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Provided here is a detailed protocol demonstrating how to generate iPSC-derived BBB chips, beginning with differentiation of iPSC-derived brain microvascular endothelial cells (iBMECs) and resulting in mixed neural cultures containing neural progenitors, differentiated neurons, and astrocytes. Also described is a procedure for seeding cells into the organ chip and culturing of the BBB chips under controlled laminar flow. Lastly, detailed descriptions of BBB chip analyses are provided, including paracellular permeability assays for assessing drug and molecule permeability as well as immunocytochemical methods for determining the composition of cell types within the chip.Desorption/Ionization Induced by Neutral SO2 Clusters (DINeC) is employed as a very soft and efficient desorption/ionization technique for mass spectrometry (MS) of complex molecules and their reactions on surfaces. DINeC is based on a beam of SO2 clusters impacting on the sample surface at low cluster energy. During cluster-surface impact, some of the surface molecules are desorbed and ionized via dissolvation in the impacting cluster; as a result of this dissolvation-mediated desorption mechanism, low cluster energy is sufficient and the desorption process is extremely soft. Both surface adsorbates and molecules of which the surface is composed of can be analyzed. Clear and fragmentation-free spectra from complex molecules such as peptides and proteins are obtained. DINeC does not require any special sample preparation, in particular no matrix has to be applied. The method yields quantitative information on the composition of the samples; molecules at a surface coverage as low as 0.1 % of a monolayer can be detected. Surface reactions such as H/D exchange or thermal decomposition can be observed in real-time and the kinetics of the reactions can be deduced. Using a pulsed nozzle for cluster beam generation, DINeC can be efficiently combined with ion trap mass spectrometry. The matrix-free and soft nature of the DINeC process in combination with the MSn capabilities of the ion trap allows for very detailed and unambiguous analysis of the chemical composition of complex organic samples and organic adsorbates on surfaces.New knowledge is continuously gained from a social environment that can influence how people respond to each other. Such responses often occur implicitly, at a subliminal perceptual level, and related brain mechanisms can be experimentally isolated by presenting the stimuli quickly. Subliminal presentation of faces that belong to different ethnicity groups, races, or gender has been shown to be successful in investigating social implicit responses. However, many implicit responses are based on knowledge previously gained about the faces (e.g., sexual orientation, political views, and socioeconomic status) and not solely on physical appearance. Here, a novel method called post-movie subliminal measurement (PMSM) is presented. When watching a socially engaging movie, a spectator gains knowledge about the protagonist and becomes familiar with his/her identity and world views. When the face of the protagonist is presented subliminally after the movie, it evokes an implicit neural response depending on what is learned about the protagonist. With a vast number of movies available, each depicting a variety of people with different identities, the PMSM method enables investigation of the brain's complex implicit biases in a manner that resembles real-life social perceptions.Key cellular events like signal transduction and membrane trafficking rely on proper protein location within cellular compartments. Understanding precise subcellular localization of proteins is thus important for answering many biological questions. The quest for a robust label to identify protein localization combined with adequate cellular preservation and staining has been historically challenging. Recent advances in electron microscopy (EM) imaging have led to the development of many methods and strategies to increase cellular preservation and label target proteins. A relatively new peroxidase-based genetic tag, APEX2, is a promising leader in cloneable EM-active tags. Sample preparation for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has also advanced in recent years with the advent of cryofixation by high pressure freezing (HPF) and low-temperature dehydration and staining via freeze substitution (FS). HPF and FS provide excellent preservation of cellular ultrastructure for TEM imaging, second only to directcally challenging than typical cryofixation and freeze substitution methods. CryoAPEX is widely applicable for TEM analysis of any membrane protein that can be genetically tagged.Tumor-stroma interactions play an important role in cancer progression. Three-dimensional (3D) tumor spheroid models are the most widely used in vitro model in the study of cancer stem/initiating cells, preclinical cancer research, and drug screening. The 3D spheroid models are superior to conventional tumor cell culture and reproduce some important characters of real solid tumors. However, conventional 3D tumor spheroids are made up exclusively of tumor cells. They lack the participation of tumor stromal cells and have insufficient extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition, thus only partially mimicking the in vivo conditions of tumor tissues. We established a new multicellular 3D spheroid model composed of tumor cells and stromal fibroblasts that better mimics the in vivo heterogeneous tumor microenvironment and its native desmoplasia. SmoothenedAgonist The formation of spheroids is strictly regulated by the tumor stromal fibroblasts and is determined by the activity of certain crucial intracellular signaling pathways (e.g., Notch signaling) in stromal fibroblasts. In this article, we present the techniques for coculture of tumor cells-stromal fibroblasts, time-lapse imaging to visualize cell-cell interactions, and confocal microscopy to display the 