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The Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Radscale is a combined scoring of 7 different structural imaging markers on preoperative brain CT or MR imaging in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus callosal angle, Evans Index, Sylvian fissure dilation, apical sulcal narrowing, mean temporal horn diameter, periventricular WM lesions, and focal sulcal dilation. The purpose of this retrospective study was to assess the performance of the Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Radscale in distinguishing idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus shunt responders from nonresponders.

The preoperative MR imaging and CT scans of 119 patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus were scored using the Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Radscale. A summary shunt-response score assessed within 6 months from ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery, combining the effect on cognition, gait, and urinary incontinence, was used as a reference. The difference between the mean Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Radscale for responders phalus for shunt surgery.

The Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Radscale showed moderate discrimination for shunt response but cannot, on its own, be used for selecting patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus for shunt surgery.

Indigo naturalis (IN) is an herbal medicine that has been used for ulcerative colitis with an unclear mechanism of action. Indigo and indirubin, its main constituents, are ligands of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). We assessed the safety, efficacy, and colon AhR activity of IN given orally to patients with treatment-refractory ulcerative colitis. The role of AhR in IN benefit was further evaluated with an AhR antagonist in a murine colitis model.

This open-label, dose-escalation study sequentially treated 11 patients with ulcerative colitis with either IN 500 mg/day or 1.5 g/day for 8 weeks, followed by a 4-week non-treatment period. The primary efficacy endpoint was clinical response at week 8, assessed by total Mayo score. Secondary endpoints included clinical remission, Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity, quality of life, and colon AhR activity measured by cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) RNA expression.

Ten of 11 (91%) patients, including 8/9 (89%) with moderate-to-severe disease, achihrough AhR activation.



Poor sleep is common in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), associated with worse overall disease course and predominantly attributable to insomnia. While cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the recommended first-line treatment for chronic insomnia, it is untested in IBD. It is unclear if CBT-I will be as effective in this group given the extent of night-time symptoms people with IBD experience. Thus, we evaluated the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of CBT-I in IBD.

We comprehensively assessed sleep in people with mild-to-moderately active IBD using questionnaires, daily diaries and actigraphy. People with significant insomnia symptoms were allocated to a single-arm, uncontrolled pilot feasibility study of gold-standard CBT-I treatment. They were then reassessed post-treatment.

20 participants with IBD completed a baseline assessment. 10 were experiencing insomnia and were allocated to CBT-I. All participants who were offered CBT-I elected to complete it, and all completed 5/5 sessions. Participants rated treatment acceptability highly and daily diary and actigraphy completion rates were

95%. At baseline, participants with insomnia evidenced significantly worse sleep than participants without insomnia. Following CBT-I, participants reported significant improvements in diary and actigraphy measures of sleep continuity, dysfunctional sleep-related beliefs and IBD disease activity.

CBT-I was feasible and acceptable and demonstrated a signal for efficacy in the treatment of insomnia in IBD. Importantly, the improvements in sleep continuity were consistent with the extant literature. Future fully powered randomised controlled studies should evaluate whether treatment of insomnia can improve other aspects of IBD, including pain and inflammation.


NCT04132024.Caustic injury secondary to impaction of ingested batteries is a potentially severe cause of oesophageal injury with an increasing incidence that reflects consumer trends and the utilisation of compact electronic devices. Delays to recognition and management are associated with increased risk of complications, morbidity and mortality. In this manuscript, we describe a case presentation and literature review of a patient presenting with upper oesophageal odynophagia after the deliberate ingestion of multiple foreign bodies.

It is postulated that early determination of the need for admission can improve flow through EDs. selleckchem There are several scoring systems which have been developed for predicting patient admission at triage, although they have not been directly compared. In addition, it is not known if these scoring systems perform better than clinical judgement. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate existing tools in predicting hospital admission during triage and then compare them with the clinical judgement of triage nurses.

