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15% affirmed they weren't aware of the "withdrawal period" of medication and 73% change in the active ingredient used. In order to revert this antiparasitic drug's resistance situation and contamination of milk with drug residues, it is necessary to focus on the awareness of milk producers and training of labor.

The aim of this study is to determine the healthy lifestyle behaviors and e-health literacy levels of adolescents.

A descriptive research design was used in this study. It was conducted with a total of 390 students in the Faculty of Health Sciences. The data were collected using a personal information form, the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale II and the e-Health Literacy Scale for Adolescents. For data analysis, descriptive analyses, t-test, variance, Kruskal-Wallis, the Mann-Whitney U and Pearson Correlation tests were used. Necessary approvals were obtained to conduct this study.

The present study found that the e-Health Literacy Scale mean score of adolescents was 27.51 and their HLBS-II mean score was 129.01. A positive significant relationship was found between the e-health literacy and healthy lifestyle behavior in adolescents.

This study emphasizes the importance of e-health literacy in developing nursing procedures designed to increase the healthy lifestyle behaviors of adolescents.

This study emphasizes the importance of e-health literacy in developing nursing procedures designed to increase the healthy lifestyle behaviors of adolescents.Health status indicators are an important tool for monitoring the performance of public health actions, identifying trends and priority regions for resource allocation. An R package was developed in order to increase the feasibility of handling and analyzing health status indicator data. The rtabnetsp package requests data from TabNet servers on the São Paulo State Department of Health website, retrieving and preprocessing the data for user manipulation. This article presents the rtabnetsp package and its functions, installation and use; as well as providing examples of its functionalities, which involve listing and searching among available indicators, selecting desired content and obtaining data aggregated according to regionalization level held on the data matrix, enabling greater agility in tasks regarding public health management in the state of São Paulo.The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by surprise, disturbing the previous situation affecting countries and the situation of their respective States. "Reality" has been redefined by the pandemic's serious effects. Argentina is no exception, and the citizenry and the State itself have thus been challenged to take a unique position based on values and to conduct action to deal with the consequences in both the immediate and medium terms. Therefore, the current Essay views the pandemic in terms of an "event", according to the concept proposed by French philosopher Alain Badiou, and analyzes its implications for individual and collective subjectivation, the values orienting practices, the role of the communications media, and the position taken by the Argentine State; as well as the more specific repercussions on health policy and healthcare work, drawing on other theoretical references from the field. The essay highlights the way "policy" is implemented in the current context if it fails to mediate in-depth reflection and reorientation of practices, prioritizing the micropolitical sphere, it will result in greater disaggregation and alienation of individual and collective subjects. check details Thus, the event, more than the pandemic, which is already a fact, should be constituted by the intersubjective articulation of a healthy approach to its consequences, tending towards comprehensiveness and equality in defense of life.This was a time trend study aimed at assessing inequalities in smoking and abusive alcohol consumption, considering schooling as a proxy for socioeconomic status, according to sex and region of Brazil. The study used data from the Risk and Protective Factors Surveillance System for Chronic Non-Comunicable Diseases Through Telephone Interview (Vigitel) survey collected from 2006 to 2017. The outcomes were abusive alcohol consumption and smoking. The inequalities were assessed based on schooling, with double stratification by sex and major geographic region. Weighted linear least squares regression was used to assess the trend in prevalence of outcomes and their inequalities. Prevalence of abusive alcohol consumption increased in women, from 7.8% in 2006 to 12.2% in 2017 and was consistently higher among individuals with more schooling. Prevalence of smoking decreased in both men and women and was consistently higher among those with less schooling. Inequality in alcohol consumption between schooling groups appears to have increased over time, higher in women, but inequality in smoking appears to have decreased. In some regions of Brazil, the measures of inequality suggest stability and in others an increase in inequality in alcohol consumption (Southeast, South, and Central regions in women) and a decrease in smoking (all regions except the Southeast in men; Northeast and Central in women). Despite the strides in smoking reduction, inequalities persist in schooling and are also present in alcohol consumption. The outcomes show opposite trends, so strategies should focus on each of the problems in order to reduce existing inequalities.

To review the most common mental health strategies aimed at alleviating and/or preventing mental health problems in individuals during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and other coronavirus pandemics.

