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The wear rate in eleven retrievals excluding an extremely short excised sample was 0.055 ± 0.020 mm/year in the medial load zone and 0.041 ± 0.020 mm/year in the lateral load zone. Raman spectroscopy proved very useful in separating creep and wear components of thickness reduction, thus revealing the wear rate of the UHMWPE material.

The aim of the present laboratory study was to investigate the retentive properties and the wear of three different resin matrix attachments for implant overdentures as well as to assess the effects of implant angulation.

Three attachment systems with either polyetheretherketone inserts (PEEK; Novaloc, Straumann, Basel, Switzerland), polyetherketoneketone inserts (PEKK; CM Loc, Cendres+Métaux, Biel, Switzerland) or nylon inserts (Locator R-Tx, Zest Dental Solutions, Escondido, California, USA) were evaluated. The patrices were connected to their implant analogues and fixed in a resin cast at implant angulations of 0° and 15°. The corresponding matrices with inserts were fixed in a stylized unilaterally removable dental prothesis. To simulate masticatory forces 30,000 insertion and removal cycles with an eccentric load of 100Nat a distance of 12mm were performed in a chewing simulator. The retention forces were measured. The wear patterns were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The statisinserts combined with titanium patrices are favorable for long-term use, both for orthogonal and tilted implants. All three attachment systems showed a high variability of the retentive forces at baseline and for subsequent cycles. This should be taken into consideration for clinical use.This study aims to evaluate the tribological performance of the pair human teeth/robocasted zirconia, with a special focus on the enamel wear mechanisms. Zirconia pieces produced by robocasting (RC) and unidirectional compression (UC) were compared in terms of crystalline structure, density, porosity, hardness and toughness. Chewing simulation tests were performed against human dental cusps. The cusps wear was quantified and the wear mechanisms identified. Although most of the properties of UC and RC samples are similar, differences were observed for surface roughness and porosity. Although the samples did not suffer wear, the antagonist cusps worn in a similar way. In conclusion, robocasting seems a promising technique to produce customized zirconia dental pieces, namely in what concerns the overall tribological behaviour.Achievement of adequate implant stability is one of the determinants for long-term successful osseointegration. Resonance frequency analysis was developed to monitor implant stability and is now a well-recognized, non-invasive tool for determining the appropriate time for functional loading. However, there have been few studies with continuous evaluation and comparison of implant stability and marginal bone level changes between two different macro designs and clinical situations during the implant healing process. Thus, the purpose of this clinical trial is to evaluate the implant stability and marginal bone level changes of straight and conical implants during the implant healing process. In this prospective clinical trial, 25 participants were randomized to either straight or conical implants. A total of 32 titanium dental implants with a length of 9 mm or 11 mm were installed in the maxilla and the mandible according to the manufacturer's instructions. A resonance frequency analyzer was used to measure thndency and marginal bone loss in both the mandible and maxilla. Conical implants were confirmed more beneficial for maintenance of implant stability and marginal bone level in the maxilla.Finite-element models are used to investigate the biomechanics of normal, diseased and surgically fused spines. Generally, nominal spine geometries are used to understand the biomechanics, which has created a need for a technique that develops patient-specific lumbar spine geometries. In the current study, a lumbar spine (T12-Sacrum) was developed using a technique that facilitates geometrical morphing, which assists in incorporating patient-specific morphologies into the model. The model evaluations can be used to propose a biomechanically suitable lumbar spine fusion procedure for patients. This study focuses on the validation of the base model under pure-moment, pure-compression and combined-compression-and-moment loadings. Experimental data from the literature were used to validate the response of the model. The L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-sacrum segments demonstrated a range of motion of 4.5, 4.0, 5.4, 5.0 and 8.9° in flexion; 3.0, 2.5, 3.6, 3.1 and 5.2° in extension; 6.2, 5.8, 6.4, 5.0 and 6.1° in right and left lateral bending; and 2.9, 3.0, 2.9, 1.9 and 2.5° in right and left axial rotation, all under 10 Nm pure-moment loading. The L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-sacrum discs demonstrated compressions of 1.1, 1.4, 1.6, 1.4 and 0.9 mm under 1200 N follower- or pure-compression loading. With the combined loading of 280 N follower and 7.5 Nm moment, the L1-L5 model demonstrated 11.7, 7.2, 18.3 and 10.4 degrees of range of motion in flexion, extension, bending and rotation, respectively. The model results were in good agreement with corridors from six different experimental studies and can be used for future clinical studies.Augmentation materials, such as ceramic and polymeric bone cements, have been frequently used to improve the physical engagement of screws inserted into bone. While ceramic, degradable cements may ultimately improve fixation stability, reports regarding their effect on early fixation stability have been inconsistent. On the other hand, a newly developed degradable ceramic adhesive that can bond with tissues surrounding the screw, may improve the pullout performance, ensure early stability, and subsequent bony integration. The aim of this study was to investigate failure mechanisms of screw/trabecular bone constructs by comparing non-augmented screws with screws augmented with a calcium phosphate cement or an adhesive, i.e. a phosphoserine-modified calcium phosphate. Pullout tests were performed on screws inserted into trabecular cylinders extracted from human femoral bone. Continuous and stepwise pullout loading was applied with and without real-time imaging in a synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomograph, respectively. Statistical analysis that took the bone morphology into account confirmed that augmentation with the adhesive supported significantly higher pullout loads compared to cement-augmented, or non-augmented screws. However, the adhesive also allowed for a higher injection volume compared to the cement. In-situ imaging showed cracks in the vicinity of the screw threads in all groups, and detachment of the augmentation materials from the trabecular bone in the augmented specimens. Additional cracks at the periphery of the augmentation and the bone-material interfaces were only observed in the adhesive-augmented specimen, indicating a contribution of surface bonding to the pullout resistance. An adhesive that has potential for bonding with tissues, displayed superior pullout resistance, compared to a brushite cement, and may be a promising material for cementation or augmentation of implants.

