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The obtained hydrogels were both injectable and self-healable, which was confirmed with a rheological study.Apical periodontitis, an inflammatory lesion causing bone resorption around the apex of teeth, is treated by eradicating infectious bacteria from the root canal. However, it has a high recurrence rate and often requires retreatment. We investigated the bactericidal effect of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT)/photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) using indocyanine green (ICG)-loaded nanospheres coated with chitosan and a diode laser on a biofilm of Enterococcus faecalis, a pathogen of refractory apical periodontitis. Biofilm of E. faecalis was cultured in a porcine infected root canal model. ICG solution was injected into the root canal, which was then irradiated with a laser (810 nm wavelength) from outside the root canal. The bactericidal effect was evaluated by colony counts and scanning electron microscopy. The result of the colony counts showed a maximum 1.89 log reduction after irradiation at 2.1 W for 5 min. The temperature rise during aPDT/PACT was confirmed to be within a safe range. Furthermore, the light energy transmittance through the root was at a peak approximately 1 min after the start of irradiation, indicating that most of the ICG in the root canal was consumed. This study shows that aPDT/PACT can suppress E. faecalis in infected root canals with high efficiency.Improving the therapeutic characteristics of antibiotics is an effective strategy for controlling the growth of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to develop a colistin (CT) delivery system based on hyaluronic acid (HA) and the water-soluble cationic chitosan derivative, diethylaminoethyl chitosan (DEAECS). The CT delivery system was a polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) obtained by interpolymeric interactions between the HA polyanion and the DEAECS polycation, with simultaneous inclusion of positively charged CT molecules into the resulting complex. The developed PEC had a hydrodynamic diameter of 210-250 nm and a negative surface charge (ζ-potential = -19 mV); the encapsulation and loading efficiencies were 100 and 16.7%, respectively. The developed CT delivery systems were characterized by modified release (30-40% and 85-90% of CT released in 15 and 60 min, respectively) compared to pure CT (100% CT released in 15 min). In vitro experiments showed that the encapsulation of CT in polysaccharide carriers did not reduce its antimicrobial activity, as the minimum inhibitory concentrations against Pseudomonas aeruginosa of both encapsulated CT and pure CT were 1 μg/mL.The miR-31 host gene (MIR31HG) encodes a long non-coding RNA (LncRNA) that harbors miR-31 in its intron 2; miR-31 promotes malignant neoplastic progression. Overexpression of MIR31HG and of miR-31 occurs during oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). However, the downstream effectors modulated by MIR31HG during OSCC pathogenesis remain unclear. The present study identifies up-regulation of MIR31HG expression during the potentially premalignant disorder stage of oral carcinogenesis. The potential of MIR31HG to enhance oncogenicity and to activate Wnt and FAK was identified when there was exogenous MIR31HG expression in OSCC cells. Furthermore, OSCC cell subclones with MIR31HG deleted were established using a Crispr/Cas9 strategy. RNA sequencing data obtained from cells expressing MIR31HG, cells with MIR31HG deleted and cells with miR-31 deleted identified 17 candidate genes that seem to be modulated by MIR31HG in OSCC cells. A TCGA database algorithm pinpointed MMP1, BMP2 and Limb-Bud and Heart development (LBH) as effector genes controlled by MIR31HG during OSCC. Exogenous LBH expression decreases tumor cell invasiveness, while knockdown of LBH reverses the oncogenic suppression present in MIR31HG deletion subclones. The study provides novel insights demonstrating the contribution of the MIR31HG-LBH cascade to oral carcinogenesis.The introduction of herbaceous peony (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) in low-latitude areas is of great significance to expand the landscape application of this world-famous ornamental. With the hazards of climate warming, warm winters occurs frequently, which makes many excellent northern herbaceous peony cultivars unable to meet their chilling requirements (CR) and leads to their poor growth and flowering in southern China. Exploring the endodormancy release mechanism of underground buds is crucial for improving low-CR cultivar screening and breeding. A systematic study was conducted on P. lactiflora 'Meiju', a screened cultivar with a typical low-CR trait introduced from northern China, at the morphological, physiological and molecular levels. The CR value of 'Meiju' was further verified as 677.5 CUs based on the UT model and morphological observation. As a kind of signal transducer, reactive oxygen species (ROS) released a signal to enter dormancy, which led to corresponding changes in carbohydrate and hormone metabolism in buds, thus promoting underground buds to acquire strong cold resistance and enter endodormancy. The expression of important genes related to ABA metabolism, such as NCED3, PP2C, CBF4 and ABF2, reached peaks at the critical stage of endodormancy release (9 January) and then decreased rapidly; the expression of the GA2ox8 gene related to GA synthesis increased significantly in the early stage of endodormancy release and decreased rapidly after the release of ecodormancy (23 January). Cytological observation showed that the period when the sugar and starch contents decreased and the ABA/GA ratio decreased was when 'Meiju' bud endodormancy was released. This study reveals the endodormancy regulation mechanism of 'Meiju' buds with the low-CR trait, which lays a theoretical foundation for breeding new herbaceous peony cultivars with the low-CR trait.Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) undergo dendritic pruning in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, including glaucoma and autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA). Axotomising RGCs by severing the optic nerve generates an acute model of RGC dendropathy, which can be utilized to assess the therapeutic potential of treatments for RGC degeneration. Photobiomodulation (PBM) with red light provided neuroprotection to RGCs when administered ex vivo to wild-type retinal explants. In the current study, we used aged (13-15-month-old) wild-type and heterozygous B6;C3-Opa1Q285STOP (Opa1+/-) mice, a model of ADOA exhibiting RGC dendropathy. These mice were pre-treated with 4 J/cm2 of 670 nm light for five consecutive days before the eyes were enucleated and the retinas flat-mounted into explant cultures for 0-, 8- or 16-h ex vivo. RGCs were imaged by confocal microscopy, and their dendritic architecture was quantified by Sholl analysis. In vivo 670 nm light pretreatment inhibited the RGC dendropathy observed in untreated wild-type retinas over 16 h ex vivo and inhibited dendropathy in ON-center RGCs in wild-type but not Opa1+/- retinas. Immunohistochemistry revealed that aged Opa1+/- RGCs exhibited increased nitrosative damage alongside significantly lower activation of NF-κB and upregulation of DJ-1. PBM restored NF-κB activation in Opa1+/- RGCs and enhanced DJ-1 expression in both genotypes, indicating a potential molecular mechanism priming the retina to resist future oxidative insult. These data support the potential of PBM as a treatment for diseases involving RGC degeneration.Atherosclerosis is the major cause of the development of cardiovascular disease, which, in turn, is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. From the point of view of pathogenesis, atherosclerosis is an extremely complex disease. A huge variety of processes, such as violation of mitophagy, oxidative stress, damage to the endothelium, and others, are involved in atherogenesis; however, the main components of atherogenesis are considered to be inflammation and alterations of lipid metabolism. In this review, we want to focus on inflammation, and more specifically on the cellular elements of adaptive immunity, T and B cells. see more It is known that various T cells are widely represented directly in atherosclerotic plaques, while B cells can be found, for example, in the adventitia layer. Of course, such widespread and well-studied cells have attracted attention as potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Various approaches have been developed and tested for their efficacy.Intronic splicing silencer N1 (ISS-N1) located within Survival Motor Neuron 2 (SMN2) intron 7 is the target of a therapeutic antisense oligonucleotide (ASO), nusinersen (Spinraza), which is currently being used for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a leading genetic disease associated with infant mortality. The discovery of ISS-N1 as a promising therapeutic target was enabled in part by Anti-N1, a 20-mer ASO that restored SMN2 exon 7 inclusion by annealing to ISS-N1. Here, we analyzed the transcriptome of SMA patient cells treated with 100 nM of Anti-N1 for 30 h. Such concentrations are routinely used to demonstrate the efficacy of an ASO. While 100 nM of Anti-N1 substantially stimulated SMN2 exon 7 inclusion, it also caused massive perturbations in the transcriptome and triggered widespread aberrant splicing, affecting expression of essential genes associated with multiple cellular processes such as transcription, splicing, translation, cell signaling, cell cycle, macromolecular trafficking, cytoskeletal dynamics, and innate immunity. We validated our findings with quantitative and semiquantitative PCR of 39 candidate genes associated with diverse pathways. We also showed a substantial reduction in off-target effects with shorter ISS-N1-targeting ASOs. Our findings are significant for implementing better ASO design and dosing regimens of ASO-based drugs.Cultured meat is an emerging alternative food technology which aims to deliver a more ethical, sustainable, and healthy muscle-tissue-derived food item compared to conventional meat. As start-up companies are rapidly forming and accelerating this technology, many aspects of this multi-faceted science have still not been investigated in academia. In this study, we investigated if bovine satellite cells with the ability to proliferate and undergo myogenic differentiation could be isolated after extended tissue storage, for the purpose of increasing the practicality for cultured meat production. Proliferation of bovine satellite cells isolated on the day of arrival or after 2 and 5 days of tissue storage were analyzed by metabolic and DNA-based assays, while their myogenic characteristics were investigated using RT-qPCR and immunofluorescence. Extended tissue storage up to 5 days did not negatively affect proliferation nor the ability to undergo fusion and create myosin heavy chain-positive myotubes. The expression patterns of myogenic and muscle-specific genes were also not affected after tissue storage. In fact, the data indicated a positive trend in terms of myogenic potential after tissue storage, although it was non-significant. These results suggest that the timeframe of which viable myogenic satellite cells can be isolated and used for cultured meat production can be greatly extended by proper tissue storage.

Autoři článku: Robertsonwilson5475 (Wynn Rogers)