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[Fe(mpp)3 ] supplementation also resulted in increased accumulation of P, K, Zn, and Co. At full maturity, the remaining plants were harvested and [Fe(mpp)3 ] application led to a 32% seed yield increase when compared to FeEDDHA. This is the first report on the use of [Fe(mpp)3 ] under alkaline soil conditions for IDC correction, and we show that its foliar application has a longer-lasting effect than FeEDDHA, induces efficient root responses, and promotes the uptake of other nutrients.A simple high-performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of ceftazidime in plasma has been developed. Using an ultrafiltration technique samples were separated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography on a Symmetry C18 4.6 × 250 mm column (5.0 μm) and ultraviolet absorbance was measured at 260 nm. The mobile phase was a mixture of 10 mm potassium phosphate monobasic pH 2.5 with phosphoric acid and acetonitrile (9010). The standard curve ranged from 0.1 to 100 μg/ml. Intra- and inter-assay variability for ceftazidime was less then 12%, and the average recovery was 89%. The lower limit of quantification was 0.1 μg/ml. This method has been used successfully to analyze frog plasma samples at this institution and it could be applied to other small volume samples in a clinical or research setting.In this article, we revisit the main claims of Part Four of Thomas Piketty's Capital and Ideology and especially the changing support coalitions for parties of the left. Piketty's core argument in this part of the book is that the left now represents the highly educated and that, as a result, the redistributive preferences of the working class do not find representation in today's party systems. We address these claims building on existing political science research that has investigated the transformation of politics in advanced capitalist societies. We argue, first, that the educational divide cannot be adequately analyzed by looking at a left and a right bloc, but crucially needs to pay attention to the rise of green/left-libertarian and radical right parties. Second, we contend that the new middle classes that support parties of the left are largely in favor of economic redistribution. Analyzing data from the European Social Survey in 11 West European countries from 2002 to 2018, we show that the effect of education on voting left or right is indeed largely driven by green/left-libertarian and radical right parties, while there is little empirical evidence that social democratic parties represent the educational elite. We also find that redistributive preferences remain at the heart of voting behavior and that, especially for educated voters, these preferences determine whether someone votes for a party of the left rather than the right.Cadmium is one of the most important contaminants and it induces severe plant growth restriction. In this study, we analyzed the metabolic changes associated with root growth restriction caused by cadmium in the early seminal root apex of wheat. Our study included two genotypes the commercial variety ProINTA Federal (WT) and the PSARK IPT (IPT) line which exhibit high-grade yield performance under water deficit. Root tips of seedlings grown for 72 h without or with 10 μM CdCl2 (Cd-WT and Cd-IPT) were compared. find more Root length reduction was more severe in Cd-WT than Cd-IPT. Cd decreased superoxide dismutase activity in both lines and increased catalase activity only in the WT. In Cd-IPT, ascorbate and guaiacol peroxidase activities raised compared to Cd-WT. The hormonal homeostasis was altered by the metal, with significant decreases in abscisic acid, jasmonic acid, 12-oxophytodienoic acid, gibberellins GA20, and GA7 levels. Increases in flavonoids and phenylamides were also found. Root growth impairment was not associated with a decrease in expansin (EXP) transcripts. On the contrary, TaEXPB8 expression increased in the WT treated by Cd. Our findings suggest that the line expressing the PSARK IPT construction increased the homeostatic range to cope with Cd stress, which is visible by a lesser reduction of the root elongation compared to WT plants. The decline of root growth produced by Cd was associated with hormonal imbalance at the root apex level. We hypothesize that activation of phenolic secondary metabolism could enhance antioxidant defenses and contribute to cell wall reinforcement to deal with Cd toxicity.Principal covariate regression (PCOVR) is a method for regressing a set of criterion variables with respect to a set of predictor variables when the latter are many in number and/or collinear. This is done by extracting a limited number of components that simultaneously synthesize the predictor variables and predict the criterion ones. So far, no procedure has been offered for estimating statistical uncertainties of the obtained PCOVR parameter estimates. The present paper shows how this goal can be achieved, conditionally on the model specification, by means of the bootstrap approach. Four strategies for estimating bootstrap confidence intervals are derived and their statistical behaviour in terms of coverage is assessed by means of a simulation experiment. Such strategies are distinguished by the use of the varimax and quartimin procedures and by the use of Procrustes rotations of bootstrap solutions towards the sample solution. In general, the four strategies showed appropriate statistical behaviour, with coverage tending to the desired level for increasing sample sizes. The main exception involved strategies based on the quartimin procedure in cases characterized by complex underlying structures of the components. The appropriateness of the statistical behaviour was higher when the proper number of components were extracted.In this study, the authors present a comprehensive checklist of cave-dwelling populations of Rhamdia from the Sierra de Zongolica (SdZ) in Veracruz, Mexico, including two new records, based on permanent and verifiable evidence in the form of voucher specimens. The authors use phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses of voucher-derived comparative cytochrome b data to shed light on the evolutionary history of these populations. The results of this study, while preliminary, suggest that hypogean forms of Rhamdia from the SdZ are cave-adapted populations of the more widespread and epigean species R. laticauda.

Autoři článku: Riddlebonner2782 (Dowd Carlton)