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SARS COV-2 is the cause of the current outbreak of COVID-19. The infection of SARS COV-2 causes changes in the gut-lung axis and the intestinal microbiota pro-inflammatory cytokines interaction which leads to the injury of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the symptoms of COVID-19 outside the respiratory system is a complaint in the GIT.

We present a COVID-19 case report that begins with a complaint of abdominal pain.

There was no previous suspicion of COVID-19, but after a radiological examination and SARS-COV2 positive PCR result, the patient was proven to be suffering from COVID-19.

After hospitalization in the ICU for about 14 days, a recovery occurred and the patient was able to go home in a very good clinical condition.

After hospitalization in the ICU for about 14 days, a recovery occurred and the patient was able to go home in a very good clinical condition.

Covid-19 has become pandemic in the World, including Indonesia. Our last study showed that HSF could serve as an immunomodulator. Using the exact search, we found that the most immuno-dominant SARS-COV2 epitope, namely A spike protein epitope, B envelope protein epitope, and C membrane protein epitope, we concise to be HF.

We used to post only control design study and mice as an animal model. The research divided mice into four groups, and the first group as control received PBS as a placebo. The second, three, and last four groups gave HF, HSN, and HFHSN (combine HF and HSN). All of the regiment enters the mouth with a special sonde to reach the gastrointestinal organ. We gave HF every week three times and HSN once a day. After administration regiments for a long three weeks, we sacrificed the mice. We evaluated cellular immune responses that are Th-2, Th-17, and NK cells. We check for humoral immune response, TGF-β,IL-17A, IL-4, IgG,IL-4, β-defensin, and s-IgA.

Highest profile cellular immunity HF, HSN, and HFHSN were NK cell, Th-2 and Th-17, and the last NK cell, respectively. After that which in humoral immunity, the domination response IgG and IL-4 were HF. But HSN and HFHSN dominated for s-IgA and β-defensin production. By using the study Bio-Informatica, we found HF.

If the results of this study are continued to the clinical trial level, it is necessary to recommend additional markers such as CTL (s-IgA and β-defensin in lung tissue)and CPE assay.

If the results of this study are continued to the clinical trial level, it is necessary to recommend additional markers such as CTL (s-IgA and β-defensin in lung tissue)and CPE assay.

Concern has been raised about DNA extraction from

due to its complex procedure. This study demonstrates a simple and fast DNA extraction method of mycobacterial genome to subsequent molecular investigation, such as Polymerization Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification, with species-specific primers and sequencing.

Total DNA was isolated from

cultured by using boil method. DNA was evaluated via measures of DNA quantity and quality (absorbance at 230, 260 and 280 nm), DNA integrity (electrophoresis). Molecular tests were tested namely PCR and sequencing.

The quality of DNA obtained is acceptable for PCR and sequencing analysis. These findings demonstrate that the method used is inexpensive and suitable for minimum infrastructure facilities.

The quality of DNA obtained is acceptable for PCR and sequencing analysis. These findings demonstrate that the method used is inexpensive and suitable for minimum infrastructure facilities.

HIV is a virus that is directed at destroying the human immune system thereby exposing the human body to the risk of been affected by other common illnesses and if it is not treated, it generates a more chronic illness called AIDS.

In this paper, we employed the fixed-point theory in developing the uniqueness and existence of a solution of fractional order HIV/AIDS model having Caputo-Fabrizio operator. This approach adopted in this work is not conventional when solving biological models by fractional derivatives.

The results showed that the model has two equilibrium points namely, disease-free, and endemic equilibrium points, respectively. We showed conditions necessitating the existence of the endemic equilibrium point and showed that the disease-free equilibrium point is locally asymptotically stable. We also tested the stability of our solution using the iterative Laplace transform method on our model which was also shown stable agreeing with the disease-free equilibrium.

