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The conformational state of adsorbed human plasma fibrinogen (HPF) has been recognized as the determinant factor in platelet adhesion and thrombus formation on blood-contacting biomaterials. Studies have highlighted the ability to control the HPF conformation merely by tailoring surface nanotopographical features. However, a clear relationship between the conformational changes of adsorbed HPF and the degree of platelet adhesion and activation achieved with different surface nanotopographies is still unclear. Here, we examined HPF assembly characteristics on nanostructured polybutene-1 (PB-1) surfaces with nanosized lamellar crystals (LCs), needle-like crystals (NLCs), and a nanostructured high-density polyethylene (HDPE) surface with shish-kebab crystals (SKCs), at a biologically relevant HPF concentration. By exposing the nanostructured surfaces with preadsorbed HPF to human platelets, significant differences in platelet response on LCs/SKCs and NLCs were identified. The former presented a uniform monolayer in the advanced stage of activation, whereas the latter exhibited minimal adhesion and the early stage of activation. Distinct platelet response was related to the postadsorption conformational changes in HPF, which were confirmed by topography-dependent shifts of the amide I band in attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) analysis. Supported by atomic force microscopy (AFM) characterization, we propose that the mechanism behind the nanotopography-induced HPF conformation is driven by the interplay between the aspect ratios of polymeric crystals and HPF. From the biomedical perspective, our work reveals that surface structuring in a nanoscale size regime can provide a fine-tuning mechanism to manipulate HPF conformation, which can be exploited for the design of thromboresistant biomaterials surfaces.

Recent observations linked coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) tothromboembolic complications possibly mediated by increased blood coagulability and inflammatory endothelial impairment. We aimed to define the risk of acute stroke in patients with severe and non-severe COVID-19.

We performed an observational, multicenter cohort study in four participating hospitals in Saxony, Germany to characterize consecutive patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 who experienced acute stroke during hospitalization. Furthermore, we conducted a systematic review using PubMed/MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library and bibliographies of identified papers following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines including data from observational studies of acute stroke in COVID-19 patients. Data were extracted by two independent reviewers and pooled with multicenter data to calculate risk ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for acute stroke related to COVID-19 severity using a rady and previously published cohorts indicates that severity of COVID-19 is associated with an increased risk of acute stroke.

Cognitive behavioural analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) is an effective individual treatment for persistent depressive disorder (PDD), but evidence on group treatment (Group-CBASP) is limited. Our aim was to review the effect of Group-CBASP on self-report depression severity in outpatients with PDD, overall and by age of depression-onset.

A retrospective chart review study (November 2011-March 2017) in 54 patients with PDD (29 late-onset, 25 early-onset). Patients were previously treated by pharmacotherapy (92.6%), psychotherapy (98.1%) and/or electroconvulsive therapy (11.1%). Group-CBASP involved 24 weekly sessions during 6months, followed by individual appointments over 6months. The Inventory of Depressive Symptoms -self rating(IDS-SR) was used at baseline and after 3, 6, 9 and 12months, computing mean differences and response rates.

The mean IDS-SR score decreased significantly from 39.83 at baseline to 33.78 at 6months a decrease from severe to moderate depression after 24weeks of Group-CBASs needed to improve patient assignment for Group-CBASP.

Group-CBASP seems to be a good alternative for CBASP in individual setting. Patients with late age of depression-onset seem to benefit more from Group-CBASP. This study shows that clinical relevant effects of Group-CBASP, followed by individual contacts, remain at least for 6 months. Research on personalizing treatment strategies is needed to improve patient assignment for Group-CBASP.Using OpenMX quantum chemistry software for self-consistent field calculations of electronic structure with geometry optimization and 3D-RISM-KH molecular theory of solvation for 3D site distribution functions and solvation free energy, we modeled the reduction of CO2+H2 in ambient aqueous electrolyte solution of 1.0-M KH2PO4 into (i) formic acid HCOOH and (ii) CO H2O on the surfaces of Cu-, Fe-, Cu2O-, and Fe3O4-based nanocatalysts. It is applicable to its further reduction to hydrocarbons. The optimized geometries and free energies were obtained for the pathways of adsorption of the reactants from the solution, successive reduction on the surfaces of the nanocatalysts, and then release back to the solution bulk.

FAmily CEntered (FACE) Advance Care Planning helps family decision makers to understand and honor patients' preferences for future health care, if patients cannot communicate. Spiritual well-being is a key domain of pediatric oncology care and an integral dimension of pediatric advance care planning.

As part of four-site randomized controlled trial of FACE for teens with cancer, the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy-spiritual well-being- version 4 (FACIT-Sp-EX-4) was completed independently by 126 adolescents with cancer/family dyads. The prevalence-adjusted and bias-adjusted kappa (PABAK) measured congruence on FACIT-Sp-EX-4.