The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of superhydrophobic coating on the hemodynamics and turbulence characteristics of a bileaflet mechanical valve in the context of evaluating blood damage potential.

Two 3D printed bileaflet mechanical valves were hemodynamically tested in a pulse duplicator under physiological pressure and flow conditions. TL13-112 The leaflets of one of the two valves were sprayed with a superhydrophobic coating. Particle Image Velocimetry was performed. Pressure gradients (PG), effective orifice areas (EOA), Reynolds shear stresses (RSS) and instantaneous viscous shear stresses (VSS) were calculated.

(a) Without SH coating, the PG was found to be 14.53±0.7mmHg and EOA 1.44±0.06cm

. With coating, the PG obtained was 15.21±1.7mmHg and EOA 1.39±0.07cm

 ; (b) during peak systole, the magnitude of RSS with SH coating (110Pa) exceeded that obtained without SH coating (40Pa) with higher probabilities to develop higher RSS in the immediate wake of the leaflet; (c) The magnitudes range of instantaneous VSS obtained with SH coating were slightly larger than those obtained without SH coating (7.0Pa versus 5.0Pa).

With Reynolds Shear Stresses and instantaneous Viscous Shear Stresses being correlated with platelet damage, SH coating did not lead to their decrease. While SH coating is known to improve surface properties such as reduced platelet or clot adhesion, the relaxation of the slip condition does not necessarily improve overall hemodynamic performance for the bileaflet mechanical valve design.

With Reynolds Shear Stresses and instantaneous Viscous Shear Stresses being correlated with platelet damage, SH coating did not lead to their decrease. While SH coating is known to improve surface properties such as reduced platelet or clot adhesion, the relaxation of the slip condition does not necessarily improve overall hemodynamic performance for the bileaflet mechanical valve design.Hydroxyapatite (HAP) is a natural bioceramic which is currently used in scaffolds and coatings for the regrowth of osseous tissue but offers poor load-bearing capacity compared to other biomaterials. The deformation mechanisms responsible for the mechanical behavior of HAP are not well understood, although the advent of multiscale modeling offers the promise of improvements in many materials through computational materials science. This work utilizes molecular dynamics to study the nanoscale deformation mechanisms of HAP in uniaxial tension and compression. It was found that deformation mechanisms vary with loading direction in tension and compression leading to significant compression/tension asymmetry and crystal anisotropy. Bond orientation and geometry relative to the loading direction was found to be an indicator of whether a specific bond was involved in the deformation of HAP in each loading case. Tensile failure mechanisms were attributed to stretching and failure in loading case-specific ionic bond groups. The compressive failure mechanisms were attributed to coulombic repulsion in each case, although loading case-specific bond group rotation and displacement were found to affect specific failure modes. The elastic modulus was the highest for both tension and compression along the Z direction (i.e. normal to the basal plane), followed by Y and X.This study evaluated the influence of occlusal resin cement space on the fatigue performance of bonded-leucite crowns to a dentin-analogue material. Leucite anatomical crowns were adhesively cemented to dentin-like preparations having distinct occlusal cement space (50, 100 and 300 μm) (n = 18), and subjected to step-stress fatigue testing (150 N - 350 N; step-size 25 N; 20,000 cycles/step; 20 Hz). Fatigue data (load and number of cycles for failure) were analyzed using Kaplan-Meier and Mantel-Cox (log-rank) tests (p less then 0.05). Fractographic analysis and occlusal internal space measurements were also performed. There was no significant difference for the distinct occlusal cement layer (50 μm 289 N, 136,111 cycles; 100 μm 285 N, 132,778 cycles; 300 μm 246 N, 101,667 cycles). Occlusal internal space analysis showed a mean thickness of 120.4 (50 μm), 174.9 (100 μm) and 337.2 (300 μm). All failures were radial cracks originating at the ceramic-cement interface. Distinct occlusal cement spaces had no effect on the fatigue behavior of anatomical leucite crowns.

Autoři článku: Romancates4940 (Lamm Stefansen)