Numerical simulations of d provide meaningful predictions. Finally, the result showed the advantage of using fractional order derivative in the analysis of the dynamics of HIV/AIDS over the classical case.The allelic polymorphism of the serotonin transporter's gene 5-HTTLPR is considered as one of the factors determining an individual genetic predisposition to the development of a wide range of affective disorders, including depression. Many studies have shown that the climatic and social conditions of people's life can have a significant impact on the connections of 5-HTTLPR with the risk of depression. The stop-signal paradigm (SSP) is an experimental method allowing evaluating an individual ability to the self-control of behavior in a changing environment. In the SSP experiment, a subject should either press one of several buttons quickly after the appearance of the target stimuli or suppress the already started movement if an inhibitory signal follows the target stimulus. The aim of this study is a research of associations between the allelic the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism and the individual scores of the personal anxiety level, as well as the behavioral and neurophysiological indicators of the ability to self-readiness potential recorded under the SSP conditions in the frontal and parietal-occipital cortical regions. Our data support the hypothesis that the S/S genotype of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism may be associated with more success in adapting to the climatic conditions connected with high life risk in comparison to L/L and L/S genotypes.Oligodendrocytes are one type of glial cells responsible for myelination and providing trophic support for axons in the central nervous system of vertebrates. Thanks to myelin, the speed of electrical-signal conduction increases several hundred-fold because myelin serves as a kind of electrical insulator of nerve f ibers and allows for quick saltatory conduction of action potentials through Ranvier nodes, which are devoid of myelin. Given that different parts of the central nervous system are myelinated at different stages of development and most regions contain both myelinated and unmyelinated axons, it is obvious that very precise mechanisms must exist to control the myelination of individual axons. As they go through the stages of specif ication and differentiation - from multipotent neuronal cells in the ventricular zone of the neural tube to mature myelinating oligodendrocytes as well as during migration along blood vessels to their destination - cells undergo dramatic changes in the pattern of gene exprF, CHD, INO80/SWR, and ISWI. In this review, we discuss the roles of these subunits of the different subfamilies at different stages of oligodendrogenesis.Combinatorial biology methods offer a good solution for targeting interactions of specif ic molecules by a high-throughput screening and are widely used for drug development, diagnostics, identif ication of novel monoclonal antibodies, search for linear peptide mimetics of discontinuous epitopes for the development of immunogens or vaccine components. Among all currently available techniques, phage display remains one of the most popular approaches. Despite being a fairly old method, phage display is still widely used for studying protein-protein, peptide-protein and DNA-protein interactions due to its relative simplicity and versatility. Phage display allows highly representative libraries of peptides, proteins or their fragments to be created. Each phage particle in a library displays peptides or proteins fused to its coat protein and simultaneously carries the DNA sequence encoding the displayed peptide/protein in its genome. The biopanning procedure allows isolation of specif ic clones for almost any targs. Finally, we summarize the studies aimed at identif ication of broadly neutralizing antibodies using various types of phage libraries.A terrible disease of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, develops in the areas of bends and branches of arteries, where the direction and modulus of the blood flow velocity vector change, and consequently so does the mechanical effect on endothelial cells in contact with the blood flow. The review focuses on topical research studies on the development of atherosclerosis - mechanobiochemical events that transform the proatherogenic mechanical stimulus of blood flow - low and low/oscillatory arterial wall shear stress in the chains of biochemical reactions in endothelial cells, leading to the expression of specific proteins that cause the progression of the pathological process. The stages of atherogenesis, systemic risk factors for atherogenesis and its important hemodynamic factor, low and low/oscillatory wall shear stress exerted by blood flow on the endothelial cells lining the arterial walls, have been described. The interactions of cell adhesion molecules responsible for the development of atherosclerosis under low and low/oscillating shear stress conditions have been demonstrated. The activation of the regulator of the expression of cell adhesion molecules, the transcription factor NF-κB, and the factors regulating its activation under these conditions have been described. Mechanosensitive signaling pathways leading to the expression of NF-κB in endothelial cells have been described. Studies of the mechanobiochemical signaling pathways and interactions involved in the progression of atherosclerosis provide valuable information for the development of approaches that delay or block the development of this disease. Key words atherogenesis; shear stress; transcription factor NF-κB; RelA expression; mechanosensitive receptors; cell adhesion molecules; signaling pathways; mechanotransduction.Spring bread wheat is the staple crop in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, a signif icant portion of which goes for export. Wheat breeding with a high level of zinc in wheat grain is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to address zinc def iciency in the diet. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the contribution of the factors 'location' and 'genotype' in the variability of zinc content in wheat grain, and to identify the best varieties as sources of this trait for breeding. The research on screening zinc content in the wheat grain of 49 spring bread wheat varieties from the Kazakhstan- Siberia Spring Wheat Trial (KASIB) nursery was carried out at 4 sites in Russia (Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk) and 2 sites in Kazakhstan (Karabalyk and Shortandy) in 2017-2018. The content of zinc in wheat grain was evaluated at the Ionomic Facility of University of Nottingham in the framework of the EU project European Plant Phenotyping Network-2020. The analysis of variance showed that the maern Siberian region.Powdery mildew caused by the parasitic fungus Blumeria graminis (DC.) Golovin ex Speer f. sp. hordei Marchal is one of the most common diseases of barley. Growing resistant varieties can signif icantly minimize harmful effects of the pathogen. The specif icity in the interaction between the fungus and its host plant requires a continuous search for new donors of the resistance trait. The powdery mildew resistance of 264 barley accessions from Dagestan and genetic control of the trait in resistant forms were studied under f ield and laboratory conditions. Forty-seven barley lines carrying previously identif ied powdery mildew resistance genes were also examined. During three years, the experimental material was evaluated under severe infection pressure at the Dagestan Experiment Station of VIR (North Caucasus, Derbent). Juvenile resistance against the Northwest (St. Petersburg, Pushkin) pathogen population was evaluated in a climatic chamber. The genetic control of B. graminis resistance in the selected accessions was studied with the application of hybridological and molecular analyses. The level of genetic diversity of Dagestan barley for effective resistance to powdery mildew is very low. Only two accessions, VIR-23787 and VIR-28212, are resistant against B. graminis at both seedling and adult plant stages. The high-level resistance of breeding line VIR-28212 originating from barley landrace VIR-17554 (Ep-80 Abyssinien) from Ethiopia is controlled by the recessive gene mlo11. Accession VIR-17554 is heterogeneous for the studied trait, with the powdery mildew resistant genotypes belonging to two varieties, dupliatrum (an awnless phenotype) and nigrinudum (an awned phenotype). In accession VIR-23787, a recessive resistance gene distinct from the mlo11 allele was identif ied. This accession is supposed to be protected by a new, effective pathogen resistance gene.Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is an economically important and widely cultivated vegetable crop that is consumed both fresh and processed. The nutritional value of tomato fruits is related to the content of carotenoids, polyphenols, sugars, organic acids, minerals and vitamins. Currently, there is a growing interest in the qualitative and quantitative increase in the content of health-promoting compounds in tomato fruits. VIR Lycopersicon (Tourn.) Mill. genetic resources collection includes 7678 accessions of one cultivated and nine wild species, which in turn provides ample opportunities for searching for information on the variability of the content of biologically active substances and searching for sources with a high content of them in the gene pool. Our work presents the results of the study of 70 accessions of cultivated and wild tomato on the main biochemical characteristics the content of dry matter, ascorbic acid, sugars, carotenoids, chlorophylls and anthocyanins. As the basis for the selell b and anthocyanins (r = 0.47, p ≤ 0.05), the content of β-carotene (r = 0.26, p ≤ 0.05) and the content of monosaccharides (r = -0.29, p ≤ 0.05) has been noted. We have identif ied tomato accessions with a high content of individual chemical substances, as well as with a complex of traits that can be used as sources in breeding for a high content of dry matter, sugars, ascorbic acid, pigments and anthocyanins.Annexins as Ca2+/phospholipid-binding proteins are involved in the control of many biological processes essential for plant growth and development. In a previous study, we had shown, using a proteomic approach, that the synthesis of two annexins is induced in pea roots in response to rhizobial inoculation. In this study, phylogenetic analysis identif ied these annexins as PsAnn4 and PsAnn8 based on their homology with annexins from other legumes. The modeling approach allowed us to estimate the structural features of these annexins that might inf luence their functional activity. To verify the functions of these annexins, we performed comparative proteomic analysis, experiments with calcium inf lux inhibitors, and localization of labeled proteins. Essential down-regulation of PsAnn4 synthesis in a non-nodulating pea mutant P56 (sym10) suggests an involvement of this annexin in the rhizobial symbiosis. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that PsAnn4 was upregulated at the early stages of symbiosis development, starting from 1-3 days after inoculation to up to 5 days after inoculation, while experiments with the Ca2+ channel blocker LaCl3 revealed its negative inf luence on this expression. To follow the PsAnn4 protein localization in plant cells, it was fused to the f luorophores such as red f luorescent protein (RFP) and yellow f luorescent protein (YFP) and expressed under the transcriptional regulation of the 35S promoter in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves by inf iltration with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The localization of PsAnn4 in the cell wall or plasma membrane of plant cells may indicate its participation in membrane modif ication or ion transport. Our results suggest that PsAnn4 may play an important role during the early stages of pea-rhizobial symbiosis development.At all stages of f lowering, a decisive role is played by the family of MADS-domain transcription factors, the combinatorial action of which is described by the ABCDE-model of f lower development. The current volume of data suggests a high conservatism of ABCDE genes in angiosperms. The E-proteins SEPALLATA are the central hub of the MADS-complexes, which determine the identity of the f loral organs. The only representative of the SEPALLATA3 clade in tomato Solanum lycopersicum L., SlMADS5, is involved in determining the identity of petals, stamens, and carpels; however, data on the functions of the gene are limited. The study was focused on the SlMADS5 functional characterization. Structural and phylogenetic analyses of SlMADS5 conf irmed its belonging to the SEP3 clade. An in silico expression analysis revealed the absence of gene transcripts in roots, leaves, and shoot apical meristem, and their presence in f lowers, fruits, and seeds at different stages of development. Two-hybrid analysis showed the abiliults obtained indicate the possible involvement of SlMADS5 in the regulation of f lower meristem development and the pathway of anthocyanin biosynthesis in petals.The Zabaikalskaya horse is an indigenous breed of horses from Siberia with diverse use. It is characterized by endurance and good adaptability to year-round herd maintenance in the harsh conditions of the Baikal steppes. To determine the genetic characteristics of the maternal lineage of the Zabaikalskaya horse breed based on mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms, we collected hair samples from 31 horses belonging to breeding farms in the Trans-Baikal Territory. Analysis of the 530 bp sequence of the mtDNA D-loop was performed using the maximum composite likelihood (MCL) model in combination with bootstrap analysis. When studying the polymorphism of the hypervariable region of the mtDNA D- loop in Zabaikalskaya horses, we identif ied 31 haplotypes representing 8 haplogroups B, C, G, H, L, M, Q and R according to modern classif ication. The sequenced fragment of the D-loop from nucleotide position 15471 to 16000 contained 17 polymorphic sites, mainly represented by the A→G, G→A and T→C transitions. The haplogroups Q (25.81 %), B (19.35 %), G (16.13 %) and H (12.90 %) were prevailing in the mtDNA structure of this breed. Genetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome of the Zabaikalskaya horse revealed a high level of diversity of haplotypes and haplogroups, which are typical for the horse populations of Eurasia.Prognosis of neuropsychiatric disorders in progeny requires consideration of individual (1) parent-of-origin effects (POEs) relying on (2) the nerve cell nuclear 3D chromatin architecture and (3) impact of parent-specific miRNAs. Additionally, the shaping of cognitive phenotypes in parents depends on both learning acquisition and forgetting, or memory erasure. These processes are independent and controlled by different signal cascades the first is cAMPdependent, the second relies on actin remodeling by small GTPase Rac1 - LIMK1 (LIM-kinase 1). Simple experimental model systems such as Drosophila help probe the causes and consequences leading to human neurocognitive pathologies. Recently, we have developed a Drosophila model for Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) a mutant agnts3 of the agnostic locus (X11AB) harboring the dlimk1 gene. The agnts3 mutation drastically increases the frequency of ectopic contacts (FEC) in specific regions of intercalary heterochromatin, suppresses learning/memory and affects locomotion. As is shown in this study, the polytene X chromosome bands in reciprocal hybrids between agnts3 and the wild type strain Berlin are heterogeneous in modes of FEC regulation depending either on maternal or paternal gene origin. Bioinformatic analysis reveals that FEC between X11AB and the other X chromosome bands correlates with the occurrence of short (~30 bp) identical DNA fragments partly homologous to Drosophila 372-bp satellite DNA repeat. Although learning acquisition in a conditioned courtship suppression paradigm is similar in hybrids, the middle-term memory formation shows patroclinic inheritance. Seemingly, this depends on changes in miR-974 expression. Several parameters of locomotion demonstrate heterosis. Our data indicate that the agnts3 locus is capable of trans-regulating gene activity via POEs on the chromatin nuclear organization, thereby affecting behavior.The insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling (IIS) pathway is one of the key elements in an organism's response to unfavourable conditions. The deep homology of this pathway and its evolutionary conservative role in controlling the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism make it possible to use Drosophila melanogaster for studying its functioning. To identify the properties of interaction of two key IIS pathway components under heat stress in D. melanogaster (the forkhead box O transcription factor (dfoxo) and insulin-like peptide 6 (dilp6), which intermediates the dfoxo signal sent from the fat body to the insulin-producing cells of the brain where DILPs1-5 are synthesized), we analysed the expression of the genes dilp6, dfoxo and insulin-like receptor gene (dInR) in females of strains carrying the hypomorphic mutation dilp6 41and hypofunctional mutation foxo BG01018. We found that neither mutation inf luenced dfoxo expression and its uprise under short-term heat stress, but both of them disrupted the stress rt not under heat stress.

