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In Southeast Asia, traditional medicine has a longestablished history and plays an important role in the health care system. Various traditional medicinal plants have been used to treat diseases since ancient times and much of this traditional knowledge remains preserved today. Oroxylum indicum (beko plant) is one of the medicinal herb plants that is widely distributed throughout Asia. It is a versatile plant and almost every part of the plant is reported to possess a wide range of pharmacological activities. Many of the important bioactivities of this medicinal plant is related to the most abundant bioactive constituent found in this plant-the baicalein. Nonetheless, there is still no systematic review to report and vindicate the biological activities and therapeutic potential of baicalein extracted from O. indicum to treat human diseases. In this review, we aimed to systematically present in vivo and in vitro studies searched from PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus and Google Scholar database up to 31 March 2020ed medicine in the future. However, we also recommend more clinical research to confirm the efficacy and safety of baicalein as therapeutic medicine for patients.The family Braconidae consists mostly of specialized parasitoids, some of which hold potential in biocontrol of agricultural pests. Psyttalia concolor, Psyttalia humilis and Psyttalia lounsburyi are parasitoids associated with Bactrocera oleae, a major pest of cultivated olives. The native range of Psyttalia concolor is the Mediterranean, and P. humilis and P. lounsburyi are native to sub-Saharan Africa. This study reports the mitochondrial genomes of the three species, thus laying the foundation for mitogenomic analyses in the genus Psyttalia. Comparative mitogenomics within Braconidae showed a novel gene arrangement in Psyttalia in involving translocation and inversion of transfer RNA genes. The placement of Psyttalia in the subfamily Opiinae was well-supported, and the divergence between Psyttalia and its closest relative (Diachasmimorpha longicaudata) was at ~55 MYA [95% highest posterior density (HPD) 34-83 MYA]. Psyttalia lounsburyi occupied the most basal position among the three Psyttalia, having diverged from the other two species ~11 MYA (95% HPD 6-17 MYA). Psyttalia concolor and P. humilis were recovered as sister species diverged at ~2 MYA (95% HPD 1.1-3.6 MYA). This phylogeny combining new sequences and a set of 31 other cyclostomes and non-cyclostomes highlights the importance of a comprehensive taxonomic coverage of Braconidae mitogenomes to overcome the lack of robustness in the placement of several subfamilies.

To evaluate Latissimus Dorsi flap (LD) enhancement by lipofilling as an immediate breast reconstruction technique, for skin-preserving mastectomy regarding oncological safety, fat graft resorption after radiotherapy, and patients' satisfaction.

This is a prospective study that included female patients complaining of breast cancer. Patients were subjected to skin-preserving mastectomy associated with Latissimus Dorsi flap enhancement by lipofilling using the multisite, and multilayer fat grafting technique of injection. Patients were followed up for early and late postoperative complications including recurrence. Volumetric CT was performed before and after the radiotherapy to detect the percentage of fat resorption. Postoperative patients' satisfaction was assessed using the Kyungpook National University Hospital (KNUH) Breast Reconstruction Satisfaction Questionnaire.

The study included 25 female patients with a mean age of 36.48±5.87years. The mean period of follow-up was 30.32±5.82months. Local recurve complications. The procedure showed high postoperative patients' satisfaction and a reasonable percentage of fat resorption as confirmed by volumetric CT imaging techniques.This Editorial highlights a remarkable study in the current issue of the Journal of Neurochemistry in which Hascup and coworkers provide novel data showing that riluzole, an anti-glutamatergic drug, may be a promising early intervention strategy for Alzheimer's disease (AD), aimed at restoring glutamate neurotransmission prior to amyloid beta (Aβ) plaque accumulation and cognitive decline. The mice APP/PS1, a model of AD, initially are cognitively normal but have elevated glutamate release in the hippocampus at 2-4 months of age. They begin showing cognitive decline and Aβ plaque accumulation at approximately 6-8 months of age, and show obvious AD neuropathology and cognitive impairment at 10-12 months. The riluzole treatment over 4 months (at 2-6 months of age) targeting early changes in glutamatergic neurotransmission prevents cognitive decline observed at 12 months of age and restores glutamatergic neurotransmission. This is one of the most convincing preclinical evidence supporting the idea of targeting glutamate neurotransmission in patients at risk for AD and to use riluzole for this purpose.Squamous cell (SCC) and basal cell (BCC) skin cancer are common presentations in elderly patients. Skin cancer are often located in sun exposed areas where damage from exposure has occurred. The sun exposed areas are often difficult to close or would require more complex measures to cover. Skin grafts or rotation flaps are commonly employed for coverage. Having tumor free margins is required to anticipate avoiding local recurrence. Mohs techniques examine the surgical margin to ensure that lesions are completely excised. When reliable frozen section is not available for immediate confirmation, permanent section may be used. Excising lesions and implementing radial identification allows margin localization of involved margins for re-excision. Divided into quartets, directed re-excision can be undertaken with minimal disturbance to the healing wound bed. Use of an ECM device (Myriad™, Aroa Biosurgery, Auckland, New Zealand) accelerates healing and leaves a cosmetically acceptable result that affords margin examination and re-excision with minimal disturbance to healing wound. Here we present an evolving technique of excision of common skin cancers utilizing ECM Matrix Graft technology and healing. This technique affords margin identification utilizing permanent section examination. Subsequent margin identification and re-excision if necessary is localized to individual quadrants of the excision site allowing more precise re-excision and not disturbing the grafted wound site. Healing seems accelerated and cosmetic appearance is acceptable to patients.The aim of this review article is to provide an overview of the literature relevant to the peripartal period in swine. As in all other mammals, the farrowing process in pigs is divided into 3 phases (I-III; opening, expulsion, and postnatal stage), during which various essential endocrine and metabolic mechanisms initiate or maintain parturition. These include the hormones progesterone, cortisol, prostaglandin F2α, oxytocin, estradiol, relaxin as well as electrolytes, enzymes, and metabolites such as calcium, magnesium, inorganic phosphate, glucose, creatine kinase, lactate, non-esterified free fatty acids, and β-hydroxybutyrate. Exogenous or endogenous disruptive factors may result in a delay or even stagnation of labor. For example, the form of husbandry may represent a possible exogenous disruptive factor. Endogenous disruptive factors may arise from insufficient storage and/or distribution of the above-mentioned labor-associated parameters. Subsequent dystocia leads to temporary or permanent consequences for maternal reproductive fitness and impairs piglet vitality at the time of birth, possibly resulting in lower survival rates.

