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Extracellular volume (ECV) predicts mortality in hemodialysis patients, but it is difficult to assess clinically. Peridialytic blood pressure (BP) measurements can help ECV assessment. Orthostatic BP is routinely measured clinically, but its association with ECV is unknown.

In a cohort of hypertensive hemodialysis patients, we measured posthemodialysis ECV/weight with bioimpedance spectroscopy and analyzed its association with post-HD orthostatic BP measurements obtained during routine care. Using linear and logistic regression, the primary outcomes were orthostatic BP change and orthostatic hypotension (OH) defined by systolic BP decrease of at least 20 mmHg or diastolic decrease of at least 10 mmHg. Model 1 controlled for sex, age, and diabetes. Model 2 additionally controlled for ultrafiltration rate and antihypertensive medications. We conducted sensitivity analysis using OH definition of systolic BP decrease of at least 30 mmHg.

Among 57 participants, mean orthostatic systolic BP change was -7.30 ( indicate ECV depletion.

Orthostatic systolic BP change after HD completion is not a reliable indicator of posthemodialysis ECV. When considering other factors associated with orthostatic BP, ECV/weight is not independently associated with OH. Although transient postdialytic differences in intravascular volume may be associated with OH, posthemodialysis OH does not necessarily indicate ECV depletion.Biallelic mutations in neuroblastoma amplified sequence gene (NBAS) is a rare disease which is characterized by recurrent liver failure (RALF). We reported the novel mutations, clinical characteristics and long-term outcomes of 5 patients with novel biallelic NBAS variants. Four patients (80%) had acute, episodic liver crises (LC) triggered by fever, with a median age of onset of 8.5 months. The median age in the last episode was 34 months. Median number of liver episodes was 4. The course of ALF was complicated by hepatic encephalopathy and hypoglycaemia in all patients with ALF. Navitoclax Two patients recovered with conservative treatment, 2 required liver transplantation (LT) and 1 died during the fourth episode. Long-term post-transplant follow-up showed normal liver function and histology. There is no hepatic or extrahepatic recurrence after LT. Non-transplanted patients exhibited fibrosis in either biopsy or elastography. Despite a reduction in the frequency of clinically significant episodes, patients may exhibit ongoing liver injury and fibrosis. An acute on chronic liver failure with predominant cholestasis can be an alternative presentation.

The cause of constipation is multifactorial and common problem for patients on hemodialysis. A lack of strong evidence on suitable treatment strategies means there is an unorganized approach to selecting therapies, which can exacerbate constipation or worsen symptoms. Clinicians and patients would benefit from a content and face validated treatment algorithm for treating constipation. In this study, our objective was to develop and content and face validate a constipation treatment toolkit for patients on hemodialysis, consisting of treatment algorithm, and patient information tools (pamphlet and video).

Literature searches were performed to develop an initial toolkit using Lynn's method for developing content-valid clinical tools. Content and face validity were evaluated as per Lynn's method for determining content validity; the algorithm was evaluated by Canadian nephrology clinicians, while patient information tools were evaluated by clinicians and patients. Components were rated on a Likert scale for iveness and implementation of this toolkit.A nitrogen-stabilized single-atom catalyst containing low-valence zinc atoms (Znδ+ -NC) is reported. It contains saturated four-coordinate (Zn-N4 ) and unsaturated three-coordinate (Zn-N3 ) sites. The latter makes Zn a low-valence state, as deduced from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, and density functional theory. Znδ+ -NC catalyzes electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO with near-unity selectivity in water at an overpotential as low as 310 mV. A current density up to 1 A cm-2 can be achieved together with high CO selectivity of >95 % using Znδ+ -NC in a flow cell. Calculations suggest that the unsaturated Zn-N3 could dramatically reduce the energy barrier by stabilizing the COOH* intermediate owing to the electron-rich environment of Zn. This work sheds light on the relationship among coordination number, valence state, and catalytic performance and achieves high current densities relevant for industrial applications.

The palato-radicular groove (PRG) is caused by a developmental anomaly, genetically determined, whereby an in-folding of the enamel organ and Hertwig's epithelial root sheath occurs. The depth and length of the groove determine the prognosis for the tooth. The interdisciplinary team formulated a treatment plan to save this tooth for this 8-year-old patient. The goal was to prolong the life of the tooth until his growth was completed and a more permanent tooth replacement could be considered if the tooth failed.

This patient had #8 with a very deep palatal groove extending from the CEJ to the apex of the tooth, causing a 12 mm periodontal pocket with suppuration. Endodontic treatment, periodontal regeneration, and orthodontics were done to prolong the life of the tooth and preserve the bone for future tooth replacement if the tooth failed and needed to be extracted. The tooth survived for 11 years before the pocketing recurred due to the deep groove. The tooth was extracted and replaced with an implant.

