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We report results of comprehensive experimental exploration (X-ray photoemission, Raman and optical spectroscopy) of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) in combination with first-principles modeling. Core-level spectra demonstrate prevalence of sp2 hybridization of carbon atoms in CNF with a trace amount of carbon-oxygen bonds. The density functional theory (DFT)-based calculations demonstrated no visible difference between mono- and bilayers because σ-orbitals are related to in-plane covalent bonds. The influence of the distortions on π-peak is found to be significant only for bilayers as a result of π-π interlayer bonds formation. These results are supported by both experimental Raman and XPS valence band spectra. The combination of optical measurements with a theoretical modeling indicates the formation of optically active graphene quantum dots (GQDs) in the CNF matrix, with a radiative relaxation of the excited π* state. The calculated electronic structure of these GQDs is in quantitative agreement with the measured optical transitions and provides an explanation of the absence of visible contribution from these GQDs to the measured valence bands spectra.

Our study aimed to examine the impact of diabetes, smoking and BMI on pancreatic cancer survival in a population-based setting by adjusting both sociodemographic and clinical factors and measuring their attributable risk.

Data on pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients diagnosed in 2011-2017 were acquired from the Louisiana Tumor Registry. Diabetes, smoking, height, and weight were abstracted from medical records and linked with Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data to enhance the completeness of the diabetes data. The Cox regression model was used to assess effect sizes of diabetes, smoking, and BMI on cancer-specific survival and survival rate. The partial population attributable risk was employed to measure the attributable risk of these risk factors.

Of the 3,200 eligible patients, 34.6% were diabetics, 23.9% were current smokers, and 52.3% had BMI ≥ 25kg/m

. After adjusting for sociodemographic and clinical factors, diabetic patients had an increased cancer-specific death risk of 15% (95% CI, 1.06-1.25), 36% (95% CI, 1.19-1.44) for current smokers, and 24% (95% CI, 1.00-1.54) for patients with a BMI ≥ 40 when compared to their counterparts. Diabetic current smokers had significantly lower 2- and 3-year adjusted cancer-specific survival rates, 13.1% and 10.5%, respectively. By eliminating diabetes and modifiable risk factors, an estimated 16.6% (95% CI, 6.9%-25.9%) of the cancer-specific deaths could be avoided during a nine-year observational period between 2011 and 2019.

Diabetes and smoking contributed substantially to the reduction of pancreatic cancer survival even after controlling for sociodemographic and clinical factors; however, BMI ≥ 35 was observed to increase risk of mortality among stage III-IV patients only.

Diabetes and smoking contributed substantially to the reduction of pancreatic cancer survival even after controlling for sociodemographic and clinical factors; however, BMI ≥ 35 was observed to increase risk of mortality among stage III-IV patients only.

Nanocolloidal human serum albumin radiolabelled with

Tc provides a diagnostic radiopharmaceutical for sentinel node lymphoscintigraphy. NanoHSA (Nanotop), a commercially available kit, enables the simple preparation of this radiopharmaceutical via reconstitution with pertechnetate eluted from a generator. Thin-layer chromatography is widely used for determining radiochemical purity in clinical nuclear medicine. Quality control methods recommended by the manufacturer were sometimes reported to yield variable results. Therefore, we proposed and evaluated three alternative thin-layer chromatography methods for the quality control of [

Tc]Tc-NanoHSA from a commercially available kit.

The radiochemical purity of [

Tc]Tc-NanoHSA determined with all methods was reproducible and met the requirements of the SPC and the European Pharmacopoeia (≥ 95%). Our quality control using iTLC-SG chromatographic paper in methyl ethyl ketone mobile phase identified only free pertechnetate as impurity, resulting in > 99% RCP. The quality control using iTLC-SG in 85% methanol or iTLC-SA in 0.9% NaCl identified an additional small fraction of a hydrophilic impurity, resulting in 95-97% RCP. Glucose was identified as a potential

Tc-carrying hydrophilic species contributing to hydrophilic impurities.

Our quality control of [

Tc]Tc-NanoHSA with non-polar mobile phase tended to underestimate the amount of hydrophilic impurities, although without compromising the final quality of the radiopharmaceutical. Alternative TLC methods using aqueous mobile phases enabled a more accurate determination of hydrophilic impurities.

