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After three days of irradiation treatment, cellular microtissues showed a 59% increase in the viable cell number. Irradiated cells did not show morphological differences when compared with control cells.In order to calibrate the error model coefficients of the platform inertial navigation system tested on the precision centrifuge accurately, the error sources of the precision centrifuge are analyzed first. Combined with the error models of the inertial instruments (liquid floated gyroscope and quartz accelerometer) in the platform inertial navigation system, the calibration model of the platform inertial navigation system tested on the centrifuge, i.e., the state equation and observation equation, is deduced. ENOblock clinical trial The Euler angles of the platform, the error model coefficients of the inertial instruments, the installation errors of the instruments, and especially the centrifuge errors are taken as the state variables of the system, and the outputs of the accelerometers, and the Euler angles of the platform are taken as the observation variables. Then, the calibration scheme of the platform inertial navigation system tested on the centrifuge is designed, and the corresponding simulation analysis is carried out. The error model coefficients of the instruments are estimated by the extended Kalman filter. The influence of centrifuge errors on the calibration results is analyzed, which verified that the proposed method can effectively eliminate the influence. Thereby, the calibration accuracy of the inertial navigation platform system is improved, especially high-order error coefficients.Laboratory astrochemistry aims at simulating, in the laboratory, some of the chemical and physical processes that operate in different regions of the universe. Amongst the diverse astrochemical problems that can be addressed in the laboratory, the evolution of cosmic dust grains in different regions of the interstellar medium (ISM) and its role in the formation of new chemical species through catalytic processes present significant interest. In particular, the dark clouds of the ISM dust grains are coated by icy mantles and it is thought that the ice-dust interaction plays a crucial role in the development of the chemical complexity observed in space. Here, we present a new ultra-high vacuum experimental station devoted to simulating the complex conditions of the coldest regions of the ISM. The INFRA-ICE machine can be operated as a standing alone setup or incorporated in a larger experimental station called Stardust, which is dedicated to simulate the formation of cosmic dust in evolved stars. As such, INFRA-ICE expands the capabilities of Stardust allowing the simulation of the complete journey of cosmic dust in space, from its formation in asymptotic giant branch stars to its processing and interaction with icy mantles in molecular clouds. To demonstrate some of the capabilities of INFRA-ICE, we present selected results on the ultraviolet photochemistry of undecane (C11H24) at 14 K. Aliphatics are part of the carbonaceous cosmic dust, and recently, aliphatics and short n-alkanes have been detected in situ in the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.We show theoretically and experimentally that accurate transport measurements are possible even within the short time provided by pulsed magnetic fields. For this purpose, a new method has been devised, which removes the noise component of a specific frequency from the signal by taking a linear combination of the results of numerical phase detection using multiple integer periods. We also established a method to unambiguously determine the phase rotation angle in AC transport measurements using a frequency range of tens of kilohertz. We revealed that the dominant noise in low-frequency transport measurements in pulsed magnetic fields is the electromagnetic induction caused by mechanical vibrations of wire loops in inhomogeneous magnetic fields. These results strongly suggest that accurate transport measurements in short-pulsed magnets are possible when mechanical vibrations are well suppressed.We present the development of a second generation digital readout system for photon counting microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) arrays operating in the optical and near-infrared wavelength bands. Our system retains much of the core signal processing architecture from the first generation system but with a significantly higher bandwidth, enabling the readout of kilopixel MKID arrays. Each set of readout boards is capable of reading out 1024 MKID pixels multiplexed over 2 GHz of bandwidth; two such units can be placed in parallel to read out a full 2048 pixel microwave feedline over a 4 GHz-8 GHz band. As in the first generation readout, our system is capable of identifying, analyzing, and recording photon detection events in real time with a time resolution of order a few microseconds. Here, we describe the hardware and firmware, and present an analysis of the noise properties of the system. We also present a novel algorithm for efficiently suppressing IQ mixer sidebands to below -30 dBc.Older adults with hearing loss have greater difficulty recognizing target speech in multi-talker environments than young adults with normal hearing, especially when target and masker speech streams are perceptually similar. A difference in fundamental frequency (f0) contour depth is an effective stream segregation cue for young adults with normal hearing. This study examined whether older adults with varying degrees of sensorineural hearing loss are able to utilize differences in target/masker f0 contour depth to improve speech recognition in multi-talker listening. Speech recognition thresholds (SRTs) were measured for speech mixtures composed of target/masker streams with flat, normal, and exaggerated speaking styles, in which f0 contour depth systematically varied. Computational modeling estimated differences in energetic masking across listening