The use of low-energy electron irradiation for hatching egg disinfection was compared to formaldehyde fumigation.

To assess the efficacy, eggshells were examined for bacteria before and after disinfection. During incubation, hatching and fattening of 1400 Ross 308 broilers per group candling data, hatching rate, mortality rate and body mass development were recorded to evaluate the impact on health and performance. Additionally, data from the slaughter house and histological evaluation of organ samples were included in the health screening.

Regarding the efficacy, irradiation and formaldehyde significantly reduced the number of bacteria compared to non-disinfected eggs. However, no significant difference was recorded between both treatments. The irradiated group performed better than the reference group concerning the number of infertile eggs, early and late dead embryos and fertile eggs. The performance during fattening was nearly identical in both groups, while mortality differed slightly between the irradiated group and the group treated with formaldehyde. Upon slaughter, there were minor variations concerning the distribution of findings between the groups, but the number of anomalies was not higher than reference values suggest.

In both groups no health problems were observed during rearing and the fattening performance met the targets of the manufacturer Aviagen for the used broiler line Ross 308.

Lower-energy electron irradiation proves to be an efficient and well-tolerated hatching egg disinfection procedure. Further field trials are necessary to establish low-energy electron irradiation as an alternative to formaldehyde fumigation.

Lower-energy electron irradiation proves to be an efficient and well-tolerated hatching egg disinfection procedure. Further field trials are necessary to establish low-energy electron irradiation as an alternative to formaldehyde fumigation.

Protothecal mastitis has emerged and affected the dairy industries globally in last decades; however, little is known about the occurrence of

in Taiwan. The present study identified the

isolated from bovine milk and revealed the algaecide efficacy of 2 disinfectants.

From 2011 to 2014, a total of 176

isolates were obtained from 10 625 milk samples collected from dairy cows in 24 Taiwanese dairy farms. Of these, 149 isolates were identified by biochemical tests and genotype differentiation with a specific PCR protocol. Minimal algaecide concentration (MAC) of chlorhexidine and povidone-iodine were obtained from 16 isolates by microdilution method.

Almost all (n = 147) isolates were

, and remaining 2 isolates were

and unidentified, respectively. Based on molecular genotyping, all

isolates belonged to genotype 2. The MAC of 2 commonly used disinfectants, chlorhexidine and povidone-iodine, against 16

isolates was 1.56-3.13 and 48.83-390.63 µg/ml, respectively.

This report revealed for the first time the prevalence and the predominant

genotype 2 of bovine protothecal infection in Taiwan. In vitro algaecide efficacy indicated that both tested disinfectants were effective against


This report revealed for the first time the prevalence and the predominant P. zopfii genotype 2 of bovine protothecal infection in Taiwan. In vitro algaecide efficacy indicated that both tested disinfectants were effective against P. zopfii.

Screening of commercial mineral feeds and mineral licks on the German market containing selenium (Se) in relation to the Se status in equines in Thuringia with different forms of Se supplementation.

Commercially available Se-containing minerals for horses identified by an online research were evaluated for their Se concentration, Se source, flavour carrier and recommended dosage according to the manufacturer's labelling. Furthermore, serum Se status in 8 equine farms was regularly monitored over the period of one year. The sampled horses either received no Se supplement or Se was supplemented by a mineral lick, a mineral feed or supplementary feed.

In 29.7 % of the mineral licks, the manufacturers provided a label with information on the maximal daily Se dosage, all of which exceeded the current recommendations of daily Se intake for a 600 kg horse under maintenance conditions. According to the manufacturers' labelled dosage, 67.5 % of the mineral feeds also exceeded the recommended daily Se intake taking the daily Se requirement of a 600 kg horse under maintenance conditions into consideration.

Autoři článku: Ratliffwhalen9352 (Karstensen Curtis)