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Two recurrent

(telomerase reverse transcriptase) promoter mutations, C228T and C250T, have been reported in thyroid carcinomas and were correlated with high-risk clinicopathological features and a worse prognosis. Although far more frequent in the poorly differentiated and undifferentiated thyroid cancer, the

promoter mutations play a significant role on PTC recurrence and disease-specific mortality. However, the prevalence varies considerably through studies and it is uncertain if these differences are due to population variation or the methodology used to detect

mutations. In this study we aim to compare three different strategies to detect

promoter mutations in PTC.

DNA was isolated from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE)specimens from 89 PTC and 40 paired lymph node metastases. The prevalence of the hot spot

C228T and C250T mutations was assessed in FFPE samples using TaqMan SNP genotyping assays. selleckchem Random samples were tested by Sanger Sequencing and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR).

Innd individualized treatment decisions, mainly in highly heterogeneous tumors, require highly sensitive and specific approaches.

This study observed a good concordance among the methodologies used to detect TERT promoter mutations when a high percentage of mutated alleles was present. Sanger analysis demonstrated a limit of detection for mutated alleles. Therefore, the prevalence of TERT promoter mutations in PTC may be higher than previously reported, since most studies have conventionally used Sanger sequencing. The efficient characterization of genetic alterations that are used as preoperative or postoperative diagnostic, risk stratification of the patient and individualized treatment decisions, mainly in highly heterogeneous tumors, require highly sensitive and specific approaches.

Circulating albumin is negatively associated with adiposity but whether it is associated with increased energy intake, lower energy expenditure or weight gain has not been examined.


(n=238; 146 men), we evaluated whether fasting albumin concentration was associated with 24-h energy expenditure and

energy intake. In

(n=325;167 men), we evaluated the association between plasma albumin and change in weight and body composition.

After adjustment for known determinants of energy intake lower plasma albumin concentration was associated with greater total daily energy intake (β= 89.8 kcal/day per 0.1 g/dl difference in plasma albumin, p=0.0047). No associations were observed between plasma albumin concentrations and 24-h energy expenditure or 24-h respiratory quotient (p>0.2). Over 6 years, volunteers gained on average 7.5 ± 11.7kg (p<0.0001). Lower albumin concentrations were associated with greater weight [β=3.53 kg, p=0.039 (adjusted for age, sex, follow up time), CI 0.16 to 6.21 per 1 g/dl difference albumin concentration] and fat mass (β=2.3 kg, p=0.022), respectively, but not with changes in fat free mass (p=0.06).

Lower albumin concentrations were associated with increased

food intake and weight gain, indicating albumin as a marker of energy intake regulation.

ClinicalTrials.gov, identifiers NCT00340132, NCT00342732.

ClinicalTrials.gov, identifiers NCT00340132, NCT00342732.

To compare metabolic effects of modified release hydrocortisone (MR-HC) with standard hydrocortisone (HC) therapies in adults with Adrenal Insufficiency (AI).

Adult patients (n = 12) with AI, established on HC therapy, were recruited from Endocrinology clinics at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW), UK. Baseline (HC) metabolic assessments included fasting serum HbA1C, lipid and thyroid profiles, accurate measures of body composition (BodPod), and 24-h continuous measures of energy expenditure including Sleeping Metabolic Rate (SMR) using indirect calorimetry within the Human Metabolism Research Unit, UHCW. All participants then switched HC to MR-HC with repeat (MR-HC) metabolic assessments at 3 months. Paired-sample t-tests were used for data comparisons between HC and MR-HC assessments P-value <0.05 was considered significant.

Following exclusion of 2 participants, analyses were based on 10 participants. Compared with baseline HC data, following 3 months of MR-HC therapy mean fat mass reduced significantly by -3.2 kg (95% CI -6.0 to -0.4). Mean (SD) baseline HC fat mass vs repeat MR-HC fat mass 31.9kg (15.2) vs 28.7kg (12.8) respectively, P = 0.03. Mean SMR increased significantly by +77 kcal/24h (95% CI 10-146). Mean (SD) baseline HC SMR vs repeat MR-HC SMR 1,517 kcal/24h (301) vs 1,594 kcal/24h (344) respectively, P = 0.03. Mean body fat percentage reduced significantly by -3.4% (95% CI -6.5 to -0.2). Other measures of body composition, energy expenditure, and biochemical analytes were equivalent between HC and MR-HC assessments.

In adults with AI, switching from standard HC to MR-HC associates with early metabolic benefits of reduced fat mass and increased SMR.