conditions. Young adults had lower SRTs than older adults; a result that was partially explained by differences in audibility predicted by the model. However, audibility differences did not explain why young adults experienced a benefit from mismatched target/masker f0 contour depth, while in most conditions, older adults did not. Reduced ability to use segregation cues (differences in target/masker f0 contour depth), and deficits grouping speech with variable f0 contours likely contribute to difficulties experienced by older adults in challenging acoustic environments.Physical and deployment factors that influence infrasound signal detection and assess automatic detection performance for a regional infrasound network of arrays in the Western U.S. are explored using signatures of ground truth (GT) explosions (yields). Despite these repeated known sources, published infrasound event bulletins contain few GT events. Arrays are primarily distributed toward the south-southeast and south-southwest at distances between 84 and 458 km of the source with one array offering azimuthal resolution toward the northeast. Events occurred throughout the spring, summer, and fall of 2012 with the majority occurring during the summer months. Depending upon the array, automatic detection, which utilizes the adaptive F-detector successfully, identifies between 14% and 80% of the GT events, whereas a subsequent analyst review increases successful detection to 24%-90%. Combined background noise quantification, atmospheric propagation analyses, and comparison of spectral amplitudes determine the mechanisms that contribute to missed detections across the network. This analysis provides an estimate of detector performance across the network, as well as a qualitative assessment of conditions that impact infrasound monitoring capabilities. The mechanisms that lead to missed detections at individual arrays contribute to network-level estimates of detection capabilities and provide a basis for deployment decisions for regional infrasound arrays in areas of interest.Development of improved approaches in the characterization of additively manufactured structures continues to be a topic of interest for the advanced manufacturing community. This article will investigate an approach using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) to determine the effective elastic constants of an orthotropic lattice structure. The evaluation is performed on a cube shaped 316 L stainless steel test specimen, constructed using selective laser melting techniques. The approach uses RUS techniques in conjunction with the assumption that in the frequency regime of interest, the wavelength of the diagnostic ultrasound is greater than the discrete structural features of the unit cell of the lattice; thus, the AM structure can be treated as an anisotropic continuum with effective material properties and symmetry inherited from the unit cell. The RUS analysis estimates the nine elastic coefficients associated with orthotropic sample symmetry, which, in turn, are used to determine the elastic moduli and Poisson ratios. Current results show good agreement between experiments and modeled data. Comparisons to published results are also in good agreement, indicating the potential applicability of this characterization technique for estimating the linear elastic properties of innovative additive manufactured metal lattice structures.Individualization of head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) can improve the quality of binaural applications with respect to the localization accuracy, coloration, and other aspects. Using anthropometric features (AFs) of the head, neck, and pinna for individualization is a promising approach to avoid elaborate acoustic measurements or numerical simulations. link2 Previous studies on HRTF individualization analyzed the link between AFs and technical HRTF features. However, the perceptual relevance of specific errors might not always be clear. Hence, the effects of AFs on perceived perceptual qualities with respect to the overall difference, coloration, and localization error are directly explored. To this end, a listening test was conducted in which subjects rated differences between their own HRTF and a set of nonindividual HRTFs. Based on these data, a machine learning model was developed to predict the perceived differences using ratios of a subject's individual AFs and those of presented nonindividual AFs. Results show that perceived differences can be predicted well and the HRTFs recommended by the models provide a clear improvement over generic or randomly selected HRTFs. link3 In addition, the most relevant AFs for the prediction of each type of error were determined. The developed models are available under a free cultural license.The Green's function retrieval in media with horizontal boundaries usually only considers the extraction of direct and reflected waves but ignores the virtual head waves, which have been observed experimentally from ocean ambient noise and used to invert for geometric and environmental parameters. This paper derives the extraction of virtual head waves from ocean ambient noise using a vertically spaced sensor pair in a Pekeris waveguide. Ocean ambient noise in the water column is a superposition of direct, reflected, and head waves. The virtual head waves are produced by the cross-correlations between head waves and either reflected waves or other head waves. The locations of sources that contribute to the virtual head waves are derived based on the method of stationary phase. It is the integration over time of contributions from these sources that makes the virtual head waves observable. The estimation of seabed sound speed with virtual head waves using a vertical line array is also demonstrated. The slope of the virtual head waves is different from that of direct and reflected waves in the virtual source gather; it is therefore possible to constructively stack the virtual head waves.

Autoři článku: Raskhahn1152 (Justice Pittman)