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The velocity overshooting effect becomes more pronounced as the molecular mass is increased. The mixture flow rate amplitude is larger, while its phase angle is smaller, than the corresponding ones of single gas, and they both vary nonmonotonically with the molar fraction. The effect of the mixture composition on the wall shear stress and pumping power is small. The present work may be useful in the design of gas separation devices, operating at moderate and high frequencies in rarefied and dense atmospheres.The counterintuitive phenomenon of coherence resonance describes a nonmonotonic behavior of the regularity of noise-induced oscillations in the excitable regime, leading to an optimal response in terms of regularity of the excited oscillations for an intermediate noise intensity. We study this phenomenon in populations of FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) neurons with different coupling architectures. For networks of FHN systems in an excitable regime, coherence resonance has been previously analyzed numerically. Here we focus on an analytical approach studying the mean-field limits of the globally and locally coupled populations. The mean-field limit refers to an averaged behavior of a complex network as the number of elements goes to infinity. We apply the mean-field approach to the globally coupled FHN network. Further, we derive a mean-field limit approximating the locally coupled FHN network with low noise intensities. We study the effects of the coupling strength and noise intensity on coherence resonance for both the network and the mean-field models. We compare the results of the mean-field and network frameworks and find good agreement in the globally coupled case, where the correspondence between the two approaches is sufficiently good to capture the emergence of coherence resonance, as well as of anticoherence resonance.The fluctuation-dissipation theorem connects equilibrium to mildly (linearly) perturbed situations in a thermodynamic manner It involves the observable of interest and the entropy production caused by the perturbation. We derive a relation which connects responses of arbitrary order in perturbation strength to correlations of entropy production of lower order, thereby extending the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to cases far from equilibrium in a thermodynamic way. The relation is validated and studied for a four-state model which is coarse-grained to a non-Markovian two-state model.We introduce a model of a quantum walk on a graph in which a particle jumps between neighboring nodes and interacts with independent spins sitting on the edges. Entanglement propagates with the walker. We apply this model to the case of a one-dimensional lattice to investigate its magnetic and entanglement properties. In the continuum limit, we recover a Landau-Lifshitz equation that describes the precession of spins. A rich dynamics is observed, with regimes of particle propagation and localization, together with spin oscillations and relaxation. Entanglement of the asymptotic states follows a volume law for most parameters (the coin rotation angle and the particle-spin coupling).Several recent experiments, including our own experiments in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, have characterized the motions of gene loci within living nuclei by measuring the locus position over time, then proceeding to obtain the statistical properties of this motion. To address the question of whether a population of such single-particle tracks, obtained from many different cells, corresponds to a single mode of diffusion, we derive theoretical equations describing the probability distribution of the displacement covariance, assuming the displacement itself is a zero-mean multivariate Gaussian random variable. We also determine the corresponding theoretical means, variances, and third central moments. Bolstering the theory is good agreement between its predictions and the results obtained for various simulated and measured data sets, including simulated particle trajectories undergoing simple and anomalous diffusion, and the measured trajectories of an optically trapped bead in water, and in a motion of gene loci in fission yeast is consistent with a single mode of diffusion.The Heider balance addresses three-body interactions with the assumption that triads are equally important in the dynamics of the network. In many networks, the relations do not have the same strength, so triads are differently weighted. Now, the question is how social networks evolve to reduce the number of unbalanced triangles when they are weighted? Are the results foreseeable based on what we have already learned from the unweighted balance? To find the solution, we consider a fully connected network in which triads are assigned with different random weights. Weights are coming from Gaussian probability distribution with mean μ and variance σ. We study this system in two regimes (I) the ratio of μ/σ≥1 corresponds to weak disorder (small variance) that triads' weight are approximately the same; (II) μ/σ less then 1 counts for strong disorder (big variance) and weights are remarkably diverse. Investigating the structural evolution of such a network is our intention. We see disorder plays a key role in determining the critical temperature of the system. Using the mean-field method to present an analytic solution for the system represents that the system undergoes a first-order phase transition. For weak disorder, our simulation results display the system reaches the global minimum as temperature decreases, whereas for the second regime, due to the diversity of weights, the system does not manage to reach the global minimum.We theoretically investigate the problem of diffusive target search and mean first passage times (MFPTs) of a tracer in a three-dimensional (3D) polymer network with a particular focus on the effects of combined one-dimensional (1D) diffusion along the polymer chains and 3D diffusion within the network. For this, we employ computer simulations as well as limiting theories of a single diffusive tracer searching for a spherical target fixed at a cross-link of a homogeneous 3D cubic lattice network. The free parameters are the target size, the ratio of the 1D and 3D friction constants, and the transition probabilities between bound and unbound states. For a very strongly bound tracer on the chains, the expected predominant set of 1D lattice diffusion (LD) is found. The MFPT in the LD process significantly depends on the target size, yielding two distinct scaling behaviors for target sizes smaller and larger than the network mesh size, respectively. In the limit of a pointlike target, the LD search becomes a random walk process on the lattice, which recovers the analytical solution for the MFPT previously reported by S.

Autoři článku: Rossfuglsang7186 (Mccormick Kilgore)