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In this work, the basis set dependence of optical rotation (OR) calculations is examined for various choices of gauge/level of theory. The OR is calculated for a set of 50 molecules using B3LYP and CAM-B3LYP and 17 molecules using coupled cluster with single and double excitations (CCSD). The calculations employ the correlation-consistent basis sets, aug-cc-pVζZ with ζ = D, T, Q. An inverse-power extrapolation formula is then utilized to obtain OR values at the complete basis set (CBS) limit. We investigate the basis set convergence for these methods and three choices of gauge length gauge (with gauge-including atomic orbitals, LG(GIAOs), for DFT), the origin-invariant length gauge [LG(OI)], and the modified velocity gauge (MVG). The results show that all methods converge smoothly to the CBS limit and that the LG(OI) approach has a slightly faster convergence rate than the other choices of gauge. While the DFT methods reach gauge invariance at the CBS limit, CCSD does not. The significant difference between the MVG and LG(OI) results at the CBS limit, 26%, indicates that CCSD is not quite at convergence in the description of electron correlation for this property. On the other hand, gauge invariance at the CBS limit for DFT does not lead to the same OR values for the two density functionals, which is also due to electron correlation incompleteness. A limited comparison to gas-phase experimental OR values for the DFT methods shows that CAM-B3LYP seems more accurate than B3LYP. Overall, this study shows that the LG(OI) approach with the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set for DFT, and with the CBS(DT) extrapolation for CCSD, provides a good cost/accuracy balance.Vatairea guianenis Aubl. (Fabaceae) is an Amazonian medicinal plant species traditionally used for treating skin diseases. In an initial screening, a V. guianensis leaf extract and its subextracts showed antibacterial and antifungal activities. The EtOAc subextract was selected for chemical workup and afforded five known (1-4 and 8) and six undescribed isoflavones, vatairenones C-H (5-7 and 9-11). All isoflavones are prenylated in position C-8, displaying either chain-prenylated (1-7) or ring-closed forms (8-11). The most bioactive compound (3) exhibited in vitro activity against clinically relevant bacteria and fungi with IC50 values ranging from 6.8 to 26.9 μM. Due to its broad antimicrobial activity and low general toxicity, compound 3 is a potential lead compound for structural modifications. The results of the present study support the ethnomedicinal use of V. guianensis in the treatment of dermatological disorders. 1H NMR spectra of some of the isolated compounds showed intricate signal patterns, which might explain repeated errors in assigning the correct structure of the isoflavonoid B-ring in the literature and which we resolved by higher order spectra simulations.Herein, we explore the potential applications of the experimentally synthesized ZrO2 monolayer as the cathode catalyst for nonaqueous lithium-oxygen batteries. First, we show that a new peroxide-like adsorption geometry is the most stable configuration for LiO2, which is distinct from the previously known O-Li-O triangular geometry. The proposed most stable adsorption configuration is because the Zr atoms in the substrate play a critical role in stabilizing the LiO2 cluster. Second, our ab initio calculations indicate that both the ORR and OER catalytic activities are most likely to adopt the four-electron mechanism with a considerably low overpotential of only 0.44 and 0.76 V, respectively. Finally, we show that the adsorption energy of Li2O2 is a good descriptor for both ORR and OER catalytic activities, and weak Li2O2 adsorption behavior is positively related to low overpotentials and satisfactory catalytic performance.Rapid, sensitive, on-site identification of SARS-CoV-2 infections is an important tool in the control and management of COVID-19. We have developed a surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) immunoassay for highly sensitive detection of SARS-CoV-2. Single-chain Fv (scFv) recombinant antibody fragments that bind the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein were isolated by biopanning a human scFv library. ScFvs were conjugated to magnetic nanoparticles and SERS nanotags, followed by immunocomplex formation and detection of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein with a limit of detection of 257 fg/mL in 30 min in viral transport medium. The assay also detected B.1.1.7 ("alpha"), B.1.351 ("beta"), and B.1.617.2 ("delta") spike proteins, while no cross-reactivity was observed with the common human coronavirus HKU1 spike protein. Inactivated whole SARS-CoV-2 virus was detected at 4.1 × 104 genomes/mL, which was 10-100-fold lower than virus loads typical of infectious individuals. The assay exhibited higher sensitivity for SARS-CoV-2 than commercial lateral flow assays, was compatible with viral transport media and saliva, enabled rapid pivoting to detect new virus variants, and facilitated highly sensitive, point-of-care diagnosis of COVID-19 in clinical and public health settings.While QM/MM studies of enzymatic reactions are widely used in computational chemistry, the results of such studies are subject to numerous sources of uncertainty, and the effect of different choices by the simulation scientist that are required when setting up QM/MM calculations is often unclear. In particular, the selection of the QM region is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable results. Simply including amino acids by their distance to the active site is mostly not sufficient as necessary residues are missing or unimportant residues are included without evidence. Here, we take a first step toward quantifying uncertainties in QM/MM calculations by assessing