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The QTL analysis using the genetic map and phenotyping data identified three QTLs qYMD.pau_3.1, qYMD.pau_4.1, and qYMD.pau_5.1 on chromosome 3, 4, and 5 respectively. Among these, qYMD.pau_3.1, qYMD.pau_4.1 QTLs were identified during the rainy season, explaining the 13.5 and 21.6% phenotypic variance respectively, whereas, during the spring season, qYMD.pau_4.1 and qYMD.pau_5.1 QTLs were observed with 17.5 and 22.1% phenotypic variance respectively. Only one QTL qYMD.pau_5.1 was identified for disease resistance under nethouse conditions with 15.6% phenotypic variance. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the identification of QTLs associated with YMD resistance in bitter gourd using SNP markers. The information generated in this study is very useful in the future for fine-mapping and marker-assisted selection for disease resistance.The Arabidopsis AAA ATPase SKD1 is essential for ESCRT-dependent endosomal sorting by mediating the disassembly of the ESCRTIII complex in an ATP-dependent manner. In this study, we show that SKD1 localizes to messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes upon heat stress. Consistent with this, the interactome of SKD1 revealed differential interactions under normal and stress conditions and included membrane transport proteins as well as proteins associated with RNA metabolism. Localization studies with selected interactome proteins revealed that not only RNA associated proteins but also several ESCRTIII and membrane trafficking proteins were recruited to messenger ribonucleoprotein granules after heat stress.Phylogenetic datasets are now commonly generated using short-read sequencing technologies unhampered by degraded DNA, such as that often extracted from herbarium specimens. The compatibility of these methods with herbarium specimens has precipitated an increase in broad sampling of herbarium specimens for inclusion in phylogenetic studies. Understanding which sample characteristics are predictive of sequencing success can guide researchers in the selection of tissues and specimens most likely to yield good results. Multiple recent studies have considered the relationship between sample characteristics and DNA yield and sequence capture success. Here we report an analysis of the relationship between sample characteristics and sequencing success for nearly 8,000 herbarium specimens. This study, the largest of its kind, is also the first to include a measure of specimen quality ("greenness") as a predictor of DNA sequencing success. We found that taxonomic group and source herbarium are strong predictors of both DNA yield and sequencing success and that the most important specimen characteristics for predicting success differ for DNA yield and sequencing greenness was the strongest predictor of DNA yield, and age was the strongest predictor of proportion-on-target reads recovered. Surprisingly, the relationship between age and proportion-on-target reads is the inverse of expectations; older specimens performed slightly better in our capture-based protocols. We also found that DNA yield itself is not a strong predictor of sequencing success. Most literature on DNA sequencing from herbarium specimens considers specimen selection for optimal DNA extraction success, which we find to be an inappropriate metric for predicting success using next-generation sequencing technologies.The tools of synthetic biology have enormous potential to help us uncover the fundamental mechanisms controlling development and metabolism in plants. However, their effective utilization typically requires transgenesis, which is plagued by long timescales and high costs. In this review we explore how transgenesis can be minimized by delivering foreign genetic material to plants with systemically mobile and persistent vectors based on RNA viruses. We examine the progress that has been made thus far and highlight the hurdles that need to be overcome and some potential strategies to do so. We conclude with a discussion of biocontainment mechanisms to ensure these vectors can be used safely as well as how these vectors might expand the accessibility of plant synthetic biology techniques. RNA vectors stand poised to revolutionize plant synthetic biology by making genetic manipulation of plants cheaper and easier to deploy, as well as by accelerating experimental timescales from years to weeks.Nutrient resorption can affect plant growth, litter decomposition, and nutrient cycling. Although the effects of nitrogen (N) and biochar fertilizers on soil nutrient concentrations and plant nutrient uptake have been studied, an understanding of how combined applications of N and biochar affect plant nutrient resorption in plantations is lacking. In this study, we applied N (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg N ha-1 yr-1 defined as N0, N30, N60, and N90, respectively) and biochar (0, 20, and 40 t biochar ha-1 defined as BC0, BC20, and BC40, respectively) to the soil of a Moso bamboo plantation. We investigated the effects of these treatments on N and phosphorus (P) resorption by young and mature bamboo plants, as well as the relationships between nutrient resorption and leaf and soil nutrient concentrations. Young bamboo showed significantly greater foliar N resorption efficiency (NRE) and P resorption efficiency (PRE) than mature bamboo. N addition alone significantly increased the N resorption proficiency (NRP) and P re Moso bamboo plantations.Chromium (Cr) is a heavy metal in nature, which poses a potential risk to toxicity to both animals and plants when releasing into the environment. However, the regulation of microRNA (miRNA)-mediated response to heavy metal Cr has not been studied in Miscanthus sinensis. In this study, based on high-throughput miRNA sequencing, a total of 104 conserved miRNAs and 158 nonconserved miRNAs were identified. Among them, there were 45 differentially expressed miRNAs in roots and 13 differentially expressed