Adolescents (126) had mean age of 16.9years, were 57% female and 79% White. Religious/spiritual classifications were Catholic (n=18), Protestant (n=76), Mormon (n=3), none/atheist (n=22), other (n=5), and unknown (n=2). Agreement at item level between spiritual well-being of adolescents and families was assessed. Three items had ≥90% agreement and Excellent PABAK "I have a reason for living," "I feel loved," "I feel compassion for others in the difficulties they are facing." Three items had <61% agreement and Poor PABAK "I feel a sense of harmony within myself," "My illness has strengthened my faith or spiritual beliefs," "I feel connected to a higher power (or God)." Dyadic congruence was compared by social-demographics using median one-way analysis. Male family members (median=72%) were less likely to share spiritual beliefs with their adolescent than female family members (median=83%), P=.0194.

Family members may not share spiritual beliefs with adolescents and may be unaware of the importance of spiritual well-being for adolescents.

Family members may not share spiritual beliefs with adolescents and may be unaware of the importance of spiritual well-being for adolescents.

Most of the authors currently agree that congenital talipes equinovarus (CTEV) or idiopathic clubfoot can be effectively treated with the Ponseti method instead of extensive soft tissue surgery. This study was conducted to investigate whether there is a difference in the outcome between starting treatment before one month of age or after that age.

This is a retrospective study on babies with CTEV treated in University Malaya Medical Centre from 2013 to 2017. The 54 babies (35 boys and 19 girls) were divided into two cohorts, Group 1 that had treatment before the age of one month, and Group 2 that had treatment after one month old. The number of cast changes, rate of full correction, and rate of relapse after treatment were compared between the two groups.

Of the 54 babies, with 77 CTEV treated during the period, our outcome showed that the mean number of cast change was 5.9 for Group 1 and 5.7 for Group 2. HSP targets The difference was not statistically significant. All the affected feet (100%) achieved full correction. One foot in the Group 1 relapsed, while three feet in Group 2 relapsed, but the difference was also not statistically significant. All of the relapsed feet were successfully treated with repeated Ponseti method.

Treating CTEV using Ponseti method starting after one month was not associated with more casting change of higher rate of relapse.

Treating CTEV using Ponseti method starting after one month was not associated with more casting change of higher rate of relapse.

Functional neurological disorder (FND) is a common diagnosis within neurology. Effective communication of the diagnosis is known to be an important part of treatment and can result in reduction or cessation of symptoms, as well as decreased healthcare utilisation. link2 A single group education session, facilitated by professionals commonly involved in the care of patients with FND, was developed to further enhance patients' and relatives' understanding and acceptance of diagnosis.

Patients and relatives attending a single education session were asked to complete self-report ratings of understanding of diagnosis, acceptance of diagnosis, belief in treatability and hopefulness regarding recovery, at the beginning and end of the session. Satisfaction data were also collected.

Data were obtained from 193 patients and 153 relatives. Patients had experienced a median duration of symptoms of 4years, and more than 80% of patients reported more than one functional neurological symptom. There were significant increases in terms of understanding, acceptance, belief in treatability and hopefulness for patients and relatives. Effect sizes ranged from large for improved understanding of FND to small-to-medium for increased agreement with FND diagnosis. High levels of satisfaction were also reported.

A multidisciplinary, single group education session is an effective and acceptable method of increasing understanding and acceptance of an FND diagnosis, even for patients with a long duration of symptoms and high symptom burden. It could help improve readiness for further treatment.

A multidisciplinary, single group education session is an effective and acceptable method of increasing understanding and acceptance of an FND diagnosis, even for patients with a long duration of symptoms and high symptom burden. It could help improve readiness for further treatment.Solar UV exposure is critical and complex in the etiology and prognosis of skin cancer, particularly cutaneous malignant melanoma. Sun exposure and one of its "derivatives," vitamin D, have been implicated in protection against mortality from melanoma. However, the relationships are inconsistent. At this time, it is not possible to make clear recommendations for or against sun exposure in relationship to melanoma prognosis. link3 However, this relationship deserves continued exploration.

The role of genetic predisposition in male breast cancer (MBC) patients who test negative for a BRCA mutation is unclear. The aim of this study is to define the association between MBC and family history of breast cancer in patients without mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2.

We conducted an unmatched case-control study with men who received commercial testing for germline mutations in cancer susceptibility genes, including 3,647 MBC cases who tested negative for deleterious mutations in BRCA1/BRCA2, and 4,269 men with a personal history of colorectal cancer who tested negative for mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes to serve as controls. Associations between family history of breast cancer and MBC were estimated using unconditional multivariable logistic regression with adjustment for age, race/ethnicity and year of testing.

Breast cancer in a first- or second-degree relative was associated with a four-fold increased odds of MBC (OR 4.7; 95% CI 4.1, 5.3). Associations with MBC were strongest for family history of breast cancer in 2 or more first-degree relatives (FDR) (OR 7.

Autoři článku: Romerospencer3904 (Boel Fitzgerald)