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As the principal tissue for insulin-stimulated glucose disposal, skeletal muscle is a primary driver of whole-body glycemic control. Skeletal muscle also uniquely responds to muscle contraction or exercise with increased sensitivity to subsequent insulin stimulation. Insulin's dominating control of glucose metabolism is orchestrated by complex and highly regulated signaling cascades that elicit diverse and unique effects on skeletal muscle. We discuss the discoveries that have led to our current understanding of how insulin promotes glucose uptake in muscle. We also touch upon insulin access to muscle, and insulin signaling toward glycogen, lipid, and protein metabolism. We draw from human and rodent studies in vivo, isolated muscle preparations, and muscle cell cultures to home in on the molecular, biophysical, and structural elements mediating these responses. Finally, we offer some perspective on molecular defects that potentially underlie the failure of muscle to take up glucose efficiently during obesity and type 2 diabetes.On this 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, we recognize the critical role that adipocytes, which are exquisitely responsive to insulin, have played in determining the mechanisms for insulin action at the cellular level. Our understanding of adipose tissue biology has evolved greatly, and it is now clear that adipocytes are far more complicated than simple storage depots for fat. Gambogic order A growing body of evidence documents how adipocytes, in response to insulin, contribute to the control of whole-body nutrient homeostasis. These advances highlight adipocyte plasticity, heterogeneity, and endocrine function, unique features that connect adipocyte metabolism to the regulation of other tissues important for metabolic homeostasis (e.g., liver, muscle, pancreas).The discovery of insulin in 1921 and the progress achieved in the ensuing century highlight the promise and challenge of biochemically modifying the molecule to achieve optimization of its delivery and therapeutic efficacy. Normal endogenous insulin secretion consists of a highly orchestrated physiologic loop wherein multiple metabolic signals trigger the pancreatic β cells to secrete the precise amount of insulin into the portal system required to maintain euglycemia. link2 Accordingly, in the treatment of diabetes, attempting to replicate this complex physiology with exogenous insulin therapy given subcutaneously presents a clinical challenge. In this context, recombinant DNA-based technology has enabled the development of insulin analogs that have been specifically designed to confer advantageous pharmacodynamic features that can better mimic endogenous insulin secretion. In this review, we discuss the development of the most widely available insulin preparations and provide evidence-based insight into their use in clinical practice.Tremendous progress has been made over the last two decades in the field of pancreatic beta cell replacement therapy as a curative measure for diabetes. Transplantation studies have demonstrated therapeutic efficacy, and cGMP-grade cell products are currently being deployed for the first time in human clinical trials. In this perspective, we discuss current challenges surrounding the generation, delivery, and engraftment of stem cell-derived islet-like cells, along with strategies to induce durable tolerance to grafted cells, with an eye toward a functional cellular-based therapy enabling insulin independence for patients with diabetes.Insulin receptor signaling is crucial for β cell homeostasis. In a recent issue of Nature, Ansarullah et al. (2021) have identified the insulin inhibitory receptor (inceptor), which balances insulin signaling by promoting insulin receptor internalization.Obese non-diabetic patients receiving semaglutide, an injectable long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonist, in a large randomized placebo-controlled trial, lost and maintained ∼15% of their body weight for over a year (Wilding et al., 2021). This impressive result is likely to usher in a new era of anti-obesity drugs based on hormones that suppress food intake, largely through acting on the brain.The metabolism of nutrients other than glucose influences insulin secretion by pancreatic β cells, but the mechanisms involved are incompletely understood. In this issue of Cell Metabolism, Zhang et al. (2020) report that reductive glutamine metabolism generates cytosolic NADPH to promote insulin secretion by β cells.Adipose tissue macrophages regulate adipose tissue inflammation and systemic insulin-glucose homeostasis. In a recent study by Ying et al. (2021), M2 polarized bone marrow-derived macrophages secreted exosomes containing miR-690 that, when administered to obese mice, improved glucose-insulin homeostasis. miR-690 reduced expression of Nadk, which decreased inflammation and improved insulin signaling.Marking insulin's centennial, we share stories of researchers and clinicians whose seminal work has advanced our understanding of insulin, islet biology, insulin resistance, and diabetes. The past century of pursuing the "hormone of hormones" and advancing diabetes therapies is replete with stories of collaboration, perseverance, and triumph.How are individual cell behaviors coordinated toward invariant large-scale anatomical outcomes in development and regeneration despite unpredictable perturbations? Endogenous distributions of membrane potentials, produced by ion channels and gap junctions, are present across all tissues. These bioelectrical networks process morphogenetic information that controls gene expression, enabling cell collectives to make decisions about large-scale growth and form. Recent progress in the analysis and computational modeling of developmental