To conduct this prospective, single-centre observational study, we enrolled consecutive adult patients who presented between 30 September 2019 and 25 October 2019 at the ED of a large teaching hospital in Milan, Italy. For each patient, triage nurses recorded all of the variables needed to perform Ambulatory (AMB), Glasgow Admission Prediction (GAP) and Sydney Triage to Admission Risk Tool (START) scoring. The probability of admission was estimated by the triage nurses using clinical judgementscores provided moderate accuracy in predicting patient admission. However, all of the scores were significantly worse than the clinical judgement of the triage nurses.Increasing evidence uncovers the involvement of gut microbiota in the metabolism of numerous pharmaceutical drugs. The human gut microbiome harbors 10-100 trillion symbiotic gut microbial bacteria that use drugs as substrates for enzymatic processes to alter host metabolism. Thus, microbiota-mediated drug metabolism can change the conventional drug action course and cause inter-individual differences in efficacy and toxicity, making it vital for drug discovery and development. This review focuses on drug biotransformation pathways and discusses different models for evaluating the role of gut microbiota in drug metabolism. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT This review emphasizes the importance of gut microbiota and different modes of drug metabolism mediated by them. It provides information on in vivo, in vitro, ex vivo, in silico and multi-omics approaches for identifying the role of gut microbiota in metabolism. Further, it highlights the significance of gut microbiota-mediated metabolism in the process of new drug discovery and development as a rationale for safe and efficacious drug therapy.The use of animal pharmacokinetic models as surrogates for humans relies on the assumption that the drug disposition mechanisms are similar between preclinical species and humans. However, significant cross-species differences exist in the tissue distribution and protein abundance of drug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs) and transporters. We quantified non-cytochrome P450 (non-CYP) DMEs across commonly used preclinical species (cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys, beagle dog, Sprague Dawley and Wistar Han rats, and CD1 mouse) and compared these data with previously obtained human data. Aldehyde oxidase was abundant in humans and monkeys while poorly expressed in rodents, and not expressed in dogs. Carboxylesterase (CES) 1 abundance was highest in the liver while CES2 was primarily expressed in the intestine in all species with notable species differences. For example, hepatic CES1 was 3× higher in humans than in monkeys, but hepatic CES2 was 3-5× higher in monkeys than in humans. Hepatic UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGTobserved, which can be used to explain significant pharmacokinetic and toxicokinetic differences between experimental animals and humans.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a shift to remote consultations, but telehealth consultation guidelines are lacking or inconsistent. Therefore, a scoping review was performed to chart the information in the articles exploring telehealth for the UK allied health professionals (AHPs) and compare them with the UK AHP professional bodies' guidelines.

Scoping review following Aksey and O' Malley methodological framework.

CINHAL and MEDLINE were searched from inception to March 2021 using terms related to 'telehealth', 'guidelines' and 'AHPs'. Additionally, the UK AHP professional bodies were contacted requesting their guidelines.

Articles exploring telehealth for patient consultations, written in English and published in peer-reviewed journal or guidelines available from UK AHP professional bodies/their websites were considered eligible for review.

One reviewer extracted data concerning three overarching domains implementation, financial and technological considerations.

2632 articles were identing health institutions are suggested to establish common guidelines that will improve AHP telehealth services.

This study identified gaps in current guidelines, which showed similarities as well as discrepancies with the guidance for non-AHP healthcare professionals and revealed that the existing guidelines do not adequately support AHPs delivering telehealth consultations. Future research and collaborative work across AHP groups and the world's leading health institutions are suggested to establish common guidelines that will improve AHP telehealth services.

In Spain HIV testing is recommended to people with risk behaviors for HIV and with indicator conditions (IC) related to HIV infection. Missed diagnostic opportunities (MO) are defining as situations where these recommendations are not followed.

To characterize MO due to risk behaviors (directed) and due to IC (indicated) among people diagnosed with HIV in the Region of Madrid.

A total of 109 participants newly diagnosed with HIV were recruited from 7 health centers (April 2018-March 2019) by a telephone survey. Diagnostic opportunities were defined as any contact with the healthcare system in which an HIV test should have been carried out. Frequency of MO was calculated within the previous 2 years from HIV diagnosis.

Of the 32 directed and indicated diagnostic opportunities, 96.9% and 57.8% respectively resulted in MO. Overall, 83.8% of diagnostic opportunities resulted in MO.

MO, both directed and indicated, are an important area for improvement to reduce late diagnosis.

MO, both directed and indicated, are an important area for improvement to reduce late diagnosis.

The association between hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been increasingly studied through early inflammatory biomarkers. The monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) is the main chemokine implicated in the inflammatory endothelial process, attracting monocytes and macrophages to the atherosclerotic plaque.

We reviewed the main observational studies that have analyzed serum MCP-1 in patients with hypertension regardless of CVD, relating them to target organ damage (TOD).

As endothelial dysfunction continues and TOD accumulates, MCP-1 has been perpetuated at higher levels. The relationship between this chemokine and the increase in comorbidities, such as chronic kidney disease, dyslipidaemia, diabetes, and coronary artery disease, became clearer from the observational studies. However, patients with such morbidities use medications with potential anti-inflammatory effects.

There is no normal threshold of MCP-1 for the healthy population, nor a uniform curve pattern, due to a balance between genetic factors, age, gender, comorbidities, TOD, and anti-inflammatory effects of drugs.

Autoři článku: Rodriguezbuus0107 (Chavez McCollum)