the sensitivity of QM/MM reaction energies with respect to variations of the MM point charges. We show that such a point charge variation analysis (PCVA) can be employed to judge the accuracy of QM/MM reaction energies obtained with a selected QM region and devise a protocol to systematically construct QM regions that minimize this uncertainty. We apply such a PCVA to the example of catechol O-methyltransferase and demonstrate that it provides a simple and reliable approach for the construction of the QM region. Our PCVA-based scheme is computationally efficient and requires only calculations for a system with a minimal QM region. Our work highlights the promise of applying methods of uncertainty quantification in computational chemistry.Astrocytes mediate many important aspects of neural homeostasis, but until recently, their role in sleep was largely unknown. The situation has dramatically changed in the last decade. The use of transgenic animals, optogenetics, chemogenetics, brain imaging and sophisticated molecular assays has led to exciting discoveries. Astrocytes dynamically change their activity across the sleep-wake cycle and may encode sleep need via changes in intracellular signalling pathways. buy VH298 Astrocytes also exocytose/secrete sleep-inducing molecules which modulate brain activity, sleep architecture and sleep regulation. Many of these observations have been made in mice and Drosophila melanogaster, indicating that astroglial sleep mechanisms are evolutionarily conserved. We review recent findings and discuss future directions.The plateau zokor (Eospalax baileyi) is a key species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ecosystem, and fertility control could be an ideal approach to manage populations of this subterranean species. In this laboratory study, we explored the effects of the mixture of levonorgestrel and quinestrol (EP-1, 12), quinestrol (E), and levonorgestrel (P) on the reproductive status of plateau zokors. Groups of 5 animals of each sex were treated with different concentrations of EP-1 (1, 5, and 10 mg/kg), E (0.33, 3.3, and 6.6 mg/kg), and P (0.67, 3.35, and 6.7 mg/kg) by oral gavage over 7 successive days and killed on day 15. Body mass reduction was observed in the EP-1 and E groups. EP-1 and E significantly reduced the weight of testis and epididymis at 10 and 3.3 mg/kg, respectively. Sperm count and motility were significantly reduced by 5 mg/kg EP-1 and 0.33 mg/kg E. The levels of serum testosterone, estradiol, luteinizing hormone, and follicle stimulating hormone were significantly reduced by 5 mg/kg EP-1 and 3.3 mg/kg E. EP-1 and E significantly increased the uterine and ovarian weights at 10 and 3.3 mg/kg, respectively. In the plateau zokors, treatment with P had no influence on the reproductive status. These data demonstrate that EP-1 and E have an inhibitory effect on a range of reproductive parameters in the plateau zokors. Further assessment is required to determine the effects on breeding and recruitment in enclosure or field experiments.The most common phenotype induced by the endosymbiont Wolbachia in insects is cytoplasmic incompatibility, where none or fewer progenies can be produced when Wolbachia-infected males mate with uninfected females. This suggests that some modifications are induced in host sperms during spermatogenesis by Wolbachia. To identify the proteins whose phosphorylation states play essential roles in male reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster, we applied isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ)-based proteomic strategy combined with titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) enrichment to compare the phosphoproteome of Wolbachia-infected with that of uninfected male reproductive systems in D. melanogaster. We identified 182 phosphopeptides, defining 140 phosphoproteins, that have at least a 1.2 fold change in abundance with a P-value of less then 0.05. Most of the differentially abundant phosphoproteins (DAPPs) were associated with microtubule cytoskeleton organization and spermatid differentiation. The DAPPs included proteins already known to be associated with spermatogenesis, as well as many not previously studied during this process. Six genes coding for DAPPs were knocked down, respectively, in Wolbachia-free fly testes. Among them, Slmap knockdown caused the most severe damage in spermatogenesis, with no mature sperm observed in seminal vesicles. Immunofluorescence staining showed that the formation of individualization complex composed of actin cones was completely disrupted. These results suggest that Wolbachia may induce wide changes in the abundance of phosphorylated proteins which are closely related to male reproduction. By identifying phospho-modulated proteins we also provide a significant candidate set for future studies on their roles in spermatogenesis.Wilson disease (WD) is caused by biallelic pathogenic variants in adenosine triphosphatase copper-transporting beta (ATP7B); however, genetic testing identifies only one or no pathogenic ATP7B variant in a number of patients with WD. Synonymous single-nucleotide sequence variants have been recognized as pathogenic in individual families. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence and disease mechanism of the synonymous variant c.2292C>T (p.Phe764=) in WD. A cohort of 280 patients with WD heterozygous for a single ATP7B variant was investigated for the presence of c.2292C>T (p.Phe764=). In this cohort of otherwise genetically unexplained WD, the allele frequency of c.2292C>T (p.Phe764=) was 2.5% (14 of 560) compared to 7.1 × 10-6 in the general population (2 of 280,964 in the Genome Aggregation Database; p T (p.Phe764=) causes abnormal messenger RNA processing of ATP7B transcripts and is associated with WD in compound heterozygotes and homozygotes.

Autoři článku: Ramosbutler1462 (Levin Kelleher)