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is described and illustrated according to specimens collected in Amazonas State (north Brazil), bringing the full total wide range of Hydrodessus types to 33. The brand new species is distinguished from other species within the genus by body size and shape, coloration, and traits regarding the elytral carina, prosternal process, metaventral carina, and male genitalia. The male of H. latotibialis Miller, 2016 is described and illustrated when it comes to first time from specimens gathered in Pará State, north Brazil. Brand new records for 17 species from Brazil, French Guiana and Suriname are offered, and also the most recent existing key to species is updated to allow for the new taxon.An inventory of Lepidoptera in the Theniet El Had nationwide Park (PNTEH), Algeria, disclosed 86 taxa, both butterflies and moths. The specimens had been gathered in 68 localities distributed over ten cantons in the park when you look at the period 2015-2017. A preliminary faunistic list is compiled as a base-line share to the research of adult Lepidoptera in this playground. In total, 3139 specimens had been collected. The moths are clearly well diversified, with 14 families and 49 species gotten from an overall total of 1485 person specimens. The butterflies tend to be represented by 5 families with 37 species and 1654 specimens. An overall total of 8 households tend to be reported the very first time with this park, in order of abundance Zygaenidae, Hesperiidae, Crambidae, Alucitidae, Heterogynidae, Sesiidae, Oecophoridae, and Cossidae. Also 61 species tend to be recorded right here the very first time for the park. Probably the most diverse household is Nymphalidae with 15 taxa (23% regarding the total types). Having said that, the Erebidae tend to be represented by 894 specimens (28.5percent of this final number of specimens. In the Erebidae, the genus Catocala contains the highest range individuals (794 specimens). The canton of Pré-Ben Chouhra is quantitatively the greatest represented with 625 specimens (19.9% for the final number of specimens gathered) while the Nursery canton once the wealthiest in lepidopteran species with 72 types observed. The variety indices (H' and Hmax.) additionally the equitability index (E), calculated for the 10 cantons suggest iwr-1-endo inhibitor that lepidopteran species tend to be diverse in each station.Two new types of amphipods associated with the bioinvasive red coral Tubastraea coccinea from Todos-os-Santos Bay tend to be described. The bioinvasive sunshine red coral is known for competing with indigenous red coral species, which shelter a huge variety of associated fauna, especially amphipods. Leucothoe oxumae sp. nov. programs acute rostrum, antenna 1 about 1/4 of body length; gnathopod 1 carpochelate, propodus with 5 anterodistal sturdy setae; gnathopod 2 propodus fusiform, slightly serrated on palmar margin and posterodistal place of epimeral dish 3 produced and curved. Stenothoe ogumi sp. nov. is exclusive by showing a pronounced and evolved maxilliped inner dish, gnathopod 2 propodus palm pointed with somewhat undulated processes and two evolved people near hinge of dactylus and palmar margin beset with heavy edge of lengthy setae. Updated taxonomic secret to Leucothoe and Stenothoe types from Brazil are provided.A brand-new types of the genus Dendrelaphis is explained from Xishuangbanna, south Yunnan, China, according to molecular and morphological information. The newest species may be differentiated off their congeners by the following mixture of figures 1) surface colour of body bronze, a black postocular stripe extending on the neck only; 2) pale and dark ventrolateral stripe absent; 3) relatively indistinct transverse bands on the anterior element of lateral human body; 4) loreal single; 5) vertebral machines highly enlarged; 6) dorsal scale rows 15-15-11, all smooth; 7) ventrals 193-197, subcaudals 130-135, paired; 8) SVL/TOL ratio 0.292-0.301; 9) supralabials 9, 4th through 6th pressing the attention; 10) the outermost row of dorsal machines equivalent shade as various other dorsal scales; 11) retracted hemipenis extending to the 6-7th subcaudal machines. Based on molecular and morphological data, D. ngansonensis likely belongs into the D. cyanochloris complex. We further talked about D. cyanochloris complex from Tibet, Yunnan and Hainan, Asia. A key to Chinese types of Dendrelaphis is provided.Catomus aeolicus sp. nov. is described from the Aeolian archipelago (Sicily, Italy). This new species varies from one other European Catomus by having distinctly bent tibiae, longer antennae (especially in males), and strongly highlighted sexual dimorphism. The form for the aedeagus also seems diagnostic because of this new species.The genus Termitodiellus Nakane, 1961 is an associate of the tribe Rhyparini, including a few morphologically comparable genera. Members of Rhyparini may be easily recognized by their particular carinate dorsal area, elytral apex with bulbous projection bearing trichomes, hastate posterior prosternal process, and greatly decreased tibial spurs (Howden Storey 1992, 2000; Skelley 2007; Howden 1995; Pittino 2006).The information for the male associated with the species Quwatanabius chiaw (Smetana, 1995) is given to the first time, including a habitus image and illustrations of the aedeagus. A quick discussion regarding the endemic standing of Q. chiaw on the area of Taiwan, also extra Taiwanese material for the wide-spread Q. flavicornis (Sharp, 1889) tend to be also provided.The genus Ukamenia Oku (1981) ended up being suggested with Simaethis sapporensis Matsumura (1931) from Japan as its type species, which have been initially described in the family Choreutidae. Oku (1981) based this new genus on characters of S. sapporensis that were typical of Tortricidae rather than Choreutidae, particularly the naked haustellum (scaled in Choreutidae), among other figures varying amongst the two people, such as for example wing venation, mind morphology, and genital form.

Autoři článku: Rossenkudsk3562 (James Garza)