day seven of each diet protocol, subjects performed an interval treadmill test dependent on exhaustion. Blood glucose and lactate were measured before and immediately after exercise. The identical treadmill test was performed once again after 24 hours on the day eight of each diet.

There was a significant decrease in the total distance to exhaustion after the fat-adaptation diet (11.2 ±0.6 km vs 10.9 ±0.8 km), p < 0.05 with lactate being lower after exercise on the second day (6.2 ±0.8 mM) compared to the first day (7.4 ±0.9 mM). Glucose was elevated after exercise except on the second test day on the fat-adaptation diet (5.3 ±0.3 mmol/L).

Athletes perform better on the balanced carbohydrate diet than short fat-adaptation diet on the consecutive day of interval test.

Athletes perform better on the balanced carbohydrate diet than short fat-adaptation diet on the consecutive day of interval test.

Autoři článku: Rushbeasley8833 (Brantley Cassidy)