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Our study extends finite-time stochastic thermodynamics to transformations connecting nonequilibrium steady states.We devise a simple method for detecting signals of unknown form buried in any noise, including heavy tailed. The method centers on signal-noise decomposition in rank and time Only stationary white noise generates data with a jointly uniform rank-time probability distribution, U(1,N)×U(1,N), for N data points in a time series. Signals of any kind distort this uniformity. Such distortions are captured by rank-time cumulative distributions permitting all-purpose efficient detection, even for single time series and noise of infinite variance.Prominent examples of longitudinal phase separation in elastic systems include elastic necking, the propagation of a bulge in a cylindrical party balloon, and the beading of a gel fiber subject to surface tension. Here we demonstrate that if the parameters of such a system are tuned near a critical point (where the difference between the two phases vanishes), then the behavior of all systems is given by the minimization of a simple and universal elastic energy familiar from Ginzburg-Landau theory in an external field. We minimize this energy analytically, which yields not only the well known interfacial tanh solution, but also the complete set of stable and unstable solutions in both finite and infinite length systems, unveiling the elastic system's full shape evolution and hysteresis. Correspondingly, we also find analytic results for the the delay of onset, changes in criticality, and ultimate suppression of instability with diminishing system length, demonstrating that our simple near-critical theory captures much of the complexity and choreography of far-from-critical systems. Finally, we find critical points for the three prominent examples of phase separation given above, and demonstrate how each system then follows the universal set of solutions.Power-law behaviors are common in many disciplines, especially in network science. Real-world networks, like disease spreading among people, are more likely to be interconnected communities, and show richer power-law behaviors than isolated networks. In this paper, we look at the system of two communities which are connected by bridge links between a fraction r of bridge nodes, and study the effect of bridge nodes to the final state of the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model by mapping it to link percolation. By keeping a fixed average connectivity, but allowing different transmissibilities along internal and bridge links, we theoretically derive different power-law asymptotic behaviors of the total fraction of the recovered R in the final state as r goes to zero, for different combinations of internal and bridge link transmissibilities. We also find crossover points where R follows different power-law behaviors with r on both sides when the internal transmissibility is below but close to its critical value for different bridge link transmissibilities. All of these power-law behaviors can be explained through different mechanisms of how finite clusters in each community are connected into the giant component of the whole system, and enable us to pick effective epidemic strategies and to better predict their impacts.Phase transitions in active fluids attracted significant attention within the last decades. Recent results show [L. Chen et al., New J. Phys. 17, 042002 (2015)10.1088/1367-2630/17/4/042002] that an order-disorder phase transition in incompressible active fluids belongs to a new universality class. In this work, we further investigate this type of phase transition and focus on the effect of long-range interactions. This is achieved by introducing a nonlocal shear stress into the hydrodynamic description, which leads to superdiffusion of the velocity field, and can be viewed as a result of the active particles performing Lévy walks. The universal properties in the critical region are derived by performing a perturbative renormalization group analysis of the corresponding response functional within the one-loop approximation. We show that the effect of nonlocal shear stress decreases the upper critical dimension of the model, and can lead to the irrelevance of the active fluid self-advection with the resulting model belonging to an unusual long-range Model A universality class not reported before, to our knowledge. Moreover, when the degree of nonlocality is sufficiently high all nonlinearities become irrelevant and the mean-field description is valid in any spatial dimension.The oscillatory behavior of cellular patterns produced by directional solidification of a transparent alloy under microgravity conditions was recently observed to depend on the misorientation of the main crystal axis with respect to the direction of the imposed thermal gradient [Pereda et al., Phys. Rev. E 95, 012803 (2017)2470-004510.1103/PhysRevE.95.012803]. To characterize the oscillatory-nonoscillatory transition resulting from the variations of the crystal misorientation, new experiments performed in DECLIC-DSI onboard the International Space Station and phase-field simulations are analyzed and combined in the present study. Experimental results are extracted from movies showing regions that extend on both sides of a boundary between two grains with respective misorientations of roughly 3 and 7 degrees. A set of tools are developed to analyze the experimental data and the same analysis is reproduced for the numerical data. A number of points are addressed in the simulations, like the effects of the system dimensions. The oscillatory state is found to be favored by the increase of the geometrical degrees of freedom. In bulk samples, a good agreement is found between the experimental and the numerical oscillatory-nonoscillatory threshold given by the ratio of the drift time to the oscillation period at the transition. The existence and the origin of bursts of localized groups of oscillating cells within a globally nonoscillatory pattern are characterized. A qualitative description of the physical mechanism that governs the