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Paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS) is a new, rare, post-infectious complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children. We aimed to describe the 6-month outcomes of PIMS-TS.

This retrospective cohort study comprised children (aged <18 years) who fulfilled the UK Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) diagnostic criteria for PIMS-TS and were admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital (London, UK) between April 4 and Sept 1, 2020. Patients were followed up by a multidisciplinary team of specialists at 6 weeks and 6 months after admission. Biochemical and functional outcomes were analysed.

46 children were included in this study. The median age at presentation was 10·2 years (IQR 8·8-13·3), 30 (65%) patients were male and 16 (35%) were female, 37 (80%) were from minority ethnic groups, and eight (17%) had pre-existing comorbidities. All patients had elevated markers of systemic inflammation at baseline. None of the patients died. By 6 ml difficulties at 6 months (seven [18%] of 38 by parental report and eight [22%] of 38 by self report). 45 (98%) of 46 patients were back in full-time education (virtually or face to face) by 6 months.

Despite initial severe illness, few organ-specific sequelae were observed at 6 months. Ongoing concerns requiring physical re-conditioning and mental health support remained, and physiotherapy assessments revealed persisting poor exercise tolerance. Longer-term follow-up will help define the extended natural history of PIMS-TS.



Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a resource-intense modality of care whose use has grown exponentially. We examined volume and utilization trends to identify the financial break-even point that might serve to dichotomize between nurse specialist-led and perfusionist-led ECMO programs.

Data pertaining to patients who required ECMO support between 2018 and 2019 were reviewed. ECMO staffing costs were estimated based on national trends and modelled by annual utilization and case volume. A break-even point was derived from a comparison between nurse specialist-led and perfusionist-led models. For each scenario, direct medical costs were calculated based on utilization which was in turn defined by "low" (4 days), "average" (10 days), and "high" (30 days) duration of time spent on ECMO.

Within the time frame, there was a total of 107 ECMO cases with a mean ECMO duration of 11 days, within the study time frame. Overall, ECMO nursing personnel costs were less than those for perfusionists ($108,000 vs $175,000). Programmatic costs were higher in the perfusionist-led versus nurse specialist-led model when annual utilization was greater than 10 cases and ECMO duration was longer than a mean of 9.7 days. There was no difference in survival between the two models.

Use of a perfusionist-led ECMO model may be more cost-conscious in the context of low utilization, smaller case volume and shorter ECMO duration. However, once annual case volume exceeds 10 and mean ECMO duration exceeds 10 days, the nurse specialist-led model may be more cost-conscious.

