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The substrate effect increased the accumulative carbon gain (ACG) during photosynthetic induction by 45.5% in rice and by 39.3% in wheat, whereas the acclimation effect decreased the ACG by 18.3% in rice but increased it by 7.5% in wheat. Thus, eCO2, either during growth or at measurement, enhances the dynamic photosynthetic carbon gain in both crop species. This indicates that photosynthetic carbon loss due to an induction limitation may be reduced in the future, under a high-CO2 world.Mildew and rust are the most devastating cereal pathogens, and in wheat they can cause up to 50% yield loss every year. Wheat lines containing resistance genes are used to effectively control fungal diseases, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction between wheat and its fungal pathogens are poorly understood. Here, we used RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) to compare the transcriptomic landscape of susceptible and resistant wheat lines to identify genes and pathways that are targeted by obligate biotrophic fungal pathogens. The five lines differed in the expression of thousands of genes under infection as well as control conditions. Generally, mixed infection with powdery mildew and leaf rust resulted in downregulation of numerous genes in susceptible lines. Interestingly, transcriptomic comparison between the nearly isogenic lines Thatcher and Thatcher-Lr34 identified 753 genes that are uniquely downregulated in the susceptible line upon infection. Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis, revealed the suppression of six major biochemical pathways, namely nuclear transport, alternative splicing, DNA damage response, ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis, phosphoinositol signaling, and photosynthesis. We conclude that powdery mildew and leaf rust evade the wheat defense system by suppression of programmed cell death (PCD) and responses to cellular damage. this website Considering the broad range of the induced changes, we propose that the pathogen targets "master regulators" at critical steps in the respective pathways. Identification of these wheat genes targeted by the pathogen could inspire new directions for future wheat breeding.Urdbean (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) is one of the important pulse crops. Its cultivation is not so popular during summer seasons because this crop is unable to withstand excessive heat stress beside lack of humidity in the atmosphere. Therefore, a panel of 97 urdbean diverse genotypes was assessed for yield under stress and non-stress conditions with an aim to identify heat tolerant genotypes. This study identified 8 highly heat tolerant and 35 highly heat sensitive genotypes based on heat susceptibility index. Further, physiological and biochemical traits-based characterization of a group of six highly heat sensitive and seven highly heat tolerant urdbean genotypes showed genotypic variability for leaf nitrogen balance index (NBI), chlorophyll (SPAD), epidermal flavnols, and anthocyanin contents under 42/25°C max/min temperature. Our results showed higher membrane stability index among heat tolerant genotypes compared to sensitive genotypes. Significant differences among genotypes for ETR at different levels of PAR irradiances and PAR × genotypes interactions indicated high photosynthetic ability of a few genotypes under heat stress. Further, the most highly sensitive genotype PKGU-1 showed a decrease in different fluorescence parameters indicating distortion of PS II. Consequently, reduction in the quantum yield of PS II was observed in a sensitive one as compared to a tolerant genotype. Fluorescence kinetics showed the delayed and fast quenching of Fm in highly heat sensitive (PKGU 1) and tolerant (UPU 85-86) genotypes, respectively. Moreover, tolerant genotype (UPU 85-86) had high antioxidant activities explaining their role for scavenging superoxide radicals (ROS) protecting delicate membranes from oxidative damage. Molecular characterization further pinpointed genetic differences between heat tolerant (UPU 85-86) and heat sensitive genotypes (PKGU 1). These findings will contribute to the breeding toward the development of heat tolerant cultivars in urdbean.Sugarcane is an economically important crop contributing to the sugar and ethanol production of the world with 80 and 40%, respectively. Despite its importance as the main crop for sugar production, the mechanisms involved in the regulation of sucrose accumulation in sugarcane culms are still poorly understood. The aim of this work was to compare the quantitative changes of proteins in juvenile and maturing internodes at three stages of plant development. Label-free shotgun proteomics was used for protein profiling and quantification in internodes 5 (I5) and 9 (I9) of 4-, 7-, and 10-month-old-plants (4M, 7M, and 10M, respectively). The I9/I5 ratio was used to assess the differences in the abundance of common proteins at each stage of internode development. I9 of 4M plants showed statistically significant increases in the abundance of several enzymes of the glycolytic pathway and proteoforms of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC). The changes in content of the enzymes were followed by major increases of proteins related to O2 transport like hemoglobin 2, ROS scavenging enzymes, and enzymes involved in the ascorbate/glutatione system. Besides, intermediates from tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) were reduced in I9-4M, indicating that the increase in abundance of several enzymes involved in glycolysis, pentose phosphate cycle, and TCA, might be responsible for higher metabolic flux, reducing its metabolites content. The results observed in I9-4M indicate that hypoxia might be the main cause of the increased flux of glycolysis and ethanolic fermentation to supply ATP and reducing power for plant