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We performed a systematic literature review of neuroimaging, predominantly focusing on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings associated with neurological manifestations of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). We screened articles from PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus, looking for reports that would potentially have neuroimaging findings in patients with COVID-19. Data analysis was performed with patient-based data based on the availability of clinical characteristics and outcomes for each individual patient from the studies. Chi square and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests were used to report COVID-19 severity and outcomes based on neurological imaging indicators and pathophysiology. A total of 171 patients with COVID-19 having neurological complications, from 134 studies, were identified in our review. The most common neuroimaging finding was ischemic stroke (62, 36.2%) cases, followed by CNS inflammatory disorder (44, 25.7%), and hemorrhagic stroke (41, 24.0%). Around 51% of all the fatal COVID-19 cases had an ischemic stroke. Among patients with ischemic stroke, the mean age of those who suffered from COVID-19 infection was 57.5 years (SD = 15.4) whereas it was 50.7 years (SD = 15.1) among those without stroke/other diagnosis. Fatality was more common in patients with ischemic stroke compared to those with other diagnosis (40% vs. 22%, p = 0.011). The most frequently published neuroimaging findings in patients with COVID-19 were ischemic stroke, CNS inflammatory disorder, and hemorrhagic disorder. In those studies, ischemic stroke was associated with fatality, and was more frequently seen in older patients. Based on our findings, early usage of MRI in COVID-19 patients may be recommended.The lysyl oxidase (LOX) family members are secreted copper-dependent amine oxidases, comprised of five paralogues LOX and LOX-like l-4 (LOXL1-4), which are characterized by catalytic activity contributing to the remodeling of the cross-linking of the structural extracellular matrix (ECM). ECM remodeling plays a key role in the angiogenesis surrounding tumors, whereby a corrupt tumor microenvironment (TME) takes shape. Primary liver cancer includes hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), ranked as the seventh most common cancer globally, with limited therapeutic options for advanced stages. In recent years, a growing body of evidence has revealed the key roles of LOX family members in the pathogenesis of liver cancer and the shaping of TME, indicating their notable potential as therapeutic targets. We herein review the clinical value and novel biological roles of LOX family members in tumor progression and the TME of liver cancers. In addition, we highlight recent insights into their mechanisms and their potential involvement in the development of target therapy for liver cancer.Biological pathway data integration has become a topic of interest in the past years. This interest originates essentially from the continuously increasing size of existing prior knowledge as well as from the many challenges scientists face when studying biological pathways. Multipath is a framework that aims at helping re-trace the use of specific pathway knowledge in specific publications, and easing the data integration of multiple pathway types and further influencing knowledge sources. Multipath thus helps scientists to increase the reproducibility of their code and analysis by allowing the integration of numerous data sources and documentation of their integration steps while doing so. In this paper, we present the package Multipath, and we describe how it can be used for data integration and tracking pathway modifications. We present a multilayer model built from the Wnt Pathway as a demonstration.Botrytis cinerea is a well-known pathogen of grapevine. However, under certain microclimatic conditions, Botrytis infection results in noble rot, an essential process in the production of the world-known Tokaji aszú wines in Hungary. We investigated the physico-chemical characteristics and culturable microorganisms associated with grape berries through several noble rot phases in the two main cultivars grown in Tokaj Vitisvinifera cv. "Furmint" and "Hárslevelű". We measured physical and analytical parameters routinely tested in viticulture and analyzed the ITS rDNA sequence data of fungi isolated from the sampled berries. We observed significant differences in the physico-chemical parameters among the noble rot phases as well as sampling dates. The greatest variation in berry texture and microbial structure was observed in the initial phases, with variables converging as the noble rot progressed. By finding a bijection between the examined chemical properties and the factorial parameters (e.g., noble rot phase, collection time, cultivar), an appropriate sweet winemaking material can be designed. Fungal community differed significantly among cultivars, with higher number of species observed in Hárslevelű. Our results reveal that there is more to noble rot than only Botrytiscinerea and other microorganisms may play important roles in the aszú process.The antibacterial activity of imidazole and imidazolium salts is highly dependent upon their lipophilicity, which can be tuned through the introduction of different hydrophobic substituents on the nitrogen atoms of the imidazole or imidazolium ring of the molecule. Taking this into consideration, we have synthesized and characterized a series of imidazole and imidazolium salts derived from L-valine and L-phenylalanine containing different hydrophobic groups and tested their antibacterial activity against two model bacterial strains, Gram-negative