Use of a perfusionist-led ECMO model may be more cost-conscious in the context of low utilization, smaller case volume and shorter ECMO duration. However, once annual case volume exceeds 10 and mean ECMO duration exceeds 10 days, the nurse specialist-led model may be more cost-conscious.Darwin devoted an entire book to style and stamen polymorphisms, exemplifying the importance of pollen movement efficiency as a selective agent on floral form.1 However, after its publication, his interest was piqued by a description of floral handedness2 or enantiostyly.3 Todd2 described how left- and right-handed Solanum rostratum flowers have styles deflected to the left and right, respectively. Darwin4 wrote to Todd for seeds so that he could "…have the pleasure of seeing the flowers and experimenting on them," but he died just days later on 19 April 1882. More than a century elapsed before the first experiments demonstrated that handedness leads to high rates of outcrossing.5,6 By attaching quantum dots to pollen grains, we tracked pollen movement in Wachendorfia paniculata, which has one stamen on the same side of the style and two deflected in the opposite direction. We found that handedness leads to outcrossing because left- and right-handed morphs place most of their pollen on different sides of the pollinators. However, the partial separation of stamens and style also results in two-dimensional pollen quality mosaics on each side of carpenter bee pollinators, generating hotspots and coldspots of outcrossed pollen. Similar mosaics were not found on honeybee pollinators. Outcrossed pollen receipt was much higher than expected because stigmatic positions are fine-tuned to match the outcross pollen hotspots on carpenter bees. Exploitation of these pollen mosaics enables plants to increase the probability of between-morph (i.e., disassortative), outcross pollen movement beyond the expectations of enantiostyly.Visual perception requires massive use of inference because the 3D structure of the world is not directly provided by the sensory input.1 Particularly challenging is anorthoscopic vision-when an object moves behind a narrow slit such that only a tiny fraction of it is visible at any instant. Impressively, human observers correctly recognize objects in slit-viewing conditions by early childhood,2,3 via temporal integration of the contours available in each sliver.4,5 But can this capability be acquired if one has been effectively blind throughout childhood? We studied 23 Ethiopian children which had bilateral early-onset cataracts-resulting in extremely poor vision in infancy-and surgically treated only years later. We tested their anorthoscopic vision, precisely because it requires a cascade of demanding visual inference processes to perceive veridical shape. Failure to perform the task may allow mapping specific bottlenecks for late visual recovery. The patients' visual acuity typically improved substantially within 6 months post-surgery. Still, at this stage many were unable to recover shape under slit-viewing conditions, although they could infer the direction of global motion. However, when retested later, almost all patients could judge shape in slit-conditions necessitating temporal integration. This acquired capability often transferred to novel stimuli, in similar slit-viewing conditions. Thus, learning was not limited to the specific visual features of the original shapes. These results indicate that plasticity of sophisticated visual inference routines is preserved well into adolescence, and vision restoration after prolonged early-onset blindness is feasible to a greater extent than previously thought.Plants display remarkable abilities to adjust growth and development to environmental conditions, such as the amount of available water. This developmental plasticity is apparent not only in root and shoot growth rates, but also in tissue patterning and cell morphology.1,2 We have previously shown that in response to limited water availability, Arabidopsis thaliana root displays changes in xylem morphology, mediated by the non-cell-autonomous action of abscisic acid, ABA.2 Here, we show, through analyses of ABA response reporters and tissue-specific suppression of ABA signaling, that xylem cells themselves act as primary signaling centers governing both xylem cell fate and xylem differentiation rate, revealing the cell-autonomous control of multiple aspects of xylem development by ABA. ABA rapidly activates the expression of genes encoding VASCULAR-RELATED NAC DOMAIN (VND) transcription factors. Molecular and genetic analyses revealed that the two ABA-mediated xylem developmental changes are regulated by distinct members of this transcription factor family, with VND2 and VND3 promoting differentiation rate of metaxylem cells, while VND7 promotes the conversion of metaxylem toward protoxylem morphology. This phenomenon shows how different aspects of developmental plasticity can be interlinked, yet genetically separable. Moreover, similarities in phenotypic and molecular responses to ABA in diverse species indicate evolutionary conservation of the ABA-xylem development regulatory network among eudicots. Hence, this study gives molecular insights into how environmental stress modifies plant vascular anatomy and has potential relevance for water use optimization and adaptation to drought conditions.During interactive communication, animals occasionally cease producing communication signals. The behavioral significance of resumed communication signals following a cessation, or silent pause, has been described in human speech word recognition by listeners is enhanced after silent pauses, and speakers tend to place such pauses prior to words that are contextually unpredictable and that therefore have high information content.1-5 How central nervous systems process signals following pauses differently from signals during continuous communication has not been studied at a cellular level. Here we studied behavioral and neurophysiological impacts of pauses during electric communication in mormyrid fish. We found that isolated fish produced fewer and shorter pauses than fish housed in pairs, and that fish tended to produce burst displays immediately following pauses. In the electrosensory pathway, sensitivity to pauses first arose in the midbrain posterior exterolateral nucleus (ELp) evoked field potentials were enhanced as pause duration increased, with a time constant of ∼1 s. Intracellular recording from single ELp neurons suggested that this increased sensitivity resulted from a pause-associated recovery from synaptic depression that was induced by the preceding stimulation. Behavioral responses were also facilitated by longer pauses, with a similar time constant of ∼1 s. Further, during natural electric communication between pairs of fish, the insertion of artificial pauses resulted in increased signaling by the receiving fish immediately following the pause. Thus, our results suggest that pauses during communication release sensory circuits from synaptic depression, thereby maximizing the physiological and behavioral effects of subsequent communication signals.

To identify the associated factors to loneliness among Brazilian adolescents, considering this is a knowledge gap and given its severity. The United Nations estimates that mental health problems affect approximately 20% of adolescents worldwide.

This is a cross-sectional study with data from the National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE) 2015, conducted with students aged 13-17 in Brazil. The statistical analysis was performed with the calculation of the prevalence of feeling loneliness reported. Poisson regression with the adjusted Prevalence Ratio (PRa) was used to evaluate the association between sociodemographic characteristics, family context, mental health and lifestyles, and feelings of loneliness.

15,5% of Brazilian students reported loneliness in the last 12 months. Female gender, higher maternal education, insomnia and be bullying victims rarely or sometimes and most of the time or always had a higher prevalence rate of loneliness. Wortmannin Having friends, having a meal with parents or guardians 5 days or more a week and having understanding parents showed a lower prevalence ratio for loneliness.

Autoři článku: Romeroladegaard8635 (Farah Hertz)