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The gut-brain axis is bidirectional, and gut microbiota influence brain disorders including Alzheimer's disease (AD). CCAAT/enhancer binding protein β/asparagine endopeptidase (C/EBPβ/AEP) signaling spatiotemporally mediates AD pathologies in the brain via cleaving both β-amyloid precursor protein and Tau. We show that gut dysbiosis occurs in 5xFAD mice, and is associated with escalation of the C/EBPβ/AEP pathway in the gut with age. Unlike that of aged wild-type mice, the microbiota of aged 3xTg mice accelerate AD pathology in young 3xTg mice, accompanied by active C/EBPβ/AEP signaling in the brain. Antibiotic treatment diminishes this signaling and attenuates amyloidogenic processes in 5xFAD, improving cognitive functions. The prebiotic R13 inhibits this pathway and suppresses amyloid aggregates in the gut. R13-induced Lactobacillus salivarius antagonizes the C/EBPβ/AEP axis, mitigating gut leakage and oxidative stress. Our findings support the hypothesis that C/EBPβ/AEP signaling is activated by gut dysbiosis, implicated in AD pathologies in the gut.Conventional thrombolytic drugs for vascular blockage such as tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) are challenged by the low bioavailability, off-target side effects and limited penetration in thrombi, leading to delayed recanalization. We hypothesize that these challenges can be addressed with the targeted and controlled delivery of thrombolytic drugs or precision drug delivery. A porous and magnetic microbubble platform is developed to formulate tPA. This system can maintain the tPA activity during circulation, be magnetically guided to the thrombi, and then remotely activated for drug release. ReACp53 datasheet The ultrasound stimulation also improves the drug penetration into thrombi. In a mouse model of venous thrombosis, the residual thrombus decreased by 67.5% when compared to conventional injection of tPA. The penetration of tPA by ultrasound was up to several hundred micrometers in thrombi. This strategy not only improves the therapeutic efficacy but also accelerates the lytic rate, enabling it to be promising in time-critical thrombolytic therapy.Van der Waals (VdW) materials have opened new directions in the study of low dimensional magnetism. A largely unexplored arena is the intrinsic tuning of VdW magnets toward new ground states. Chromium trihalides provided the first such example with a change of interlayer magnetic coupling emerging upon exfoliation. Here, we take a different approach to engineer previously unknown ground states, not by exfoliation, but by tuning the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) of the nonmagnetic ligand atoms (Cl, Br, I). We synthesize a three-halide series, CrCl3 - x - y Br x I y , and map their magnetic properties as a function of Cl, Br, and I content. The resulting triangular phase diagrams unveil a frustrated regime near CrCl3. First-principles calculations confirm that the frustration is driven by a competition between the chromium and halide SOCs. Furthermore, we reveal a field-induced change of interlayer coupling in the bulk of CrCl3 - x - y Br x I y crystals at the same field as in the exfoliation experiments.Microelectronic devices with reconfigurable three-dimensional (3D) microarchitecture that can be repetitively switched among different geometrical and/or working states have promising applications in widespread areas. Traditional approaches usually rely on stimulated deformations of active materials under external electric/magnetic fields, which could potentially introduce parasitic side effects and lower device performances. Development of a rational strategy that allows access to high-performance 3D microdevices with multiple stable geometric configurations remains challenging. We introduce a mechanically guided scheme to build geometrically reconfigurable 3D mesostructures through a bottom-up design strategy based on a class of elementary reconfigurable structures with the simplest ribbon geometries. Quantitative mechanics modeling of the structural reconfigurability allows for the development of phase diagrams and design maps. Demonstrations of ~30 reconfigurable mesostructures with diverse geometric topologies and characteristic dimensions illustrate the versatile applicability. The multimode nature enables customized distinct beamforming and discrete beam scanning using a single antenna capable of on-demand reconfiguration.Systemic antibodies targeting tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-17A (IL-17A) are effective in plaque psoriasis. Despite their popularity, safety concerns pose a challenge for systemic biologics. While anti-TNF-α and anti-IL-17A antibodies effectively inhibit respective proteins, we hypothesize that an approach based on local silencing of an upstream target such as NFKBIZ can be advantageous for treating psoriasis. However, effective delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) into the skin is a substantial hurdle due to skin's barrier function and poor stability of siRNA. Using ionic liquids as an enabling technology, we report on the effective delivery of NFKBIZ siRNA into the skin and its therapeutic efficacy in a psoriasis model. Treatment with IL-siRNA suppressed aberrant gene expression and resulted in down-regulation of psoriasis-related signals including TNF-α and IL-17A. These results provide a framework for a topical delivery platform for siRNA.We study how easy it is to distinguish influence operations from organic social media activity by assessing the performance of a platform-agnostic machine learning approach. Our method uses public activity to detect content that is part of coordinated influence operations based on human-interpretable features derived solely from content. We test this method on publicly available Twitter data on Chinese, Russian, and Venezuelan troll activity targeting the United States, as well as the Reddit dataset of Russian influence efforts. To assess how well content-based features distinguish these influence operations from random samples of general and political American users, we train and test classifiers on a monthly basis for each campaign across five prediction tasks. Content-based features perform well across period, country, platform, and prediction task. Industrialized production of influence campaign content leaves a distinctive signal in user-generated content that allows tracking of campaigns from month to month and across different accounts.

Autoři článku: Rossflanagan8141 (Bering West)