We conducted a systematic review of the literature assessing three databases (PubMed, SCOPUS, and PsycINFO). A meta-analysis was performed with data from randomized controlled trials (RCTs). For non-RCT studies, a critical description of recommendations was performed.

From a total of 2,825 articles, 125 were included. Of those, three RCTs were included in the meta-analysis. The meta-analysis revealed that the interventions promoted better overall mental health outcomes as compared to control groups (standardized mean difference [SMD] = 0.87 [95%CI 0.33-1.41], p < 0.001, I2 = 69.2%), but did not specifically improve anxiety (SMD = 0.98 [95%CI -0.17 to 2.13], p > 0.05; I2 = 36.8%). Concerning the systematic review, we found a large body of scientific literature proposing recommendations involving psychological/psychiatric interventions, self-care, education, governmental programs, and the use of technology and media.

We found a large body of expert recommendations that may help health practitioners, institutional and governmental leaders, and the general population cope with mental health issues during a pandemic or a crisis period. However, most articles had a low level of evidence, stressing the need for more studies with better design (especially RCTs) investigating potential mental health interventions during COVID-19.



to describe the methodological process of cultural adaptation of the Glamorgan Scale to Brazilian Portuguese.

a methodological study of translation and cultural adaptation of the Glamorgan Scale, following the six stages initial translation, synthesis of translations, back-translation, committee of experts, pre-test, and submission of the adapted version to the author for approval. The committee of experts was composed of five physicians and, during evaluation, a semantic, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual analysis was carried out. The agreement and representativeness of the items were assessed using the Content Validity Index. A minimum value of 80% agreement was considered.

all stages of the translation and cross-cultural adaptation process were satisfactory. In the evaluation made by the committee of experts, all items obtained an agreement greater than 80% in the first evaluation round. The pre-test stage allowed for a critical overview of the instrument, where few modifications were suggested by the participants.

the Glamorgan Scale was translated and culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Future psychometric studies are necessary to validate the scale.

the Glamorgan Scale was translated and culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Future psychometric studies are necessary to validate the scale.

to assess the evidence of validity and reliability of the academic motivation scale (AMS) based on the internal structure.

this is a methodological study with 205 undergraduate nursing students. Dimensionality/internal structure of the AMS was assessed using factor analysis in the context of exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and reliability of the factors was assessed by Cronbach's alpha (α) coefficient and composite reliability (CR) coefficient.

acceptable fit indexes were obtained (CFI = 0.92; RMSEA = 0.07; SRMR = 0.06) for a three-dimensional model intrinsic motivation (10 items; α = 0.84; CR = 0.86); extrinsic motivation (8 items; α = 0.84; CR = 0.90); and demotivation (4 items; α = 0.84; CR = 0.88). A significant correlational pattern was found for the motivation continuum.

the dimensionality analysis for the AMS presented a model with three factors intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and demotivation, and was considered a reduced alternative to the original version of seven factors. This study helped assess the validity of the measurement instrument and its theory refinement; further studies should be conducted to assess its invariance property.

the dimensionality analysis for the AMS presented a model with three factors intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and demotivation, and was considered a reduced alternative to the original version of seven factors. This study helped assess the validity of the measurement instrument and its theory refinement; further studies should be conducted to assess its invariance property.

to analyze evidence concerning the feasibility of antimicrobial-impregnated fabrics in preventing and controlling microbial transmission in health services.

an integrative review using the following databases MEDLINE (via PubMed), Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, and Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), regardless of language and date of publication. Seven studies were included in the analysis to verify the types of fabrics and substances used to impregnate the fabrics, applicability in health services, and decrease in microbial load.

silver nanoparticles and copper oxide are the main antimicrobial substances used to impregnate the fabrics. The patients' use of these fabrics, such as in bed and bath linens and clothing, was more effective in reducing antimicrobial load than in health workers' uniforms.

the use of these antimicrobial-impregnated textiles, especially by patients, is a viable alternative to prevent and control microbial transmission in health services. Implementing these fabrics in health workers' uniforms requires further studies, however, to verify its effectiveness in decreasing microbial load in clinical practice.

the use of these antimicrobial-impregnated textiles, especially by patients, is a viable alternative to prevent and control microbial transmission in health services. Implementing these fabrics in health workers' uniforms requires further studies, however, to verify its effectiveness in decreasing microbial load in clinical practice.

Autoři článku: Reyesolsson5910 (Gormsen Kloster)