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Search inhibitors of Quorum Sensing (QS) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa are challenging to find therapies due to the broad antibiotic resistance. Therefore, this study aimed to probe ten aromatic compounds as inhibitors of three transcriptional regulators of QS in P. aeruginosa. The methodology consisted in determining the Binding Gibbs Energy (BGE) with software Chimera (tool vina) and Mcule, comparing the averages by the Tukey method (p≤0.05) to find inhibitors of QS. Subsequently, the LD50 in the mice model was evaluated by three QSAR models, and the in silico pharmacokinetic values were obtained from the ADME (the absorption distribution metabolism excretion) and PubChem databases. Found three potential inhibitors of RhlR with the lower BGE values in the range -6.70±0.21 to -7.43±0.35 kcal/mol. On the other side, all compounds were acceptable for Lipinski's rule of fives and the in silico oral mice LD50 and ADME values. Concluding, the ferulic acid and eugenol showed the best total BGE values (-75.07±0.892 and -70.36±1.022 kcal/mol), proposing them as a new therapy against the virulence of P. aeruginosa. Finally, the in silico studies have demonstrated are reproducible and valuable for putative QS inhibitors predicting and obtaining new studies derivatives from the results obtained in the present study. • The key benefits of this methodology are Use free, licensed, flexible, and efficient software for in silico molecular docking. • Validation and comparison of BGE employing two molecular docking software in three different proteins. • Use classical molecular dynamics to define the stability and the total BGE of interaction protein-ligand and find the best inhibitor of a protein for proposing them as a possible therapy against the virulence of specific pathogens.Starting with a log-linear relationship between groundwater discharge per unit drainage area (Q/A b), hydraulic turnover time (t) and aquifer mobile storage (z), this study builds a groundwater security method at catchment scale. The method embeds previously published approaches to calculate Q/A b, t and z, and relies solely on stream flow discharges and watershed areas. The ability to build a method on a couple of variables is remarkable. The method recasts the calculated variables as aquifer security indicators (S Q, S t and S z), relating S Q with yield capacity, S t with self-depuration capacity and S z with resilience. Groundwater security is the weighted product of S Q, S t and S z. The method is validated with stream flow discharges and drainage areas concerning 294 hydrometric stations and their watersheds, located in continental Portugal. The results revealed a majority of moderately to highly secure watersheds, especially as regards S t (> 62%), while 7-10% were classified as very highly secured in general (S Q-S t-S z). The least secured basins are located in the more arid regions of continental Portugal (Northeast and south regions), as expected. The method can be easily transposed to any other region worldwide, with the necessary adaptions to regional climate, geological and topographic settings. • Compile stream flow discharge data and organize them as natural logarithms and logarithmic variations as function of time, to estimate Q, t and z; • Recast the Q, t and z values as S Q, S t and S z ratings, respectively, using the appropriate reclassification scales, and estimate watershed security levels, namely average security or customized (weighted) securities that highlight the contributions of Q/A b (watershed yield), t (aquifer's self-depuration capacity) or z (aquifer's resilience); • Use the results to draw illustrative diagrams and spatial distribution maps.Very often a manufacturing process is followed by some surface treatment. Such a process induces residual stress into the manufactured component. Compressive residual stress is desirable for enhancing the fatigue properties of the component. The residual stress is often measured only at the surface, if at all. However, residual stress is equilibrating in the whole component. Therefore, compressive residual stress at the surface induces undesirable tensile stress inside in the component. Knowledge of the residual stress distribution in a body can be very useful in engineering applications. The authors found this knowledge necessary for a proper description of fatigue crack propagation in railway axles described in the original paper [1]. With the onset of modern surface treating technologies, e.g. induction hardening, which can affect the entire cross-section of the component, the residual stress determination is even more critical. The presented paper aims to describe a procedure developed for proper residual stress determination. The procedure can be easily used e.g. in R&D centers, where X-ray diffraction residual stress measurement is already in use. The procedure is suitable for the residual stress determination in sizable cylindrical bodies or components, e.g. railway axles. It uses X-ray diffraction residual stress surface measurement and layer removal by machining. Results experimentally obtained are corrected by a general procedure developed in MATLAB software in order to obtain the original residual stress state in the cylindrical body.•More accurate procedure for a residual stress determination in cylindrical bodies.This study demonstrates a method to estimate floating oil slick thickness based on remote sensing of thermal infrared contrast. The approach was demonstrated for thick oil slicks from natural seeps in the Coal Oil Point seep field, offshore southern California. Airborne thermal infrared and visible spectrum remote sensing imagery were acquired along with position and orientation data by the SeaSpires™ science package. Remote sensing data were acquired in the cross-slick direction of oil slick segments that were targeted for collection, termed "collects." A collect consisted of booming, skimming, and offloading the oil slick segment into buckets for analysis at the laboratory. Each collect provided an in-scene calibration point of oil thickness versus brightness temperature contrast, ΔTB , where TB is the sensor-reported temperature based on the emitted thermal radiation and differs from the true temperature due to the oil's emissivity. ΔTB is the TB difference between the oil and oil-free sea surface. Thus, this study is a reverse planned oil-release experiment that demonstrates the value of natural seeps for oil spill science. • Novel approach to quantify floating oil thickness • Custom modified weir skimmer used with added floor and structural strengthening.