The prothrombotic phenotype has been extensively described in patients with acute coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, potential long-term hemostatic abnormalities are unknown.

To evaluate the changes in routine hemostasis laboratory parameters and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) 6 months after COVID-19 intensive care unit (ICU) discharge in patients with and without venous thromboembolism (VTE) during admission.

Patients with COVID-19 of the Maastricht Intensive Care COVID cohort with tPA ROTEM measurement at ICU and 6-month follow-up were included. TPA ROTEM is a whole blood viscoelastic assay that illustrates both clot development and fibrinolysis due to simultaneous addition of tissue factor and tPA. Analyzed ROTEM parameters include clotting time, maximum clot firmness (MCF), lysis onset time (LOT), and lysis time (LT).

Twenty-two patients with COVID-19 were included and showed extensive hemostatic abnormalities before ICU discharge. TPA ROTEgulable or hypofibrinolytic profile was detected by tPA ROTEM. Nevertheless, increased D-dimer and fibrinogen concentrations persist up to 6 months in some patients, warranting further exploration of the role of hemostasis in long-term morbidity after hospital discharge.

Growing interest in measuring the cochlear duct length (CDL) has emerged, since it can influence the selection of cochlear implant electrodes. Currently the measurements are performed with ionized radiation imaging. Only a few studies have explored CDL measurements in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Therefore, the presented study aims to fill this gap by estimating CDL in MRI and comparing it with multislice computed tomography (CT).

Retrospective data analyses of 42 cochleae.

Tertiary care medical center.

Diameter (A value) and width (B value) of the cochlea were measured in HOROS software. The CDL and the 2-turn length were determined by the elliptic circular approximation (ECA). In addition, the CDL, the 2-turn length, and the angular length were determined via HOROS software by the multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) method.

CDL values were significantly shorter in MRI by MPR (

= 1.38 mm,

< .001) but not by ECA. Similar 2-turn length measurements were significantly lower in MRI by MPR (

= 1.67 mm) and ECA (

= 1.19 mm, both

< .001). In contrast, angular length was significantly higher in MRI (

= 26.79°,

< .001). When the values were set in relation to the frequencies of the cochlea, no clinically relevant differences were estimated (58 Hz at 28-mm CDL).

In the presented study, CDL was investigated in CT and MRI by using different approaches. Since no clinically relevant differences were found, diagnostics with radiation may be omitted prior to cochlear implantation; thus, a concept of radiation-free cochlear implantation could be established.

In the presented study, CDL was investigated in CT and MRI by using different approaches. Since no clinically relevant differences were found, diagnostics with radiation may be omitted prior to cochlear implantation; thus, a concept of radiation-free cochlear implantation could be established.

To evaluate whether frailty or age increases the risk of postoperative complications following cochlear implant (CI) surgery.

Retrospective cohort study.

Tertiary academic center.

An evaluation of all adult patients undergoing cochlear implantation between 2006 and 2020 was performed. The 5-item Modified Frailty Index (mFI-5, comprising preoperative history of pulmonary disease, heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, and partially/totally dependent functional status) was calculated for all patients included in analysis in addition to demographic characteristics. The primary outcome was postoperative complications following CI within a 3-month period. Major complications included myocardial infarction, bleeding, and cerebrospinal fluid leak, among others. Predictors of postoperative complications were examined using multivariable logistic regression reporting odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs.