growth, mitigating the reduction in mitochondrial respiration due to the low oxygen availability inside the culm. As the plant matured and sucrose accumulated to high levels in the culms, the proteins involved in glycolysis, ethanolic fermentation, and primary carbon metabolism were significantly reduced.Peel color is an important factor affecting commodity quality in vegetables; however, the genes controlling this trait remain unclear in wax gourd. Here, we used two F2 genetic segregation populations to explore the inheritance patterns and to clone the genes associated with green and white skin in wax gourd. The F2 and BC1 trait segregation ratios were 31 and 11, respectively, and the trait was controlled by nuclear genes. Bulked segregant analysis of both F2 plants revealed peaks on Chr5 exceeding the confidence interval. Additionally, 6,244 F2 plants were used to compress the candidate interval into a region of 179 Kb; one candidate gene, Bch05G003950 (BhAPRR2), encoding two-component response regulator-like protein Arabidopsis pseudo-response regulator2 (APRR2), which is involved in the regulation of peel color, was present in this interval. Two bases (GA) present in the coding sequence of BhAPRR2 in green-skinned wax gourd were absent from white-skinned wax gourd. The latter contained a frameshift mutation, a premature stop codon, and lacked 335 residues required for the protein functional region. The chlorophyll content and BhAPRR2 expression were significantly higher in green-skinned than in white-skinned wax gourd. Thus, BhAPRR2 may regulate the peel color of wax gourd. This study provides a theoretical foundation for further studies of the mechanism of gene regulation for the fruit peel color of wax gourd.Critical leaf nutrient concentrations have often been used to diagnose the nutritional status of crops. Determining critical leaf potassium (K) concentrations for the maximum root dry matter (RDM) will provide a reliable means of linking leaf K nutrient concentrations to the yield of sweet potato. Three field experiments, using varying K application rates (0-300 kg K ha-1) and two sweet potato cultivars, were performed in the Zhejiang Province of China. A new critical leaf K curve (Kleaf) based on the maximum RDM was determined to assess K nutrition in sweet potato and described by the equation K leaf = 4 . 55 × RD M max - 0 . 075 . A critical root K curve (Kroot) based on the maximum RDM was also determined to assess K nutrition and described by the equation K root = 2 . 36 × RD M max - 0 . 087 . The K nutrition index (KNI) was constructed to identify the situations of K-limiting and non-K-limiting treatments. The leaf KNI (KNIleaf) ranged from 0.56 to 1.17, and the root K KNI (KNIroot) ranged from 0.52 to 1.35 during the growth period of sweet potato. The results showed that the critical leaf K concentration curve can be used as an accurate leaf K status diagnostic tool at critical growth stages that connected leaf nutrient concentration and sweet potato tuber yield. This K curve will contribute to K management of sweet potato during its growth period in China.The Amaryllidaceae alkaloid galanthamine (Gal) in Lycoris longituba is a secondary metabolite that has been used to treat Alzheimer's disease. Plant secondary metabolism is affected by methyl jasmonate (MeJA) exposure, although the regulatory mechanisms of MeJA on L. longituba seedlings remains largely unknown. In the present study, 75, 150, and 300 μM MeJA were used as treatments on L. longituba seedlings for 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, while 0 μM MeJA was used as the control (MJ-0). The effect of exogenous MeJA on Gal synthesis in L. longituba was then investigated using transcriptomic sequencing and metabolite profiling via GC-MS and LC-MS analysis. Galanthamine (Gal), lycorine (Lyc), and lycoramine (Lycm) abundances were 2. 71-, 2. 01-, and 2.85-fold higher in 75 μM MeJA (MJ-75) treatment plants compared to MJ-0 treatment plants after 7 days of cultivation. Transcriptomic analysis further showed that MJ-75 treatment significantly induced the expression of norbelladine synthase (NBS) and norbelladine 4'-O-metholecular mechanisms underlying MeJA-mediated Gal biosynthesis in L. longituba.There is a need to develop new ways of protecting plants against aphid attack. Here, we investigated the effect of a plant defence activator, cis-jasmone (CJ), in a range of cultivars of Brassica napus, Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea. Plants were sprayed with cis-jasmone or blank formulation and then tested with peach potato aphids (Myzus persicae Sulzer) (Hemiptera Aphididae) and their parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh) (Hymenoptera Braconidae). CJ treated plants had significantly lower aphid settlement than control plants in a settlement bioassay. Conversely, in a foraging bioassay, D. rapae parasitoids spent a significantly longer time foraging on CJ treated plants. Our results reveal that CJ treatment makes plants less attractive to and less suitable for M. persicae but more attractive to D. rapae in a range of brassica cultivars. It is likely that these effects are due to changes in volatile emission indicating activation of defence and presence of conspecific competitors to aphids but presence of prey to parasitoids. Increases in volatile emission were found in CJ induced plants but varied with genotype. Among the synthetic volatile compounds that were induced in the headspace of CJ treated brassica cultivars, methyl isothiocyanate, methyl salicylate and cis-jasmone were most repellent to aphids. These results build on earlier studies in Arabidopsis and show that tritrophic interactions are influenced by CJ in a wide range of brassica germplasm. The implication is that CJ is a promising treatment that could be used in brassica crops as part of an integrated pest management system.

Autoři článku: Rowecamp8821 (Hertz Jespersen)