3D architectural features of the spheroids. We also show two examples of the practical application of this 3D spheroid model. This novel multicellular 3D spheroid model offers a useful platform for studying tumor-stroma interaction, elucidating how stromal fibroblasts regulate cancer stem/initiating cells, which determine tumor progression and aggressiveness, and exploring involvement of stromal reaction in cancer drug sensitivity and resistance. This platform can also be a pertinent in vitro model for drug discovery.OBJECTIVE Somatization and functional somatic symptoms reflect conditions in which physical symptoms are not sufficiently explained by medical conditions. Literature suggests that these somatic symptoms may be related to illness exposure in the family. Children with a parent or sibling with a chronic illness may be particularly vulnerable to developing somatic symptoms. This study provides a systematic review of the literature on somatic symptoms in children with a chronically ill family member. METHODS A systematic review (PROSPERO registry IDCRD42018092344) was conducted using six databases (PubMed, EMBASE, PsychINFO, Scopus, CINAHL, and Cochrane) from articles published prior to April 5, 2018. All authors evaluated articles by title and abstract, and then by full-text review. Relevant data were extracted by the first author and reviewed by remaining authors. RESULTS Twenty-seven unique studies met criteria. Seventeen examined somatic symptoms in children with a chronically ill parent and seven evaluated somatic symptoms in children with a chronically ill sibling. Three studies examined somatic symptoms in children with an unspecified ill relative. The strongest relationship between child somatization and familial illness was found with children with a chronically ill parent (13 out of 17 studies). Evidence for somatic symptoms in children with an ill sibling was mixed (4 out of 7 studies found a positive association). CONCLUSIONS The literature on somatic symptoms in children suggest parental illness is related to increased somatic symptoms in children. Research examining the effects of having a sibling with an illness on somatic symptoms is mixed. Several areas of future research are outlined to further clarify the relationship between familial chronic illness and somatic symptoms.OBJECTIVE Most of the research on vasovagal reactions has focused on the contributions of cardiovascular activity to the development of symptoms. However, other research suggests that additional mechanisms like hyperventilation may contribute to the process. The goal of the present investigation was to examine the influences of cardiovascular and respiratory variables on vasovagal symptoms. METHODS This study was part of a randomized controlled trial investigating the effects of behavioral techniques on the prevention of vasovagal reactions in blood donors. Data from the no-treatment control group were analyzed. The final sample was composed of 160 college and university students. Observational and self-report measures of symptoms were obtained. Physiological variables were measured mainly using respiratory capnometry. RESULTS While respiration rate remained stable throughout donation, change in end-tidal CO2 was associated with requiring treatment for a reaction during donation (OR = .57, 95% CI = .41-.79, p = .001) and self-reported symptoms measured in the post-donation period using the Blood Donation Reactions Inventory (β=-.152, 95% CI= -.28- -.02, t=-2.32, p=.022). Individuals with higher levels of pre-donation anxiety displayed larger decreases in end-tidal CO2 throughout the procedure (F(2,236) = 3.64, p = .043, ηp = .030). BDRI scores were related to changes in systolic (β=-.022, 95% CI= -.04- -.004, t=-2.39, p=.019) and diastolic blood pressure (β=-.038, 95% CI= -.06- -.02, t=-4.03, p less then .001). CONCLUSIONS While the vasovagal reaction has traditionally been viewed as a primarily cardiovascular event, the present results suggest that hyperventilation also plays a role in the development of vasovagal symptoms.OBJECTIVE Unhealthy lifestyle factors have adverse outcomes in cardiac patients. However, only a minority of patients succeed to change unhealthy habits. Personalization of interventions may result in critical improvements. The current randomized controlled trial provides a proof of concept of the personalized Do CHANGE 2 intervention and evaluates effects on 1) lifestyle, and 2) quality of life over time. METHODS Cardiac patients (N=150; mean age=61.97±11.61 years; 28.7% women; heart failure N=33, coronary artery disease N=50, hypertension N=67) recruited from Spain and The Netherlands were randomized to either the 'Do CHANGE 2' or 'Care as Usual' group. The Do CHANGE 2 group received ambulatory health-behaviour assessment technologies for six months combined with a 3-month behavioural intervention program. Linear Mixed Models (LMM) analysis wERE used to evaluate the intervention effects and latent class analysis (LCA) was used for secondary subgroup analysis. RESULTS LMM analysis showed significant intervention effects for lifestyle behaviour (Finteraction(2,138.5)=5.97, p =.003), with improvement of lifestyle behaviour in the intervention group. For quality of life, no significant main effect (F(1,138.18)=.58, p=.447) or interaction effect (F(2,133.1)=0.41, p=.67) were found. Secondary LCA revealed different subgroups of patients per outcome measure. The intervention was experienced as useful and feasible. CONCLUSION The personalized eHealth intervention resulted in significant improvements in lifestyle. Cardiac patients and health care providers were also willing to engage in this personalized digital behavioural intervention program. Incorporating eHealth lifestyle programs as part of secondary prevention would be particularly useful when taking into account which patients are most likely to benefit. TRIAL REGISTRATION https//clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03178305.

Autoři článku: Riisquinn6257 (Proctor Mouridsen)