There were 520 patients included for review with a median age of 68 (range, 18-94) years and a slight male predolder, frail patients.

To characterize the quality and enjoyment of sound by cochlear implant (CI) recipients and identify predictors of these outcomes after cochlear implantation.

Cross-sectional study.

A tertiary care hospital.

Surveys based on the Hearing Implant Sound Quality Index were sent to all patients who received a CI at a tertiary care hospital from 2000 to 2019. Survey questions prompted CI recipients to characterize enjoyment and quality of voices, music, and various sounds.

Of the 339 surveys, 60 (17.7%) were returned with complete data. CI recipients had a mean ± SD age of 62.5 ± 17.4 years with a mean 8.0 ± 6.1 years since CI surgery. Older current age and age at implantation significantly predicted lower current sound quality (

< .05) and sound enjoyment (

< .05), as well as worsening of sound quality (

< .05) and sound enjoyment (

< .05) over time. Greater length of implantation was associated with higher reported quality and enjoyment (

= 0.4,

< .001;

= 0.4,

< .05), as well as improvement of sound quality (

= 0.3,

< .05) but not sound enjoyment over time.

Recipients who had CIs for a longer period had improved quality of sound perception, suggesting a degree of adaptation. However, CI recipients with implantation at an older age reported poorer sound quality and enjoyment as well as worsening sound quality and enjoyment over time, indicating that age-related changes influence outcomes of cochlear implantation.

Recipients who had CIs for a longer period had improved quality of sound perception, suggesting a degree of adaptation. However, CI recipients with implantation at an older age reported poorer sound quality and enjoyment as well as worsening sound quality and enjoyment over time, indicating that age-related changes influence outcomes of cochlear implantation.Women are at higher risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compared to men, yet little is known about the biological contributors to this sex difference. One possible mechanism is differential immunological and neuroendocrine responses to traumatic stress exposure. In the current prospective study, we aimed to identify whether sex is indirectly associated with the probability of developing nonremitting PTSD through pro-inflammatory markers and whether steroid hormone concentrations influence this effect. Female (n = 179) and male (n = 197) trauma survivors were recruited from an emergency department and completed clinical assessment within 24 h and blood samples within ∼three hours of trauma exposure. Pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1 β , TNF, IFNγ), and steroid hormone (estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, cortisol) concentrations were quantified in plasma. Compared to men, women had a higher probability of developing nonremitting PTSD after trauma (p = 0.04), had lower pro-inflammatol levels in the aftermath of trauma exposure.We present fully general-relativistic numerical evolutions of self-gravitating tori around spinning black holes with dimensionless spin a/M = 0.7 parallel or antiparallel to the disk angular momentum. The initial disks are unstable to the hydrodynamic Papaloizou-Pringle instability which causes them to grow persistent orbiting matter clumps. The effect of black hole spin on the growth and saturation of the instability is assessed. We find that the instability behaves similarly to prior simulations with nonspinning black holes, with a shift in frequency due to spin-induced changes in disk orbital period. Copious gravitational waves are generated by these systems, and we analyze their detectability by current and future gravitational wave observatories for a large range of masses. We find that systems of 10 M ⊙-relevant for black hole-neutron star mergers-are detectable by Cosmic Explorer out to ~300 Mpc, while DECIGO (LISA) will be able to detect systems of 1000 M ⊙ (105 M ⊙)-relevant for disks forming in collapsing supermassive stars-out to cosmological redshift of z ~ 5 (z ~ 1). Computing the accretion rate of these systems we find that these systems may also be promising sources of coincident electromagnetic signals.Black hole-neutron star (BHNS) mergers are thought to be sources of gravitational waves (GWs) with coincident electromagnetic (EM) counterparts. To further probe whether these systems are viable progenitors of short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs) and kilonovas, and how one may use (the lack of) EM counterparts associated with LIGO/Virgo candidate BHNS GW events to sharpen parameter estimation, we study the impact of neutron star spin in BHNS mergers. Using dynamical spacetime magnetohydrodynamic simulations of BHNSs initially on a quasicircular orbit, we survey configurations that differ in the BH spin (a BH/M BH = 0 and 0.75), the NS spin (a NS/M NS = -0.17, 0, 0.23, and 0.33), and the binary mass ratio (q = M BHM NS = 31 and 51). The general trend we find is that increasing the NS prograde spin increases both the rest mass of the accretion disk onto the remnant black hole, and the rest mass of dynamically ejected matter. By a time Δt ~ 3500-5500M ~ 88-138(M NS/1.4 M ⊙) ms after the peak gravitational-wave amplitude, a magnetically driven jet is launched only for q = 31 regardless of the initial NS spin. The lifetime of the jets [Δt ~ 0.5-0.8(M NS/1.4 M ⊙) s] and their outgoing Poynting luminosity [L Poyn ~ 1051.5±0.5 erg/s] are consistent with typical SGRBs' luminosities and expectations from the Blandford-Znajek mechanism. By the time we terminate our simulations, we do not observe either an outflow or a large-scale magnetic-field collimation for the other systems we consider. The mass range of dynamically ejected matter is 10-4.5-10-2(M NS/1.4 M ⊙) M ⊙, which can power kilonovas with peak bolometric luminosities L knova ~ 1040-1041.4 erg/s with rise times ≲6.5 h and potentially detectable by the LSST.Dexterous motor control requires feedback from proprioceptors, internal mechanosensory neurons that sense the body's position and movement. An outstanding question in neuroscience is how diverse proprioceptive feedback signals contribute to flexible motor control. Genetic tools now enable targeted recording and perturbation of proprioceptive neurons in behaving animals; however, these experiments can be challenging to interpret, due to the tight coupling of proprioception and motor control. Here, we argue that understanding the role of proprioceptive feedback in controlling behavior will be aided by the development of multiscale models of sensorimotor loops. We review current phenomenological and structural models for proprioceptor encoding and discuss how they may be integrated with existing models of posture, movement, and body state estimation.

