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In Experiments 1 and 2, evaluative conditioning was assessed by asking participants to rate the pleasantness of the cues after treatment. These studies found counterconditioning more efficient than extinction at reducing evaluative conditioning but less efficient at decreasing the assessment of the conditional probability of the outcome given the cue. The latter effect was replicated with neutral outcomes in Experiments 3 and 4, but the effect was inverted in Experiment 4 in conditions designed to preclude reinstatement of initial training by the question probing the conditional probability of the outcome given the cue. Effect sizes were small (Cohen's d of 0.2 for effect on evaluative conditioning, Cohen's d of 0.3 for effect on the outcome expectancy). If representative, this poses a serious constraint in terms of statistical power for further investigations of differential efficiency of extinction and counterconditioning in humans. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).The renewal effect is often explained as a side effect of the extinction context acting as a negative occasion setter. Four experiments tested whether extinction contexts show the selective-transfer property of occasion setters. Experiments 1-3 used a predictive judgment task where participants rated the probability of certain foods (cues) producing gastric malaise (outcomes) in different restaurants (contexts). Experiment 4 used a behavioral suppression task where sensor lights (cues) served as signals to suppress firing responses in certain galaxies (contexts). All 4 (Experiments 1-4) addressed whether a potentially negative occasion-setting context transferred its modulatory power to an extinguished (presumably occasion set) target in the test phase of an ABC renewal design. Experiments 2-4 further assessed the possibility that the extinction context acts as a conditioned inhibitor by testing a simple excitor on a context where extinction occurred. Neither selective (occasion-setting) nor nonselective transfer (conditioned inhibition) was demonstrated. Implications for theories of renewal and occasion-setting are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Given the high comorbidity among psychological disorders, and in particular, personality disorders (PDs) and alcohol use disorder, screening and intervention efforts may benefit from the inclusion of transdiagnostic symptoms. Extant symptoms can improve the ability to efficiently gather important information about an individual that relates to a number of conditions, behaviors, and potential problems. Further, less time is needed to assess these symptoms, as compared with full diagnostic criteria sets, which have limitations of their own. This study examined the utility of two PD symptoms, affective instability and impulsivity, as compared with relevant categorical diagnoses (antisocial and borderline PDs), to provide useful information about alcohol use disorder and heaviness of alcohol consumption. Individual symptoms were comparable to the categorical diagnoses in predicting important treatment targets. In an effort to identify and treat comorbidities in a more efficient way, future research should investigate the applicability of these individual symptoms, and other transdiagnostic targets, to screening and brief intervention protocols. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).The Levels of Personality Functioning Scale-Brief Form 2.0 (LPFS-BF 2.0) is a new measure of personality functioning according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition's, alternative model of personality disorders, containing a total personality functioning score and two subscales (Self and Interpersonal). The LPFS-BF 2.0 has limited evidence of validity among older adults. HSP cancer Subsequently, this study examined relationships between the LPFS-BF 2.0 and anxiety, interpersonal functioning, and normative personality traits to establish convergent validity. In all, 130 community-dwelling older adults (Mage = 64.61) completed the LPFS-BF 2.0, Geriatric Anxiety Scale, Circumplex Scales of Interpersonal Problems (CSIP), and Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2). link2 Internal consistency (Cronbach's α) was acceptable to good for each of the LPFS-BF 2.0 scale scores (Self, α = .74; Interpersonal, α = .85; Total Personality Functioning, α = .79). Correlations were computed between the LPFS-BF 2.0 scales and the Geriatric Anxiety Scale, CSIP, and BFI-2. Overall, significant correlations were detected in expected directions. Additionally, to further establish convergent validity, regression analyses were conducted with the CSIP and BFI-2 scales predicting each of the LPFS-BF 2.0 scales. The models accounted for significant variance, and significant predictors were found in anticipated and theoretically consistent directions. Results provide strong but initial psychometric support for the use of the LPFS-BF 2.0 as an assessment tool for measuring personality functioning among older adults. link3 An implication is that this measure may be used to identify important personality features that are part of a full assessment of personality pathology. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Antisocial personality is generally used to describe people who treat other people with callous disregard and disrespect. Although animal cruelty is diagnostic of conduct disorder, a precursor of antisocial personality in children, it is unclear whether the term antisocial also encompasses disregard and disrespect toward nonhuman animals among adults. In this study, we examined associations between three antianimal attitudes and behaviors-speciesism, hunting/fishing, and lack of sympathy for animal rights-and traits that underlie adult antisocial behavior. We found consistent links between antisocial personality traits and antianimal attitudes and behaviors in 2 samples. These effects were generally specific to traits linked to antisociality (although we also found associations with low openness), and these traits were stronger as predictors of variation among meat eaters than as predictors of differences between vegetarians and meat eaters. These results suggest that the term antisocial applies to negative attitudes and behaviors toward both humans and nonhuman animals and imply the potential value of considering antianimal attitudes and behaviors in the clinical assessment of antisocial personality. