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The suppression of spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) allows the objective evaluation of cochlear frequency selectivity by determining the suppression tuning curve (STC). Interestingly, some STCs have additional sidelobes at the high frequency flank, which are thought to result from interaction between the probe tone and the cochlear standing wave corresponding to the SOAE being suppressed. Sidelobes are often in regions of other neighboring SOAEs but can also occur in the absence of any other SOAE. The aim of this study was to compare STCs and psychoacoustic tuning curves (PTCs). Therefore, STCs and PTCs were measured in (1) subjects in which the STC had a sidelobe, and (2) subjects without STC sidelobes. Additionally, PTCs were measured in subjects without SOAEs. Across participant groups, the quality factor Q10dB of the PTCs was similar, independently from whether SOAEs were present or absent. Thus, the presence of an SOAE does not provide enhanced frequency selectivity at the emission frequency. Moreover, both PTC and STC show irregularities, but these are not related in a straightforward way. This suggests that different mechanisms cause these irregularities.This paper presents an Expert Decision Support System for the identification of time-invariant, aeroacoustic source types. The system comprises two steps first, acoustic properties are calculated based on spectral and spatial information. Second, clustering is performed based on these properties. The clustering aims at helping and guiding an expert for quick identification of different source types, providing an understanding of how sources differ. This supports the expert in determining similar or atypical behavior. A variety of features are proposed for capturing the characteristics of the sources. These features represent aeroacoustic properties that can be interpreted by both the machine and by experts. The features are independent of the absolute Mach number, which enables the proposed method to cluster data measured at different flow configurations. The method is evaluated on deconvolved beamforming data from two scaled airframe half-model measurements. For this exemplary data, the proposed support system method results in clusters that mostly correspond to the source types identified by the authors. The clustering also provides the mean feature values and the cluster hierarchy for each cluster, and for each cluster member, a clustering confidence. This additional information makes the results transparent and allows the expert to understand the clustering choices.Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death worldwide with over 3 × 106 deaths in 2019. Such an alarming figure becomes frightening when combined with the number of lost lives resulting from COVID-caused respiratory failure. Because COPD exacerbations identified early can commonly be treated at home, early symptom detections may enable a major reduction of COPD patient readmission and associated healthcare costs; this is particularly important during pandemics such as COVID-19 in which healthcare facilities are overwhelmed. The standard adjuncts used to assess lung function (e.g., spirometry, plethysmography, and CT scan) are expensive, time consuming, and cannot be used in remote patient monitoring of an acute exacerbation. In this paper, a wearable multi-modal system for breathing analysis is presented, which can be used in quantifying various airflow obstructions. The wearable multi-modal electroacoustic system employs a body area sensor network with each sensor-node having a multi-modal sensing capability, such as a digital stethoscope, electrocardiogram monitor, thermometer, and goniometer. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the resulting acoustic spectrum is used as a measure of breathing intensity. The results are shown from data collected from over 35 healthy subjects and 3 COPD subjects, demonstrating a positive correlation of SNR values to the health-scale score.We previously reported a simulation-based neural network for estimating vocal fold properties and subglottal pressure from the produced voice. VY-3-135 purchase This study aims to validate this neural network in a single-human subject study. The results showed reasonable accuracy of the neural network in estimating the subglottal pressure in this particular human subject. The neural network was also able to qualitatively differentiate soft and loud speech conditions regarding differences in the subglottal pressure and degree of vocal fold adduction. This simulation-based neural network has potential applications in identifying unhealthy vocal behavior and monitoring progress of voice therapy or vocal training.Directional sensors, if collocated but perpendicularly oriented among themselves, would facilitate signal processing to uncouple the azimuth-polar direction from the time-frequency dimension-in addition to the physical advantage of spatial compactness. One such acoustical sensing unit is the well-known "tri-axial velocity sensor" (also known as the "gradient sensor," the "velocity-sensor triad," the "acoustic vector sensor," and the "vector hydrophone"), which comprises three identical figure-8 sensors of the first directivity-order, collocated spatially but oriented perpendicularly of each other. The directivity of the figure-8 sensors is hypothetically raised to a higher order in this analytical investigation with an innocent hope to sharpen the overall triad's directionality and steerability. Against this wishful aspiration, this paper rigorously analyzes how the directivity-order would affect the triad's "spatial-matched-filter" beam's directional steering capability, revealing