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To identify and analyze the biosocioeconomic profile associated with the occupation and education of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) from Brazil.

Analytical, quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional.

Sample composed of 618 Brazilian adults with SCI and access to the internet.

Community-based, Brazil.

An online form was developed and publicized on Brazilian social media to voluntarily register for participation in research. Pearson's Chi-squared test was used to analyze the association between categorical variables and the Kruskal Wallis test was used for comparisons and adjusted Odds Ratio with a 95% Confidence Interval.

Among the 618 participants, 68.9% were men, with mean age of 38.04 years (SD = 9.85); 58.7% were people with paraplegia and most injuries were traumatic (78.5%), most caused by road traffic accidents (40.8%) and weapons (17.5%). The majority were graduates or post-graduates (49.5%) and received an income of up to US$ 749.58 (55.1%); 70.9% of the participants were beneficiaries of social welfare (63.6%) or unemployed (7.3%). There was a reduction in the employment rate from 91.3% to 15.2% after SCI. An association was found between education and current occupation (P ≥ 0.001). Selleck Bulevirtide Participants with higher education had higher odds (7.48) to being employed relative to those with elementary education.

A serious employment situation after SCI was found, with high unemployment and dependence on social welfare. This shows the need for investment in public policies for the rehabilitation, focused on participation, return to the labor market, and ending dependence on social welfare.

A serious employment situation after SCI was found, with high unemployment and dependence on social welfare. This shows the need for investment in public policies for the rehabilitation, focused on participation, return to the labor market, and ending dependence on social welfare.

To analyze time trends in incidence, causes and risk factors for traumatic spinal cord injuries (TSCI) in Estonia between 1997-2007 and 2008-2018.

Retrospective, population-based cohort study.

Specialized trauma centres in Estonia.

Medical records of patients with TSCI from 1997 to 2018.


Demographical data, crude and age- and sex-adjusted incidence rates, causes of TSCI, level and extent of injury, associated injuries.

A total of 940 new patients with TSCI were identified for the period of 1997-2018. The average annual incidence rate (standardized to the Estonian population by age and sex in 2011) decreased significantly from 37.8 (95% confidence interval (CI) 34.6-41.1) in the first period (1997-2008) to 28.2 per million population (95% CI 25.3-31.0) during the second period (2008-2018) (incidence rate ratio 0.74 (95% CI 0.65-0.85), P < 0.0001). The decrease in incidence was most significant among young men. The mean age at injury increased from 38.7 (±16.7) years to 46.6 (±19.9) years, P < 0.0001. Falls were the leading cause of injury during both periods followed by traffic accidents and sports injuries. Still, traffic accidents as a cause of TSCI decreased significantly (from 30.5% to 20.6%, P = 0.001) and falls increased (from 39.9% to 59.5%, P < 0.0001) during the second period. Alcohol consumption prior to injury also decreased significantly from 66.0% to 55.1% (P = 0.006).

Estonia has become closer to other European countries regarding TSCI during the last decade; TSCI incidence has significantly decreased, the mean age at injury and the percentage of falls have increased.

Estonia has become closer to other European countries regarding TSCI during the last decade; TSCI incidence has significantly decreased, the mean age at injury and the percentage of falls have increased.Violence and microaggressions against the LGBTQ+ community from those outside of the community is commonly known and understood within academic literature. However, there is limited comprehensive knowledge about violence and microaggressions that occur within LGBTQ+ communities. This scoping review helps to fill this gap in knowledge, analyzing and synthesizing 18 research articles published in English language scholarly journals all of which have been published between 2010 and 2020. Online databases ProQuest, SAGE Journals, Google Scholar, Taylor and Francis Journals, Scopus, Informit, Project MUSE, PubMed, and EBSCOhost were utilized to search for existing literature on ingroup LGBTQ+ microaggression. The found literature focused on power dynamics within the LGBTQ+ community and how that power has enabled subgroups within the community to enact microaggression on one another. We found that ingroup microaggressions experienced by members of the LGBTQ+ community are a result of dominant norms that give certain groups power over another.

Level and non-level transfers are essential tasks of daily living for wheelchair users. Minimal research has examined the role of shoulder pain and fear of falling on transfer quality. The purpose of this study is to (1) examine the association between shoulder pain, fear of falling (FoF) and transfer quality and (2) explore the feasibility of assessing non-level transfers to-and-from the floor.

