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Given our ageing population and the increase in chronic disease, palliative care will become an increasingly important part of doctors' workloads, with implications for palliative care education. This study used a mixed methods strategy to evaluate second-year medical students' learning outcomes and experiences within a palliative care education program. Analysis of pre- and post-test scores showed a significant improvement in students' attitudinal scores, but no change in knowledge as measured by multiple-choice questions. Analysis of qualitative data revealed that students' learning experience was marked by a lack of clear learning objectives and experiential learning opportunities. learn more Students also reported divergent reactions to death and dying and noted that palliative care was different from other areas of clinical medicine. This study revealed that palliative care teaching results in improved attitudes toward palliative care, reflecting the holistic and patient-focused nature of the palliative care curriculum.

Although most patients express a preference to die at home, many (over 30 percent) still die in hospital. This study's purpose was to explore the experience of hospital death from the perspective of patients' family members.

interviews were conducted with family members of patients who had died at hospitals affiliated with a large tertiary referral centre in the United States. Content analysis was used to analyze findings.

We interviewed 30 family members by phone. Themes were arranged by time frame before death, time of death, and after death.

Families do not interpret clinical cues leading up to death in the same way healthcare providers do; families need clear and direct explanations from providers. Clinicians should assess patient and family understandings of prognosis and communicate clearly and directly. Family members value being with their loved one at the time of death, and they value spending time with the body after death; this should be facilitated in clinical practice.

Families do not interpret clinical cues leading up to death in the same way healthcare providers do; families need clear and direct explanations from providers. Clinicians should assess patient and family understandings of prognosis and communicate clearly and directly. Family members value being with their loved one at the time of death, and they value spending time with the body after death; this should be facilitated in clinical practice.

This study evaluates the impact of an interprofessional home hospice visit (HHV) on third-year medical students' attitudes toward, and understanding of, end-of-life care and the visit's effect on students' views of their emerging professional roles and identities.

All third-year medical students at Stony Brook School of Medicine in Stony Brook, New York, USA, participated in an HHV. A didactic session preceded the HHV. Subsequently, students were required to submit a piece of reflective writing detailing the impact of the visit. We conducted a qualitative analysis of a random sample drawn from the 467 submitted reflections.

Six themes emerged from the student reflections three were related to the students' direct observations during the HHV, and three were related to the reflective learning of the students based on their HHV experience.

The qualitative analysis of the reflective writings showed that the students gained a deep appreciation of the human identity of hospice patients and a humanistic understanding of their own role as future physicians.