bioelectric circuits and channelopathies reveals how cellular collectives cooperate toward organ-level structural order. These advances suggest a roadmap for exploiting bioelectric signaling for interventions addressing developmental disorders, regenerative medicine, cancer reprogramming, and synthetic bioengineering.Active haptic sensation is critical for object identification, but its neural circuit basis is poorly understood. We combined optogenetics, two-photon imaging, and high-speed behavioral tracking in mice solving a whisker-based object orientation discrimination task. We found that orientation discrimination required animals to summate input from multiple whiskers specifically along the whisker arc. Animals discriminated the orientation of the stimulus per se as their performance was invariant to the location of the presented stimulus. Populations of barrel cortex neurons summated across whiskers to encode each orientation. Finally, acute optogenetic inactivation of the barrel cortex and cell-type-specific optogenetic suppression of layer 4 excitatory neurons degraded performance, implying that infragranular layers alone are not sufficient to solve the task. These data suggest that spatial summation over an active haptic array generates representations of an object's orientation, which may facilitate encoding of complex three-dimensional objects during active exploration.Culture, defined as socially transmitted information and behaviors that are shared in groups and persist over time, is increasingly accepted to occur across a wide range of taxa and behavioral domains.1 While persistent, cultural traits are not necessarily static, and their distribution can change in frequency and type in response to selective pressures, analogous to that of genetic alleles. This has led to the treatment of culture as an evolutionary process, with cultural evolutionary theory arguing that culture exhibits the three fundamental components of Darwinian evolution variation, competition, and inheritance.2-5 Selection for more efficient behaviors over alternatives is a crucial component of cumulative cultural evolution,6 yet our understanding of how and when such cultural selection occurs in non-human animals is limited. link3 We performed a cultural diffusion experiment using 18 captive populations of wild-caught great tits (Parus major) to ask whether more efficient foraging traditions are selected for, and whether this process is affected by a fundamental demographic process-population turnover. Our results showed that gradual replacement of individuals with naive immigrants greatly increased the probability that a more efficient behavior invaded a population's cultural repertoire and outcompeted an established inefficient behavior. Fine-scale, automated behavioral tracking revealed that turnover did not increase innovation rates, but instead acted on adoption rates, as immigrants disproportionately sampled novel, efficient behaviors relative to available social information. These results provide strong evidence for cultural selection for efficiency in animals, and highlight the mechanism that links population turnover to this process.The bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus attaches to the exterior of a Gram-negative prey cell, enters the periplasm, and harvests resources to replicate before lysing the host to find new prey.1-7 Predatory bacteria such as this are common in many natural environments,8-13 as are groups of matrix-bound prey cell clusters, termed biofilms.14-16 Despite the ubiquity of both predatory bacteria and biofilm-dwelling prey, the interaction between B. bacteriovorus and prey inside biofilms has received little attention and has not yet been studied at the micrometer scale. Filling this knowledge gap is critical to understanding bacterial predator-prey interaction in nature. Here we show that B. bacteriovorus is able to attack biofilms of the pathogen Vibrio cholerae, but only up until a critical maturation threshold past which the prey biofilms are protected from their predators. Using high-resolution microscopy and detailed spatial analysis, we determine the relative contributions of matrix secretion and cell-cell packing of the prey biofilm toward this protection mechanism. Our results demonstrate that B. bacteriovorus predation in the context of this protection threshold fundamentally transforms the sub-millimeter-scale landscape of biofilm growth, as well as the process of community assembly as new potential biofilm residents enter the system. We conclude that bacterial predation can be a key factor influencing the spatial community ecology of microbial biofilms.Inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6 (CDK4/6i) delay progression of metastatic breast cancer. However, complete responses are uncommon and tumors eventually relapse. Here, we show that CDK4/6i can enhance efficacy of T cell-based therapies, such as adoptive T cell transfer or T cell-activating antibodies anti-OX40/anti-4-1BB, in murine breast cancer models. This effect is driven by the induction of chemokines CCL5, CXCL9, and CXCL10 in CDK4/6i-treated tumor cells facilitating recruitment of activated CD8+ T cells, but not Tregs, into the tumor. Mechanistically, chemokine induction is associated with metabolic stress that CDK4/6i treatment induces in breast cancer cells. Despite the cell cycle arrest, CDK4/6i-treated cells retain high metabolic activity driven by deregulated PI3K/mTOR pathway. This causes cell hypertrophy and increases mitochondrial content/activity associated with oxidative stress and inflammatory stress response. Our findings uncover a link between tumor metabolic vulnerabilities and anti-tumor immunity and support further development of CDK4/6i and immunotherapy combinations.

Autoři článku: Raschabrams8802 (Hutchison Hoover)