Cross-sectional design was used to explore shoulder pain, FoF, and transfer quality in 30 manual wheelchair users (aged 18-42; 15 males). Participant demographic information (age, sex, race, disability, and years using wheelchair), Spinal Cord Injury-Fall Concern Scale (SCI-FCS), and Wheelchair User Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI) was collected. Three types of transfers (1) level, (2) uphill, and (3) floor-to-table were graded by a trained researcher using the Transfer Assessment Instrument (TAI) 3.0. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine differences in transfer quality based on condition. Spearman correlation was used to determine associations between demographic data, WUSPI, SCI-FCS, and transfer quality scores.

All participants safely completed the uphill non-level transfer; 27 safely completed the floor-to-table non-level transfer. Statistical analysis revealed no difference in TAI score across transfer conditions. Spearman correlation revealed a significant correlation between WUSPI and SCI-FCS scores (

= .68, P

= .01) and WUSPI and uphill TAI scores (

= -.45, P

= .01).

Increases in shoulder pain are related to decreased uphill transfer quality and increased FoF. Non-level transfers to-and-from the floor are feasible within clinical or laboratory settings.

Increases in shoulder pain are related to decreased uphill transfer quality and increased FoF. Non-level transfers to-and-from the floor are feasible within clinical or laboratory settings.In this paper, we study the periodic and stable dynamics of an interactive wild and sterile mosquito population model with density-dependent survival probability. We find a release amount upper bound G∗, depending on the release waiting period T, such that the model has exactly two periodic solutions, with one stable and another unstable, provided that the release amount does not exceed G∗. A numerical example is also given to illustrate our results.Network data is composed of nodes and edges. Successful application of machine learning/deep learning algorithms on network data to make node classification and link prediction have been shown in the area of social networks through which highly customized suggestions are offered to social network users. Similarly one can attempt the use of machine learning/deep learning algorithms on biological network data to generate predictions of scientific usefulness. In the presented work, compound-drug target interaction network data set from bindingDB has been used to train deep learning neural network and a multi class classification has been implemented to classify PubChem compound queried by the user into class labels of PBD IDs. This way target interaction prediction for PubChem compounds is carried out using deep learning. The user is required to input the PubChem Compound ID (CID) of the compound the user wishes to gain information about its predicted biological activity and the tool outputs the RCSB PDB IDs of ompound2DeNovoDrugPropMax.HIGHLIGHTSDeep learning based network pharmacology approach to predict the bio-activity of compounds.Further optimization of the compound toward drug like properties using deep learning techniques.Automated in silico modeling and interaction profiling of deep learning predicted target protein-ligand interaction.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.Objectives Up to 40% of children who receive a medication from emergency medical services (EMS) are subject to a dosing error. One of the reasons for this is difficulties adjusting dosages for weight. Converting weights from pounds to kilograms complicates this further. This is the rationale for the National EMS Quality Alliance measure Pediatrics-03b, which measures the proportion of children with a weight documented in kilograms. However, there is little evidence that this practice is associated with lower rates of dosing errors. Therefore, our objective was to determine whether EMS documentation of weight in kilograms was associated with a lower rate of pediatric medication dosing errors.Methods We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study of children 0-14 y/o in the 2016-17 electronic Maryland Emergency Medical Services Data System that received a weight-based medication. Using validated age-based formulas, we assigned a weight to patients without one documented. Doses were classified as errors and h a small but significantly lower rate of pediatric dosing errors by EMS. Documenting a weight in kilograms appears particularly important for specific medications and patient age groups. Additional strategies (including age-based standardized dosing) may be needed to further reduce pediatric dosing errors by EMS.Understanding of product-soft tissue interface and related discomfort is essential while designing wearable devices. Although pressure thresholds at the perception of discomfort and pain have been measured in the past, associated tissue deformation is yet to be studied. This data can provide a holistic understanding of user discomfort and be a valuable reference for ergonomic product design. Hence, in the current study, tissue deformation at discomfort and pain threshold was measured using an ultrasound indentation device at 18 landmarks for 83 Chinese adults on the head and face. Results show that deformation was higher in the facial region than the scalp and forehead, with maximum deformation in the cheek area and minimum in the forehead region for both thresholds. Also, for most landmarks, the tissue deformation data showed no significant relationship with age and Body Mass Index (BMI). Nearly half of the landmarks exhibited significant gender-based differences. Overall, the measured data showed acceptable within-session and between-session reliability. Practitioner Summary In this study, tissue deformation was measured in different head regions for discomfort and pain thresholds, and corresponding deformation maps were developed. Measured tissue deformation data showed no significant relationship with BMI and age. This data can be a useful reference in the design, testing, and evaluation of headgears.

Autoři článku: Rossodonnell6570 (Nicholson Norton)