miRNAs in leaves. The hierarchical clustering analysis showed that these miRNAs were preferentially expressed in a certain tissue. There were 833 differentially expressed target genes of 45 miRNAs in roots and 280 differentially expressed target genes of 13 miRNA in leaves. After expression trend analysis, five significantly enriched modules were obtained in roots, and three significantly enriched trend blocks in leaves. Based on the candidate gene annotation and gene ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) function analysis, miR167a, novel_miR15, and novel_miR22 and their targets were potentially involved in Cr transportation and chelation. Besides, miR156a, miR164, miR396d, and novel_miR155 were identified as participating in the physiological and biochemical metabolisms and the detoxification of Cr of plants. The results demonstrated the critical role of miRNA-mediated responses to Cr treatment in M. sinensis, which involves ion uptake, transport, accumulation, and tolerance characteristics.Plant breeding has been central to global increases in crop yields. Breeding deserves praise for helping to establish better food security, but also shares the responsibility of unintended consequences. Much work has been done describing alternative agricultural systems that seek to alleviate these externalities, however, breeding methods and breeding programs have largely not focused on these systems. Here we explore breeding and selection strategies that better align with these more diverse spatial and temporal agricultural systems.Alternative oxidase (AOX) is the terminal oxidase of the mitochondrial respiratory electron transport chain in plant cells and is critical for the balance of mitochondrial hemostasis. In this study, the effect of inhibition of AOX with different concentrations of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) on the tobacco root development was investigated. We show here that AOX inhibition significantly impaired the development of the main root and root hair formation of tobacco. The length of the main root of SHAM-treated tobacco was significantly shorter than that of the control, and no root hairs were formed after treatment with a concentration of 1 mM SHAM or more. The transcriptome analysis showed that AOX inhibition by 1 mM SHAM involved in the regulation of gene expression related to root architecture. A total of 5,855 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were obtained by comparing SHAM-treated roots with control. Of these, the gene expression related to auxin biosynthesis and perception were significantly downregulated by 1 mM SHAM. Similarly, genes related to cell wall loosening, cell cycle, and root meristem growth factor 1 (RGF1) also showed downregulation on SHAM treatment. MEK inhibitor Moreover, combined with the results of physiological measurements, the transcriptome analysis demonstrated that AOX inhibition resulted in excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species in roots, which further induced oxidative damage and cell apoptosis. It is worth noting that when indoleacetic acid (20 nM) and dimethylthiourea (10 mM) were added to the medium containing SHAM, the defects of tobacco root development were alleviated, but to a limited extent. Together, these findings indicated that AOX-mediated respiratory pathway plays a crucial role in the tobacco root development, including root hair formation.The aerial surfaces of plants are covered by a protective barrier formed by the cutin polyester and waxes, collectively referred to as the cuticle. Plant cuticles prevent the loss of water, regulate transpiration, and facilitate the transport of gases and solutes. As the cuticle covers the outermost epidermal cell layer, it also acts as the first line of defense against environmental cues and biotic stresses triggered by a large array of pathogens and pests, such as fungi, bacteria, and insects. Numerous studies highlight the cuticle interface as the site of complex molecular interactions between plants and pathogens. Here, we outline the multidimensional roles of cuticle-derived components, namely, epicuticular waxes and cutin monomers, during plant interactions with pathogenic fungi. We describe how certain wax components affect various pre-penetration and infection processes of fungi with different lifestyles, and then shift our focus to the roles played by the cutin monomers that are released from the cuticle owing to the activity of fungal cutinases during the early stages of infection. We discuss how cutin monomers can activate fungal cutinases and initiate the formation of infection organs, the significant impacts of cuticle defects on the nature of plant-fungal interactions, along with the possible mechanisms raised thus far in the debate on how host plants perceive cutin monomers and/or cuticle defects to elicit defense responses.Besides the plant-fungus symbiosis in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (EM) plants, many endorhizal and rhizosphere bacteria (Root Associated Bacteria, or RAB) also enhance plant fitness, diversity, and coexistence among plants via bi- or tripartite interactions with plant hosts and mycorrhizal fungi. Assuming that bacterial associations are just as important for the obligate mycorrhizal plant family Orchidaceae, surprisingly little is known about the RAB associated with orchids. Herein, we first present the current, underwhelming state of RAB research including their interactions with fungi and the influence of holobionts on plant fitness. We then delineate the need for novel investigations specifically in orchid RAB ecology, and sketch out questions and hypotheses which, when addressed, will advance plant-microbial ecology. We specifically discuss the potential effects of beneficial RAB on orchids as (1) Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR), (2) Mycorrhization Helper Bacteria (MHB), and (3) constituents of an orchid holobiont.

Autoři článku: Riiseknudsen6890 (Slater Sheridan)