The qualitative analysis of the reflective writings showed that the students gained a deep appreciation of the human identity of hospice patients and a humanistic understanding of their own role as future physicians.In Russia, the organization of curative institutions for insane persons was initiated by prikaz (department) of public charity in the end of XVIII century. After the zemstvo self-government was introduced in 1864, curative institutions were assigned to zemstvo organizations. Since that time, psychiatric departments of zemstvo gubernia hospitals began to be selected as independent institutions headed by psychiatrists. The number of psychiatric beds augmented. Such methods as non-constraint of insane patients and occupational therapy received wide propagation in zemstvo psychiatric hospitals. In 1884, the first suburban colony for charity of chronically insane persons was organized in the Tverskaia gubernia. Up to beginning of XX century zemstvo psychiatric care transformed into independent specialized type of medical care provided in hospitals and in out-patient conditions (rural patronage).The article considers analysis of social pedagogical aspects of problem of formation of healthy life-style in youth in the Soviet Russia in 1920-1930s years in the course of public policy and as well as in theory and practice of national pedagogics.The article considers activity of municipal self-governments of Russia concerning support of sanitary epidemiological well-being of cities in the late XIX--early XX centuries. The acuteness of problem of sanitary conditions of urban settlements particularly became visible in post-reform period due to increasing of number of urban population, alteration of setup and rhythm of life in cities, appearance of new forms of worker's daily chores. Al this, against the background of underdevelopment of communal sphere aggravated epidemiological situation in cities. The impulse to improvement and development of sanitary control was made by the city regulations of 1870 presenting to town authorities the right to deal with sanitary issues. The significant input into improvement of cities was made first of all at the expense of construction of water supplies and sewerage and support of sanitary control of these spheres of municipal economy. Under town councils of many cities the sanitary commissions were organized to support permanent sanitary control in town. The development of town sanitation followed the way of specialization. The housing and communal, trade and food, school and sanitary and sanitary and veterinary control were organized.The article affirms that onset of revision of picture of analyzed reality, methodological approaches to studying of vital activity of human organism and philosophical basics of medical science refers to 1878 and is related to publishing of "The course of general physiology" by French physiologist Claude Bernard. The implemented analysis of the text of this work permit to establish that C. Bernard undertook an attempt to introduce conception of human organism as a processing system being self-reproduced as. a result of interaction with environment due to mechanisms of self-regulation. The necessity was substantiated to make experiment the leading method of cognition of vital activity. The living wholeness (organism, cell) was proposed to be an object of experimentation. link2 In this living wholeness its natural capacities to self-regulation of main vital processes can be preserved at its maximum. The new senses were introduced into ontological categories of thing, process, causality, portion and whole.The article analyses such tendency in modern foreign medical ethics as paying particular attention to relationship physician-society. The modern tendency to entrust physicians with main responsibility for expenses control and economical expenditure of health care resources is considered The analysis is founded on publications of World medical association and codes of medical ethics of the USA and Canada.The article considers main problems conditioned demand of development of model of professional training of roentgenologists for working on magnetic resonance tomographic scanner in conditions of non-public medical diagnostic center in accordance with the concept of continuous medical education. The developed model is presented in graphic form i.e. folded in the form of generic structure and unfolded in the form of algorithmic and structural models of separate blocks. The detailed description of components of model and their functional designation are presented.The article considers results of study concerning prevalence of physicians working over standards of single job position in multifield hospital, including factors motivating to extra job. The research purpose was to analyze impact of gender age structure of medical personnel of multfield public medical organization on motivation of physicians to work over standards of single job position. The objectives consisted of analyzing prevalence of over standard work of medical personnel of multifield public medical organization with consideration of social structure and studying factors motivating physicians to work over standards of single job position. The study was carried out on the basis of questionnaire survey of physicians. The results of study testify higher degree of prevalence of working over standards of single job position in modern health care. link3 So, 64.8 ± 3.6% of respondents work subject to conditions of internal and/or external moonlighting. Moreover; one third of physicians enlisted to extra job. Among physicians males more often than females work subject to conditions of moonlighting, perform extra job, enlist to working during days off. The specialists of age group from 35 to 54 years work subject to conditions of external and internal moonlighting more often than younger physicians. Among physicians, the most significant cause of working subject to conditions of moonlighting is additional earnings. At that, every fifth physician works over standards of job position with purpose to increase one's professional competence. The study results permit concluding that aspects of social structure of modern medical staff significantly impact motivation and hence possibility of enlisting workers to work over standards of single job position.The article considers issue of implementation of employment agreement by way of effective contract exemplified by the Yakutsk medical center of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia). The new job descriptions, criteria of effectiveness, ratings of implementation of functions of medical job position were developed. At that, mechanisms of registration and implementation of social guarantees in respect of health workers were proposed.The article considers medical social aspects of quality of nursing care. The questionnaire survey of nursing personnel of oblast and municipal medical organizations of Omsk was carried out. The results permitted evaluating qualification of nursing medical personnel, organization of personnel training at workplace and internal control of knowledge and skills in medical organizations. The results of analysis can be applied in development of measures concerning optimization of organizational actions in the area of management of nurse business quality.The article presents originally developed model of quality of orthodontic care of population on the level of subject of the Russian Federation. The model includes the following elements demand of population in orthodontic care, mission of orthodontic service, regulations of orthodontic service, table of facilities, staff list, standards of evaluation of effectiveness and audit of effectiveness of orthodontic care of population, and standards of quality control. The developed standards of quality control exemplified by typical stomatological polyclinic, demonstrated reserves of further development of quality and accessibility of orthodontic service to population in functioning of medical organization.

Autoři článku: Refsgaardsander7594 (Nymand Padilla)