Conventional rehabilitation is known to improve walking ability after stoke, but its effectiveness is often limited. Recent studies have shown that gait training combining conventional rehabilitation and robotic devices in stroke patients provides better results than conventional rehabilitation alone, suggesting that gait training with a robotic device may lead to further improvements in the walking ability recovered by conventional rehabilitation. Therefore, the aim of this report was to highlight the changes in kinematic and electromyographic data recorded during walking before and after gait training with the Honda Walking Assist Device

(HWAT) in a male patient whose walking speed had reached a recovery plateau under conventional rehabilitation.

The patient was a 42-year-old man with severe hemiplegia caused by right putaminal hemorrhage. He underwent conventional rehabilitation for 20 weeks following the onset of stroke, after which his walking speed reached a recovery plateau. Subsequently, we adde this improvement represented a noticeable enhancement in the quality of life in relation to mobility in the community. Further clinical trials are needed to confirm the results of the present case study.

Few studies have evaluated paediatric dermatological conditions and their associated factors that warrant admission at the emergency department.

The main objective of this study was to present the demographic information of paediatric dermatological conditions encountered in the emergency department and identify possible associated factors for hospital admission.

This retrospective cross-sectional study included paediatric patients who visited the emergency department between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2019. Data collection was performed using an authorised electronic medical records programme at Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.

A total of 40 683 paediatric patients visited the emergency department during the study period, with 1701 cases presenting dermatological conditions. Infections were the most frequent conditions encountered in the emergency department (647, 38.0%), followed by urticaria/anaphylaxis (478, 28.1%), eczematous diseases (463, 27.2%), cut should always look for specific cutaneous signs of drug eruptions, such as target-like lesions and mucosal involvement in Steven-Johnsons syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis to prevent misdiagnosis of this dermatological condition.

The present study found that the majority of patients with cutaneous conditions visiting the emergency department were non-urgent; however, dermatological emergencies exist and should not be underestimated. Younger paediatric patients presenting with dermatological condition is a population with a high risk for hospital admission. Cutaneous drug eruptions showed the highest proportion of hospital admissions compared with other dermatological categories. Therefore, physicians in the emergency department should always look for specific cutaneous signs of drug eruptions, such as target-like lesions and mucosal involvement in Steven-Johnsons syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis to prevent misdiagnosis of this dermatological condition.

To determine a 10-year trend of survival, morbidities and care practices, and predictors of in-hospital mortality in very preterm neonates (VPTN, gestation 22 to <32 weeks) in the Malaysian National Neonatal Registry.

Retrospective cohort study.

43 Malaysian neonatal intensive care units.

29 010 VPTN (without major malformations) admitted between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2018.

Care practices, survival, admission hypothermia (AH, <36.5°C), late-onset sepsis (LOS), pneumothorax, necrotising enterocolitis grade 2 or 3 (NEC), severe intraventricular haemorrhage (sIVH, grade 3 or 4) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).

During this 10-year period, there was increased use of antenatal steroid (ANS), lower segment caesarean section (LSCS) and early continuous positive airway pressure (eCPAP); but decreased use of surfactant therapy. Survival had increased from 72% to -83.9%. The following morbidities had decreased LOS (from 27.9% to 7.1%), pneumothorax (from 6.0% to 2.7%), NEC (from 8.1% to 4.7%) and sIVH (from 12.2% to 7.5%). However, moderately severe AH (32.0°C-35.9°C) and BPD had increased. Multiple logistic regression analyses showed that lower birth weight, no ANS, no LSCS, admission to neonatal intensive care unit with <100 VPTN admissions/year, no surfactant therapy, no eCPAP, moderate and severe AH, LOS, pneumothorax, NEC and sIVH were significant predictors of mortality.

Survival and major morbidities had improved modestly. Failure to use ANS, LSCS, eCPAP and surfactant therapy, and failure to prevent AH and LOS increased risk of mortality.

Survival and major morbidities had improved modestly. Failure to use ANS, LSCS, eCPAP and surfactant therapy, and failure to prevent AH and LOS increased risk of mortality.

The Sexual Knowledge Picture Instrument (SKPI) is a child-friendly picture book that was developed as a diagnostic tool for sexual abuse in young children and is currently being validated. The aim of the current study was to explore the verbal and non-verbal reactions of non-abused Dutch children, aged 3-9 years, to the SKPI and to assess differences in reactions between genders and age groups.

Subject recruitment took place at preschools and primary schools. All children underwent a recorded video semi-structured interview with the SKPI. Interview recordings were scored by an independent rater who used scoring lists for verbal and non-verbal reactions. Non-parametric tests were used in statistical analyses.