Our quality control of [99mTc]Tc-NanoHSA with non-polar mobile phase tended to underestimate the amount of hydrophilic impurities, although without compromising the final quality of the radiopharmaceutical. Alternative TLC methods using aqueous mobile phases enabled a more accurate determination of hydrophilic impurities.Judgement bias tasks (JBTs) are used to assess the influence of farm practices on livestock affective states. The tasks must be adjusted to the species and age group of focus. In cattle, most JBTs were designed for calves instead of adult cows. This study aimed to develop a JBT suitable for adult dairy cows, combining feasibility, validity, sensitivity and repeatability. Three JBTs were developed in which cows were trained to reach or avoid reaching a feeder, the location of which signalled a reward or punisher. The tasks differed in terms of punisher-cows being allocated either to "no-reward", an air puff or an electric shock. Cows were then exposed twice to three ambiguous positions of the feeder, on two separate occasions. Speed of learning and proportions of correct responses to the conditioned locations were used to assess the feasibility of the task. Adjusted latencies to reach the ambiguous feeder positions were used to examine whether response patterns matched the linear and monotonic graded pattern expected in a valid and sensitive JBT at baseline. Latencies to reach the feeders in the two repeated testing sessions were compared to assess ambiguity loss over tasks' repetitions. The validity of using spatial JBTs for dairy cows was demonstrated. While the effect on JBT feasibility was nuanced, the punisher did influence JBT sensitivity. None of the JBTs' repeatability could be supported. We conclude that using an air puff as punisher led to the most sensitive, yet non-repeatable-BT for dairy cows.The elbow is a complex joint whose biomechanical function is granted by the interplay and synergy of various anatomical structures. Articular stability is achieved by both static and dynamic constraints, which consist of osseous as well as soft-tissue components. Injuries determining instability frequently involve several of these structures. Therefore, accurate knowledge of regional anatomy and imaging findings is fundamental for a precise diagnosis and an appropriate clinical management of elbow instability. This review focuses particularly on the varied appearance of overuse-related elbow injuries at CT-arthrography.The morphology and regeneration of the digestive system and tegmen after autotomy of the visceral mass in the crinoid Lamprometra palmata (Clark 1921) was studied. The gut has a five-lobed shape and is covered by a tegmen. The tegmen consists of epidermis and underlying connective tissue. The digestive tube can be divided into three parts esophagus, intestine, and rectum. At 6 h post-autotomy, the calyx surface is covered by a layer of amoebocytes and juxtaligamental cells (JLCs). At 14-18 h, post-autotomy transdifferentiation of JLCs begins and give rise to the epidermis and cells of digestive system. On days 1-2 post-autotomy, JLCs undergo the mesenchymal-epithelial transition. Some JLCs turn into typical epidermal cells, while other JLCs form small closed epithelial structures that represent the gut anlage. On day 4 post-autotomy, the animals have a mouth opening and a small anal cone. On day 7 post-autotomy, the visceral mass and the digestive system become fully formed but are smaller than normal. A 24-h exposure of L. palmata individuals to a 10-7 M colchicine solution did not slow down regeneration, and the timing of gut formation was similar to that in the control animals. We conclude that JLCs are the major cell source for gut and epidermis regeneration in L. palmata. The main mechanisms of morphogenesis are cell migration, mesenchymal-epithelial transition, and transdifferentiation.

The aim of this study was to assess the long-term annual functional results and quality of life (QOL) after laparoscopic ventral rectopexy (LVR) for rectoanal intussusception (RAI) and/or rectocele.

This study was a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data. The study was conducted on patients who underwent LVR for RAI and/or rectocele at our institution between February 2012 and July 2015. The Fecal Incontinence Severity Index (FISI), Constipation Scoring System (CSS), and QOL instruments (i.e., 36-item Short-form Health Survey [SF-36], Patient Assessment of Constipation-QOL [PAC-QOL] scale, and Fecal Incontinence-QOL [FIQL]) were administered before and annually after surgery. The sustainability of substantial symptom improvement (reduction of at least 50% in CSS or FISI scores) postoperatively was evaluated.

Fifty-one patients (median age 76 [range 60-93] years, 48 women [94%]) were analyzed. No mortality or major morbidity occurred. After a median follow-up of 60months (range 12-84months satisfactory, and that in constipation was fair.

Mining for precious metals is detrimental to the composition of soil structure and microbial diversity distribution and is a health risk to human communities around the affected communities. This study wasaimed at determining the physical and chemical characteristics and diversity of bacteria in the soil of local mining sites for biosorption of heavy metals.

Results of physical and chemical characteristics showed mean pH values and percentage organic carbon to range from 7.1 to 8.2 and 0.18 to 1.12% respectively with statistical significance between sampling sites (P ≤ 0.05). Similarly, cation exchange capacity, electrical conductivity, moisture, total nitrogen, and carbon/nitrogen ratio (CN) in the soil ranged between 1.52 to 3.57 cmol/kg, 0.15 to 0.32 ds/m, 0.14 to 0.82%, 0.10 to 0.28%, and 1.7 to 4.8 respectively. The highest heavy metal concentration of 59.01 ppm was recorded in soils obtained from site 3. The enumeration of viable aerobic bacteria recorded the highest mean count of 4.5 × 10

cfu/g othstand heavy metals and are good candidates in genetic modification for bioremediation.

The current literature on the use of brachial artery access is controversial. Some studies found increased puncture site complications. Others found no higher complication rates than in patients with femoral or radial access. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of ultrasound (US)-guidance on access site complications.

This is a single-center retrospective study of all consecutive patients with brachial arterial access for interventional procedures. Complications were classified into minor complications (conservative treatment only) and major complications (requiring surgical intervention). The brachial artery was cannulated in the antecubital fossa under US-guidance. After the intervention, manual compression or closure devices, both followed by a compression bandage for 3 h, either achieved hemostasis.

Seventy-five procedures in seventy-one patients were performed in the study period using brachial access. Access was successful in all cases (100%). Procedures in different vascular territories were performed neurovascular (10/13.

Autoři článku: Ringshaw5000 (Riley Summers)