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Combination of the processes is more effective in harmful compounds removal. Considering the increasing trends in soymilk consumption, this review is focused on introduction of harmful compounds in soymilk and investigating the effects of processing condition on their concentration.The present study aimed to characterize the phenotypic diversity of agronomical and biochemical fruit quality traits in four early peach cultivars. The sensibility to chilling injury symptoms (CI) was studied after two cold storage periods (2 and 4 weeks) at 5 ºC and 95% relative humidity (RH) followed by 2 days at room temperature. Agronomical attributes such as fruit weight, firmness, soluble solids content (SSC), pH, titratable acidity (TA) and color parameters were recorded. Antioxidant compounds such as anthocyanins, flavonoids, total phenolics, vitamin C and relative antioxidant capacity (RAC) were evaluated. Chilling injury symptoms such as mealiness, graininess, flesh browning, flesh bleeding, leatheriness and off-flavor were analyzed. Results revealed high antioxidant compounds in peel regarding to flesh fruit. The antioxidant compounds content in both peel and pulp decreased during cold storage except anthocyanins which exhibited different pattern. After 2 weeks of storage, fruits presented high SSC and low score of chilling injury symptoms. At the end of the trial, the studied cultivars were unacceptable for consumption due to the severity of CI. PCA analysis showed that the cultivars Plagold 5 and Plagold 10 had less sensibility to chilling injury.


) causes spoilage in salad dressings due to its tolerance to osmotic pressure. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of organic acids and storage temperatures (4, 10, and 25°C) on

growth and salad dressing mechanical properties. Acetic, lactic, and gluconic acids were used alone and in combination to acidify salad dressing.

-challenged formulations containing acetic acid alone tended to have lower counts of

when compared to

-challenged formulations containing other acid combinations. Overall, storage temperature had the most impact on

growth over a 45-day storage. Acidulant type and combination impacted salad dressing mechanical properties. During the 45-day storage period, all formulations showed increased viscosity, a Herschel-Bulkley viscosity profile, and elastic-dominant viscoelastic behavior. The degree of change in rheological behaviors over time was dependent on the type of acid used in the formulation.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-022-05459-4.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-022-05459-4.Oligosaccharides are low molecular weight carbohydrates with a wide range of health benefits due to their excellent bio-preservative and prebiotic properties. The popularity of functional oligosaccharides among modern consumers has resulted in impressive market demand. Organoleptic and prebiotic properties of starch-derived oligosaccharides are advantageous to food quality and health. The extensive health benefits of oligosaccharides offered their applications in the food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetic industry. Maltooligosaccharides and isomaltooligosaccharides comprise 2-10 glucose units linked by α-1-4 and α-1-6 glycoside bonds, respectively. Conventional biocatalyst-based oligosaccharides processes are often multi-steps, consisting of starch gelatinization, hydrolysis and transglycosylation. With higher production costs and processing times, the current demand cannot meet on a large-scale production. As a result, innovative and efficient production technology for oligosaccharides synthesis holds paramount importance. Malto-oligosaccharide forming amylase (EC is one of the key enzymes with a dual catalytic function used to produce oligosaccharides. Interestingly, Malto-oligosaccharide forming amylase catalyzes glycosidic bond for its transglycosylation to its inheritance hydrolysis and alternative biocatalyst to the multistep technology. Genetic engineering and reaction optimization enhances the production of oligosaccharides. The development of innovative and cost-effective technologies at competitive prices becomes a national priority.

Irradiation effect on the physico-chemical characteristics and shelf stability of pointed gourd was investigated in research. It was estimated that moisture content, total phenol and total carotenoids was significantly (p≤0.05) decreased while physiological loss in weight, total soluble solids, lutein and α-cryptoxanthin were increased during the completion of study. The three carotenoid pigments (β-carotene, lutein, α-cryptoxanthin) were identified by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and spectrophotometric method and its changes reported during storage in control and irradiated sample. The principal component analysis showed that b* value, Physiological Loss Weight (PLW), adhesiveness and acidity have negative correlation with rest of the parameters during storage. The research will present a progressive strategy for increasing the storage stability of pointed gourd during transportation and storage in India's government and private mandis.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-022-05395-3.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-022-05395-3.

Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass Spectrometry (REIMS) is a type of ambient ionization mass spectrometry, which enables real-time evaluation of several complex traits from a single measurement. The objective of this study was to evaluate the capability of REIMS analysis of raw samples coupled with chemometrics to accurately identify and predict cooked beef palatability. REIMS analysis and consumer sensory evaluation were conducted for beef arm center roasts (n = 20), top loin steaks (n = 20), top sirloin steaks (n = 20), and 20% lipid ground beef (n = 20). These data were used to train predictive models for six classification sets representing different sensory traits. The maximum prediction accuracies achieved (from high to low) beefy flavor acceptance (86.25%), juiciness acceptance (83.75%), overall acceptance (81.25%), overall flavor acceptance (81.25%), grilled flavor acceptance (78.75%), and tenderness acceptance (75%). The current study demonstrates that REIMS analysis of raw meat has the potential to predict and classify cooked beef palatability.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-022-05562-6.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-022-05562-6.Microbial and zinc concentration changes in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) mince, fortified with zinc oxide nano particle during storage for 18 days at 4 ±  1 °C were investigated. During the present study the samples treated with ZnO nano particles T4 (60 ppm) and T5 (80 ppm) were recorded to have the lowest (p  less then  0.05) Total Plate Count (TPC) figures among all the treatments suggesting a significant antimicrobial effect of ZnO nano partials. The control sample without fortification did not meet the daily requirement of Zn for an adult. The T1 (inorganic ZnO @ 20 ppm) samples meet the dietary requirements till 3 days of storage where, sample T3, T4, T5 and T6 (ZnO nano particles @ 40 ppm, 60 ppm, 80 ppm and 100 ppm respectively) provides enough Zn till 6 days under storage at 4 ± 1 °C and in certain cases it is more than the dietary requirement of 10-15 mg/day for an adult individual. In the present study Zn concentration was significantly (p  less then  0.05) decreased in control. Hence, the intake of tilapia mince of these treatments may be adjusted accordingly to provide dietary Zn. Fortification of tilapia mince with Zn will not only improve the shelf life of the mince but also prove to be a good food fortification strategy to eradicate Zn deficiency.Formulation of plant-based food ingredients rich in nutrients is becoming a viable intervention to enhance food security. In this study, a novel soy-moringa beverage was produced using two processing methods. Method I involved blending soymilk and moringa juice, whereas method II dealt with the co-grinding of soymilk together with blanched moringa leaves. The proximate and mineral compositions, pH, total dissolved solids, and viscosity of the soy-moringa beverages were carefully analysed using standard methods. The results showed different nutritional compositions in the soy-moringa beverages formulated. Moreover, method II was found to be the most effective technique to process the soy-moringa beverage. Hence, the proximate compositions were observed to increase significantly (p  less then  0.05) with an increase in moringa leaves. The amounts of protein, fat, ash, fibre and carbohydrates increased by 49.77%, 8.59%, 84.85%, 85.71%, and 114.56%, respectively with the increase of moringa leaves. The concentrations of β-carotene, iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, and potassium presented an increasing trend by 147%, 40%, 284%, 30%, 12% and 190%, respectively as moringa leaves increase. The quantitative data on nutritional values and physicochemical properties suggested that the soy-moringa beverages produced with 30 and 40% moringa leaves under method II could be suitable to address undernutrition for vulnerable people.

Protein hydrolysates (P-HS) from edible bird's nest co-product prepared without and with ultrasound (US) pretreatment in combination with heating before hydrolysis using alcalase at different concentrations were characterized. US treatment of co-product in water at 60% amplitude for 20min, followed by heating at 95°C for 3h was done before enzymatic hydrolysis. The degree of hydrolysis (DH), yield and sialic acid (SL) content of P-HS samples were not different (

 0.05) when 1 or 2% alcalase was used for hydrolysis. The highest protein content and lightness (

) were observed in P-HS prepared from co-product subjected to US treatment (60% amplitude for 20min) using 1% alcalase for hydrolysis. When antioxidant activities of dried P-HS were determined, P-HS from co-product subjected to US treatment had higher DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities, ferrous reducing antioxidant power and oxygen radical absorbance capacity, compared to those prepared from non-US treated co-product. P-HS with higher DH contained greater amount of small peptides having MW lower than 1,883 Da. The P-HS produced under optimum condition had major essential amino acids (EA-A) including leucine, threonine, lysine and valine of 4.28, 3.53, 3.30 and 3.08%, respectively. Muvalaplin Therefore, P-HS from co-product could serve as both nutrients and functional ingredients.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-022-05420-5.

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13197-022-05420-5.The pre-treated sweet corn samples were dried at temperatures of 55, 60, 65 and 70 °C and thin layer drying characteristics of sweet corn were assessed. Mathematical models were fitted and evaluated using R2, χ2, RMSE values. The effective diffusivities for the drying process were 4.32 × 10-10 to 1.08 × 10-9 m2/s and activation energies were 34.51 to 38.99 kJ/mol. Total sugar and ascorbic acid of dehydrated sweet corn kernels varied from 5.50 to 13.00 g/100 g and 3.30 to 10.50 mg/100 g respectively. The sample pre-treated with microwave blanching and dried at 70 °C obtained higher sensory score after rehydration, indicating suitability of the dehydrated sweet corn.

Autoři článku: Rosenthalhauser4912 (Levin McManus)