Aging is a significant risk factor in chronic pain development with extensive disability and greater health care costs. Mind-body exercise (MBE) has been scientifically proven to affect the pain intensity and physical health.

To assess the effects of MBE modes (Tai Chi, yoga, and qigong) for treating chronic pain among middle-aged and old people, compared with nonactive and active treatment, as well as function, quality of life, and adverse events.

We searched PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang Database, and Chinese Scientific Journals Full-Text Database (VIP) till March 2022. No restrictions were chartered within the year and language of publication. We included randomized controlled trials of MBE treatment in middle-aged and elderly people with chronic pain. The overall certainty of evidence was evaluated by using the GRADE approach.

A total of 17 studies (

= 1,332) were included in this review. There was low-certainty evidenceed to explore the efficacy and mechanism of MBE on chronic pain in middle-aged and elderly people from various dimensions, such as affective and cognitive dimensions.

https//, identifier CRD42022316591.

https//, identifier CRD42022316591.

Alzheimer's disease and dementia in general constitute one of the major public health problems of the 21st century. Research in arterial stiffness and pulse pressure (PP) play an important role in the quest to reduce the risk of developing dementia through controlling modifiable risk factors.

The aim of the study is to investigate the association between peripheral PP, arterial stiffness index (ASI) and brain integrity, and to discover if ASI is a better predictor of white matter integrity than peripheral PP.

17,984 participants 63.09 ± 7.31 from the UK Biobank were used for this study. ASI was estimated using infrared light (photoplethysmography) and peripheral PP was calculated by subtracting the diastolic from the systolic brachial blood pressure value. Measure of fractional anisotropy (FA) was obtained from diffusion imaging to estimate white matter microstructural integrity. White matter hyperintensities were segmented from the combined T1 and T2-weighted FLAIR images as a measure of irreversible white matter damage.

An important finding is that peripheral PP better predicts white matter integrity when compared to ASI. This finding is consistent until 75 years old. Interestingly, no significant relationship is found between either peripheral PP or ASI and white matter integrity after 75 years old.

These results suggest that ASI from plethysmography should not be used to estimate cerebrovascular integrity in older adults and further question the relationship between arterial stiffness, blood pressure, and white matter damage after the age of 75 years old.

These results suggest that ASI from plethysmography should not be used to estimate cerebrovascular integrity in older adults and further question the relationship between arterial stiffness, blood pressure, and white matter damage after the age of 75 years old.

We aimed to investigate the relationship between Framingham Heart Study general cardiovascular disease risk score (FHS-CVD risk score) and postoperative delirium (POD) among patients who had unilateral total knee arthroplasty performed under epidural anesthesia. Furthermore, we examined whether such a hypothesized relationship was mediated by the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers.

A total of 750 participants were included in the current study. And the data were drawn from the database obtained from the Perioperative Neurocognitive Disorder And Biomarker Lifestyle (PNDABLE) study. The preoperative cognitive function of participants was measured by using Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). The incidence of POD was assessed using the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM). The POD severity was measured using the Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS). The POD CSF biomarkers included in the current study were Aβ42, T-tau, P-tau, Aβ42/T-tau, and Aβ42/P-tau. The level of the CSF biomarkers was measured usingPOD, which is partly mediated by CSF biomarker tau protein.

[], identifier [ChiCTR2000033439].

[], identifier [ChiCTR2000033439].Circadian sleep/wake rhythms are synchronized to environmental light/dark cycles in a process known as photoentrainment. We have previously shown that activation of β-endorphin-preferring μ-opioid receptors (MORs) inhibits the light-evoked firing of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs), the sole conduits of photoentrainment. Although we have shown that β-endorphin is expressed in the adult mouse retina, the conditions under which β-endorphin is expressed are unknown. Moreover, it is unclear whether endogenous activation of the MORs expressed by ipRGCs modulates the photoentrainment of sleep/wake cycles. To elucidate this, we first measured the mRNA expression of β-endorphin's precursor, proopiomelanocortin (POMC), at various times of day by quantitative reverse-transcription PCR. POMC mRNA appears to have cyclic expression in the mouse retina. learn more We then studied β-endorphin expression with immunohistochemistry and found that retinal β-endorphin is more highly expressed in the dark/at night.

Autoři článku: Reesemaldonado0380 (Rosenkilde Frazier)