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The number of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics datasets in the public domain keeps increasing, particularly those generated by Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) approaches such as SWATH-MS. Unlike Data Dependent Acquisition datasets, the re-use of DIA datasets has been rather limited to date, despite its high potential, due to the technical challenges involved. We introduce a (re-)analysis pipeline for public SWATH-MS datasets which includes a combination of metadata annotation protocols, automated workflows for MS data analysis, statistical analysis, and the integration of the results into the Expression Atlas resource. Automation is orchestrated with Nextflow, using containerised open analysis software tools, rendering the pipeline readily available and reproducible. To demonstrate its utility, we reanalysed 10 public DIA datasets from the PRIDE database, comprising 1,278 SWATH-MS runs. The robustness of the analysis was evaluated, and the results compared to those obtained in the original publications. The final expression values were integrated into Expression Atlas, making SWATH-MS experiments more widely available and combining them with expression data originating from other proteomics and transcriptomics datasets.Plant genomes encode a complex and evolutionary diverse regulatory grammar that forms the basis for most life on earth. A wealth of regulome and epigenome data have been generated in various plant species, but no common, standardized resource is available so far for biologists. Here, we present ChIP-Hub, an integrative web-based platform in the ENCODE standards that bundles >10,000 publicly available datasets reanalyzed from >40 plant species, allowing visualization and meta-analysis. We manually curate the datasets through assessing ~540 original publications and comprehensively evaluate their data quality. As a proof of concept, we extensively survey the co-association of different regulators and construct a hierarchical regulatory network under a broad developmental context. Furthermore, we show how our annotation allows to investigate the dynamic activity of tissue-specific regulatory elements (promoters and enhancers) and their underlying sequence grammar. Finally, we analyze the function and conservation of tissue-specific promoters, enhancers and chromatin states using comparative genomics approaches. Taken together, the ChIP-Hub platform and the analysis results provide rich resources for deep exploration of plant ENCODE. ChIP-Hub is available at https//biobigdata.nju.edu.cn/ChIPHub/ .The localization dynamics of excitons in organic semiconductors influence the efficiency of charge transfer and separation in these materials. Here we apply time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy to track photoinduced dynamics of a paradigmatic crystalline conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) commonly used in solar cell devices. The π→π* transition, the first step of solar energy conversion, is pumped with a 15 fs optical pulse and the dynamics are probed by an attosecond soft X-ray pulse at the carbon K-edge. We observe X-ray spectroscopic signatures of the initially hot excitonic state, indicating that it is delocalized over multiple polymer chains. This undergoes a rapid evolution on a sub 50 fs timescale which can be directly associated with cooling and localization to form either a localized exciton or polaron pair.CRISPR SWAPnDROP extends the limits of genome editing to large-scale in-vivo DNA transfer between bacterial species. Its modular platform approach facilitates species specific adaptation to confer genome editing in various species. In this study, we show the implementation of the CRISPR SWAPnDROP concept for the model organism Escherichia coli, the fast growing Vibrio natriegens and the plant pathogen Dickeya dadantii. We demonstrate the excision, transfer and integration of large chromosomal regions between E. coli, V. natriegens and D. dadantii without size-limiting intermediate DNA extraction. CRISPR SWAPnDROP also provides common genome editing approaches comprising scarless, marker-free, iterative and parallel insertions and deletions. The modular character facilitates DNA library applications, and recycling of standardized parts. Its multi-color scarless co-selection system significantly improves editing efficiency and provides visual quality controls throughout the assembly and editing process.Polymer electrolytes are promising candidates for the next generation lithium-ion battery technology. Large scale screening of polymer electrolytes is hindered by the significant cost of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in amorphous systems the amorphous structure of polymers requires multiple, repeated sampling to reduce noise and the slow relaxation requires long simulation time for convergence. Here, we accelerate the screening with a multi-task graph neural network that learns from a large amount of noisy, unconverged, short MD data and a small number of converged, long MD data. We achieve accurate predictions of 4 different converged properties and screen a space of 6247 polymers that is orders of magnitude larger than previous computational studies. Further, we extract several design principles for polymer electrolytes and provide an open dataset for the community. Our approach could be applicable to a broad class of material discovery problems that involve the simulation of complex, amorphous materials.Detection and segmentation of abnormalities on medical images is highly important for patient management including diagnosis, radiotherapy, response evaluation, as well as for quantitative image research. We present a fully automated pipeline for the detection and volumetric segmentation of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) developed and validated on 1328 thoracic CT scans from 8 institutions. Along with quantitative