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05). Systemic propranolol may increases titanium implant osseointegration.Epitope H contains an O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAcH) residue in a specific conformation and/or environment recognized by the mouse monoclonal antibody H. O-GlcNAcH is present in several types of cells and in several polypeptides, including cytokeratin 8 and vimentin, on the latter in cells under stress. In the present work, we examined the expression of the O-GlcNAcH in 60 cases of endometrial curettings from missed miscarriage cases containing normal and simple hydropic degenerated chorionic villi in each case, using monoclonal antibody H and indirect immunoperoxidase and Western blot immunoblot. In all cases examined the expression of the O-GlcNAcH was cytoplasmic as follows (1) syncytiotrophoblastic cells showed very low expression in chorionic villi (CV) with nonhydropic degeneration (NHD) and high expression in hydropic degenerated (HD) CV; (2) cytotrophoblastic cells showed low expression in CV with NHD and high expression in HD CV; (3) fibroblastic cells showed high expression in CV with NHD and very low expression in HD CV; (4) histiocytes showed very low expression in both types of CV; (5) endothelial cells showed high expression in both types of CV. An immunoblot of CV from one case of a legal abortion from a normal first-trimester pregnancy showed 5 polypeptides with 118.5, 106.3, 85, 53, and 36.7 kD bearing the epitope H and the 53 kD corresponded to cytokeratin 8. The expression of the O-GlcNAcH is upregulated in the trophoblastic cells and downregulated in the fibroblastic cells in the HD CV in comparison to the NHD CV.Long regarded as ectopic or supernumerary breast tissue, anogenital mammary-like glands (AGMLG) are now considered a normal constituent of the anogenital area. AGMLG are presumed to be the origin for various benign and malignant lesions. Changes in AGMLG compatible with usual ductal hyperplasia and atypical ductal hyperplasia considered as precursor lesions and its presence in specimens can be explained by their role in the pathogenesis of primary extramammary Paget disease. In this report, we presented four cases of invasive squamous cell carcinoma accompanied by non-neoplastic atypical changes in ductal portions of AGMLG compatible with atypical ductal hyperplasia in breast adjacent to the carcinoma. This is a reactive phenomenon similar to that seen in apocrine/eccrine glands adjacent to squamous cell carcinoma. In a limited biopsy specimen, these areas should not be mistaken for adenocarcinoma.Papillary endothelial hyperplasia or Masson tumor most commonly occurs within the extremities and head and neck. It is usually of intravascular type, associated with thrombus formation and organization within a preexisting vessel or vascular malformation, but rarely can be extravascular. We describe the first 2 cases of this extravascular type to occur within the ovary, one of which mimicked malignancy radiologically. This condition is thought to represent a reactive phenomenon with reparative response secondary to thrombosis although with an unclear underlying pathogenesis. The prognosis is generally good, with complete surgical resection usually representing adequate treatment.The diagnosis of uterine smooth muscle tumors is sometimes difficult, as these tumors may show worrisome features, suspicious for but not diagnostic of malignancy. The recommended immunohistochemical panel in this setting is currently under debate. In this study, we aimed to find a panel of immunohistochemical stains that would be helpful in determining the correct diagnosis in ambiguous uterine smooth muscle tumors, with an emphasis on investigating the possible usefulness of the WT1 antibody. Uterine leiomyomas were found to be immunoreactive with WT1. Since a previous study reported on the lack of immunoreactivity of uterine leiomyosarcomas with WT1, we speculated that WT1 might be useful in this setting. We retrospectively reviewed the medical charts and slides of 91 patients 22 with leiomyosarcoma, 15 with smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential, and 54 with leiomyoma. this website Immunohistochemical stains for WT1, p16, p53, and Ki67 were performed on each case. We found that immunoreactivity with p16 and Ki67 (>40% and >10% of the tumor cells, respectively) and loss of nuclear expression of WT1 (10%) has the strongest association with leiomyosarcoma (sensitivity 95.5%, specificity=88.9%, positive predictive value=77.8%, negative predictive value=98.0%).We evaluated the clinicopathologic features of 6 adenomatoid tumors of the uterus with unusual features. All the tumors differed grossly from the usual adenomatoid tumor, typically being ill-defined and occupying >50% of the myometrium, essentially replacing it in 4. The neoplasm extended to the endometrium in 2 cases and in one of these it formed an intracavitary mass; in both the tumor was first diagnosed in a curettage. In the other 4 cases, the adenomatoid tumor was discovered in a hysterectomy specimen performed for irregular vaginal bleeding (3 patients), and the finding of a pelvic mass on a computed tomography scan in a patient with right lower quadrant pain. The tumors extended to the uterine serosa in the form of small grape-like vesicles or cysts in 4 cases. All tumors contained the typical small often irregularly shaped spaces but also had prominent cysts. When cysts involved the serosa, the microscopic appearance mimicked that of peritoneal inclusion cysts. In one case with serosal involvement, a prominent papillary pattern was also present. The cysts were typically closely packed with minimal intervening stroma but were occasionally separated by conspicuous smooth muscle bundles. The stroma in one case was extensively hyalinized. Two tumors were focally infarcted. A striking, but minor, solid growth in which the tumor cells were arranged in tightly packed nests or interanastomosing cords and trabeculae was seen in 2 tumors. The unusual gross and microscopic features of these tumors can cause significant diagnostic difficulty and bring into the differential diagnosis entities that are usually not realistic considerations. The presentation of 2 tumors in a curettage specimen represents an unusual clinical aspect.

Autoři článku: Rohdebecker4665 (Berman McKnight)