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Chondrocytes had a mean viability of 81% in prints after day 5 of differentiation toward cartilage and similar viability was detected in control 3D pellet differentiation of chondrocytes (mean viability 72%). CONCLUSION Articular cartilage can be formed in 3D bioprints. Thus, this 3D bioprinting system with chondrocytes simulating a patient-specific 3D model provides an attractive strategy for future treatments of cartilage defects or early OA.Vibrational excitations provoked by coupling effects during charge transport through single molecules are intrinsic energy dissipation phenomena, in close analogy to electron-phonon coupling in solids. One fundamental challenge in molecular electronics is the quantitative determination of charge-vibrational (electron-phonon) coupling for single-molecule junctions. The ability to record electron-phonon coupling phenomena at the single-molecule level is a key prerequisite to fully rationalize and optimize charge-transport efficiencies for specific molecular configurations and currents. Here we exemplarily determine the pertaining coupling characteristics for a current-carrying chemically well-defined molecule by synchronous vibrational and current-voltage spectroscopy. These metal-molecule-metal junction insights are complemented by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy to assess the intramolecular vibrational relaxation dynamics. By measuring and analyzing the steady-state vibrational distribution during transient charge transport in a bis-phenylethynyl-anthracene derivative using anti-Stokes Raman scattering, we find ∼0.5 vibrational excitations per elementary charge passing through the metal-molecule-metal junction, by means of a rate model ansatz and quantum-chemical calculations.The synthesis of a macrocyclic Ru carbene catalyst for selective cross alkene metathesis is reported. The new catalyst showed different reactivity for various type 1 alkenes in homodimerization which correlated with the aggregrate size of the allylic substituent. The altered reactivity profile allowed for selective product formation in competition cross alkene metathesis between two different type 1 alkenes and tert-butyl acrylate. Selectivity in these reactions is attributed to the ability of the macrocyclic catalyst to differentiate alkenes based on their size. Two preparative examples of cross metathesis with the macrocyclic catalyst are also provided.Experimental heat capacity, Cp,app, of some physically aged polymers had shown an endothermic peak or a shoulder on heating when the material was still in the glassy state. In the first part of this paper, we report observation of a similar feature in a molecular glass, sucrose, indicating increase in the enthalpy and entropy from kinetic unfreezing of molecular motions in the solid state. Aging decreases Cp,app of glass. Increase in the aging time, tage, or aging temperature, Tage, interferes with the onset temperature of Cp,app increase toward the liquid state value. When the endothermic feature is not obvious in the Cp,app-T plots of the glassy state, its presence may be discerned in a plot of dCp,app/dT against T. Molecular motions producing this feature have implications for the state point in a potential energy landscape of an aging glass. In the second part of the paper, we use the Cp,app data to examine how much our violation of the Clausius theorem affects the entropy determined from the Cp,app d ln T integral. In addition to calculating this integral for a closed cycle of (irreversible) cooling and heating paths, we suggest an analysis which uses the δCp,app d ln T integrals (δCp,app is the difference between the Cp,app of the aged and the unaged glass) measured only on the heating paths. The closed cycle Cp,app d ln T integral value is negligibly small. The δCp,app d ln T integral value increases with tage. It is equal to the enthalpy lost on aging divided by Tage. Clausius theorem violation has no significant effect on determination of the entropy from Cp,app d ln T integral of an aged glass.Prenatal cannabis exposure (PCE) influences human brain development, but it is challenging to model PCE using animals and current cell culture techniques. Here, we developed a one-stop microfluidic platform to assemble and culture human cerebral organoids from human embryonic stem cells (hESC) to investigate the effect of PCE on early human brain development. By incorporating perfusable culture chambers, air-liquid interface, and one-stop protocol, this microfluidic platform can simplify the fabrication procedure and produce a large number of organoids (169 organoids per 3.5 cm × 3.5 cm device area) without fusion, as compared with conventional fabrication methods. These one-stop microfluidic assembled cerebral organoids not only recapitulate early human brain structure, biology, and electrophysiology but also have minimal size variation and hypoxia. Under on-chip exposure to the psychoactive cannabinoid, Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cerebral organoids exhibited reduced neuronal maturation, downregulation of cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) receptors, and impaired neurite outgrowth. Moreover, transient on-chip THC treatment also decreased spontaneous firing in these organoids. This one-stop microfluidic technique enables a simple, scalable, and repeatable organoid culture method that can be used not only for human brain organoids but also for many other human organoids including liver, kidney, retina, and tumor organoids. This technology could be widely used in modeling brain and other organ development, developmental disorders, developmental pharmacology and toxicology, and drug screening.Metal-organic frameworks are a class of porous compounds with potential applications in molecular sieving, gas sequestration, and catalysis. One family of MOFs, zeolitic imidizolate frameworks (ZIFs), is of particular interest for carbon dioxide sequestration. We have previously reported the heat capacity of the sodalite topology of the zinc 2-methylimidazolate framework (ZIF-8), and in this Article we present the first low-temperature heat capacity measurements of ZIF-8 with various amounts of sorbed CO2. Molar heat capacities from 1.8 to 300 K are presented for samples containing up to 0.99 mol of CO2 per mol of ZIF-8. Samples with at least 0.56 mol of CO2 per mol of ZIF-8 display a large, broad anomaly from 70 to 220 K with a shoulder on the low-temperature side, suggesting sorption-induced structural transitions. Menin-MLL Inhibitor manufacturer We attribute the broad anomaly partially to a gate-opening transition, with the remainder resulting from CO2 rearrangement and/or lattice expansion. The measurements also reveal a subtle anomaly from 0 to 70 K in all samples that does not exist in the sorbate-free material, which likely reflects new vibrational modes resulting from sorbate/ZIF-8 interactions.

Autoři článku: Reevesrao6428 (Simpson Ortega)