oscillatory-nonoscillatory transition is provided.We discuss anomalous relaxation processes of a quantum Brownian particle which interacts with an acoustic phonon field as a thermal reservoir in one-dimensional chain molecule. We derive a kinetic equation for the particle using the complex spectral representation of the Liouville-von Neumann operator. Due to the one-dimensionality, the momentum space separates into infinite sets of disjoint irreducible subspaces dynamically independent of one another. Hence, momentum relaxation occurs only within each subspace toward the Maxwell distribution. We obtain a hydrodynamic mode with transport coefficients, a sound velocity, and a diffusion coefficient, defined in each subspace. Moreover, because the sound velocity has momentum dependence, phase mixing affects the broadening of the spatial distribution of the particle in addition to the diffusion process. Due to the phase mixing, the increase rate of the mean-square displacement of the particle increases linearly with time and diverges in the long-time limit.We investigate the dissipative mechanisms exhibited by creased material sheets when subjected to mechanical loading, which comes in the form of plasticity and relaxation phenomena within the creases. After demonstrating that plasticity mostly affects the rest angle of the creases, we devise a mapping between this quantity and the macroscopic state of the system that allows us to track its reference configuration along an arbitrary loading path, resulting in a powerful monitoring and design tool for crease-based metamaterials. Furthermore, we show that complex relaxation phenomena, in particular memory effects, can give rise to a nonmonotonic response at the crease level, possibly relating to the similar behavior reported for crumpled sheets. We describe our observations through a classical double-logarithmic time evolution and obtain a constitutive behavior compatible with that of the underlying material. Thus the lever effect provided by the crease allows magnified access to the material's rheology.As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads worldwide, epidemiological models have been employed to evaluate possible scenarios and gauge the efficacy of proposed interventions. Considering the complexity of disease transmission dynamics in cities, stochastic epidemic models include uncertainty in their treatment of the problem, allowing the estimation of the probability of an outbreak, the distribution of epidemic magnitudes, and their expected duration. In this sense, we propose a kinetic Monte Carlo epidemic model that focuses on demography and on age-structured mobility data to simulate the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak in the capital of Brazil, Brasilia, under several scenarios of mobility restriction. We show that the distribution of epidemic outcomes can be divided into short-lived mild outbreaks and longer severe ones. We demonstrate that quarantines have the effect of reducing the probability of a severe outbreak taking place but are unable to mitigate the magnitude of these outbreaks once they happen. Finally, we present the probability of a particular trajectory in the epidemic progression resulting in a massive outbreak as a function of the cumulative number of cases at the end of each quarantine period, allowing for the estimation of the risk associated with relaxing mobility restrictions at a given time.We investigate a simple forced harmonic oscillator with a natural frequency varying with time. It is shown that the time evolution of such a system can be written in a simplified form with Fresnel integrals, as long as the variation of the natural frequency is sufficiently slow compared to the time period of oscillation. Thanks to such a simple formulation, we found that a forced harmonic oscillator with a slowly varying natural frequency is essentially equivalent to diffraction of light.The Van der Pol equation is a paradigmatic model of relaxation oscillations. This remarkable nonlinear phenomenon of self-sustained oscillatory motion underlies important rhythmic processes in nature and electrical engineering. selleckchem Relaxation oscillations in a real system are usually coupled to environmental noise, which further enriches their dynamics, but makes theoretical analysis of such systems and determination of the equation parameter values a difficult task. In a companion paper we have proposed an analytic approach to a similar problem for another classical nonlinear model-the bistable Duffing oscillator. Here we extend our techniques to the case of the Van der Pol equation driven by white noise. We analyze the statistics of solutions and propose a method to estimate parameter values from the oscillator's time series. We use experimental data of active oscillations in a biophysical system to demonstrate how our method applies to real observations and can be generalized for more complex models.The key parameter that characterizes the transmissibility of a disease is the reproduction number R. If it exceeds 1, the number of incident cases will inevitably grow over time, and a large epidemic is possible. To prevent the expansion of an epidemic, R must be reduced to a level below 1. To estimate the reproduction number, the probability distribution function of the generation interval of an infectious disease is required to be available; however, this distribution is often unknown. In this paper, given the incomplete information for the generation interval, we propose a maximum entropy method to estimate the reproduction number. Based on this method, given the mean value and variance of the generation interval, we first determine its probability distribution function and in turn estimate the real-time values of the reproduction number of COVID-19 in China and the United States. By applying these estimated reproduction numbers into the susceptible-infectious-removed epidemic model, we simulate the evolutionary tracks of the epidemics in China and the United States, both of which are in accordance with that of the real incident cases.

Autoři článku: Robertsmcelroy4733 (Rytter Teague)