which directivity-order(s) would allow the beam-pattern of full maneuverability toward any azimuthal direction and which directivity-order(s) cannot.This study investigates the dynamic auditory perception in large sequential public spaces for listeners in motion with a stationary primary sound source. Virtual soundwalks, involving four music and voice sources and validated with in situ soundwalks, were conducted in an exhibition space. The perception differences between the approaching and receding sound sources were explored, and three major effects were found. The rising sound received a higher rating in each room with a greater perceived change in the loudness than the falling sound despite equal changes in both levels (approach effect). The difference was greater for the room connected to the source room. The loudness in the room connected to the source room receives a sharp drop (plummet effect) for the receding sound source, which was larger for music than for voice. The effect of the background sound impairing the perceptual priority of rising sound was profound in the receiving rooms. The loudness patterns could not be extended to other perceptual attributes, including reverberation. An increasing symmetry of the overall perception between the different sound source types was observed (convergence effect) either by the approaching or receding sound sources. The overall asymmetry of the directional aspects occurring with the noise and voice was not as distinguishable as with music.The Reflections series takes a look back on historical articles from The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America that have had a significant impact on the science and practice of acoustics.Vibration-based sound power (VBSP) measurement methods are appealing because of their potential versatility in application compared to sound pressure and intensity-based methods. It has been understood that VBSP methods have been reliant on the acoustic radiation resistance matrix specific to the surface shape. Expressions for these matrices have been developed and presented in the literature for flat plates, simple-curved plates (constant radius of curvature in one direction), and cylindrical- and spherical-shells. This paper shows that the VBSP method is relatively insensitive to the exact form of the radiation resistance matrix and that computationally efficient forms of the radiation resistance matrix can be used to accurately approximate the sound power radiated from arbitrarily curved panels. Experimental sound power measurements using the VBSP method with the simple-curved plate radiation resistance matrix and the ISO 3741 standard method are compared for two arbitrarily curved panels and are shown to have good agreement. The VBSP method based on the simple-curved plate form of the radiation resistance matrix is also shown to have excellent agreement with numerical results from a boundary element model, which inherently uses the appropriate form of the radiation resistance matrix.Part of the detrimental effect caused by a stationary noise on sound perception results from the masking of relevant amplitude modulations (AM) in the signal by random intrinsic envelope fluctuations arising from the filtering of noise by cochlear channels. This study capitalizes on this phenomenon to probe AM detection strategies for human listeners using a reverse correlation analysis. Eight normal-hearing listeners were asked to detect the presence of a 4-Hz sinusoidal AM target applied to a 1-kHz tone carrier using a yes-no task with 3000 trials/participant. All stimuli were embedded in a white-noise masker. A reverse-correlation analysis was then carried on the data to compute "psychophysical kernels" showing which aspects of the stimulus' temporal envelope influenced the listener's responses. These results were compared to data simulated with different implementations of a modulation-filterbank model. Psychophysical kernels revealed that human listeners were able to track the position of AM peaks in the target, similar to the models. However, they also showed a marked temporal decay and a consistent phase shift compared to the ideal template. In light of the simulated data, this was interpreted as an evidence for the presence of phase uncertainty in the processing of intrinsic envelope fluctuations.The interior resonance problem of time domain integral equations (TDIEs) formulated to analyze acoustic field interactions on penetrable objects is investigated. Two types of TDIEs are considered The first equation, which is termed the time domain potential integral equation (TDPIE), suffers from the interior resonance problem, i.e., its solution is replete with spurious modes that are excited at the resonance frequencies of the acoustic cavity in the shape of the scatterer. Numerical experiments demonstrate that, unlike the frequency-domain integral equations, the amplitude of these modes in the time domain could be suppressed to a level that does not significantly affect the solution. This is achieved by increasing the numerical solution accuracy through the use of a higher-order discretization in space and the band limited approximate prolate spheroidal wave function with high interpolation accuracy as basis function in time. The second equation is obtained by linearly combining TDPIE with its normal derivative. The solution of this equation, which is termed the time domain combined potential integral equation (TDCPIE), does not involve any spurious interior resonance modes but it is not as accurate as the TDPIE solution at non-resonance frequencies. In addition, TDCPIE's discretization calls for treatment of hypersingular integrals.

Autoři článku: Risagerbinderup2569 (Nicolaisen Erickson)