Of the 90 children (median age 5 years) participating in the study, most correctly named the genitals and their non-sexual functions. Only 34 showed an understanding of the picture depicting adult sexuality, with just one child describing a sexual function. Girls (n=45) gave more correct answers (median 87%) than boys (n=45, median 78%; p=0.006). Giggling was the most frequently observed non-verbal reaction, with a total of 186 instances in 54 children.

Non-abused children up to 9 years of age showed only limited knowledge of the sexual function of the genitals and hardly any insight into adult sexuality.

Non-abused children up to 9 years of age showed only limited knowledge of the sexual function of the genitals and hardly any insight into adult sexuality.

Neonatal mortality, often due to birth asphyxia, remains stubbornly high in sub-Saharan Africa. Guidelines for neonatal resuscitation, where achieving adequate positive pressure ventilation (PPV) is key, have been implemented in low-resource settings. However, the actual clinical practices of neonatal resuscitation have rarely been examined in these settings. The primary aim of this prospective observational study was to detail the cumulative proportion of time with ventilation during the first minute on the resuscitation table of neonates needing PPV at the Mulago National Referral Hospital in Kampala, Uganda.

From November 2015 to January 2016, resuscitations of non-breathing neonates by birth attendants were video-recorded using motion sensor cameras. The resuscitation practices were analysed using the application NeoTapAS and compared between those taking place in the labour ward and those in theatre through Fisher's exact test and Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

From 141 recorded resuscitations, 99 were included for analysis. The time to initiation of PPV was 66 (42-102) s overall, and there was minimal PPV during the first minute in both groups with 0 (0-10) s and 0 (0-12) s of PPV, respectively. After initiating PPV the overall duration of interruptions during the first minute was 28 (18-37) s. Majority of interruptions were caused by stimulation (28%), unknown reasons (25%) and suction (22%).

Our findings show a low adherence to standard resuscitation practices in 2015-2016. This emphasises the need for continuous educational efforts and investments in staff and adequate resources to increase the quality of clinical neonatal resuscitation practices in low-resource settings.

Our findings show a low adherence to standard resuscitation practices in 2015-2016. This emphasises the need for continuous educational efforts and investments in staff and adequate resources to increase the quality of clinical neonatal resuscitation practices in low-resource settings.

There is a paucity of evidence about traumatic injuries and their sequelae sustained due to equestrian injuries nationally.

Retrospective study analyzing National Trauma Data Bank data from 2007 to 2016. Variables collected included age, sex, race, payer status, Injury Severity Score (ISS), hospital length of stay, Glasgow Coma Scale, systolic blood pressure (SBP) at presentation, discharge disposition, and mortality. Patient data were analyzed by anatomic region.

The most frequent type of injury was in the thorax, but head and neck injuries produced the highest mortality. Increased ISS and an SBP of less than 90 mm Hg were also significant predictors of mortality.

The risk of hospital admission from equestrian injuries is higher than football, motor vehicle racing, and skiing. Preventive measures and campaigns should be instituted to highlight safety practices and the use of personal protective equipment while on horseback either for sports, leisure, or work.

Level IV. Retrospective study.

Level IV. Retrospective study.The software Treemix has become extensively used to estimate the number of migration events, or edges (m), on population trees from genome-wide allele frequency data. However, the appropriate number of edges to include remains unclear. Here, I show that an optimal value of m can be inferred from the second-order rate of change in likelihood (Δm) across incremental values of m. Repurposed from its original use to estimate the number of population clusters in the software Structure (ΔK), I show using simulated populations that Δm performs equally as well as current recommendations for Treemix. A demonstration of an empirical dataset from domestic dogs indicates that this method may be preferable in large, complex population histories and can prioritize migration events for subsequent investigation. The method has been implemented in a freely available R package called "OptM" and as a web application (https// to interface directly with the output files of Treemix.

Renal fibrosis (RF) is a common clinical condition leading to irreversible renal function loss. Tyrosine kinase proteins and microRNAs (miRs) are associated with pathogenesis and we aim to investigate the role of Fer and its partner miR(s) in RF.

reproduction of Mouse Kidney FibrOmics browser was performed to identify potential miR(s) and target gene(s).

validation was performed in C57BL/6 mice with unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO).

validation was performed in rat kidney fibroblast NRK-49F cells. Mimics and inhibitors of miR-29c-3p were constructed. The target gene Fer was monitored by RT-PCR and western blotting. The levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1β, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in serum and media were measured by ELISA.

The Fer expression and protein level were gradually increased during 14 days of UUO modeling. miR-29c-3p expression was strongly correlated with that of Fer.

validation showed increased expressions of fibrosis-associated genes and increased phospoho-Smad3 level in the UUO model. Fer-knockdown (KD) significantly decreased expressions of fibrosis-associated genes. Pharmaceutical inhibition of Fer showed similar effects to miR-29c-3p, and miR inhibition showed a significant decrease of excretion of inflammatory factors.

Dysregulation of miR-29c-3p and Fer plays a role in RF. Pharmaceutical or genetic inhibition of Fer may serve as the potential treatment for RF.

