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e., 1328 and 741 cm-1 ), all came from nucleic acid signals. Furthermore, Metabolic profiles provided various differential metabolites responsible for different AML subtypes, and we found altered pathways mainly included energy metabolism like glycolysis, pyruvate metabolism, and metabolisms of nucleic acid bases as well as specific amino acid metabolisms. It is concluded that integration of SERS and NMR provides the rational and could be reliable to reveal AML differentiation, and meanwhile lay the basis for experimental and clinical practice to monitor disease progression and prognostic evaluation.Perovskite solar cells suffer from poor reproducibility due to the degradation of perovskite precursor solution. Herein, we report an effective precursor stabilization strategy via incorporating 3-hydrazinobenzoic acid (3-HBA) containing carboxyl (-COOH) and hydrazine (-NHNH2 ) functional groups as stabilizer. The oxidation of I- , deprotonation of organic cations and amine-cation reaction are the main causes of the degradation of mixed organic cation perovskite precursor solution. The -NHNH2 can reduce I2 defects back to I- and thus suppress the oxidation of I- , while the H+ generated by -COOH can inhibit the deprotonation of organic cations and subsequent amine-cation reaction. The above degradation reactions are simultaneously inhibited by the synergy of functional groups. The inverted device achieves an efficiency of 23.5 % (certified efficiency of 23.3 %) with an excellent operational stability, retaining 94 % of the initial efficiency after maximum power point tracking for 601 hours.Transfer learning from supervised ImageNet models has been frequently used in medical image analysis. Yet, no large-scale evaluation has been conducted to benchmark the efficacy of newly-developed pre-training techniques for medical image analysis, leaving several important questions unanswered. As the first step in this direction, we conduct a systematic study on the transferability of models pre-trained on iNat2021, the most recent large-scale fine-grained dataset, and 14 top self-supervised ImageNet models on 7 diverse medical tasks in comparison with the supervised ImageNet model. Furthermore, we present a practical approach to bridge the domain gap between natural and medical images by continually (pre-)training supervised ImageNet models on medical images. Our comprehensive evaluation yields new insights (1) pre-trained models on fine-grained data yield distinctive local representations that are more suitable for medical segmentation tasks, (2) self-supervised ImageNet models learn holistic features more effectively than supervised ImageNet models, and (3) continual pre-training can bridge the domain gap between natural and medical images. We hope that this large-scale open evaluation of transfer learning can direct the future research of deep learning for medical imaging. As open science, all codes and pre-trained models are available on our GitHub page https//

Do the spectrum and prevalence of comorbidities of endometriosis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) overlap?

Despite several overlapping symptoms, the most significantly associated comorbidities of endometriosis and IBS are different and are rather related to the organ systems primarily involved in the index diagnosis.

Endometriosis and IBS both have several similar unspecific symptoms, such as recurrent abdominal pain, cramping and anxiety, and both diseases affect young women and are associated with a number of comorbidities causing a poor quality of life. However, a detailed study, revealing the full spectrum of endometriosis and IBS comorbidities in the same study population, is lacking.

This article presents a retrospective in silico analysis of the data from a large nationwide biobank-based cohort consisting of 121 773 women. After excluding all first- and second-degree relatives, the data of up to 65 421 women were analyzed.

International Classification of Disease-10 diagnosis main codes assoometriosis and IBS may aid in diagnosing these disorders. Women and healthcare providers need to be aware that women with endometriosis are at high risks of complications during pregnancy and should be carefully monitored.

This research was funded by the Estonian Research Council (grant PRG1076), Horizon 2020 innovation grant (ERIN, grant no. EU952516), Enterprise Estonia (grant no. EU48695), MSCA-RISE-2020 project TRENDO (grant no. 101008193) and by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (Projects no. 2014-2020.4.01.15-0012 and no. 2014-2020.4.01.16-0125). The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