ld patient, has many advantages. It can simplify and enhance future treatment results. The patient retained this central incisor through the formative years. It simplified the orthodontic treatment and implant treatment. The importance of keeping "roots in the bone" to preserve the alveolar bone has many advantages for future treatment options.Invasive alien plants often influence pollinator visitation to native plants when sharing pollinator guilds. It is of conservation concern when the invasive alien plant is characterized by floral resources that attract pollinators, thereby reducing the reproductive success of native species. This is well studied for insects, but whether the same is true for bird pollinators is largely unknown. We address this by considering the impact of an invasive alien plant (Banksia speciosa) on visitation rates of nectar-feeding bird pollinators to native Protea compacta in the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa. We determined bird pollinator visitation rate to B. speciosa and P. compacta over 21 h of observation at three sites. We also quantified how visitation rate influenced reproductive success of both study species through different breeding experiments. Sugarbird visitation to P. compacta was significantly lower in the presence of B. speciosa, while there was no effect for sunbirds as they mostly avoided B. speciosa. Protea compacta had higher nectar volumes and sucrose per flower than B. speciosa. Sucrose per hectare was higher in all P. compacta plots compared to B. speciosa. Neither study species is pollen limited and they are self-compatible to some extent. But pollinator visitation enhanced seed production in both species. We show here that the invasive alien B. speciosa flowers attract sugarbirds - but not sunbirds - away from native P. compacta. The long-term effect of reduced pollinator visitation may reduce the fitness of P. compacta, but the long-term demographic impact is unknown and would require further study.Peptidyl asparaginyl ligases (PALs) are powerful tools for peptide macrocyclization. Herein, we report that a derivative of Asn, namely Nγ -hydroxyasparagine or Asn(OH), is an unnatural P1 substrate of PALs. By Asn(OH)-mediated cyclization, we prepared cyclic peptides as new matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2) inhibitors displaying the hydroxamic acid moiety of Asn(OH) as the key pharmacophore. The most potent cyclic peptide (Ki =2.8±0.5 nM) was built on the hyperstable tetracyclic scaffold of rhesus theta defensin-1. The Asn(OH) residue in the cyclized peptides can also be readily oxidized to Asp. By this approach, we synthesized several bioactive Asp-containing cyclic peptides (MCoTI-II, kB2, SFTI, and integrin-targeting RGD peptides) that are otherwise difficult targets for PAL-catalyzed cyclization owing to unfavorable kinetics of the P1-Asp substrates. This study demonstrates that substrate engineering is a useful strategy to expand the application of PAL ligation in the synthesis of therapeutic cyclic peptides.Synthetic routes to lithium, magnesium, and zinc aluminyl complexes are reported, allowing for the first structural characterization of an unsupported lithium-aluminium bond. Crystallographic and quantum-chemical studies are consistent with the presence of a highly polar Li-Al interaction, characterized by a low bond order and relatively little charge transfer from Al to Li. Comparison with magnesium and zinc aluminyl systems reveals changes to both the M-Al bond and the (NON)Al fragment (where NON=4,5-bis(2,6-diisopropylanilido)-2,7-di-tert-butyl-9,9-dimethylxanthene), consistent with a more covalent character, with the latter complex being shown to react with CO2 via a pathway that implies that the zinc centre acts as the nucleophilic partner.Inter-morph pollen transfer and its dependence on herkogamy and reciprocity are not completely understood in species with stigma-height dimorphism. We asked whether total stigmatic pollen loads, inter-morph fraction of pollen load and reproductive success differed between morphs in Jasminum malabaricum, a species exhibiting stigma-height dimorphism. We tested whether higher herkogamy and reciprocity resulted in higher inter-morph pollen deposition and reproductive success. We quantified individual-level estimates of herkogamy, reciprocity, total stigmatic pollen load, inter-morph stigmatic pollen fraction and fruit set for both morphs in naturally occurring populations of J. malabaricum. Total pollen load was higher in the long-styled morph, inter-morph pollen fraction was higher in the short-styled morph, but fruit set did not differ between morphs. Higher herkogamy resulted in a higher inter-morph fraction of pollen load and fruit set in the long-styled morph of one population. In the other population, only reciprocity was found to be related to inter-morph pollen deposition. This study is the first to quantify and report natural inter-morph stigmatic pollen load in a species with stigma-height dimorphism. Morph-specific differences in pollen load were similar to patterns commonly observed in heterostylous species. The results highlight the importance of both herkogamy and reciprocity in facilitating inter-morph pollen transfer. Population-specific patterns indicate that local environmental factors determine the relative functional importance of herkogamy and reciprocity.Cotton is an important fibre-producing crop. Cotton fibres consist of highly elongated trichomes derived from the ovule. To improve the quality of cotton, it is necessary to identify the genes regulating fibre development. GhMYB3 was identified through bioinfomatic analysis and introduced to Arabidopsis and cotton to observe the phenotype. Protein inteaction and promoter bingding assays were conducted to explore the role of GhMYB3 in trichome fibre growth. Cotton fibre development might share a similar regulatory mechanism to Arabidopsis leaf trichomes, which is determined by the essential regulatory complex, MYB-bHLH-WD40. The GL1-like R2R3 MYB transcription factor GhMYB3 interacts with the AtGL3 protein involved in Arabidopsis trichome development. Ectopic expression of GhMYB3 could rescue the glabrous phenotype of the Arabidopsis gl1 mutant and produced more ectopic trichomes on inflorescence stems and floral organs, confirming its orthologous function in plant trichome development. The expression of GhMYB3 increased in response to exogenous gibberellin (GA3 ), auxin (IAA) and methyl jasmonate (MeJA).

Autoři článku: Rothmckinney8570 (Melgaard Henry)