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eld NIR spectrometers, hence their performance is comparable with the benchtop device.This corrects the article DOI 10.1103/PhysRevE.92.062138.In this paper, we develop a large N field theory for a system of N classical particles in one dimension at thermal equilibrium. The particles are confined by an arbitrary external potential, V_ex(x), and repel each other via a class of pairwise interaction potentials V_int(r) (where r is distance between a pair of particles) such that V_int∼|r|^-k when r→0. We consider the case where every particle is interacting with d (finite-range parameter) number of particles to its left and right. Due to the intricate interplay between external confinement, pairwise repulsion, and entropy, the density exhibits markedly distinct behavior in three regimes k>0, k→0, and k0 and the entropy contribution dominates for k less then 0, and both contribute equivalently in the k→0 limit (finite-range log-gas). Given the fact that this family of systems is of broad relevance, our analytical findings are of paramount importance. These results are in excellent agreement with brute-force Monte Carlo simulations.In this paper, we study quantum phase transitions and magnetic properties of a one-dimensional spin-1/2 Gamma model, which describes the off-diagonal exchange interactions between edge-shared octahedra with strong spin-orbit couplings along the sawtooth chain. The competing exchange interactions between the nearest neighbors and the second neighbors stabilize the semimetallic ground state in terms of spinless fermions, and give rise to a rich phase diagram, which consists of three gapless phases. We find distinct phases are characterized by the number of Weyl nodes in the momentum space, and such changes in the topology of the Fermi surface without symmetry breaking produce a variety of Lifshitz transitions, in which the Weyl nodes situating at k=π change from type I to type II. A coexistence of type-I and type-II Weyl nodes is found in phase II. The information measures including concurrence, entanglement entropy, and relative entropy can effectively signal the second-order transitions. The results indicate that the Gamma model can act as an exactly solvable model to describe Lifshitz phase transitions in correlated electron systems.The Bose-Einstein condensates in a finite depth potential well provide an ideal platform to study the quantum escape dynamics. In this paper, the ground state, tunneling, and diffusion dynamics of the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) of Bose-Einstein condensates with two pseudospin components in a shallow trap are studied analytically and numerically. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/jte-013.html The phase transition between the plane-wave phase and zero-momentum phase of the ground state is obtained. Furthermore, the stability of the ground state is discussed, and the stability diagram in the parameter space is provided. The bound state (in which condensates are stably trapped in the potential well), the quasibound state (in which condensates tunnel through the well), and the unstable state (in which diffusion occurs) are revealed. We find that the finite depth potential well has an important effect on the phase transition of the ground state, and, interestingly, SOC can stabilize the system against the diffusion and manipulate the tunneling and diffusion dynamics. In particular, spatial anisotropic tunneling and diffusion dynamics of the two pseudospin components induced by SOC in quasibound and unstable states are observed. We provide an effective model and method to study and control the quantum tunneling and diffusion dynamics.If interaction partners in social dilemma games are not selected randomly from the population but are instead determined by a network of contacts, it has far reaching consequences for the evolutionary dynamics. Selecting partners randomly leads to a well-mixed population, where pattern formation is essentially impossible. This rules out important mechanisms that can facilitate cooperation, most notably network reciprocity. In contrast, if interactions are determined by a lattice or a network, then the population is said to be structured, where cooperators can form compact clusters that protect them from invading defectors. Between these two extremes, however, there is ample middle ground that can be brought about by the consideration of temporal networks, mobility, or other coevolutionary processes. The question that we here seek to answer is, when does mixing on a lattice actually lead to well-mixed conditions? To that effect, we use the public goods game on a square lattice, and we consider nearest-neighbor and random mixing with different frequencies, as well as a mix of both mixing protocols. Not surprisingly, we find that nearest-neighbor mixing requires a higher frequency than random mixing to arrive at the well-mixed limit. The differences between the two mixing protocols are most expressed at intermediate mixing frequencies, whilst at very low and very high mixing frequencies the two almost converge. We also find a near universal exponential growth of the average size of cooperator clusters as their fraction increases from zero to one, regardless of whether this increase is due to increasing the multiplication factor of the public goods, decreasing the frequency of mixing, or gradually shifting the mixing from random to nearest neighbors.Sharp two- and three-dimensional phase transitional magnetization curves are obtained by an iterative renormalization-group coupling of Ising chains, which are solved exactly. The chains by themselves do not have a phase transition or nonzero magnetization, but the method reflects crossover from temperaturelike to fieldlike renormalization-group flows as the mechanism for the higher-dimensional phase transitions. The magnetization of each chain acts, via the interaction constant, as a magnetic field on its neighboring chains, thus entering its renormalization-group calculation. The method is highly flexible for wide application.The dynamics of pseudo-spin-1/2 Bose-Einstein condensates with weak spin-orbit coupling through a moving obstacle potential are studied numerically. Four types of wakes are observed and the phase diagrams are determined for different spin-orbit coupling strengths. The conditions to form Bénard-von Kármán vortex street are rather rigorous, and we investigate in detail the dynamical characteristics of the vortex streets. The two point vortices in a pair rotate around their center, and the angular velocity and their distance oscillate periodically. The oscillation intensifies with increasing spin-orbit coupling strengths, and it makes part of the vortex pairs dissociate into separate vortices or combine into single ones and destroys the vortex street in the end. The width b of the street and the distance l between two consecutive vortex pairs of the same circulation are determined by the potential radius and its moving velocity, respectively. The b/l ratios are independent of the spin-orbit coupling strength and fall in the range 0.

Autoři článku: Ramseydogan0984 (Blum Gonzales)