N/A.Nano-QSAR models can be effectively used for prediction of the biological activity of nanomaterials that have not been experimentally tested before. However, their use is associated with the need to have appropriate knowledge and skills in chemoinformatics. Thus, they are mainly aimed at specialists in the field. This significantly limits the potential group of recipients of the developed solutions. In this perspective, the purpose of the presented research was to develop an easily accessible and user-friendly web-based application that could enable the prediction of TiO2-based multicomponent nanomaterials cytotoxicity toward Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO-K1) cells. The graphical user interface is clear and intuitive and the only information required from the user is the type and concentration of the metals which will be modifying TiO2-based nanomaterial. Thanks to this, the application will be easy to use not only by cheminformatics but also by specialists in the field of nanotechnology or toxicology, who will be able to quickly predict cytotoxicity of desired nanoclusters. We have performed case studies to demonstrate the features and utilities of developed application. The NanoMixHamster application is freely available at https// acyclic graphs (DAGs) are a useful tool to represent, in a graphical format, researchers' assumptions about the causal structure among variables while providing a rationale for the choice of confounding variables to adjust for. With origins in the field of probabilistic graphical modelling, DAGs are yet to be widely adopted in applied health research, where causal assumptions are frequently made for the purpose of evaluating health services initiatives. In this context, there is still limited practical guidance on how to construct and use DAGs. Some progress has recently been made in terms of building DAGs based on studies from the literature, but an area that has received less attention is how to create DAGs from information provided by domain experts, an approach of particular importance when there is limited published information about the intervention under study. This approach offers the opportunity for findings to be more robust and relevant to patients, carers and the public, and more likely to inform policy and clinical practice. This article draws lessons from a stakeholder workshop involving patients, health care professionals, researchers, commissioners and representatives from industry, whose objective was to draw DAGs for a complex intervention-online consultation, i.e. written exchange between the patient and health care professional using an online system-in the context of the English National Health Service. We provide some initial, practical guidance to those interested in engaging with domain experts to develop DAGs.

The purpose of this article was to compare the implementation of distinct models of nurse practitioner (NP) integration into primary care offices.

A multiple case study design of three NP primary care practice models allowed for in-depth exploration of the management processes supporting the utilization of NPs. At each site, semistructured qualitative interviews, document review, and site tours/observations were conducted and subject to cross-case analysis guided by the NP Primary Care Organizational Framework (NP-PCOF)-developed for this study based on existing theory.

Our case study sites represent three distinct NP primary care models. In the restricted practice model, NPs care for same-day/walk-in acute patients. NPs in the independent practice model have an independent panel of patients and interact collegially as independent coworkers. NPs in the comanagement model function on a team (a physician and two NPs), have a team office space, collectively care for a shared panel of patients, and can earn financial bonuses contingent upon meeting team quality metrics. Our cross-case analysis confirmed differences in physical space design, the relational structure of a workplace, and the capacity for innovation via NP compensation and performance metrics across different NP primary care models.

Our findings suggest that NP primary care models are supported by complex management systems and the NP-PCOF is a tool to help understand this complexity.

The NP-PCOF is a framework to understand the management systems that facilitate the utilization of NPs within primary care organizations.

The NP-PCOF is a framework to understand the management systems that facilitate the utilization of NPs within primary care organizations.

Health care professionals face greater uncertainty in their careers as traditional jobs wither and new, organizationally controlled jobs proliferate, reducing economic security and professional autonomy.

We apply psychological contract and self-efficacy theory to examine the career agency of early-career physicians. We ask the following (a) What are the unfulfilled expectations and emotions experienced by young physicians at the training and early career stages? (b) What are the forms of career agency exhibited by young physicians in response to unfulfillment?

We conducted a study on 48 U.K. early-career primary care physicians, known as general practitioners. The sample comprised both trainees as well as newly qualified physicians. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions.

Physicians interpreted their early-career experiences based on predominantly ideological expectations around what it means to be a successful professional. However, the realities of practice resulted in highly emotional experiences of violation that were associated with a "reactive" agency and job behaviors that were more transactional and less relational.

This study identifies the expectations of early career professionals, which helps understand how and why psychological contract violations occur. It also expands the conceptualization of career agency from a positively framed aspect of professional behavior to one that includes haphazard and self-serving elements.

Our study highlights several implications of the shifts in physician career agency for primary care practice. It discusses the potential effects of the purposeful self-interest among doctors on professional identity and power, as well as patient care.

Our study highlights several implications of the shifts in physician career agency for primary care practice. It discusses the potential effects of the purposeful self-interest among doctors on professional identity and power, as well as patient care.

Autoři článku: Reecesuhr2630 (Kilgore Waddell)