In adults with AI, switching from standard HC to MR-HC associates with early metabolic benefits of reduced fat mass and increased SMR.A multicenter randomized controlled pilot trial investigated whether motivational interviewing (MI) by diabetes physicians improves glycemic control and variability in the context of follow-up for adolescent patients with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes. Patients (n = 47) aged 12 to 15.9 years who showed poor glycemic control (HbA1c >75 mmol/mol/9.0%) were randomized to standard education (SE) only or MI+SE, with study physicians randomized to employ MI+SE (N = 24 patients) or SE only (N = 23). For one year of follow-up, the main outcome measurements were obtained at three-month visits (HbA1c) or six-monthly time in range (TIR) and glycemic variability (CV). Mean adjusted 12-month change in HbA1c was similar between the MI+SE and SE-only group (-3.6 vs. -1.0 mmol/mol), and no inter-group differences were visible in the mean adjusted 12-month change in TIR (-0.8 vs. 2.6%; P = 0.53) or CV (-0.5 vs. -6.2; P = 0.26). However, the order of entering the study correlated significantly with the 12-month change in HbA1c in the MI+SE group (r = -0.5; P = 0.006) and not in the SE-only group (r = 0.2; P = 0.4). No link was evident between MI and changes in quality of life. The authors conclude that MI's short-term use by diabetes physicians managing adolescents with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes was not superior to SE alone; however, improved skills in applying the MI method at the outpatient clinic may produce greater benefits in glycemic control.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has a dynamic disease course, therefore repeated measurements of NAFLD status could have benefits rather than single one. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of persistent NAFLD on the incidence of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke and all-cause mortality by using repeated measurement of fatty liver index (FLI).

About 3 million subjects who had undergone the health screening four times from 2009 until 2013 were included. NAFLD was defined as an FLI ≥60. FLI points were defined as the number of times participants meeting the criteria of NAFLD (0-4). Outcomes included all-cause mortality, MI, and stroke.

The higher the FLI points, the higher the risk of all-cause mortality, MI, and stroke (

for trend <0.001, all). Subjects with four FLI points had a higher risk of all-cause mortality (aHR, 1.86; 95% CI, 1.75-1.98;

< 0.001), incidence of MI (aHR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.21-1.40;

< 0.001), and stroke (aHR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.19-1.37;

&ltnd treatment of NAFLD.Diabetes mellitus is characterized by the body's inability to control blood glucose levels within a physiological range due to loss and/or dysfunction of insulin producing beta cells. Progressive beta cell loss leads to hyperglycemia and if untreated can lead to severe complications and/or death. Treatments at this time are limited to pharmacologic therapies, including exogenous insulin or oral/injectable agents that improve insulin sensitivity or augment endogenous insulin secretion. Cell transplantation can restore physiologic endogenous insulin production and minimize hyper- and hypoglycemic excursions. Islet isolation procedures and management of transplant recipients have advanced over the last several decades; both tight glycemic control and insulin independence are achievable. Research has been conducted in isolating islets, monitoring islet function, and mitigating the immune response. However, this procedure is still only performed in a small minority of patients. One major barrier is the scarcity of human pancreatic islet donors, variation in donor pancreas quality, and variability in islet isolation success. Advances have been made in generation of glucose responsive human stem cell derived beta cells (sBCs) and islets from human pluripotent stem cells using directed differentiation. This is an emerging promising treatment for patients with diabetes because they could potentially serve as an unlimited source of functional, glucose-responsive beta cells. Challenges exist in their generation including long term survival of grafts, safety of transplantation, and protection from the immune response. This review focuses on the progress made in islet allo- and auto transplantation and how these advances may be extrapolated to the sBC context.Mechanical stimulation induces bone growth and remodeling by the secondary messenger, cyclic guanosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cGMP), in osteoblasts. However, the role of cGMP in the regulation of estrogen biosynthesis, whose deficiency is a major cause of osteoporosis, remains unclear. Here, we found that the prenylated flavonoids, 3-O-methoxymethyl-7-O-benzylicaritin (13), 7-O-benzylicaritin (14), and 4'-O-methyl-8-isopentylkaempferol (15), which were synthesized using icariin analogs, promoted estrogen biosynthesis in osteoblastic UMR106 cells, with calculated EC50 values of 1.53, 3.45, and 10.57 µM, respectively. 14 and 15 increased the expression level of the bone specific promoter I.4-driven aromatase, the only enzyme that catalyzes estrogen formation by using androgens as substrates, in osteoblastic cells. 14 inhibited phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5), stimulated intracellular cGMP level and promoted osteoblast cell differentiation. Inhibition of cGMP dependent-protein kinase G (PKG) abolished the stimulatory effect of 14 on estrogen biosynthesis and osteoblast cell differentiation. Further, PKG activation by 14 stimulated the activity of SHP2 (Src homology 2 domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase 2), thereby activating Src and ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) signaling and increasing ERK-dependent aromatase expression in osteoblasts. Our findings reveal a previously unknown role of cGMP in the regulation of estrogen biosynthesis in the bone. These results support the further development of 14 as a PKG-activating drug to mimic the anabolic effects of mechanical stimulation of bone in the treatment of osteoporosis.The classic concept of how pituitary GH is regulated by somatostatin and GHRH has changed in recent years, following the discovery of peripheral hormones involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis and mineral homeostasis. These hormones are ghrelin, nesfatins, and klotho. Ghrelin is an orexigenic hormone, released primarily by the gastric mucosa, although it is widely expressed in many different tissues, including the central nervous system and the pituitary. To be active, ghrelin must bind to an n-octanoyl group (n = 8, generally) on serine 3, forming acyl ghrelin which can then bind and activate a G-protein-coupled receptor leading to phospholipase C activation that induces the formation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate and diacylglycerol that produce an increase in cytosolic calcium that allows the release of GH. In addition to its direct action on somatotrophs, ghrelin co-localizes with GHRH in several neurons, facilitating its release by inhibiting somatostatin, and acts synergistically with GHRH stimulating the synthesis and secretion of pituitary GH.

Autoři článku: Rhodeshayes0411 (Westermann Barnes)