Dysregulation of miR-29c-3p and Fer plays a role in RF. Pharmaceutical or genetic inhibition of Fer may serve as the potential treatment for RF.Chondroblastoma is one of the uncommon benign bone tumors, particularly when located in the mandibular condyle. Such a location makes its diagnosis difficult when based on only its clinical presentation and radiographic features. Herein the current report presents a case of chondroblastoma of the mandibular condyle its clinical presentation, radiographic features, and immediate condylar reconstruction after resection. Additionally, the relevant literature is discussed to provide clinical recommendations for its diagnosis and treatment. Chondroblastoma has been reported so infrequently in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), more common entities should first be considered in the differential diagnosis of masses in this location. Osteochondroma is the most frequent bone neoplasm in the TMJ. Since a correct diagnosis is difficult, additional tools, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and immunohistochemical analyses, should be used for diagnostics and surgical planning.In various cancers, microRNAs (miRNAs) are abnormally expressed, including thyroid cancer (TC). In recent years, the incidence of TC has increased annually around the world. Compared with female patients, male TC patients are more likely to have a postoperative recurrence and lymph node metastasis, and hence need second treatments. However, the molecular biological processes underlying this phenomenon are not understood. Therefore, we collected data on miRNA expression and clinical information of male TC patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. Differentially expressed miRNAs were identified between male TC tissues and matched normal tissues. The Kaplan-Meier method, univariate and multivariate Cox regressions, and receiver operating characteristic curve analyses were performed to assess the association between miRNAs and the disease-free survival of male TC patients. Gene Ontology (GO) and the Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Gene and Genome (KEGG) enrichment analyses were then used to explore the functiThe main cause of steroid-induced necrosis of femoral head (SNFH) is excessive glucocorticoid (GC) intake. The aim of this article was to investigate the role of lncRNA NEAT1 as a molecular sponge to adsorb miR-23b-3p and regulate CYP1A2 in SNFH. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to localize lncRNA NEAT1. Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) were collected from patients with SNFH. The expression of lncRNA NEAT1, miR-23b-3p and CYP1A2 in hBMSCs were intervened. Compared to the control group, the lncRNA NEAT1 and CYP1A2 expression in the SNFH group was increased, while miR-23b-3p expression was decreased. GCs could inhibit the osteogenic differentiation of hBMSCs and upregulate the expression of lncRNA NEAT1. Knockdown of lncRNA NEAT1 could promote the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of hBMSCs in the SNFH group. Overexpression of miR-23b-3p could partially counteract the effect of lncRNA NEAT1 on hBMSCs. CYP1A2 was confirmed to be a target of miR-23b-3p. Overexpression of CYP1A2 could partially rescue the effect of miR-23b-3p overexpression on hBMSCs. In conclusion, lncRNA NEAT1 as a ceRNA can adsorb miR-23b-3p and promote the expression of CYP1A2, which then inhibits the osteogenic differentiation of hBMSCs and promotes the progress of SNFH.The first complete chloroplast (cp) genome of Narcissus 'Pink Charm' was sequenced and characterized using Illumina paired-end data. The assembled cp genome was 159,988 in length with a GC content of 37.82%. A total of 137 genes were annotated, consisting of 91 protein-coding genes, eight ribosomal RNA genes, and 38 transfer RNA genes. The phylogenetic position based on the cp genome data revealed that Narcissus 'Pink Charm' is more closely related to Narcissus poeticus than other relative species.Salix chienii W.C. Cheng (Salicaceae) is a dioecious small tree with high economic and medicinal value. In this study, we reported the complete chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of S. chienii by employing HiSeq sequencing and de novo assembly. The chloroplast genome of S. chienii is 155,672 bp in length, with a 36.60% GC content; it contains one large single copy (LSC), one small single copy (SSC) and two inverted repeat (IR) regions with lengths of 84,494, 16,330, and 27,424 bp, respectively. A total of 132 genes were predicted, including 85 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA genes, 8 rRNA genes and 2 pseudogenes. A maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree showed that S. chienii is closely related to S. wilsonii and S. triandra.The predatory stink bug Eocanthecona furcellata belongs to the subfamily Asopinae of Pentatomidae. In the current study, the complete mitochondrial genome of E. furcellata is determined. This mitogenome is 16,085 bp in size and comprises of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, and a control region. Gene order is identical to that of the putative ancestral arrangement of insects. Nucleotide composition is biased toward A and T, which together made up 75.5% of the entire genome. All tRNAs have the clover-leaf structure except for the tRNASer(AGN) and the length of them ranges from 61 to 73 bp. The monophyly of Pentatomidae is highly supported by the phylogenetic tree and E. furcellata is very close to other carnivorous species of the remaining Pentatomidae species.The peacock butterfly Aglais io (Linnaeus, 1758) (Nymphalidae Nymphalinae Nymphalini) is a colorful and charismatic flagship butterfly species whose range spans from the British Isles and Europe through temperate Asia and the Far East. In Europe, it has been used as a model species for studying the effects of GMO maize pollen on caterpillar growth and survivorship. The Japanese subspecies, Aglais io geisha (Stichel 1907), is not as well studied as its European counterpart. Genome skimming by Illumina sequencing allowed the assembly of a complete circular mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of 15,252 bp from A. io geisha consisting of 80.6% AT nucleotides, 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, two rRNAs, and a control region in the gene order typical of butterfly species. Aglais io geisha COX1 gene features an atypical start codon (CGA) while COX1, COX2, CYTB, ND1, ND3, ND4, and ND5 display incomplete stop codons finished by the addition of 3' A residues to the mRNA. Bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction places A. io geisha within a clade with European A.

Autoři článku: Ruizpark7602 (Ulrich Delaney)