performance detailed by image slice thickness, tumor size, image interpretation difficulty, and tumor location, we report an in-silico prospective clinical trial, where we show that the proposed method is faster and more reproducible compared to the experts. Moreover, we demonstrate that on average, radiologists & radiation oncologists preferred automatic segmentations in 56% of the cases. Additionally, we evaluate the prognostic power of the automatic contours by applying RECIST criteria and measuring the tumor volumes. Segmentations by our method stratified patients into low and high survival groups with higher significance compared to those methods based on manual contours.Today, warm-water coral reefs are limited to tropical-to-subtropical latitudes. These diverse ecosystems extended further poleward in the geological past, but the mechanisms driving these past distributions remain uncertain. Here, we test the role of climate and palaeogeography in shaping the distribution of coral reefs over geological timescales. To do so, we combine habitat suitability modelling, Earth System modelling and the ~247-million-year geological record of scleractinian coral reefs. A broader latitudinal distribution of climatically suitable habitat persisted throughout much of the Mesozoic-early Paleogene due to an expanded tropical belt and more equable distribution of shallow marine substrate. The earliest Cretaceous might be an exception, with reduced shallow marine substrate during a 'cold-snap' interval. Climatically suitable habitat area became increasingly skewed towards the tropics from the late Paleogene, likely steepening the latitudinal biodiversity gradient of reef-associated taxa. This was driven by global cooling and increases in tropical shallow marine substrate resulting from the tectonic evolution of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Although our results suggest global warming might permit long-term poleward range expansions, coral reef ecosystems are unlikely to keep pace with the rapid rate of anthropogenic climate change.Hydrogels are investigated broadly in flexible sensors which have been applied into wearable electronics. However, further application of hydrogels is restricted by the ambiguity of the sensing mechanisms, and the multi-functionalization of flexible sensing systems based on hydrogels in terms of cost, difficulty in integration, and device fabrication remains a challenge, obstructing the specific application scenarios. Herein, cost-effective, structure-specialized and scenario-applicable 3D printing of direct ink writing (DIW) technology fabricated two-dimensional (2D) transition metal carbides (MXenes) bonded hydrogel sensor with excellent strain and temperature sensing performance is developed. Gauge factor (GF) of 5.7 (0 - 191% strain) and high temperature sensitivity (-5.27% °C-1) within wide working range (0 - 80 °C) can be achieved. In particular, the corresponding mechanisms are clarified based on finite element analysis and the first use of in situ temperature-dependent Raman technology for hydrogels, and the printed sensor can realize precise temperature indication of shape memory solar array hinge.Mental disorders represent an increasing source of disability and high costs for societies globally. Molecular imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET) represent powerful tools with the potential to advance knowledge regarding disease mechanisms, allowing the development of new treatment approaches. Thus far, most PET research on pathophysiology in psychiatric disorders has focused on the monoaminergic neurotransmission systems, and although a series of discoveries have been made, the results have not led to any material changes in clinical practice. We outline areas of methodological development that can address some of the important obstacles to fruitful progress. First, we point towards new radioligands and targets that can lead to the identification of processes upstream, or parallel to disturbances in monoaminergic systems. Second, we describe the development of new methods of PET data quantification and PET systems that may facilitate research in psychiatric populations. Third, we review the application of multimodal imaging that can link molecular imaging data to other aspects of brain function, thus deepening our understanding of disease processes. Fourth, we highlight the need to develop imaging study protocols to include longitudinal and interventional paradigms, as well as frameworks to assess dimensional symptoms such that the field can move beyond cross-sectional studies within current diagnostic boundaries. Particular effort should be paid to include also the most severely ill patients. Finally, we discuss the importance of harmonizing data collection and promoting data sharing to reach the desired sample sizes needed to fully capture the phenotype of psychiatric conditions.Supersymmetry (SUSY) helps solve the hierarchy problem in high-energy physics and provides a natural groundwork for unifying gravity with other fundamental interactions. While being one of the most promising frameworks for theories beyond the Standard Model, its direct experimental evidence in nature still remains to be discovered. Here we report experimental realization of a supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) model, a reduction of the SUSY quantum field theory for studying its fundamental properties, using a trapped ion quantum simulator. We demonstrate the energy degeneracy caused by SUSY in this model and the spontaneous SUSY breaking. By a partial quantum state tomography of the spin-phonon coupled system, we explicitly measure the supercharge of the degenerate ground states, which are superpositions of the bosonic and the fermionic states. Our work demonstrates the trapped-ion quantum simulator as an economic yet powerful platform to study versatile physics in a single well-controlled system.

Autoři článku: Raschreese6404 (Duran Keegan)