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Many studies, yielding mixed results, have examined whether individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have skills or deficits in facial emotion recognition (FER). The present studies explored this issue in 2 samples using 3 novel approaches First, we examined BPD symptoms continuously in a nonclinical sample. Second, we examined the ability of individuals with BPD or elevated BPD symptoms to accurately identify emotions in static faces presented with emotional expressions ranging from neutral to subtle to fully expressed emotion. Third, we parsed accuracy into both correctly identifying an emotion and correctly ruling out an emotion that is not present. In Study 1, the relation between FER and BPD symptoms was examined in a nonclinical sample of undergraduates. In Study 2, individuals with BPD were compared with individuals with current major depression and healthy controls. In the nonclinical sample, BPD symptoms were unrelated to FER. In the clinical sample, we found evidence for enhanced accuracy for subtle and fully expressed facial emotions among individuals with BPD. Specifically, the ability to rule out an emotion when it was in fact not displayed emerged as the source of this increased accuracy. In addition, we did not find evidence of a bias for incorrectly labeling neutral faces as negative emotional expressions in either sample. Our results expand upon existing FER research in BPD that has largely relied on fully expressed emotional stimuli by demonstrating higher accuracy among individuals with BPD for identifying subtle emotional states. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved).There is a growing body of studies linking impairments in mentalizing or reflective functioning (RF) with childhood adversity, the development of personality disorder (PD), and psychiatric morbidity. Fewer studies have investigated the purported role of changes in RF in relation to clinical outcome in treatments focusing on this capacity. Moreover, it is as yet unclear whether specialist and nonspecialist treatment models are equally effective in bringing about change in RF in conjunction with symptomatic improvement. This study aimed to investigate the association between changes in RF in 3 samples of individuals with PD treated in 2 specialist psychosocial programs (a mixed residential and community-based step-down program [RT-CBP] and a residential-only psychotherapy treatment program [RT]) and in an outpatient general psychiatric service over a 2-year period after intake into treatment. RF was assessed using the Reflective Functioning Scale scored on the Adult Attachment Interview, and clinical outcome was assessed in terms of psychiatric distress, social adjustment, and global functioning. Changes in RF were most marked in RT-CBP compared with RT and general psychiatric service. Changes in RF explained differences between treatment models for social and global adjustment outcomes, but not for disparities in psychiatric distress. A medium-intensity treatment approach to PD such as RT-CBP was more effective in improving RF and provided a balance between psychotherapy input and efforts at social integration, by bringing patients into closer contact with their social world. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).The aim of this study is to examine the differential implications of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism for women's adjustment during the transition to motherhood. A total of 385 Israeli women participated in the study during their pregnancy (Time 1) and 2 months postpartum (Time 2). Participants filled out a battery of questionnaires assessing their levels of narcissism (Time 1), the body experience during pregnancy (Time 1) and motherhood (Time 2), their attachment to the fetus (Time 1) and to the baby (Time 2), their anticipated maternal self-efficacy (Time 1) and maternal self-efficacy (Time 2), and their subjective well-being (Time 2). Results suggest that grandiose narcissism was associated with higher levels of well-being at Time 2 through the mediation of both attachment to the infant at Time 1 and bonding to the baby at Time 2 and through positive body experience at Time 2. Vulnerable narcissism was associated with lower levels of well-being at Time 2 through the mediation of body experience and maternal self-efficacy at Time 1 and Time 2 and attachment to the infant at Time 2. These findings point to the significant and differential role of vulnerable and grandiose narcissism in the adjustment to motherhood through the mediating role of early motherhood tasks. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).Access to high-quality health care, including mental health care, remains a high priority for the Department of Veterans Affairs and civilian health care systems. Increased access to mental health care is associated with improved outcomes, including decreased suicidal behavior. Multiple policy changes and interventions are being developed and implemented to improve access to mental health care. The Perceived Access Inventory (PAI) is a patient-centered questionnaire developed to understand the veteran perspective about access to mental health services. The PAI is a self-report measure that includes 43 items across 5 domains Logistics (6 items), Culture (4 items), Digital (9 items), Systems of Care (13 items), and Experiences of Care (11 items). This article is a preliminary examination of the concurrent and convergent validity of the PAI with respect to the Hoge Perceived Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Services scale (concurrent) and the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ; convergent). Telephone interviews were conducted with veterans from 3 geographic regions.

Autoři článku: Richstephenson3551 (Mcfarland Justice)