E. coli and Gram-positive B. subtilis. Importantly, the results demonstrate that the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of these derivatives can be tuned to fall close to the cytotoxicity values in eukaryotic cell lines. The MBC value of one of these compounds toward B. subtilis was found to be lower than the IC50 cytotoxicity value for the control cell line, HEK-293. Furthermore, the aggregation behavior of these compounds has been studied in pure water, in cell culture media, and in mixtures thereof, in order to determine if the compounds formed self-assembled aggregates at their bioactive concentrations with the aim of determining whether the monomeric species were in fact responsible for the observed antibacterial activity. Overall, these results indicate that imidazole and imidazolium compounds derived from L-valine and L-phenylalanine-with different alkyl lengths in the amide substitution-can serve as potent antibacterial agents with low cytotoxicity to human cell lines.The metabolism of pineal indoles is closely related to alterations in the light and dark phases of a daily cycle. Recent research showed important interspecies differences in the pineal biochemistry, and a strong impact of monochromatic light on many physiological processes in birds. Therefore, the aims of study were to characterize the metabolism of melatonin-synthesis indoles in the pineal organ of the domestic turkey, and to determine the changes occurring in this metabolism under the influence of different wavelengths and intensities of light. For this purpose, 3-week-old turkeys were kept under 16 lx white light, or under blue, green, and red light with intensities of 16, 32, and 64 lx during the photophase, and after 7 d were sacrificed at 4 h intervals. The activities of melatonin-synthesizing enzymes and the contents of indoles were measured in the same pineal organ. The results revealed that the activities of tryptophan hydroxylase and arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase, and the levels of all tryptophan derivatives had significant daily changes in birds kept under each light condition used. The profile of pineal indole metabolism in 4-week-old turkeys was characterized by high-amplitude rhythms in the activity of arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase and the contents of N-acetylserotonin and melatonin, equal relative amounts of serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, and higher content of melatonin than N-acetylserotonin. The monochromatic light significantly modified the pineal indole metabolism, and its effects were dependent on the color and intensity of light. Pronounced changes occurred in the level of serotonin synthesis and the daily rhythm course of melatonin synthesis.Viral glycoprotein-mediated membrane fusion is an essential step for productive infection of host cells by enveloped viruses; however, due to its rarity and challenges in detection, little is known about the details of fusion events at the single particle level. Here, we have developed dual-color foamy viruses (FVs) composed of eGFP-tagged prototype FV (PFV) Gag and mCherry-tagged Env of either PFV or macaque simian FV (SFVmac) origin that have been optimized for detection of the fusion process. Using our recently developed tracking imaging correlation (TrIC) analysis, we were able to detect the fusion process for both PFV and SFVmac Env containing virions. PFV Env-mediated fusion was observed both at the plasma membrane as well as from endosomes, whereas SFVmac Env-mediated fusion was only observed from endosomes. PFV Env-mediated fusion was observed to happen more often and more rapidly than as for SFVmac Env. Strikingly, using the TrIC method, we detected a novel intermediate state where the envelope and capsids are still tethered but separated by up to 400 nm before final separation of Env and Gag occurred.Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) are of particular interest to the field of nano-reinforced composites since they possess superior mechanical, fracture, thermal, and barrier properties. Due to their geometrical characteristics, high aspect ratio (AR)/specific surface area (SSA) and their planar structure, GNPs are considered as high-potential nanosized fillers for improving performance of composites. The present study investigates the effect of SSA of GNPs on fracture properties of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs). For this reason, two nano-doped CFRPs were produced by using two types of GNPs (C300 and C500) with different SSAs, 300 and 500 m2/g, respectively. Both types of GNPs, at the same content of 0.5 wt%, were added into the epoxy matrix of composites by applying a three-roll milling technique. The nanomodified matrix was used for the manufacturing of prepregs, while the final composite laminates were fabricated through the vacuum-bag method. Mode I and II interlaminar fracture tests were carried out to determine the interlaminar fracture toughness GIC and GIIC of the composites, respectively. According to the results, the toughening effect of C500 GNPs was the strongest, resulting in increases of 25% in GIC and 33% in GIIC compared with the corresponding unmodified composites. The activation of the absorption mechanisms of C500 contributed to this outcome, which was confirmed by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses conducted in the fracture surfaces of specimens. On the other hand, C300 GNPs, due to disability to be dispersed uniformly into the epoxy matrix, did not influence the fracture properties of CFRPs, indicating that probably there is a threshold in SSA which is necessary to achieve for improving the fracture properties of CFRPs.

Autoři článku: Rochepurcell4463 (Koenig Feldman)